•' a~-~. ~ m. hue !«.!! 'MM uf Mauat Airy ">1 hare «#• • :■' ■ — M ««» red kw Imli iHayera Hi actlaa at iht Miii i) mmij Paw grounds The .»■•! «ll tub t«oftn praetm TWada,' Wi M waa -III pruin* u Ml what wnfutarfal farm the men ahuwM t*M fir* umo they worked out am tlM l«w KmII ground this MIW (Jtmr Mlf fpalinif. they "kit Vm a mil*' wkllt *f hk.wl lulu sad "kw nwhn. »«!•• "mmon place Mix ii a rooter of the mm whc h*ve ham -eltftod. ilia llaMr (ha lltyw Hlvrnt, Hue* Dubbin. »rvi Nad Bait Mill probably Lake entr at tha outer gardena. Joa Frwler, .<«•! and George Moorefield. at dta ifc—tan Bravea, now located la Oernalwr# will do tha catching Harold smith will covar first baaa K ;le Nyduar wtn ha located on the »<m r,» -nor. Aa yat tha abort staf and aorond baaaMMUi havo not hoan da t«r«MUMd. although Jim. Saunders an<i Jim H*a»Uv ft tha Mayo Mill. will emanate Harry Lowailyn of th* Pitta Iwf Natinnaie for Jm position, loft) R-dMna<>n <4 loml fame, Rufe Toihoii and nth*r (nod local own wtH ho Man <m 'Jm gi iiaad. Ilia * 'ha liaa up aa It ataada now. Any hall idayaea that ran prwre hlia aelf bettor fHtad to play aay of tha anovr named peeltlons will ha gladly gr-w a -haaca to show hia ability. Ilia rxnbinatian wHb a couple of wndu practice will, no doubt, ha ill r-volition to gtr* mm exhibition nf claea C <aaa M. ft ia Aa intantlon of tba nsanajs nmghbwbn towns to begin with and latar naguglatiuna wit] ha mado with Milt at the college and achool taanu to play ipon tba local grounds. 71m pen pi. nf Mount Airy who ba ilee in <nod, d«an baaa hall abovld lard tbn' 'inaneial and moral support to tJiia >-iraniaation by patronizing th* garr •« that will be played all tibtnigti 'He naning aeaaon. Ilair line*. Emmet Inman and ■enter ■ 'itz will work out with th« ball dub thin afternoon. They an all big hanky fellow* and may be da paetdnd ipan to hit about twice their woght. nine* is an old Trinity man. Inman in the hard-hitting abort nop of Jm oH Weotflaid' "sluggera". And Ofat ft a -quare shouldered string) f.Oow with all the ear marks of a v,t«Tl pla.er. V tab-phone will be i natal lad ia tlu jiulgne 4and at tlia fair grounds foi the convenience of patrons who may attend tha haae hall gamae. This will no louht appeal to tha buaineae man 71 ' , It.** Hall Huh by (hr W. If. Dnag j. . It anil ha of mml»n»" •»* Will ha piarad j«x to Ik* Wft of the i d'W»i«l rt*ht In front of the giaml I -toad. Aa (Mritl —K'T will ha k ayton Work burn of l^aMnm Will probably ha aanasad to thj rbing 'toff nf tha lorai haaa riwh» k Someboly »ur»a* a nam* far th* hwt ball rlub so that whan it ia rtfar rad to la th* praaa It Mf ha by hw pat Mm rathar than! Juat a plain old baaa l«U rlub. V y ' Now Wall . Jarkaon Broth an added a llaa o<| laoiee ailk aad georgette draaaaa to| their ready-i and they bar. fitted op a i In tha raar nf thair store where thay hav* linoUum on Jm floor and thraa heautifnl mahogany wail diapiay raaaa. with rlaaa doors, srhere tha watata and draaaaa ara protortod front duat and at tha same ttato ►■raaant a vary attractiva appearance. A fall length trlplat mirror la thia mant raakaa it poaaibW for the ara «el*rting garments to aa* exactly j How thary will look whan worn i piirrhaaa. TURKISH WOMAN GIVEN PLACE IN THE CABINET | Affords fht Abaaut By War. ConatantteopU, April 1«^-A *trik-| ing illoatration at tka ganaral pation of Turkish woman wh haan effected by the war la affnrdad by tha designation at Mrs. Hallda Kdib Hanam, aa miniatar of education, in Muatopha Kamal'a rabinat. Mra. Hanam ia tha wifa of Dr. Adan| Bay. formerly piaaidant at tha Torh iah Rad Craaaant aad until raeottiy Muatopha KaauU'i miniatar of haalth. | She is 36 year* old, tha mother of threa children, a daroat Mohammedan and has attained fame aa tha author of several strongly pan-Ialmic norela. Shortly after Tnrhav entered tha war tha nead for r« (Treat that woman, for tha first tims,| wpre permitted to accompany armie* and enter military hoapitals aa reliaf workers. Thay ara said to damonstrated remarkable efficiency hi taking rare of the wounded, a fact A PaM fell Like A Padded Price .