MUM SITUATION CALLED cmmcAL food, ia a I by npiiiwtiHui of mm arm farn- Dm — Federation, i National Grange and th* Fai ia*i ■ Union. Lack of farm labor, It waa etttlad, haa cot fiown prod action naK lUH ia mm tactiona, and thouaand* at farmhouse* bit empty all ottr the country, while a total of many ■WI ni* of acraa li« uncropye H. 1-a.k at bank cradlt and hirh interrat rata* i ara cauaing thouaanda of acraa of •Bed land to remain ungraied. A ra* *oK of tbia will ha a larxa nbortara of! bath baaf and dairy animal*. It ia aa-, Th. wheat rrop ia reported nearly 800,000 huahela abort and the cold, Ma apriwr haa aerioualy aff«'*ed th* earn crop. World nappliea are abort alao and hiicbar food price*. it ia de clarad, aeem inevitable. Braad llnaa aad fo<>d riota ara not beyond the poe atbUHic. at tba next U mantba. With-! oat labor the farmer muat cut .-town Ma operation* to a point whore they wffl bat little mora than meet hla own needa. Ha can grow enough for htm aatf and family; ft I* tba city dweller who would ftrat faei tba lack of food.. Farm leader* aay that by quick at tention to thi* matter, which would raault in a bettar labor and credit aapply. reaulta could still rum* ia tea to help oat In the pi eeeiit aeaaen'a i foad production. Gf*y Silrar, WaaMngton rrpmuL ■tl i n of the Tarni Bureau Federation, eanunenting on the titration. Mid: "It ii iwiteal* that Congisee id j—mad without passing the needed pending agricultural legislation, which to until proper legislation giveol 1 fecilltiea to inrraaa* and | diatribution of aama. "Pending legialation, which woald provide farm credits!, legalise coopera tes marketing, in aura a cheaper fer ' aupply. and keep open the world | would prove a material aid| in encouraging farm crop production." la Franc* Rapid | Mew York, N. Y.—Reconstruction In Prance ia not only proceeding rapidly bat upon the most aetirfactory basis, accord In tr to George Hebmann, man afar of the Paris office of die Guaran ty Trust Company of New York, whe has arrived in thia country for a brief vMt. That basis, he aaya, is,the quiet, pefatali »t application of individual ef fort to the many problems involved in tfes rehabilitation of Prench economic We. Aa a political organization Prance ia naturally deeply concerned with die amount nnd character of indemnity which Germany must pay, but as a nation whoee genina Is essentially in dividual intic the Prench people are net reating inactive while waiting for the State help. "In the departments of the Marne, th Worth, the Oaia, the Voeges and regions," said Mr.' nn, "the territory devoted to agriculture la now reaching almost the pre-war flgurea. In the Depart ment of Calaia, for example, the plant ing, which were 142,000 hectares In IMS, #1.000 hectares in 1*19 and are KM, 000 hectares thia year. Of the WB3 IndUa trial establishinenta destroyed during tile war, 2411 have already n,MiW , I _,„_L n rffuniM won. Itnu PliiUtk.. Social The Baraca Philathe. rlaaaaa of tha Will Raptint chtirvh .'•mb tried huat naaa and plaaaom moat raceaaafully Monday a ea fling. Tha Barara Ham y>ald • buainaaa meeting »t tha rharrh V *ld|i the Philathea siaaa mat for • Am bitmn nwiw at tha paraon hoth elaaaaa mat on tha lawn foe • Mat dalightful noeiaJ hoar. The Phila thaaa vara tka maato of tha Baraeaa and tha huata left nothing undone that roald i ufiti Uwta ba tha enjoymaat af tha aacaaton. Thay aar*ad (Mteiaoa from Ger Tnttf la mfotigdi Hii mm And with the Allies. The tetal of United Stataa claim* against Germany is eeti matad M a boat 1780,000,000, Sot Ik* wtmtjr of this flfsi* I* not It ia pointed oat that Germany by the tarma of the Versailles Treaty pledged to the Allies arirytkiiic poa-j aible. The UnHad States. hy failure to I accept tha Treaty, would bo in thai poaitlon of a creditor who had refuaad | to make any arrangement with other creditor* of a bankrupt. When all available assent bad been applied to ward the claim* of creditor* who had entered into an agreement, there would he nothing available for tha creditor who might chcoee to remain outaide. The Alltea certainly would not art aa agencies of collection for the United Stataa, it waa said. The VeraaiUee Treaty it waa point ed out, waa deaigned