L V. VEST DRUG Cft MAIN STREET •COUNT AIRY. N. C. YOU SHOULD NAME If SHf (MOT 1 MSI (0. 45 YOUR EXECUTOR FOR THE > <*f dM raayaj iiumm Bsaajtar a/ Will*. t« i •a. t* MTV* m gnmntimn <4 *mm< ami truataa nf proparl y A baarii rarafni huauuic man ■timrl dm a.f rh« ( Tfca Truat Ctmtpmny ttaaar 4m» aiui w ahmj* foomd an it* piara of nwu [' MM aaar OTMrfT ta g*»a f f r attar tint Ca cha affair* <V your ancaie. THa Troat Cnmtfmay wM am that your wll ia drawn -am^dy and ; aakas ru> riMrgr* far protarly tp it muiar iaai m ita vault. W. W. Bur ha. A. G. liliiwaii. W. 9. CarMr, E. H. Wrann, 1*. A. York, r. & EMn4*a, W. «. Haaiptoa, W. G. 9y*Mr. J. J. im.th W. V carter. Priwiiwr E. H. WKETHt, V«?»-Pir»»ul<»nu WHERE WILLOWS WEEP AND LOVED ONES SLEEP chpr* piacr a ^rmaami memorial in na.hU .* i^ranif*- or.uther ap pro print* ta markr 7nur tov# ao4 •*•»!»—«« let Ute world una* •vhat yoa rhoutrht M dwm—Co tat. i«f> dut ionsmtt an-J rternra in vnor n*o «*ii. W<- "an haip you •hnnae r-.^htly, we fa.i armst fnr yau "he proper aw. nmaac. luitaiil* t» uaw. ptar* ant c-irfTuanaCBnraa. .Viwl ur a pnatal rant <<t*tuur that yr*» are mttiwut ami we win '•all i« 7»». THE IDEAL MARBLE * GRANITE CO. WI>*70V* %l.r.M. \ c. »ia iii«| sc rwr i:«. MEP0N5ET WODFS Good Old Paroid W. E. Meiritt Company Mmm Airr. N. C. V Mm com hy wmf i»f Mil ant Airy, an tha rittm rittaaa taOa if t» ifm LaC t» furgmt rhair and fenriva rhair nimr—w. <ilii itll> ia a fmurt -ity. Pmurf a/ its j of Mb » ppli» p*nu>< »f i>« i of M« ia>aklt»aH. snrad A# 1 of Ma Mate mat of of thm i Charrr But Aahavilla tiaa iw»tH na. ftfcrht Iwnt m Haunt *iry rkf wanary airhout rha n rha M. C. nf L. oruaarf ihwi to ratt tha pmr man'* StJiay ifclaawi »nH hatal ka it r-nmaa to -harrin#. ami nor own *p pla* ar» v-aatly <uj>annr in flavor to rhairo. 411 w nea«i ia PH«te .n our hnm# town »iui 'ha wtft tn pmrlatm rha tmrta To rha wnrM. Than it wHI ha no rn» hafora wr ran. cm apart a Gmvc Park fan ami rha othar ntan mnr *haram Aahavilta iaaht i<t nfnm. f IAahavilla hnaata of many hnaatar*. tjwt waak whan rha marrhanta of our Tar ffaal tafe rairathararl rhara in 'hair 1 l*th annual onvrntion at rha Battary Park Hntml, thay warn on r.mnrt ia foil fnrra. Thay via«i with aneh ' >fhar in awfTTaintng rha wiairin* mar rhanta. rhair «r«a*t* hatwaan Hnaina*« xaaawtna. Virnmnhila rripa \aara ar i-angafj ra Otaaa. r» tha mp of 4unaat Wounfain. fn rha Mlfmnra ■urata. ra ! Biftaa frmmt, at llafa r*>v<» M«i aJrw* !' it* hejtufrfnl fjmrmiK hfuvn. Thirty on tmalt rhr \r:wirora on ■hmr <icrhTn**»iMr Tipa. and rha mmt itppm imcM of ail ch» <-oa»t«ato« <)»wn rho rteitinv »«ii.l»»» a rniM Their faamlW* (if tltey W-i«ftr any) waa th» woiufcifal orrar. rvritaJ at •hr 1bv» Park Inn, prmiW »v«f tvj Wr Wwnrrr Lnnirhunt. of rhr Hoval Qlv nf Onraniats. [.ondan. F.rig !and. Tlir nrnn huil* in ttourm i» wH hy thr m»n»srrtn#*nr of tMa <ininur fwnirt. » h» rhr finraf in wnrM. Ha* nnl- rvrontlv hr«i .