iwW K 'mttmr "*ttlnar her rtnnrfiter I Mr. and \trs. W W WhltaJier .C EtVin ?ai«* left Saturday for York with a vtase to locating thur fbr' *tb» practice at law. M's* Pearl Haf-Iter. who 'earhee at Snaunerrteld. spent he paat week md with h^r parenta. Mr md Mr*. T. D. Mr :uiH Mf Flaat Henri are irneata nf Mr*. Davis' Uughter. Mr*. K. Waiting hi* i Pnaa* >f B . Ff TBlte sick taring lur stunner, will b* sh'i ro know his health rcaa m[irnvM aafflrientlj fhr mm to attend rfar fmr art H n»l!<-pe .Siinday ro after "i»itin* rna ■km. H. K. Mr. mod Mr*. Robert Aafcby, of Gwi.—hum. armed several -lay* mn called here ly the senoua illnaaa of ■r*. Mfer'i hrwther. Unph Uwyn who itied Tuesday. Mr. and Mr*. B. B. Bller have re turned to tjwtr home ia !»orth Wi Ikes hern after watting relative# hare, they l^rr irrnmpan i ed hy their laughter. ■its. MH'nllev. Dr. and Mrs. i. K. Caldwwtl. Mr*. Cartia Lindaey and Dr Rohraaon. of fssiss. 9a., spmt Tuesday her* shop ping and left Wednandav 'aornin* to attend the Winaton fair. Mr. and Mm. W R. little daughter* Blirabeth and \gnea. of JHorthfor*. W Viw. are the fiesta af Mr. and Mm V. L. Dnnraan. X L Johnann. if rtii» atf. haa bouifhr rhe Walter Martin baaa am Saat Poplar Jfteat "mm Dr. 3. R. Hign and will make it >na furore The pmce paid waa SUM*. of Dr. John K. Wolta, at rtia haa heen in had health will ha tfad to loow ftir h'.m to 4 ha*. » P*ip i» raaily to thin ounty and tha tha folks m n»w i— in vaiua t» tha p— at 3 AJfc outer paaniiaa ihiimimi — tia w«a «. tioM :<1 yaa*» out ,.aa rngmgmt n tha ..urn haaith Monday »t:.and tha naaak -nd vntk Minn Gan try's pnmita. %r. and .Mr». W 9. Vfra. i»urfe Pin wan, of Haiiahury, •s tha tfoaat of Vm. K. M. Taylor. T. D. samrnm «* HMd> I'mnt. .-ante tip Tuaaday night ta atVr,il tha funar nt of iluirh L. Gwvn. While ren.-w1r.tf '■'?* suhaerimion to "The Mews'' recently a utoarnher ant to la "t .-njny the purer, hut 01* of ! imes I itufi even j ■' .a see it Iwrauae four neighbor familir ilepend »n my [taper, frequently it >* hrrrnm# anil passed umujul <*iarr I have tmi> a rend it, and 'ban I -ton'; jrt to mil it a* tHT ihere may have 'wn a • me when eopie reallv needed to .-ri.nnmize to rhe extant of five faanliea reading • xie paper, ind it is frequently advi table for neitfhbors to reading muter, hat every faarily nnuid w< apart mme money fnr .terntux*. your ■ mwty paver. your nurrh paper, .and a a.iinu mairazme .* a nr>"«, the mairaxine should He on* that 'enture* 'sr-n mm ' h* taonly Uvea <>n a farm. rhej* m very few faanliea now that actually can't afford at laaat >n> !«»per. and care -hnaid he *aken by • hone who borrow that 'hey da not ie irive- those to whom the papers he !oX. would riot think >f tependin* on hw neiuhhor for >t>ffee >r mcir neither -hould he k-pend >n his neighbor for his reading matter h in food for the imnd. joat aa truly aa bread and meat are food for the hodjr. On the other hand if yoar ~e»(jtit»> haa a humper crop <»f potatoea and voura are a failure, and ynti tiave Slitter to *pa/T> and his row is iter than » fair .tchanite may he made and each profit by it, a similar ex change >f nailing matter mav be profitable to hwth. (rot don't, r (lector*, >r rninutare an> iceruwd. And y*t we touCt f be naai iiM chat the ivtrife «diu>r will not object to be licensed. He it the bast itatuml wul ■in warrh and tuck at any Wirry 'irm can licenae him. vaccinal bim. '■optiz* tun, (Mom* ar Q» infect mm. Mid if> all thu lami 9* i for anytluifl. But licxu _ »ill not make good flditoTa rot if bad 'iim, any mom than iicanatnff lawyara will make them all itoed awyimi, T?je Eastern man mya: "At hiii—lit 'tar pmfaaaum n Tueaday wtien informed that har I—ty «kil! had won two prtxee Ska Oakdale came lry and covered tha new made grave with a profuaton of rtowers. Amonir thoae from out of town it •.•ndmir the funeral were Miaa Helen Smith, who >a attending. school in (ireenahom: Mr. and Mr*. n