to make orar to the Alliea everything that Germany could offer In tha way of reparattona and damagea. The resources of Gar many were inadequate to meet tha de mand* of tha conqueror*, who are levying on the productive power of the German people for year* ahead in order to obtain the largest amount tim United statea, it waa him, aoee not aeek anything in the way of arationa, bat haa certain claima for damagaa against Germany, the satia faction of which depends cm the rati fication at the Versa idea Treaty or There haa been ao official Invita tion aMaM ta tha MM Mataa ta attend tha Spa rowfarenee, it ta under stood, other than that aant aoase thw aco by tha Belgian Government. It it believed that tha Alliea would wal coma participation in tha confaranea by thia country, and It la probahla that an unofficial observer may ba aant. .Saturday, June 5, at the high achool building tha Sorry County Chapter U. D. C. gave their annual dinner to the Confederate veterana. About 185 invitation! were aant out, but owing ta the inclement weather ■one were unable to raapond. A delightful program waa rendered before the dinner waa served. The opening addreea by J. H. Car ter waa followed with a prayer by Rev. C. C. Haymora. Tha apeaker of tha day. Rev. Zebu Ion Vance Roberaon, gave a moat in apiring addrena to which the verter ana reaponded with hearty applauae. Following Miaa Elisabeth Lovill'a reading. The Boya of 01, Mlaaea Anna and Lucy React with Miaa Donna Bolt accompanist, aang that lovely old favorite, "When You and I Were Young Maggie." At the concluaion of tha program the veterana adjourn ed to the room where a bountiful din ner waa served. In tha afternoon they were served with ice cream at tha drug atorea through the courtesy of the U. D. C. To thoee who were unable to come the ladiea sent well filled boxee, ao about the uaual number enjoyed the dinner after all. me donation* to tne dinner were very generou*. but the Ihtl* lack box waa that' contained tha morphine tablet* aad | r>thar drugs. This waa opened by cut ting around tha lock with a packet k ntfa The jab Indicated that the mar. knew all about tha place bafora ha on tared the building. About $60 worth of drugs was mlaaad. On Monday night aoaaaoita entered John Fuller's Meat Market and opened I the money drawer and aecured what) <-aah It rnntahted All of which make* Interesting sub ject for reading, but It Is a nuisance to. the town to have aurh things happen ing so frequently. Now Oothini Company Fori Thia City A new clothing store la heinjr organ isod for tMa town. Meaara J.M. Fol ger, T. W. DavU and C. C. (lutrhin* are the promoter*. They have a sub scription Uat and citisens are asked to subscribe to stock, no man being al low. i to take more than five A »har» is valued at 9100. It la » pot hi a large atoek of clothing. The contra*! guarantees to tile man who take atoek that clothing will be aold to thaoi at not mora than fifteen oer rant profit. T. W. Darin ia carrying one of tl llata and sacuring subscribers right along. He tMnka that the new traitneae will bo ready to aarre the country by the flrat of next October. Thia la l epraaentad to the people to > be a maana of co-operation by which all the people will be able to necure their clothing at price* that are much > leaa than can be had at other atoree. The manufacturers and bottler* of Chero-Cola have hit on a novel method of advertiaing their product. The local bottler. L. H. Swaim. cam a up from Winston Monday tai an air- I plane that made the trip here from Winaton in 39 minutea. The pilot waa C. C. Myers and E. Kills waa the mechanic, the plana had Chero-Cola printed on the undaraidei in largo lettara and they took time in their flight to circla low over Ptuiacle' and Pilot Mountain and scattar Chero Cola labels they alao circled over our town acattering the labels which look ed Ilka a flock of birda glistening in the Hunahine aa they fluttered to earth.' The plane will rotam in a few iaya and every merchant who hand lea Chero-Cola wilt ba invited to take a free ride. It ia reported thv Mr. Ellis the mechanic performs a numb*- of stunta while in the air. such aa awing. | ing off the edge of the plane. atanJing on his head, «tc. r«tchN