-loft at first—but try to get out— what you put in it. The swvess of your Spring clothes buying is going t'» depend on the integrity of your clothier. If he .sells you a cotton suit at anv price IT WON'T HOLD UP. If he is a profiteer YOU'LL BE HELD TJP; so what's the difference? This simile is not aimed at any store in particular || its given because its true—so that you'll be par ticular. We want you to receive the last drop of value out of every dollar you spend for Spring clothing. Its our duty to see that you do and the U in our duty is more than skin deep. Sduffner & Marx Suit*, $60 to $75. J. F. Prather The White Star Garage LtlAS A BOWLES, AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING A ACCESSORIES VULCANIZING * RETREADING NOm MOUNT A 1ST ASHBY SCHAUB'S OLD STAND We Want You to Know More About Our Big Shoe Sale We are selling il>ow every day, at preheat wholesale price* and lots of gosd solid leather Shoes for about half price. It w our intention to continue this sale until our entire stock is closed out, hut sizes are being broken and it will be to your interest to cohm in early and select your style. Rensnbsr we hare hare a full stock of high grade Shoes and Slippers for Wonsen. Misses and Children and several dozen pairs of high grade Shoes and Ozfords for Men and Beys. If you ntad Show, even if you heep Ahem orer until next nhob, it will pay you to buy while you can get then nt prices we ere charging today. You know the clam of goods we •ell, you tahe no risk when you buy here, as we handle only high grade solid leather Footwear. A FULL STOCK OF SPRING AND SUMMER DRESS GOODS, SILKS, WHITE GOODS, ETC. WOMEN'S AND CHILDREN'S WASH. DRESSES. WAISTS, MIDDY SUITS, II ^ BLOUSES AND MUSLIN UNDERWEAR. which .won made it possible for Turk ish women to enter university c'.asees with men. At the present time, how ever. they are still barred from thea ter* and amusements of various kinds, except special performances for wo men only. Mrs. Halide Edib Hanem ia, perhaps the moat Caleb rated pioneer in the movement for the higher education of Furkiah women. She was the first 1 Turkish girl to graduate /rom the American woman's college here, rle ipite the persistent opposition of Former Saltan Abdul Ramid, who for ced her to discontinue her atudiee many times. Dr. Mary Mill* Patrick, president of eJm college, and American diplomats in Turkey, always took s great inter pat in her struggle for education againat such strong odda and she fin ally finished h/r course a number of years ago. Subsequently three of her sisters graduated from the same coi-' lege. Although educated in a school where the teachera were all Christians I ahe retained her Mohammedan faith Treatment of Common Colda. "If all who catch cold could be per suaded to remain in bed for the first twenty-four hours of such an attack" aays a well known physician "there would he fewer eases dragging on 1 with distressing symptoms for wseka and often ending in earns more serious dieeaae." To autke sure at a prompt recovery you should also take Cham berlain's Cough Remedy Whether sick or well the bowels should move sack J. W. EARP * COMPANY! Mouat Airy, : N. C l hat removed the black veil from her fare aa many other turktah wocnac have tinea dona. She ia • firm believer in tba an par lor cultural value of Mohammat'i reaching*. Mra. Hanem reaidad for a time in England and other European coontrir*. She is alight in build, bal haa an attractive face and poaaaaaaa ronvietiona cm the aabjcct at Turkiah national iam. Beeauae at bar unusual power aa an orator, aha haa haan a popular spaakar in bahalf of tha na tion aliat movement in Anatolia Mr*. T. R. Worrall Uft tfaia morn ing for Raaraa infirmary Grsenaboro to hara an operation on bar noaa. Sba waa accompanied by Mrs. W. E. Bar nard. International Motor Truck There is a reason for the ever increasing demand for the International Motor Truck for all hauling. The reason is service—sendee from the truck, service from the dealers and service from the.company. See us before plac ing your order for a truck. I Yadkin ImyUmnnl Co., Booavilk, N. C Mooat Airy lUnHog Works, Mooat Airy, K C

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