BUSINESS St, 'f.S POK SAI-K 100 huilht'ln n«'«ii wheat Call At Jack nun lin»» atora. J. A Jtcknon * tfc SOR BALK. «t bargain price, r.ic< wicker baby carnage, practically •aw, cost $tff> ( nil The New* office tfc WANTED A capable clerk apply U Weatern Union Telegraph tfi LADIES Have your button* coveret with the Handy Mutton Ma- hine »' Mm R A Martin* IV♦ N Main Si Mount Airy SAX h I I X< II I- l\* W. i»uy th, in Jarrvll Proiluce < -• tf« 1) II « r.»\V foul I' ll . i: , . uv« I 14rill hI) |»|" I ^ .1 j' I I < y 'i'ii \.i% \ « tt« F (• I i t \ 1 1 * 1 i • f 11 i ■ •' K< »I. Ml n » no. ■ iirni a I r. >r • v\ >1 l\ V H 111 e*f% Moil III \ • V \ 1 . !<•»' i: '• • I 10 J'< C Not ic«» til .... -wnin*.. !<• 11v• • i r<l >n hi' i K F. Mi k ii ney tf KOlv *> -X I !•' , ri.h ..f Iri'i.l mi, N14' I I !■ Ii v\ .; " III • • Milt < •' Mom ' A i v ■1'i" 'ii le I g raili'il sr|i> ml ,i n.! Ait ■ i \V wat or- ii u .' • • ( • a • fenci-il X • >. 11 Ii rooms a i I i-r • • I I. i I ui :• ■ :iii ideal ' v.. 'in '" r ii i ' i i . • 1 i lar.s aid | i • 'rr • r w i i. no i! I'. n Oct!, \ i I • VI I* ■ • r k • i I ' GUI 1)1- s l •! II t if "I V' . I i >\ !•» llPrc I | M " S I W K ' ' • ! I , . an . - •' •• i I. S I ii,J, , : ' ' ! a lor - • • T nil « r I M'i<| fnr S• '' M ;i. > • • ' - ,f I MO I, •' M f ,M Hau l. 1 »n- v (Im • V ir ■ mm t ' 1 p SKI ' i >I K It M iN \ \ rr. 1 Pr- f l I ' t *'« LOST PICK < APE Will! IM P I IN'ING Th « (•>!».• w ]},.■ lirrfnrm of an \m>t in !.• . < n>- > i tir-" 'ise hv Ml.'. "II,' • • • » v «* n "f iW Fltulrr •. .• 1 * \\ w No ' ill ' ' A J A !: I ■ » n » . n 1 • ' . I U«J » . ' -r W \ \ , !• I ' kn Im i ,.;u< I ...... (':• • v\ .inn a >v ITr P ' : •* i V' '♦ ' •*' 1 \'b \ I ' • • . ' w n ■ ' . • ' I I "i 1 Cor 'N 1 1 '' ' > ! i •" ' ' r M' i \ . . I - H nl'i1 • : • • ■' rp .1 !»■,. . • •••' . . m1 M ' ...f.v S»1 n' ! r» •> r». wh '• ' kt ii !•' n! firi<c i -i nt*- * anted all <.vr North '"ir 11 ■! .•» A m ♦» n nn , CoTiifinnv R M d 1' iV Learn hI home «»r school, hanking, honkkeepiru- shorthand on credit. Positions jruaranfeod Fdwards Husi ness Ci>1 lepre, High Point and Winston Salem N P. 11-19p. WANTED Position wanted hv a lady in ,i rnulv In wear or dry foods store any prior considered for m while. Phone l'i I 1 r>p. Man/land The Garden Spot. We have gome choice farms for sale Good roads. Good markets. Tarter & Quesinberrv. White Hall, Maryland. 11 -26p. WANTED Clerks (men, women)! over 17, for Postal Mail Service. S125 month Experience unnecessary For free particulars of examination, write .T. Leonard, (former Civil Ser ▼ire Examiner) 108 Equitable Rldtf., Washington. D C 11 12p NOTICE Sale of Good Farm. A good farm 4 miles west of Whit* Plains, N. C. One mite from Fishers River church on the ripper Dobson and Mount Airy road know.i as the James Hajmes home place. It contains 76 acres more or less. About SO acres in aaltivation. Balance well timbered, a lat of (rood foreet timber. It has a good Broom dwelling, a good well in yard, two good tobacco barns, a good feed barn Other articles not men tioned. Terms of sale 1-1 cash, balance in 1 and 2 fears. Bala on premises at 1 P. M Wed aeaday Dae. A, 19W. This No* I, 19t0 J W Joyce , A Reliable Remedy for Colds and Croap. It would surprise you to know the ■amber of people who use and recom mend Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. Mrs J V. Rose, Verona, Pa. writea Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has been uaed by myself and husband for a number of years for coughs and aolda. I also gave it to my little granddaughter three and s half years ef age when she had croup laat win bar It broke op the attack at once. I have recommended this remedy to Many of my friends and neighbors who have also used it with good re •It* DOCTOR'S