-omplrt*H at a w* of a hurolnwf rhnomnul ifcllarn. T* Bmater mar rum f«»i» wry ■»•»» aarry. for tfrry man or woman m rjte huamra* wrM of thi* rnamro | Kty wH» fmlrti rn attmii til* Kuril ant* ronvmtwn. RarHv haw# titer* -wrr h»n Heard morw rla«u<>nr orator* i 'Kan thnao taainma im who apoite to "he hrarr.i. to tite miiu^ and to thr pack«thw>ka of rhr iwrrrhanfa .taring th» «w»er»I daila ♦raaiona of rite iran Twntion Wit an<1 wtwfrwa vpartM, •nmmon «m»mt «p»ak«T» and vision al*** of rh* a mat ftitm* of eh* Tar Ffaal atat* appealed to tlte audfonc*. fanra forr>fi>l pmrrwivi* and fnrit Kearin* »pe**he* were heard. applaud »d and hiwW. y-ifMSMf amonff tkaw orator* on 'npiri vttaf to the J F Wnrrta. of Winafon-*aJem, Xr 4nthonr «f Aaheville. A. 4 foaeph, nf fir»en«ih.>m f H W.'Uniirht, of OnNmafwm. E P Robert*. of Xew Tor*. Dr I> O farmfl. of the Cm of Xorrh r amllna and A. L. Of^**r of Topeka. Kanaaa. At the Cam! Bsarf* mae ting firnwar HrfJirT waa fcwrnr re elertoif erwiirfant of th» Xorth Camftna Oood Boadb Aaanrtocinn. at the Flirt artnnl MnM mr. whil# a grand hail at tlte Batter? Part >n«*-d the rtmventiiHi of the merrhant* at dte aiU Mug hoar FOUR DOSES or RLCIMIA MAKES HIM MUCH By virtu# of authority veatad in mr aa rruatae in a certain .tead of Croat eatraMif the *h ttey at ian. ISCh, de ault htav.ny been mini? in The pay m-nt at the rwtaa therein «mrit aid itead nf trust executed by Tom Atkins and wife Minnie Atkins. re ^corded in Bonk 71. Page SR. in Regis ter at Dmi> iffiri* .if Surry Ca., an.i the bolder at the notaa having reque-t 1 ait ma Co sell the <—■» to satisfy tin axt onhinnrr, I anil in# *nr ash. tl rhr tegheHt birfdapr, m fmnt of Su 1 Bank if Mount Airy. Kwmt Atry M. C. , on Monday July 12th. 192ft al I 12 Vrteck, Midrtav, the following rami aetata, Co-wit Ikying ami miii( in liount Am "awnJnp. Slurry county. Morth Cam I 1ms and adjoining the '.anil* nf Davii fi. -»mith. R. W. Raere. Vt Johnson 3k km- at *1 ami Seginn'ng at a horn ram on tha we»t -»tde of Johnson' < I'eefc anri nm» 1H. US .lag. W. witt .Sparger's llrja 23.75 chains to a poplar Davis C.. Smith'* mnwr; chance 9. li dag: E. 300 feet; chanca with Ch» branch a» it meanders South 200 fert thence 9. 14 lav E. JW faat: thence S ' 14'* 'tag. W 200 faat; chance 9. -la*. E. WO faat; thence 3. 2* t%r E 100 faat Co a 4take Barker A "+mith' orner on rhr Merth -uie at tiraairh; rhanra rmaain* branch #. *2 Ac * A..14 chains; thence 3. i*S teg.W 1.7ft chains; "heme with the otd WHit» Sulphur Sprinin rr-ad £. 2W <lag. E. 4.30 chains: thei: e S. 25'i 'teg. E I "■> -ham*; thenri 9. deg. W. i -'hains; chanra 9. 50 .tag. E. I .'ham; Chanra $. 