■ada* tha act at Congraaa o4 Mafril a in —■Ml Airy dm 49 T«mOM Mr. T. J. Laarry nainM cIm adhoi •f thu paper gm day tUi »wk tW The N«w» vvaa 40 yaara Wfi>rd atraat, naar tha haiaa at 4oi*vit»r A. P. drmr aa. Mr. Lowry »»ia tha adltor awd for 34 yaara ran th.< paper, axaept for a ahart Una that It waa edited by flea. P. Pall while Mr. Lowry waa Poataiaa tar liar*. In tha yaar IBM, on Jura •th, tha .mipar *u bought by tha prmint editor and atnca that tin»e or tar III yaara tha praaant owner* have baan at tha hah*. Mr. Lowry »aya that In all tha 40 yaara of Ita Ufa tha papar haa never mi need an laaoa. Back in tha day a whan Mr. Lowry atartad tha papar ha had an outfit that waa in keeping with tha timea, which coat him about HIM. In rerant yaara all thia haa changed and today Tha Nawa ia iaauad from an offtat that ia equipped with tha moat modarn machinery. ' The building of a newspaper ia very much like going into the wood* and making a farm. Much Hart work that haa almost no present reward muat be done before the paper ran ha Raid to be on a baaia that wilt make it a pay ing buaineni and an influence for good. Much credit ia due Sir. Lowry for the many year* of hart mrk that he devoted to the paper, during which time he made it one of the heat county papers of his day. During all these year* condition* were such in the publishing business that the country editor was expected to work for a very small income. rooay in* occupies a posi tion that i> enviable in the world of publishers. It haa made good. It ha* a Hat of subscribers who ha** been with it until many of th*m ran Hat* thair connection with the paper for mor* than a quarter of a centu ry, and mm* for the whole 40 yean of ita life. Theae subscribers are ita very Hfe, and the fart that they rontinue to stay with the paper ia the beat rrimon that w* know for ita existence. The puhliahinir of a county news paper ia naturally a 'mall enterprise. The man who Alls this place cannot expert to ride in- fine cars and go the paces of the rirh, hut the income from the huainess haa made The News a rood one, in. a small way. Today the paper is in ita own building, owns one of the best linotypes, haa one of the beat make of drum cylinder newspaper presses, a modern job outfit, folding machine*, etc. And all this ia free from debt, and no living man can wnlk into the office and say what shall or shall not h* don*. If the paper haa any one strong point it ia that it haa sh»«m its ability to exist and yet keep itself free from all entangling alliances. And thia ia not meant to convey the idea that The News ia any free lance, for it is not. but tries to serve the people who patronize it and render to them a service that ia acceptable and satisfactory. The present publishers are proud of the business. They are willing to continue with it and ask for no office and no favors in the way of political reward. Their highest ambition ia to serve the public by publishing • clean, newsy, helpful paper that will repre sent the best, thought of th* day RATS Ot a bunch of ntixana together in this city and ana will net ba »nrpriaad to haar th* navmatiM laka Ik* ton bow and than of paying raapact to tha rat Rata, thay aav. hava rooM tn ba a modarn plafua about har*. TWj auaka tbafaaahraa proainant aa pacially by ahawiac thair fa yoof ehickana. TWy taU many ta* about how thay an killing ch larva anourb to fry. an win baa a aalf *ia— la mm H to no anroainton tMa( far a rhkkan that will wetrh a pooad ta ba klllad by ana af th* rrmy rata tlu* hava takan tha taws. \ on hi* lot ha would be alow to up with the city mini ta Mow gat thia Mm. The iUU la a city Ilka thia, and wa will not ba abia longer to avoid thia law. Wa gat by thia year by promiainc ta build thia newer ayetem. but wo can not gat by another yaar. Wa will limp ly have ta fail In Una aad da aa otha* are doing—comply with tha which ma ara thia yaar And ma ara avoiding tha lam barauae It will lava oar paopia a llttia money. Now thia not meant aa a criticiam of tha town officials, fo> they have dona their doty