Talk about things hippcnini about h«r» brines to mind that C. C. Huteh ina and Chae Brintla in Ala at ah planting a (tva acres watermelon patch in tlia Roberta bottom four mile* aouth of the city. They hauled 2000 pounds of fertiliser to the patch on Toeaday of this week and expect to stow than by the many wagon loads. They plan to have them ripe after i other people are a0 the market. They expret to have theirs ripe alone in j ■■■■■Hi P*w Vl A real ntsto deal tool Mwfcy which fair neighbors who| have rented their homes manent neighbors. W H Dt*. Robert Hoaeyford. D. C. Baamir an4 Trey Fuicher all rented holes on adjofotn* lota belonging to T. If Breck, they all decided to buy sad a eaah deal was 13.500 la each case, escept that ef D.| C Reamer whose deal 'ncladed a tmnt Wl at 1708 wfcldi mm** Ilis § k Mra. J. E. Bnrker JW at Marttn HwMritl knspltal at >:M P. M. Fri day having hm hi lit hanKk far same time. Before bar marrtngs I* Mr. Barkar la IMS aha «m Martha Pranoos Red maa ai4 was bam ki Btakaa i*ontjr May SI, IM« being Tt rmn, 11 davs old at her deatk. / Forr ckildren wawe bam te them aU of wham ara living and wart with kar ■luring tka laat waeka W kar lltneaa. Tkay ara Uf*r Barkar, at Aaheville, Mr. Harvey Bay* a* Ml Airy R. F. D.. Mm. Iwaal Gilbert, ef Haletkorpe, Mil. and Mlaa Loey Barkar of this city. Ska la also inrvtved by bar Hus band, tkraa brothers and one aiater. Tka funeral waa bald at tka Pimt Baptlat church at 2 P. M. .Hatorday by kar paster Rev. T. H. King aiaiatad by Bar. C. C. Haymora and Kay. Joe .Snow. Kitting tributaa war* paid to tka faithful rhrUtian Ufa of tka la. ceaaed. For tka past *0 yaan Mm. Barkar haa made bar home In Mount Airy, ta those who knaw bar wall, bar Ufa apeaka atronger tkan any words of commandsttoo W» could writs far kar, ska waa a conaietent memhe»- of tka Flrat Baptist' church for 2* years, but «ka waa mora tkan maraly conaio tent, kar raligion wa« of tka active oggreeslve type, ahe was a devWed followar of 'ha I owl* Ma:arana and His leaderahiVnfter to >k her to tka homes of want and I* tka badaMa at tka suffering onas. O*. tke .Sabbath day aa long as ha* havth peimitted ike was found of life might be as free aa poaaibla from suffering. Te thia and bar loved ones moved bar ta tha koapital that she migkt kave tka baat poaaibla can and attantian. In hia lemsrks her pastor likened her life to tka description at a vir»uone woman found in Proverbs. Her remains were laid to reet in Oakdala cemetery anl tka rttoudk covered with beautiful floral offerings. landing tka faneral war* W. L Bark er. Askevflle, Mrs. i. R. Gilbert, Hale thorpe, ltd.; W. 8. Redman. Ararat, J. M. and J. W Redman, of POat Mountain. Mia see Mary J- Ida, Aimie and Mallie Redman, of Pilot Mountain and a large number of ottyr reiativee and friends. k An intelligent farmer want* thia newspaper to tail about th» loeaes that farmers arc sustaining by the cuaatit dlaapyaa ranee of soeh thing* a* bridle*. haltara and many othar such article* that are to he found about a team and wagon that ia left ia the wagon lot. Thia eitiien aaya that too much property ia being I oat in thia way. He thin tea that there moat be aomething like a band of petty thieves about thia town. He know* of cttisens who came here and bought a pair of costly brid lea and had them atolen from hia team before he got oat of town. He knows of many auch loeaea and thinka that aome way shoald be foond to protect the man who cornea here to trade. He suggested that It would be no bad idea If the men who own the warehouaea would pat a watchman in charge and make a small fee for leaving a team In tha warehouse. He had no theory aa to how the thief ia able to diapoee of hia gooda after he haa atolen them. He went farther and aaid that about orer the cuantiy the petty thief ia buay and many cttisens are sustaining loeaea by baring their outbuildings entered and meat and auch things removed. Fedwral Control Of Wli«t Has Wuhin|ton, Jon* S.