7# .la*. E. 2 chaina; chanra ' 9. V< .lac. E. t-.TB .'hanis: chanca 9. 13 .tag. E. '>'W> chains to an iron pin. Johnson'* corner on the «a*t side ai road; thane* leaving Cha road M. "W i .lag. 46 mm. E. '230 faat Co die Ararat nv«r; chanra with cha Ararat riner 9 ■>OS 'lag. E. WO feat; chanra .4. M de?r £. >;M feet; chanra St. 4fi 'Vjr. C. ahout faat ca a forked h>r'h <>n fh< Ea-*t hank of the Ararat rt .'ar, E. W Raaca's i-oraar; chanra i. *i ieg E. chains; "hanrd X. t dag W up the ranrh tI.#T> chains to a pine 'tump. Chanra ?l. :t0 day. ft. JO chains en a hlack walnut on the hank nf the Ararat rt»er: thence up said river X. W ftar E. shoot TOO feat to Ju mouth at J'.hn«on'« rraeh; thence up 'ohn m'< creak X. 16 deg. W. about '>00 feet Ca the beginning Containing **•% acres mora or lena. Thara is ac cepted t-nm the abaaa baunitar .es 2 arm of land oa the ten but—ii the s.lroarl nwht^rf-way aad Che Urt Sul phur «pai.ign read an w<lieh ta ntuaCail the spring on the tell went at the read, the said lota so designated by corners narked hy set stems and known am cha watering tank Ml Alan a water right ta the White Sulnhur Sprmga iemt Co J a Hhtcher by J K. Bey nolda and wife /an. Ilth. 1910 and n*~ cordad in bomk 36 page M. Aba a oae-sisft |I-«> in Ji i lij interest ir. about 15# arras at tend ait T?te sant ah being made la mUmty aMtd WTJVTJ% and intern* tmm M. 1K» mm eat to add. This the IM day a# tew. Tie*. Edw. 1 tmailte. T-jaCea. Who said * ■ wii WAFFLES? W /^PNF- , .JF' :. yama now ready far shipment. 12.25 per thousand: r>,(MO and dp, (2.00 per ihmuwnd. ('.rnmh with order. F F Stohea Plant Co., Pi cure raid, (ia. T. A. J«m <imn> name of J. I. M*nl A Co. haa tkia •lay been diaaoived. J. V. ami C. K. Camnt will continue the htiainea*. All obligation* dne the company should be pais to S. X. Ooarrt A Co.. who haiah; sum fee the obliffKiona of the rnrnm any. Tfci Jane Ml. 1920. J. M. Gowrri. f.. R. fjoerri. T. A. Tone* *t coffered for year* with stoma«h trouble and mart avervthia* I hearrt of bat the only relief t nt wae tern aetmry until hat ipris^ I mm Cham Mten'i Tahleta advertinert and pro cured a bottle of them from oar dra* riae. f got immediate relief from that fi aadfiM baaeineaa and fan in the stomach after satin*. 4inra taking two bottiaa I can sat anytfem* I wmt without diaCresa" wrilaa Wrs. Linda Ft. Wayne, Ind. ~ BREAD COSTS LESS Comyamd with irhrr foada, (lour la nlMf. Too can an* nothing that can equal *ood broad aa a lialiemaa. n<i«Jth-«l»in* and «#mo aucai fuud. Bmui, biaruita and cafcoa bim.i. with aI* MU» Ca ba daliawua and iraad barauaa a «panal milling proeaaa rvtaina 4IX tit* angi nal nutnmant of tha Una Winter WW fna which dM] m wdc. DAN VALLEY —17. Va

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