Mount Airy News. ft*. Airy, N. C, May 13, IMP. 0»«m Fttppin, ot PIUl Mountain, la i Ha (Mat at his aunt Mrs, J ok* A. Mr. and Mrs. W. 0. Lewis and chil dren, of Brim, wara (BtaU of Mtaa Baa la Brim, Saturday. Harry Carriea, of Oalax. Va. waa a weak and vtaitor la thia city. Mra. Cora Martin la spending a faw daya at her farm la Lad on la. Harry White, of Kayatena, W. Va.. ■pant the paat waak and In thia city. Mra. A. ft. Mitchell, of Peteralwirg. Va. la the gueat of har paranta Mr, and Mra. J. L. Bannar. Dr. R. E. L. Fllppin and wlfa, of PUot Mountain, spent Sunday with ra lativaa In thia Hty. Dr. Cundlff and win, of I.aural Fork, wara visitors hcra Monday. Mra. M. A. Jones want down to Oreertsboro Monday, to join tha funer al party of har naphaw Sidney Jones. Haywood Merritt, of News Ferry, Va. spent tha paat waak and with ra latlvaa In thia city. Mr. and Mra. J. F. Bishop, of Brim Rout* 2, wara visitor* here Wednea day. P. J. Martin, of Kant Rand, apant the paat weak end here visiting hia aiater-in-law Mra. Cora Martin and niece Mm. P. S. Roth rock. J. W. Earp left Friday for Elk Ridge, Md. called there by the aarioui illneaa of hia brother who ia suffering with bright* diaeaac. Mrs. D. Kirhy Pope, of Oklahoma City, Okla. arrived Saturday night called here by the illneaa and death of her brother George D. Fawcett. R. H. Leonard made a trip toGreens boro Tuesday as watch inspector, ha was accompanied by Mrs. I.eonard and children. Miss Elizabeth Merritt has return ed from a visit to her uncle Haywood Merritt at News Ferry, Va. and her; brother at Chapel Hill university. i Miss Alice' McCargo, who holds a position in Farmville, ia visiting har parents Mr. and Mrs T. B. McCargo in this city. Mrs. Lewellyn Reece and .Inughtera Mrs. Lon Folger and Misses Emma and Edith Reece, of Dobaon, spent Monday in this city shopping. Mr. and Mrs. Forester Booker, Mr. and Mra. M. F. Satterfield and chil dren and Mrs. T. F. Satterfield motor ed to Winston, Monday. Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Reynolds, who were marriad recently in Florida, ■pent several daya in this city and left Wednesday for Teer in Orange> county to spend a week before taking, up their abode in thia city. Misses Efliel Hayne* and Editk Simmor.< went down to Greensboro Tuesday to be present at Miss Rachel Haynes graduating recital at thai North Carolina college for woman I Tuesday afternoon. Miss Elizabeth Roth rock entertained! at a delightful birthday dinner Sun day May irth, those enjoying h<-r hos pitality were Misses Margaret Prank, Eloise Spargrr, Flora and Donna Bin der. iwo riHSKCK 01 inc rial nocx Dap tint Sunday school recently pounded their superintendent Jo*eph L. Belton' with all kindii of good things to eat j and Rome (rift* of money. About CO I people were present. J. C. Laughridge, Malhert Davis j and sinter* Misaes Clara and Myrtle i Davia and Mrs. Mag Jones spent the paat week end in Drexel, they made the trip through the country. Mr. and Mrs. E. I. Bobbitt and chil-l dren left Wednesday for Greensboro | to make that city their future home. Their many friends regret that Mr. Bobbin's work makes this change of residence advieable. The tent meetings conducted on Rockford street at 7:80 o'clock each evening by Rev. G. W. Williams are being attended by large attentive audiences. Much interest is being manifested, the preaching is strong and forceful and there have been eight or ten conversions. . Invitations have been issued this week which read as follows: Mr. and Mrs. T. F. SatterfielH requeet the honor at your proeence at the mar riage of their daughter Annie Moore te Mr. Charles Clifton Elder Wednes day afternoon, May the twenty-sixth nineteen hundred and twenty at three sVlork Central Methodist Church Mount Airy, North Carolina. Prof. L. M. Epps attended the CM sens Meeting in Greensboro last wash, when citizens from all over the state met to consider the questiea of educa tion for the youths of the state. The misting was the heat of its kind ever held la die state and prom lass much far the adveattee of the children of the stats hy giving tarn, better paid • rMt to her Meter Urm. Htaiorlu la KayettovilU. , j Mln < tot ton May worth loft Sunday for her hum* in Aahafcaro a/tor »iKt ins her aunt Mtaa Lot* Hajrworth of tha High achoot faculty. K L. Smith mad* • buaimu trip to South Carotins iha first of tho wwk In th* interest of tlu tobacco bualnaaa. « MIm Donna Bolt returned laat night from High Point where alio wma organlat for th* illcke-Bynum wed ling. # Rev and Mrs. J. W. Krahk are attondlng th* annual conference of th* Woman* Mmatonary nortety of th* Ka«t*rn North Carolina conference at O*ford thin w**k. Wyatt Haiman, of Bramwell, W. Va. la In thin rity to aaalat in finishing hi* grandmother'* houaa on Orchard ■tract. Mr. and Mr*. C. II. Maynaa and Mm. K. D. Holcomli went down to (ireena horo Tuaaday to attend Mia* Rachel Haynaa' graduating plaru recital at the N. C. C. W. Th* Cirruit Mi**ii>nary »oe.