THRILLING STRUGGLE WITH DEATH WAS VICTORIOUS Fierce Battle With Grim Spectre Brought Health to Dr. H. V. Reese and a Message of Hope to .Millions of Sufferers AT SEVENTY-FOUR HE WEIGHS FORTY POUNDS MORE THAN AT FIFTY Wli le k Practising Phviitmn in 1898 Dr. K"«e Was Unable to Eat and [>rink anil Had to VVa^h Out His Stomach Three Timei Daily — Decided To Devote Remainder of I ife to Relieve Hi* Own Condition Which He D.cJ With R-ll and Now ii Hale And H<-nriy. \lth<> i 'h h - nr»» was despaired of ' s«n I \ ' \iiis ,v."" h\ sorn« «»f th«» " i M' r r* i.r.-fHi •* ; 111 f hnrit is on ' •! t 1 »1 • ■ w of which ho had I.. .n i uffpivr r< r more Man t«-n v« r* I>r H. \' H.'t'Hf today. ;»* '' ' i 1 r •<,:i rs of air. woifrhs I'omtjs m«ithan he has cwr I • !. I il«' 1n< 1 heart \ mid |'<>h ii'1 • • \ 'i' •!' t Ann tn«»<r in»-n of • i ft v I- \v , • ! V*. K.,1 I >, I:,.,. .. I pi .. ' • * III" I»h\ * • i r» of II l|M ' MlfldM V. \ i w.i fo',1 »hi-re was po h »(»-• r I i- r• • • \ t*r\ 11 is t-i ndit i<>n at ■ ' . n i« wan so crit ical that it was 'i i r"V him tn retain rither I -r 'Iniik in his stnmac) , a' <1 a't' T tr-iru' as long as pis'jth'i* 1 i.' a • \ iioi i ri- 1 incnt. h«» w< • 111«? ' • :i' or < 11 "k «i*m»,;t h : nir 111* '! 1 i • t ■ w.i Ii o i j I his -it oma«'h t I ■ ] d I :: • •!' sw allowed a ■ ,1 rn . III «* »et l>. Ritsim 'i 1 " ' ' i1' i • 'iiii i oil ? hi- wa vh i I • • m i Ii ♦ w<» or tIir.M« I • : ' f o «!• inarh 1' ii Trrnl ! i • mi i • ! i ! ■ . I roii|i!c« \\ h:-■'*] » i ' i' in at:1 ' 'I'rn h Mil \ \ ' i I . ,ii'1 ■ I r. f • ' ro.i - ' .wn th. rn- d! i! i r .« - - m h*id * • ; th#» m/iior v ■ f >r rn m\ •11 I •• VI « ri I>r !> r \:\V , I, Miss Mary Graham Ht*rc. 1 int • Mi visit of M ss v . • 1, i1 1111 \ i> unintentionally ■ i' of last w.i - is.-ue and a"* < . r 11 mi's \ i>it .ml speech mark I in . • ■■ i h in the hi«t.«ir> of Surry \ v.MM'i! wi1 ar Oh* «<• Mil* r> wn k \| \Ia (Iraham president of I', c I* -Mtuti Ualfi/h. N. r ^itod our ciis Frida> Oct 22n«l and pokf at ih«* town hall in th«* evening .•\fry s»at h<»in>r taken and standing room at a premium. The speaker was Introduced by Mrs. W. M. Lewis in a graceful speech that was a very appropriate setting ror the hi^h class address delivered hy Miss Graham. Miss Graham, tho active in secur ing suffrage for the women of her state and nation is no ordinary poli tician or office seeker, she is how ever a woman of charming personali ty and a delightful speaker She told why the women of the south should support the Democratic party and urged the women to accept the new obligation and to educate themselves for the use of the ballot to secure the best possible form of government in city, state and nation. She urged the education of the present generation I and dwelt at length on the woman view point with regard to the T^eagns of Nations how mother* bravely and even gladly gave their sons in the i world war to achieve a "league of Nations" that should prevent futur«: wars, and Miss Graham believe* that 1 the ideals of President Wilson's theo ries should be perpetuated In our government Hers was a speech that appealed to the highest and noblest aspirations of her aodienca. While in this city Miss Graham was, the guest of Mrs T. N. Brock who gave her an automobile trip to Fancy ■ ap in ths ifUnoM, those composing the party were Miss Orahaaa, Mes dames W M. Lewis, N. C. Marion. Z. V. Roberson, T. N. Brock and Mlsa Irene 8mith. Misses riara Bell and Louise Roth of Elkin motored her* the moraine after Miss Graham's address to ac company her to Elkin where she ad dressed another large audienea. For a Disordered Stomach. When the stomach fails to perform Its functions the bowels become de ranged, the liver and kidneys congest ed. The important