Ator. ft. c i. im. mm . Tint Natl llui St. .. iS* _ , Banmi Mfg. Co fit. lap. ...TIM Ran'd ot R. W SNfftr, T. J. Oaithwiek. ML lap ISM* ■ac'd ift R W, J. D. Smith, St. lap. Rec'd <1/ R. W. Hparttr, Z. T. Smith St. lay.. 71.7# B. V. OayarTe, W. T. Ftarrte, St. lap. 2A74M " dm, St. tap. Rec'd of It V. Deverle, R. K. tlanwi, St. Tap.... 1< Rac'd of R V. Dayorte, It tMaftr. Bt lap. .77TT... 278.M Ra5 R * 3r2H, Tm oiUrtor'^'.'. 500 00 F. M. Poor#, Traaa. pay roll, atreet handa 116.50 P. M. Poor*. Traaa. nauling garbage and cleaning atraata... J4.26 WllUrd Ball, hauling garbajje^and (leaning atreeta 4J)0 J. H. Mbigia, Chief ot Poflaa, ulary 1*6 00 W. C. Haynoa. polica, aalaiy,. MAO r. B. Walker, polica. aalary MM J. C. Ckarlaa, polka .alary 5T60 W. H. Brannock, polica, .alary, H6.00 A. M. Short, xtreet foreman, ■alary, 160.00 R. W Sparger. Tas Collector, aalary 128 00 R. L. Jonaa, polica, aalary 25.60 A. G. Bowman A Son, merchandiae account 14.46 F. M. Poor*, merchandiae account <1.2* John D. Thorni)*..n vinpliae Town Hall 7.60 0. A. Stack A Co. board at prtaonera, 11.26 The Mount Airy Newa, printing MU 10.M Tiiara leader, printing alt #-75 C. A. Shelton, Cniaf of Wre Department, H 00 M. K. PatUraon, fireman 24)0 Ora Roberta, fireman, 4M> 0. T. Maaaie, fireman 4jOO Banner Brannock, fireman 4.00 W. J. Jonea 4.00 3. J. Mayaa, fireman, 4.00 Brady Harria, fireman 2.00 J. S. Helton, fireman 2.00 H. G. Jarrell, fireman. 4.00 D. G. Witt, flreman 4.00 P. M. Brannock, fireman, 4410 W. H. Gilbert, amith account 25.50 Dick Mayaa, amith urcotint. 9.60 P. M. Poora, Troaa., pay atraat handa 1S7.40 P. M. Poora, Treaa. hauling garbage and cleaning atreeta, 12.26 Mount Airy Telephone Co* lieek 'phono etc 9.(10 1. W. Barber, am Toying atreeta 50.62 Pirat National Bank, intereat on nota 30.00 P. M. Poora, Treaa. pay roll, atreet handa, 92.1* P. M. Poora, Treaa. nauling garbage and cleaning atreeta, 12.25 R. W. Sparger, expreaa on licenae taga, 34M Bank of Mount Airy, part payment on nota, 600.00 P. M. Poore, Treaa., pay roll, atraat handa 06.66 P. M. Poore, Treaa* hauling garbage and cleaning atraata, .... .14-26 Bank of Mount Airy, pay balance on nota, 500.00 Beaaley A Teah. xcreena etc. for lown hall. 36.48 P. M. Poore, Treaa., pay atreet hand* 1*7.66 F. M. Poore, hauling garbage and cleaning atraata 12.25 Balance caah In hank, 196.09 2.917.42 nount Airy i.riM <tdml Kund Balance cash in hank 3,905.38 Ree'd of R. W Sparger, Tax Collectoe 556.32 J. H. Allen, clerk. County Board of Education .... 1,000.00 A. G. Webb, .Secretary, taltton 50.00 \ A. G. Webb. Secretary, sale of land 40.00 J. H. Allen, clerk County Board of Education.... 2,600.00 MR.79 Balance cash and voucher* in hank 8,061.70 8.061.70 Water. Light and Power Plant Balance cash in hank 106.66 Bac'd of A. V. West, Secy, light and power room. . 1,666.27 Ber'd of A. V. West, water rents 421.36 Bec'd of A. V. West, house rent. 20.00 Her d of A. V. West, miscellaneous accounts 49.20 K Bee'd of A. V. West, light and power rents 360.00 Rer'd of A. V. West, water rents 360.00 Rec'd of A. V. West, light and power rents 200.00 Check returned 20.11 3.173.*t Kxpentflturre John Davia interest on not* 30 00 C. M. Whit lock, Supt. salary 175.00 •Shurman Bundy, right of way for wire Una 96.40 W. E. Merritt Co. supplies 230.18 W. W. Tartar, Atty.. tea 2*.M Mount Airy News, printing bill 94.56 T. J. Smith wick. supplies 30-87 John D. Thompson, supplies 5 60 Beasley A Tesn, lumber 2.68 National Electric Supply Co 20.11 Electric Machinery Co 4.80 Lombard Governor Co., auppliea 3.12 Piedmont Electric Co 16.00 General Electric Co 846.84 John Banner, interest on note 75.00 First National Bank, interest on borrowed money 160.00 National Electric A Supply Co 7.40 Bank of Mount Airy, interest on note 26.00 E. F. Parham, Treaa. balance engineering 49 Express 3.47 M. C. Thomaa. do lea 128.00 Weakly pay roll 228.30 Regular pay roll 500.00 Stamps 1,00 Express 16.75 Stamped envelopes 21.44 Weekly pay roll 290.00 Regular pay roll 70.0«» Freight 9.52 M. Snmmett. interest in pi pa line ." 