m*m h»ra bkhfan « the coal Oeids wfca am btddta^agataat mak other Cwha't they need for iniaifili on, m tinrir oratCare «urh that eaat at a (law daflara Mara or law Mr coafJaiw't affect thetr will ha IDEAL lat, ia "witt'ahip jtm much par tan, bat at frit* IMa la the We will, aa tar aa yard at all tiin, and win aaB it to bat wa wont at tM* time, guarantee la regard ta the Cadi the four lha will tato to aak about tha little bey. Hara he eanaa op tha atreet, and Mi journey ia a constant adventure. At tha atreet comar ha atanda and duti fully loaka op and down, lha only paaaeraby ara a tiny baby and a colored maid whotrundlaa tha baby. Ha watch - aa tha baby with internet. The atom at humanity faarinataa him. Tha baby carriage paaaaa him, but ha turna and, with hia eyaa atill following tha re treating carriage, ha walka backward alowly acroaa tha atraat. An Mia conaa along an him, but ha la Miaefully unaware at Up the utraat a little way he nmr an old man —tad in a anal I wagon aelung ailorztHnira. The ok) man hai no leg*- The littla boy atepa at thii extraordinary night. Hia bine eyaa art wide. He atanda with Ma plump leap apart, hia plump etowiaeh in evidence He wanta eery much to aalt that aU man wfceia in the world ha keeya Mi laga. He wanta ta aah Ma why be ha* alt Blaa Jli—iiImm, and why doee ha would have in ■< witty aahad hia parent! tagged awn. finally ha gl»aa op theai qoeer pi ahlema and tradgaa on op th« Of TWA* ■niat*H c«lhrttii( mmnay tm At J«wV>h - »i-f P^-H. to «n wtto «a» IrSete-' • *K» and to Mr. Ckr t:.. EE f«r rW«f (M ilk l-a foi I rfM hn r " K»r., cUma. for the ronwnt at all th« i panted in My office. Airy Furniture G tlon at tkM Stat*. flea U situated at No. — in the Town at Surry, State at Knchtitahy " and in cha.,^^^^ ^ Ib^iial at ooaa, thie Mount Airy, County at North Carolina (C H. mm the agent therein ia Certificate of Dlaoelutiuii: Now, The. of01«. I, J. Bryan Grimea, rretary of the State of North Carrv Sec rotary i Hot, da la HI . corporation did. on the 27th day of u L '9tt, file in my office a duly and atteatad cement ia writ ing to the dinolnttai of tica, executed by all the at the proaaedingi aforeaaid r on file in my naid offlea aa proridad by law. In T«mtla»enT Vkereef, I have here to eat my hand and affixed my official 37th day of J. it hand and i (hi A. D. 1*90. By virtue at a tiaad at truat «x«rat ad to dm by J. 9. WilliMM and wife to Mcun • dabt ot $MA* doe D. 9. Low, default ha ring baaa mad* in Ike pay ment of aU debt, an application of die bofctar of Dm aato, Twill aell ftar cadi to the hMwat bidder, in front of tha Bank at Mount Airy, in Meant Airy, W. C an tha 13th day of May, n«at. at 12:0* oVIoeh Noon. tha fcl lowirf tract or pareai at land: Lyict and being in Surry County, North Carolina, ameinina tha land* oi Frank Hayaiore, Mary Martin, Frank Thomaa and Ban Mr Roberta, contain in a thirty arrea, mora or l«ee. Sal* made to aatiefy aaid dabt in tereat and eoat af Mia. Thia April ISth. 1MB Beid Snody, J. H. Foljar, Attorney. Ha vine qualified aa aaand. Una ia tonotify aO paraona yraarat^haa to^*agiieSw5 " 55Tt^pU.h'tiirif mmrU INVENTIVE 6BMR MB P-fl—' OF NAUSEA AND DANGES Motstt Airy ftority & Auction (i YOU SHOULD NAME & TRUST CO. AS TOUR EXECUTOR FOR THE Tha bndn— of this Company ia to act aa Wills, to arfiiifiriafar aatataa, to terra aa auaoia and trnatae of proparty oadar villa. A board of carafnl lad—i man eUraet tha affaba of I ud to ahraya t, to gfva fropvr will aaa that joar «■ ia dm P it WHAT BISCUITS trouoie, lor torn soar m* m And jou pqrlM for thtf OCCO CCK •s.