—Fader*! con trol of what and wheat product* end ad Tuesday, the wheat director ("eas ing to function under the limitation of the law creating his office and Km food admftiistnstion control ended by proclamation of President Wilson. This mean, the passing of the «®r for wheat established during the war as a mmi of itimulsting prodoctioo. Sear* existing contracts remain to bo carried out by the United States grain myoiallim. which has bMi At h» stratnentality of the government in tracts hsrs been r» rated the lo»|w» tWa wtO wind ay Ha affairs and tm oror Ms Waaai e« to the treaevrr do Dealera, «srept those hsrtag con NATIONAL CAPITAL WAf vnrr much suhpkiscd ST CHOICE or HAJUMNG WuktoftM, Jane IX— Man of Ha—tar Wwtm O. | th* TIm Ohio figured during the of the "dark (iiloHP did n*t >nln pradtot thar* wii uy 1 In* That la about dit ton fait about It and th tIran bar* wa» talking of Knox. I ('ootid** or mm other ' Th* national capita! to mtnua politician* thta hot J ana night, but on* member <>f th* Democratic na tional coaamittee wan located and Im mediately predicted that tha d*f*at of Hardin* would he muy far tha Damo rrata next November Angua W. Mclean, national com mitteeman from North Carolina, naid: "Senator Hardinr should ha aaaily defeated by tha Dimuui«s and hi* fellow union lata hsrsesi of Ma rata on tha Cummins-Esdi railroad bill, with Ms snti-strike elauaa and hecauai at other votes and utterance* which have coma muter the displsanre of organised la bor. The Hardin> nomination ineraa*ee ihe belief in Washington that the Democrats will nominate William G. McAdoo and Governar "Jimmie" Co* lit San Franeiaco. McAdoo ia likely to head the ticket hecouse the party seems drifting in hia direction, despite his rcfoeal to become an active candi date. Again, McAdoo, who ia already strong with labor ia more than ever certain to land that block of votee al most sol irlly when arrayed against a Republican standpatter like Harding. With some one like Hiram Johason the vote might hare bean split. Goverror Co* becomes the logical candidate for the tail end at tha Dem ocratic ticket. He has carried Oskj three times and Democrats believe that a McAdoo and Cos ticket woaM wrest that pivotal state from Harding. Of course. Governor Co* is going to make a strong bid to head the Demo cratic ticket, bat the "dope" recently has alt been McAdoo with Cox far second place if he will have it. Now since Harding has been named by the G. O. P. and the Democrats want some one to beat Harding ia hia own state, it is hard to see how Governor Co* ran refuse. St. Loui*. Mo.—William L. Gray, of St. Looia, who waa In the City of Mn kro when the Carranaa re*nae fall, ■ay that h'.ndradn of thoaaanda of a^M of Mnim Im4 w 179ft. -Abad September SO. 1«M; Mm rnwaumad. tare yeara and II montfca. War with Tripoli, hagan July Ml lftOl; ended J una 4. IMS; tea non • iimed, thraa yaara and 11 mnrtha. North wee t Indian war*, began Nn» v amber, lftll; andad October, 1IU( War urtth Or i war*, betas July IS, 1*11, andad Fab. IT, MIS; ttee ea*. turned, two year* and 7 montka, Seminole Indian arara, bepaa 20, lilT, andad Oct. Sl.Mftlft; I'onaumod, 11 month*. Yellowatona expedition (I July 4. lftl», andad Sept. lilt; ttaw thraa mnntha idlan war*, began April 1, IMS, andad LtFlfn Indian war, began ta IM7, andad ■ipliaibli, 1M7; llltl. Teat war, began April 1, Oct. 1, 1191; time earn *1, April *. Kill Jun« SO, IMS; irvdod ISM; war btgw Kgf, jt 18*5; ended Aug IS. IMS; the CO+ ■mw4, «fac year* aai 5 months. War with Mexico. began Aprfl 24, IMS; andad May M. IS4S; Urn* tinned. two yaara and on* month. Varloaa Indian wars with Cay Navabo. Comanche. Klrkapoo, Stoax, Seminolr. etc. btfin IMS; tmi •d 1M1; tin* consumed, IS year*. CWil War. began April 15. 1M1; ended Aug. M, ISM; tint fiw yean and tornr mantha. Variooa Indian wan ((did aat i through Chril War) tugaii II «d ISM; tbM Lmwiunad. 2 ' Sioux Indian war, begaa Ko». SS, ISM; andad Jam. S. ISS1; thae om A pacha and Wannnk Indian trea ■fu Jona M, ISM; andad Jmm 90, ISM; tiaa < Spaniah-Ameiiran war, inacrraetk i and Bexar expedMea, be gan Aprfl SI, ISM; andad Joty 4,1 Cuban pactfVattoo, began Oat. t, ISM; aadad Aprfl 1. ISM; •toned, two yaara and fix 28. 1912; andad Nor. 2, WIS; Vara Craa 21, 1S14; andad Mot. SS, 1S11; Punitrra expedition mto began March IS. ISIS; aadad Feh. ». Tha World W*. began Aprfl C 1»17. to data; thaa fonauand. thraa yaara. Total. 1M year* and S Joe Barber In Aaherflle Otlaau.