« tjr will meet at the circuit par*onags at three o'clock Saturday afternoon. Mr*. J. W. Frank will tell th* ladle* «ci« thing of her miaaionary woi'in Japan. Me**r* W. I. Monday, ' Went and L. P. Wrenn left laat Saturday for St. I.oui* where thev will upend a week attending the i***iin* of the Southern Whole*sle Grocer* aa*o< elation. Rev. C. C. Haymoore will preach at the .Second Baptmt church at It A. M. next Sunday morning. At It A. M. on the 4th Sunday Rev. Hay more will preach on top of the Kittle Mountain* where the H'.itchen* school1 hnu»e once *tood. The evening of the 1th Sunday he will preach to the con-j victa. The public in invited to attend then* service*. A group of colored people from the ' colored Methodist church attended the net-vice* for white people at Central church la*t night and xang "I am Thine Oh Lord" for them Trtey *angj with reverence and their rich, full voicea Mended in tnat harmony that ia peculiar to the African race. It is a wonder that our churche* don't u*c the gift of vmg of the colorad .iften. It might be helpful to both race*. Kober Kerner and Mlsa Nan Kerner j of Kernersville, and Byron , Gantry and Mi** Elizabeth Sharpe, of Win* ton, motored to thin city Sunday ac companied by Mia* Susan Gentry who ha* been teaching in Kemernviile. Mis* Gentry will remain here. har school having rloaed the latter part of 'art week. The pupil* of the 10th grade of the High school accompanied by Misr,ea Hayworth, Sparger and Thompson of the faculty and Misa. Hayworth'* niece Miaa G >lden Hayworth, of Aahe boro, picnicked an Gree'i Hill, Satur aad thay tn rolling ilpn i» th»» eit? | today A favaa of hand* raaia haraj from Qraaaabara thla waak antola a march nn thalr pa ran U Friday and motarad to Hi>lavllla whara thay wara quirkly mada man ami wlfa. Ilia bnda la tha ■taughtar of Mr. and .Mr*. Jaaiaa Htronarh. and tha groom la tha nun of Mr. and Mm. Davr .'.»naa. Both ara vary attrartiva and worAy young paopl*. BROADWAY THEATRE May 20 and 21. MARY PICKFORD in "Heart a the HilU" The name Mary Pickford, with h«r miles and t*ars, her loves and hate*, h«r whims and winning way* in an entirely new characterization, an a mountain girl in the Great Out-of [Vx>r«. ad. Will Teach Muaic O. A. Sutton, an accomplished muai I'tan, of Detroit, Michigan, haa locat ed hen* for thr purpose of instructing a class in mandolin, fruitar and banjo. Mr. Sutton already hns a number of pupils in view to begin a* noon as hie shipment of musical instruments ar rives but at his whole time will be ilevnted to teaching these three instru ments he can accommodate a large number of pupils. He will be prepared to make attractive terms on instru ments. to those who do not find it con venient to pay cash for their instru ments. Those desiring to consult Mr. Sutton may find him at W. L. Steel's Jewelry store or mry address him at 12!> Flm street. Ad. AVERAGE MAN IS PARTICULAR HAN T® CONSERVATIVE MAN Will all find their |requirements met In 'SHIELD BRAND" CLOTHES for men. The latest fabric ef | feet* In snappy, up-to-1 the-mlnute. as well « conservative |styles and models. Superior tailoring1, and finish five them that "Fit Well' -Wear Well*' reputation which Is backed the makers irantee. them" yourself. Stock now here In Our Department of Lades and Children's Ready-to-wear Here you will And a complete line of Ladies' and Misses'drentes consisting of silks, voils and ginghams. New separate skirts of woolen plaids and wash skirts. New Blouses of Georgette, Crepe de Chine, and Voiles, at orices that will interest you. All that we ask of you is to come and see for yourself. Then you will be convinced that we are right on these lines of ready-to-wear. Good Shoes That Are Reasonably Priced BEST STYLES, BEST WORKMANSHIP You hear talk of high priced shoes, but have y6u taken time to investigate? It is true freaky or extreme styles are high. But here at the home of good, con servative footwear, you'll find our footwear of the highest quality the best leather, the best workmanship. The styles are new. But they are conserv ative, neat attractive models. And most of all they are reasonably priced. PIECE GOODS We are showing a complete display of Spring and Summer fabrics. Beau tiful printed Voiles, Novelty Skirtings, Silks, andi n fact anything to be found ' in the piece goods department. And we might add that this store is the place for you to do your purchasing . for here you will find a complete display and too prices most reasonable. JACKSON BROS. [CLEVELAND SDC It Adds a Wealth of Joy to Family Life The Cleveland Six adds joy and recreation to the famil.' iif: in a most unusual degree. It is such m comfortable car, so eaty tr so distinguished in its refined appearance, that the mother : . ie children find real delight in it. And the Man of the Room, no matter how critically inclined he may be in mechanical matter*, finda in the Cleveland Six a triumph in motor car construction, a car which he will drive with enthuaiaam. The Cleveland Six touring car aeata five in comfort. The toft ruahioning and the low, under-alung spring suspension, wipe out the road bumps. The ear is handsomely fin ished and the upholstering is of genuine hand-buffed leather. And the motor J If you want to know what • motor it is come in and see the car. Ride in it. Drive it yourself. Then you wfll know. There are few motors indeed that can com pare with it in actual periummaca. Touring Car (Firm F—«T») |14M RoctMar (Thro. ham^) II4SS W»*»a (Ft** Faaooaftwa) (im Coup* (Pour lSnm+irQ UM (PiUrn F O. ft. OtovriHtf] T. J. SMITHWICK CLEVELAND AUTOMOBILE COMPANY, CLEVELAND, OHIO