16.00 Bitlanca cash In bank 80.99 3,173.61 Bended Debt latareat Fund Balance caah in bank o pay interest on improvement bonds 7,720.94 Balance caah in bank to pay interest on school bonda 2,119.34 Kec'd of R. W. Sparger, taxea to pay interest on improvement bonds 874.16 Rec'd of R. W. Sparger, taxes to pay intereat on school bonda 190.70 10.908.14 Balance caah in hank to pay intereat on improvement bonds 8,696.10 Balance caah in bank to pay interest on school bonda 2,310.04 10,906.14 F. M. Poor*, Treasurer. E. C. Bivens, Mayor. Finance Committee: H. M. Foy, A. G. Bowman. Repair The Wear Hard Work Often Breaks Down a P?nm'» Health and Create* a Head for Ziron Iron Took. MAIL 1NBU aad lUtoo Ir, USANCE! Write ar m wm mm to aae Airy. A imejr, FOR SAUC- Nn Itodgw Toaftag r« Am claaa aM*Uee, luu been m only *M» ■!!■, Write at on, Bu 71. Dobeon. N. C. 7-t-. POI IAIX-Wi a* Mkt (Oud (ink milk com. W. E. M«mtt tfe. FARM WANTED- Wanted to luu from owner of farm or good land far >•!•. Sand price and deae notion. Fall delivery. L Jonaa. Bos 561, Olney III. 7-J-p. FOB BALE—1 aacood hand five pa .tengar Ford uxinng ear. Apptf l_ Jeaaie H. Wood. Phone 226. 7-2c. I.AUNDRY—I hava tha agency for the Wlnaton Steam Laundry and will collect from tha homaa on Wad naadaya and Thu redeye and deliver back on tha foUowiag Tttaadaya or •adaya. I guarantee prieaa and quality of work" to ba eatiafactory W. M Jordan. tfe. FOR HALE- 10 h.p. oil aiffUM. port able. nearly now, irorth $400, will ttk* ISM. / B. Spwnr. Mouat Airy N. C. 7-4-e. LOST 0« the itnvti of Mount Airy Thursday, dm silver card caae and <oin purae <m#J-BTed V. B. P contain ing about 11 and noma tarda. Reward for return to Mia* Nolle Cartan, Lambsburg, Va. 7-9-p. Maa (o sail trees. shrub*, raaaa, viae*. bulb* Permanent. Brown Brothera Nuraertaa. Rochaater, N. Y. 7-2-p. FOR SALE—Sis or eight (rood fraab raiik cows. W. E. Memtt. tic. VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE— Thia farm contains about EIGHT HUNDRED ACRES and ■■ located la Moor* county, but is not aaady la. i.l. near rail road and haa fine water pow er. It I* one of the finaat Grain Cot. ton and Tobacco farms in the county and is at no a fine farm for raising cat tle as it is well waterod. About 200 acres in cultivation and quite a lot of good aaw mill timber. For farther par ticulars write to Frark A Brooks, Greensboro, N. C. 7-2-c. FOR SALE—His or eight good fmh milk cows. W. E. Merritt. tfc. INSURE YOUR TOBACCO scainst hail. A policy to-day ia worth two tomorrow. Pulton Insurance Agency. Phone 82. Mt. Airy. n-26-c. FOR SAI.E—One Ford car with coupe bed. two extra seats. 1918 model in good condition. Apply W. B. Bra in come, Galax, Va. 7-9-c. NOTICE TO TEACHERS—The Hotel Surry, at Dobsen, under the man agement of W. B. Norman, proprietor, is arranging to give the beat poaeible service and alio a special rat* to teacher* who will attend the Summer School for Teacher* beginning July ">th. Electric llghta and running water have been installed. 