TURNIP SEED! FREW NEW CROP. W. S. Woife Drug Co. "THE IfYAL'S STORE" Curing Boras and Leaf Tobacco hsinne AGAINST FIRE AND LIGHTNING For the Curing 3■mob, Sixty or Ninety Day*. RATES VERY REASONABLE. ™"^3.20 par $100 for sixty days with priviltfe to euro m many as wanted—only $32.00 per $1,000.00 to inoura your crop against firs and lightn ing for the Mason. Write or call and let us explain to you. Mon Insurance Agency MOUNT AIRY, N. C THE URIVttSAtCAK The Ford Sedan gives its owner a large amount of modern luxury in equipment and attractive appearance. Small purchase price and the assurance of low cost of oper ation and maintenance. The permanent top does away with the bother of raising and lowering while the sliding plate glass windows transform it into a breezy open or a snuggy closed car. The interior is roomy with generous seats deeply upholstered. It is a car of quality. Come around and let us show you this all season car. GRANITE CITY MOTOR COMPANY Mount Airy, N. C i Hour Is M Flour contains the element* that the body turns into heat and enerry. . Bread is the foci that our bodies need to keep them warm and healthy. The amount of energy and heat that any food will produce is meas ured in "calories." 10 cents worth of PIEDMONT" "PURITAN" OR "ARGl'S SELF-RISING" FLOUR contains more calories than 90 cents worth of beef or mutton; <0 cents worth of milk or fl.25 worth of ens. Bread is the cheapest of foods, and it b the health iest. the most wholesome and greatest of energy producers as well. You should use more bread and biscuits on your table. Let them take the place of some of the more expensive dishes. It means better health and greater economy. Nothing could be mora deficioua than the bread, bis cults and cake made with these famous products of the Piedmont Mills. They have stood the test for [ more than SO years. Make their acquaintance today. The PMhast Milk Inc.. LyacMwrg. Vs. ?.«§* +i!i«fcsjw ta to wfcr for wmM of • place to att down, or to lay tho littU folk* when they pt thW and a loopy ? Mount Airy haa never failed to i* ■pond whon railed upon to do tho pub lic apinted thins, and wo know thai if tho p« floor eaa ho i of oar huauieea and profoaotonai moc would provide tho nwimri for ita maintenance. Othoi towna with loaa woaith maho proviaiot for tho pooplo who como la town U ■pond tho day and cho coot la >mali compared to the aervice they render. We can, and ahould make thia pro viaion for our rural population. II you are interested fret in touch witl Mra. McManua the county health nurse, »he haa a plan that will maka tho reot room a auecrea at nominal coat for maintenance. Primitive Baptist The annual meeting of th» Fisher* River Primitive Baptist Asaociui.oii wan held last Friday. Saturday .»n<i .Sunday at Comer* Grove. four miles eaat of thia city. The weilhrr wan ideal for iiuch a gathering and large number* of people came from far *nd near, aa many aa '2,000 attending on Sunday. Thia aaaociation is made up of atxrnt 20 churches. on >f which is in Yadkin and two m Stolies 'he other* being in thia county. All the churches were rer.rv-wmerl and about 37 minister* were h atu iid ance. Those from a diaunce were Cid ers Uutchens, of the Mavo Attocu tion. Schenk. of Indiana. Thompson, of Stewart, Va.. Garland Allen and John P. Gardner, of Carroll county. Staples, of Greenaboro, J. A. F'agg, of Walnut Core, Robert Arlington, of rhe Mayo Association and J. D. Motley, of Galax, Va. The service on Sunday was largely attended and the preaching waa in the grove. Elders Hutthens, Schenck.Fagg and Atkinson preached the sermons of Che diy, Elder W. H. Atkinson acted aa mod erator and Preston Stone dark. The next session will be held with Fishers Gap church in the Low Gap section. Sheriff Bel ton captured a still near the Virginia line last Sunday morning and got there in time to catch the boys in the very act. Ev.dently they hear^ him coming and took to the tall tim bers, for they left the still in full blast and the ftic burning briakly and the mountain dew running righ^ out of the worn into a nice clean glass