aa beat they could. They promised the Mate officiate that they would build a aamar | ayatem here thia aummer if the atate would not enforce the law aa to aani tary prtviea. Rut when It came to netting the honda to secure tha money it waa found that a rate of interest waa required that waa ao high aa to cauae the town official* to balk at accepting the offar. ii appears u) ua uiai IX wnuin ne hotter business for the town to aell tha bonds «v«i at a higher rati" of interest, if they ran he sold at all, rather than have our people required to install on 500 lota theae cements hoxea at a coat of 125.000 to the indi . viduala of the town. It would ha far ; l*tter to pay nix of even seven per cent rather than have thia system of I cement hoxea all over the rtty The 'IIId farts are that It costs so much more money now to do tilling* that moat of ua halk at the coat and want to do nothing, but then there is that atata law that wa cannot poa ; sihly get amund. The spirt of pro gress has hit thia state, and even if i our people were willing to continue , to live aa our grandfsthers lived, we will not be allowed to do so. Aa we see it the town commission ers are not willing to sell honda at a high rate of interest on their own responsibility. It appears to ua that the men of money of thia town should hold a mass meeting or some kind of meeting and back up the commission ers in a way to strengthen their hands and make ti.oae improvements in some | way, for we are going to make than | —gat that, we are going' to make them, bwauat of the state laws that ; we will not be able to avoid another j year. If the businesa men of thia city would meet with the commissioners | and discuss thia matter we are confi lent that a way would be found to .secure the money and thia work wouM be started thia year. In this way we would not be forced by the state to go to a great expense that would bring only temporary fettef. This town has already done ton much tem porary work. Junior Order PICNIC Co»«U—i C ■ —ril, IW 101, Jr. a U. A. MIL WILL HOLD A PICNIC AT Copebnd, Surry Co., July 5tti x a wood, Dl a SHELTON, W. IL WOOD, A. J. SHOW. S> B. ■ANNE*. It to a i op before the paopio. Rm im eitiaena of the •••b other for the highest of flee la the gift of the Either at them saoily UMMf the noet able men of the state. And yet they are being held up before the people by who are not fit to fill the office. Mr. Gardner baa a following la the atate that equals about half the Demo cratic party. That ta admitted. He has shown auch ability that ho haa cauaed the beat men of the atato ta rally around him by the thouaand and work for him and spend theii for him that his rauae may And yet thoae who are op ant Inaiatent on tbe fart that ha haa no ability, no standing, no backbone, no qualifications for the high office to which ha aopLiaa. His life is so clean and hia record ao pure that not a charge can be made against him that amounts to being a charge. Mr. Morrison entered the race for Governor aa the choice of a large fol lowing of the true and tried Demo era ta of the state. He had a record aa a party worker and a man of abili ty second to no citizen of the atate. He came before the people aa a man or *ucn anility aa to command the almoat undivided support of the city of Charlotte, where he haa lived j for yean. Re haa long held the repu tation of being a great lawyer and '>ne of the moat able campaigner* in the whole country. Yet thia man ia heing abuaed and vilified aa a man unworthy of holding any office within the gift of the people. He waa reared > in a Republican home and when of age •aet hia fortune* with the Democratic party, and aaw hia father come with him and waa instrumental in Jumin * •he county of hia home from the Re publican to the Democratic party. ; Prom hia youth he haa been a puhi..: speaker of influence and power f-r Democracy. But hecauae he happened ' to he reared in a home where the ' the father wsa a Repuhliran he ia 1 being held up aa a man unfit for. the high office to which he aapinta. He ia pictured aa