TO mi of rwtOtm I I ••■iTthiaf. I (•••<) i fcaafc ■M I f dm £. IW has'* V'«*toU* ' tflabsuaJ •• > ttaapt I vsaU Iff rt. Mi after taking it I aaoa Mt hat W TUt «aa « . I laM (alt " uTmHIgH tu nay aab liah my ««e Mm, Jr., R. I. Rat M. rim. WU. Lydia K. I'.ntbam • V.g.UhU Ca» faairf, mad* froai aalii> route aad herta, eaatoiaa m narrnti* or harmful ■■■!■ ilia a« vat ■ Pfow tMa teal If yarn hav* tta* *ii*ht*et Lydia r, l-iakham'. ~ _ mad wilt h»lp roe. writa to f-rdfe a. Flakbaai MadiriM Co I <-oe«d*e*)">d iOi" aid MB: amiad Urnfa om Ai bnn, i. Drink • gla** of thi* delicioua digr* Shivar Ale aaMuiia wtn MIVM MM MTU um CISCO Your peeer er dnMUpat will rdwi your muoey M kll ina li joe ara Ml pleased witii rrailtt Shivar Ala retail* at ISa par bot tie, or |1.75 per duea. " ax fountains or in bottles CRUSH Ha will braad •»< kinda of do«a. all of Ha will make a • hw ww m ! k> la tha open. The price far the baai 'a# a dec rmmgn * round few or fha| I dollar* par month Tho prica that Hr. UarUU atil pari far year old du«* of huat'ag variety, I *arh aa hoanda aad nolnler* 1a abaat | Hi where tha dec Kaa baaa kwrted •eeae. and 97 M for year aM doc» ihu hare not baaa trained. Mack >if 'ha HmIbmi of Mr. Uwilla will b< ta trqi up dace wad train thaai aad than find ; | a bujror ta other part* of tha country. | j BIG LAND SALE. \ I ^Th» National Raal Batata and Ait | tion company of thta «-»tjr arr adrar- j tuinf a bi(f farm far *ala at au<-tion 1 in thi* iaeue of Tha Nawe. Thia farm la tha pro party of Mr. Sam Pulton and ta located 4 mi la* from tndapandanca, Va.. in on* of th *ina*t jpnaaa oaationa of Vtrrinta. It ' contain* ISO irn* of An* Und and aril! be *ub-dWided into *mall farm* to Mitt purrhaaar. Mr. Fulton wiaha* to dmpoaa of thi* property for tha rwaaoa that ha I cannot give it hia attention and ta ' naktiif my Ifharal traa on H, wWrii 1 ara: 1-5 raah, ha Lane <■ in 1. t. 1. 4 and 1 r> yaara. The *ala will take place Saturday. July 10, at 10:30 A. M . on 1 tha premiaaa. Yotmg Folk* Cat I i r ■■ ■ ■ Willi Difficulty. Two young people. Oscar Wrifkt and Miss Ida Watson, both of 8yl vatua. Carrol county, Vs.. cot marrted {in this city Tuesday afternoon, in the oflice of Esq. Allan Sparger who per I form ad tha ceremony. They cane here Sunday because of tha rather of tha Ctrl making objection to tha ma tea. After they were bare they enliatad the sympathy of an acquaint a nee. D. J. MMktff. who assisted thasa in getting the nirsssary papers. Mr. Midltiff is about as thoroughly dis gusted mm a man can well be with tha red tape that is required to secors a license in this coony. Ha says tha* ha pot In three full jays trying to sat isfy the Register of Deade about the firf's ace and right to gat marriad,; and to da all this ha made a trip to > the home of the girl and two tripe to > Dobeon. Ha got afldavits from prom inent citizens of Carroll and of this county and after spending about 1100 Anally secured the necessary papers. MB&. ELIZABETH A. DUNHAM PASSES. Mrs. Elizabeth A. Dunman died Jane 20th aged about 75 years. Tha! funeral waa preached by Rev. C. C. Haymore at White Plains Baptist church. Mrs. Dunman waa converted in early girlhood and Joined the Hol low Springs church and Hved a con sistent christian life to the end. She is survived by her huaband, three children and one bruthei. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Lewis return ed Wednesday from a visit to relatives in MaryUuxL Mies Martha Cornelius is the guest of her brother W. B. Cornelius in this city J Mrs. C. M. Whitlock and little dau ghter are visiting relatives in Lawr- I encevilla, Va. they were accompanied as far as Danville by Mr. Whitlock. W. R Campbell returned Wednee day from Nashville. Tenn where ha j attended the marriage of a sister of W. B. Cornelius, of this city. Miaa Gertrude Frick, of Saliabury,! ia the guest of Mrs. Odo Trick. It IV H — n« ti DT. W. H. Msgs Willi r DENTIST Mount Airy, N. C. 1 Sy d nor & Sparger Ianruct Afnts HOUNT AIRY. N. C Alabama Minister Relieved Stomach Troubles Made Him Fmi Skk at Meat Times, But Now Always Ea/cys His Meets ftiSMBS KtiHUffl MAUL 1NMUBANCS! *«* m tmi Airy. FOB UUt-l Mtijr M iIImi Write at mm, I 7», D.hi r * C T U FOB HALX-HU «r mcM fMt (nik »m. W. I. MiiriH. lit. IHr«r«i mi dMrt mm. B. F. jr tft.l FOB MALB—Twrn trmh ewt. ft »n ofcL oU«m S MMka «U. tin |i« i csllona of nuik • % Mck. If It M • rhotra am yam wmmt. am Ltlm York Mount Airy, N. C. FOB SALE—Ona Elactnc ~ at a Iwiyh. (wm tor filing I _d»»t| FOB 8 ALE—I aacand kMl flaa pm iimii Ford touring ear. Apply to H. WoW. Phoci. 22ft. 7-2c. FOB SALE—126 acr* Kara HUlateoro, *. C, Oraan Out;, fim ciaaa totam teoZjW to lit par acr*. Apprmi—tily 30 or 40 acraa AonroxiaAltlv , claarad, I«LL. Jntor which will ba tan lack to ba laft itanliaa. Paaaajl Cac, Gw.a.tara, N. C FOB SALE—10 h.p ail cactaa. able, nearly new. nrU MM, Lake 1900. / B. Hpar*vr. Mount ■■I tmm M. C. 7-4-C. LOST—.Sunday, opan face nickel eaaa Elm watch. batw«n my home Dm Va. Una and OrvtUa Coaaba place. Reward for return to R. H. Towe. owe. oa Roato 0. <-3-p. WE WILL SELL Sonne Smta, Hals, Ttaa, Haaa aad SUk Airta at «r*at redaction m pneo. Coma aad toe* or nut. Su Clothing Co lt-c. FOB SALE—Six or eight (wd fraah milk cowa. W. E. Memtt. t/c. VALUABLE PARM FOR SALE— Thu farm rontuaa about EIGHT HUNDRED ACRES and ia I oca tad ia Moore county, but la not sandy, near rail road and has fin* water pow ar. It la one • i■■>■ i haaki omh. ><»■( N»»l Tn* Mvi S'ns N»ol Lib«moriii. SwWI IM C«. iNnrW). M lm<»n. N»« > ofi, Ih koeklef * TWrv Kmc M Dm|hv The Mmdtrn Metk ,J ,/ Treating mm OU Cmmpimmt Nujol Hfr Constipation/ —WW—ii» * l«nh^AlUJiL *