gal Ion jag. The sheriff went and turned over the beer and cut up the still. But he waa unlucky, for when he picked up that jug it just slipped from his hands and broke into smithereens right there before he had time to even smell of it. If he made any rvmarka at the time we are not aware of what they were. Later in the day he received word that a fellow waa down south of town with a whole automobile load nf liqoir. When the sheriff gvt there the aa« mobile waa where it had been reported and the fellow waa also there with a dozen or more citizens sitting about with him. Search of the automobile revealed a quart of liquor. The man in charge was Eraatua Gilley. He gave bond in the sum of $250 and the sheriff has his automobile. ^ /m rm. P. L. Hawks Hwoni ' Mr*. P. L. Hawks who lift Friday to make her future home in Roanoke. V».. wss the recipient of t number of ioi-ial honors prior to her departure, imnnt which were s dinner party by Mrs. J. Drew Martin, • rook party riven by Mrs. John Folger in which Mrs. Hawks shareo the honors with Mrs. Gates, of Greenville, a dinner at the home of Mrs. C. E. Lundy. and a rook party the morning before her de parture at the home of Mrs. E. M. Hol ingsworth in which Mrs. J. H. Mc Sween, of Tinunonsville. shared Moors. The Younif Matrons hook club pre wnted Mrs. Hawks with a beautiful ■ilrer cream and sugar m Colonial ityle engraved in Ola English. Music at the Baptist Cknrck, Sunday, Aug. 15, IMOl Prelude—In the Morning Grieg. Anthem— Consider the UUaa Wsghorne Misses Margaret Sydnor, Lacy Reece and choir. Duet. The Lord is My Shepherd Ruebush Misses Johnson, and Reece. Poatlnde Stern. EVENING. Prelude—Meditation Flagler. That Sweet Story of Old Stats E. Johnson and choir. Poatlade Hesse. The Junior choir consisting of thirty voices will sing at both starving and evening aorrkso. M>ss Dona Bolt, Organist. Choi# Directress. EC. = „ , m Moyoak, n. C mmijuM hjrhtr huaban.l far • few day*. - Mix Ruth Tlllen from V*., la visiting her aunt, Mr* Mr. Willi* O. Booker to few waaka with Ma Mr*. Carrie Do<Uon sad children from Win* ton- Salem apent th* week end with h*r aiater. Mrs. John Rich ard*. Mia* Rachel Pr*am»n l*ft thia weak for Moyock, M. C , to viait h*r mt*r Mr*. fttyner. She waa accompanied by Mia* Nell Hamlin from Washing ton, D. C., who haa h**n h*r rueat for aom* time Mr. Oacoe Comer from Americua, Ga„ ia Waiting relative* here thi* Miaa Annie Thompeon ia th* gueat of Mr*. W. U R**c*. fi 4lotel Surry of Dobaon which waa recently iie*troyed by Are haa reaum ImI activities under the name of Hotel Brady. It ia named for Ita founder, Mr. William Brady Norman who haa labored an faithfully under ao many •lifttcultie* to make thia the home nf visitor* to thia "city." When completed it will he the moat modem building in town, equipped with electric light* a Ian an eight root <•!»<• trie >ign of th* lateat type which wa* Uttered wired and inatafled by W. G. Booker of Dobaon. Dobaon. Aug. 10th. Among thoae attending th* Masonic Jicnic at Rlkin from here were: Mr. . S. Ijiyn* and family, Mr. J. J. Wal lace and daughter Mi*a Alice, Mr. and Mr*. Paul Burrh, Mr*. Vance Burch and Mary Burch. Mr. Emory Wilmoth mad* a buaines* trip to Guilford county laat week. Mlaa May Sebastian of Winston Salem is visiting her brother Mr. C. A. Sebastian. Mr. and Mr*. John W. Martin apent the day at Salem Fork Sunday. Mr. and Mr*. Carl Wallace and children of Yadkinville were her* the first of the week th* gueat of his par ent*. Mr. and Mr*. J. J. Wallace." Mr. and Mrs. Paul Burch an away nn an extended visit to Galax. Old town and other points in Virginia. Mr. and Mrs. N. B. J one* viaited relativea at Joneaville Sunday. Mr. and Mr*. N. B. Williamaon and children spent th* day Sunday near Elkin. attending church at Elkm Val ley, where a aeriea of revival aervicaa is in prngreaa. Mr. IMtrar Burrh and family apent •Sunday with relativea near EUcia. M". Jerry Sneed, of Winston-Salem is spending a week's vacation with hia parents, Ir. and Vra. M. G. Sneed. Ruak, Aug. 10. Senator Cor. Hm Bmmm IMF ant ed In Oklahoma < Oklahoma City, Okla., Auk. *.