the tool of a hun-h of revenue officer* who are hia *->le *np porter* and who are a'onc responsible for hi* being in th» ran- The fart* art that Mr. Mrrnaon is the one man in the state to lav who can take rank w,th an Aycock or a Vance i* a politi cal speaker and true and tried Demo rat. But he ia a nobody in the eyea of thoae who are trying to detract from hia nucceaa. The party haa great need for the sober element to beatir itaelf and Me that we do not make shipwreck t>y tearing from over our own heada the roof of Democracy that shelter* u* from such dark day* a* followed the Republican victory of .10 year* ago. '7<»eorge O. Gravea left Tueaday afternoon to attend the furniture ex position in Grand Rapid*. Mich. in paiitiaa havo ■ plaaty ta talk mtmut u4 will taha up mmmt a* tha weak i w upwtwl that they will art m# to ballot far the nut Praaidwnt aboat Saturday. Mart folka an prodteOac that McAdoo will ha the rhaiaa of that before it la aettled Mr. Wilaea It la notteable that every tima tha apaarhaa tha ma ran lion rheera ta tha Itaait. Tha Democrats will laaat atrain la thair primary oa .Saturday ta toMt i who ahall ha tka n—dtdata 'or < iovarnor. Tha lataraot about haia la intaaaa oa tha part of a fow party worker*. hot aeide from thaaa the rank and ftla of tha folk aoaai ta ha hat llttla Interacted. Bath tha Mor naan and tha Oardnec man an rlaim iii( tha eouwty and aaoh will tail yoa that It will win la tha atate. A VM*. Major C. M Mtodmart is sp a vacation at th» Springs. For It haa baan ikt coataai of tha Ma jar Ha I oaks tha pietui* of haalth and talks with much is national affair*. WOMEN OF Summit. V. J.—"! '.tars takra Lrdla E. Plakhani's t omponnd dor mn < rrmnc'" nl l.lTf and I think it ia a givwi remedy in «irh • condition. I could not 11 yrrrr th» hot flaahaa. I «a<* ia tha papal* about V^KabW vximpuunu i inni I v. .^uw i in>i mi "itfht and nn work hrtt*r You ha»w ny jwrmiMinn to puldiah thi* lattar." I —ViTTomiA Karri. 21 Oak Rid«* Arm., Simmit, M. X. If tou hara wirning •ymptoma >ueta u * «w of •iiffn*»t»on, hot (laahaa, h*adar!j«». harkach^, dmad of im pending a»ll, timidity. Boundi in tka eara, palpitation of th» haart, »pai>» before the eyea, ii i ■giilantiea. oam •tipatinn. variable appetite. wtaknraa, inquietude. and dinineaa. a bottle of l^dit K. Pink ham'• Vegetable Caa» pound and begin taking the medicine a* oat*. We know it will twin rou aa it did Mm Koppl Why man— we made this cigarette for you! CAMELS fit jour cigarette de sires so completely you'll agree they yrere made to meet your taste! Unique flavor, fragrance and mel low-mild-body due to Camels qual ity and expert blend of choice Turk ish and choice Domestic tobaccos are a revelation! You will pmfcf the i With Camels you can go the limit wjthout tiring your taste They leave no unpleasant ngaretty after taste; no unpleasant ugai«*ly odor! To get a line on1 puff-far-puff with any the world at any price YouH Let us fumisK Your Home tbru odl *Wru. Mn, Momelover You will find in our store everything to make your home beautiful and comfortable. Whether for oarlor, bed room, dining room or kitchen we have the kind of furniture you want. We handle only HIGH QUALITY Furniture and Rugs. We keep the PRICE right down LOW Come, let us shovV you. W# iff iilrmM Hi row kNUk mm4 happiaraa. h rmMrf acaiimt typlwM term Carter-Martin Furniture Co. Mount Atry, PI. C. Frank Carter, dr. Drew Martin D. T. Martin, of Chicago. 111. and Mr. and Mm. J. E. Crawley and baby, of Alton, Va. will arrive tha laat at the weak to visit their sister, Mra. P. 3. Rothroek. Mr. and Mra. Craiwiay will make tha trip in their ear, Tiatt inif relative* in Yadkin county and Winston en . .>ute. Dr. W. I. Mfapwartk DENTIST Mount Airy, N. C. Farm For Sale I bare 44 acres of bad on hmJ day road be tween Mount Airy and White Plains, 5-room painted boose, good well, large new feed barn, good tobacco barn and pack boose, plenty of wood and about 16 acres of the Bunker Stewarts Creek bottom land. Will sell at a reasonable price and on good C. C. Hutchens