7-2c. FOR HALE—One set of corn mill rocks and fixtures, all in good condi tion. Geo. L. Sutpnin. Mt. Airy, N. C., Route 6. tfc DONT NEGLECT getting your hail insurance policy before the storm. Pulton Insurance Agency, Phone AS. Mount Airy. *-25-c. WANTED—at Mt. Airy Iron Works, broken machinery, plow* and east ing and other cast iron. Price* accord ing to quality. J. D. Minick. tfc. FOR SALE—I narlor lamp. 27 In. high, fancy brass baiu* and open work bowl with inside brass keroeene tank, round burner. Complete with in side chimney and fancy shade. Coat M.00 before the war, worth more now. 15 will buy it. Owner has electricity In home. Address A, Bo: C, Mt. Airy. Keep The Family Well The old folk* cant work or the chil dren play if they dont feci good. Re-Cu-Ma for young and old. It makes you feel well and strong, keeps you fit, eliminates all poison from your system by thoroughly cleansing out kidneys and bowels. RE-CU-MA- 18 A REGULAR TONIC Just notice the improvement after you have taken two doses, see eyes brighten and the skin clear op and your every action ia full of good old pep DONT R DISCOURAGED and aay "WHATS THE USE" be cause RE-CU-MA is not sn ordinary remedy like so many preparations you may have taken, hot a real physicians prescription uaed in actual prutlsi | for many years with most wonderful results. RE-CU-MA sets mildly on the liver, is TONIC and s BODY BUILDS*, very plessant to take. RE-CU-MA seHs for tlJO phis m tax at Mount Airy Drug Co. and all drug stores. r At Zmkmkm Ote W. Mia* Rath Cleveland Fol*er. of Dobeon, daarht«r gf 11. Tolgrr, ni married to Bay Funderburit. of Mon ro#, Wedneodmv evening at '»:K> at the homo of th» hriHc'« niater. Mr* E. H Mnwr in Zebulnn The nrtmaiiy waa mmplr bat Uapreaeive. Only a few friend* of the roaplr were preooat. After the eere—nny the young cou pie loft for an extended trip by aate mobilo through the mo lei a pert at the itate. They will ha at hora lite first of Jmly at Ma««ne. Auction Sale Of Residence Lots and Business Pretty I jfl$' ; On Jttiy 15,2 p.m. We will offer for sale at Public auction the only available building loU on North Main street belonging to W. F. Carter, adjoining Harvey Hennis and A. F. Stewart. These are beautiful lots, and will be sold to the highest bidder. Also on Hay street, right near where the ,New Cotton Mill ie going up we will offer for sale the choicest lota on the corner. Business Property on Willow Street Also Good Home Large eight room house, now rented, and the remainder of this square will be cut into business lots and sold. Now is the time for your investment This is valuable property for any kind of business, especially for produce and wholesale houses. The sale will start promptly at 2 o'clock. Free Band concert and valu able prizes given away. Be on hand, Every one invited. Terms Vt Cash, balance 1, 2, 3, years. Any one desiring to see any of this property before the sale call at our office over Hale's store. National Real Estate & Auction Co. Mount Airy* N. C. As Regularly as the Cock Crows Good health is a tonic that brightens your mornings. It throws a halo of happiness about your day. It brings you to your task with a sense of perfect fitness. And the secret of good health is regular elimination. If you have a tendency to costiveness, Nujol will help you back to habitual movements. Nujol works on an entirely new principle. Inetesrl of forcing or irritating the system, it sm/tens tk* f—d ■ms/#. This enables the many tiny muscles in the wall* of the intes tines, contracting and expanding in their normal way, to squeeze the food waste along so that it passes naturally out of the system. Nujol thus prevents constipation bccause it help* Nature maintain easy, thor ough bowel evacuation at regular intervals the healthiest habit in the world. Nujol ia absolutely harmless and pleasant to take. Try it Nanol it Mid by .11 dn.M»u ia Mated boftU. aaly. fcaarim* Natal TraSa " Oil C*. (N«» Jaraar). Writ* Nujol B§ Bruadwir, New York, for booklet "TMrfy P«l of Tkt \foJrm MtW •/ TrtmHmg mm OU \ Nlljj Ol fbr Constipation )

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