—Re turns from 1,689 of the 2.078 precinct* in the state aa compiled tonignt by the Daily Oklahoma!! (rive Scott Ferris, representative from the Sixth district in Congress and candidate for the Democratic nomination for the United States senate. 79.739 and Senator Thomas P wore 52.829 Profit-Sharing Plan In Milla A Columbia, S. C.—The industrial democracy plan, introduced six months ago in two cotton mills in Darlington county by C. C. Twitty, president, has proved to be remarkably successful in increasing financial returns to em ployees, production, and efficiency of labor, and as a method of inducing more cooperation between the mill management and the workers. The net profit above operating expenses, taxes and depreciation is shared on a 50-60 basis with employees. Each employe at one mill has just received >26.63 on each $100 earned between October 1st and April 1st and at the other $26.89. The plan was inaugurated with the opening of the new year, but waa made retroactive to October 1, 1919. The management of the mills says the plan has been instrumental in m cev^auig production from 60 to 90 per cent and the efficiency of labor from 70 to 96 per cent. Lexington, Aug. 2.—Baxter Sham well was sentenced to thirty months on the county road by Judf* B. S. Kay in Superior Court her* this afternoon after he had been found guilty of as sault with deadly weapons on Wade. H. Phillips and John C. Bower, local at torneys. and with carrying concealed weapons. Two years was given in the assault case and six months for car rying concealed weapons. Shemwell gave notice of appeal to the Supreme court and was given liberty in bond of *4.200. ■ After jroa Mt-thnr* *« EATON 1C fc»r»«T0in»AOt)*roMAU. Iastoatjy relieves Hw««, Meal ad Cms Fvalkkf. Stops food souring, r, and all stomach miseries. S»tvae*v M aaa to. rmtm■ «-» °- — L w. W«t One Ok. ML Ak|. ML C i Sydnor & Sparger j Ihtmw Aetata MOUNT AIRY. ft. C J. G Hail Threw Away hi* Crutches Because He Did Not Need Them After Taking Re-Cu-Ma. FOR SEVEN YEARS HE COULD NOT WALK WITHOUT THEM. Tha manufacturer* of Re-Cu-Ma da not rlaua that it will work miracle* bat hart ia a caaa wh*i» It actaally put a man on Ma faet again after ■even year*' uaa of crntchaa. Evrry one in Ballair. Klonda. know* J. 6. Hall and everyone Kaa confidence ia what ha nay*. Many of hia townapeo Swaee witneaaea to hia act of throw away hia crutchaa after having en eaven bottle* of Ha-Cu-Ma. Mr. Hall on hia cratchea haa been a famil iar light to hia frienda; he waa * I moat bant double; in fact, he waa no badly crippled with rhaumatiam that even tome of hia joint* were di* located and of course he suffered agony at all time*, no relief at any time. Mr. Hall j waa thoroughly discouraged and felt, that he would never be able to get around a rain like other men; he* had • pent a small fortune with doctor* in many places, bat without avail. Ha took one bottle and saw some help and wa* encouraged enough to take more and now, after taking seven hottlea he feeia practically cured He ha*. gained 32 pound* in weight and ia able to work hard every day. He ia employ ed aa night watchman at the world famous Bel lair hotel and takea an ac- i tive interest in Maaomc and eharch work. Mr. Hail'* remarkable cure • ihould be a beacon of bop* to othan who are insularly afflicted, for we laterally feel that Re-Cu-Ma can do u much for other nulTerera. Try it today—we m<1 it on the guarantee that your money will be refunded if rou do not feel benefitted after taking it for four (iayi. It mIU for fl.20 plua war tax and can be had at Mount Airy Drue Co. and all drnx storee. Real Estate Of All Kinds If you have Rati Estate to m11 or want to buy toe me. I can aell or boy anything, no proyoaitioa too large or too small for aw to handle. C. E. Lundy Office over Hale'* Store. ASK YOUR GROCER FOR Everybody's Self-Rising Flour lifhtfulljr For Sale By All CO., a C LOVILL Clement D. Gates & Co. Private W Cotton, Grain, Provisions Stocks W/l Trade Street, 1937.

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