thing is to restore the stomach and liver to a healthy condition and for this purpose Cham berlain's Tablets are excellent. GIts them a trial. They only cost a guar i . < jm rirnent mi; upon himself ir• an • •)• itv..r to i|.e r u remedy f(,r marl, liver ami kidney troubles \fter i i«»n 111 ^ nf h« »»rt breaking fail r-h and wi'h Inn condition ^rowintf vmh'111, I>r Reese f n ill-, hit • i j »• • r i t J. • • • r11111:; \IimH rcw is known an the I .rmula K II, that completely >r»"l In* health. l>r. Reese has lu-m persuaded for years by friends and users of The keese Formula K II t<> put hm remedy or. the market, already compounded *t a price within the reach oi every one Thi?* h»- has done and any lead mi: druj/|'iHt will explain to sufferers :].« merits of The Reese Formula H II Thin if rent medicine, is not a no-railed patent medicine, but the ingredients one or more of which are prescribed h> eserv physician dailv, are printed With i'.i'il bottle \ r• \ • n«* suffering fr<»m indigestion, ner-. nuMiens, rheumatism, backache, liimhai"!, Moiir stomach, 'leartburn. 1 r nary, kidney or liver troubles of any kind will do well t<> talk over their case with their druiwist today. It do'-s not rust one peli'l to (|.i tblB and yoi are under no obligation \s ha te\ er. LOCAL DRUG STORES BUY BIG QUANTITIES OF WONDERFUL REMEDY Lurf(r 1'tirrhjtnr* of The Keene For mu111 K M Are Made to Mrrt the liitf Demand for (Jreat Tonic nr»d It dy - Builder. W S. Wolfe, l>rutf Co., toic«*» #1N •vifh nil « fh*• r leading phnrmacHt. T hii < i'v and see; ion, have purcha* <f t*ir•• ■ jiin"» if i>'M -»f The Rei»ne For mula ft II f" meet I he ever increii*insc < I • * m. i r 111 for thiH a <»n i J ♦ • r f u I remedy r st< ffi«( h, 11v«• r arid kidney trouble*. ! «• ji«iir •/ dru'j.rin'H everywhen* readily appre* Mm* m'Ti'n of thin Krt*at. tunic trid U»dv builder, and are nup plying themselves sufficient uuanfitie* to meet the big demand 1 hi- Keese Formula ri U ■< Mm* re uif i>f .1 pr artiM'itf (»h . sh ian\s own need for a remedy f<• r <iornai-h, liver and k dii"y troubles Kvery one of th<* luu'i't d:ent * us <1 in itm preparation i* l ri-H. r.Ud daily I»y practically every doctor treating these, be cause of the fact that, thev have been proven positively *n be the bent Cor Mm action on the or^an it in intended to i4id The KUjuTiority of The Reese K imula TC II li.M in trie skilful and m ientifu- maimer in which these tried md proven dm^s are combined to /ive j11hi the projier amount of each ingredient at each dose, ft i.s for •) \ reason that R II has succeeded in re I e\ i n »»■ cases where perhaps the irne ingredients ^iven in improper doxejt have failed. Rheumatism So Bad Vrs Blair Could Not Vove Hands or Feet Treatment of Setera-I !>ortor«* Was Without Result. hut \f!er Taking II Wee»e Korniuhi K -11. \Noman Now ( ;ki do Hit I lw ii lltiiisi'Mork. M i > ! I H r. •• K ! I li. «Hi:., ur' -■ •! • • • \ : • ■ in r1 . :i :it mm 1 .V V • H . ) . . .j Ill,,' .• ht T in ' • r !'< . • t. : ! r ffjraii t nk iniT Kees«» l-'ininiila K II. with such re . > ' i 1,1 i1' > }i;»> si . rnil now d<» i* r wt) ' i > i■ w ■ • i k ! • ' \ • f h r i . . "A r ■ HI air ^ A Spook Convention. V Ono of 'he m t »1» l;:'htfulrV ]< mk\ and thnllinir U.11.1 <»w*•'«• n par 1 it-s ever riven in this <r\ was the -pook lonvntion at the hom<» of Mr. ind Mrv ( Hin<|pr, Saturday night aH'-'. the P and U. grn-ups of the B. Y 1' 1' of t he First Ihq'! t church 'Mitertairii'd t>»•» H & V i •»up< and ither \oung people <>f t > • eongrega ion. The guests were >vited to attend n the usual sh -e* ai.d pillow case ijarh of the Hallowe'en ghost. After he ghostly \-iv• * r«* assembled on the :>iazza Mr. Van Hook in black dis guise as Charon led the silent spooks >n a sight seeing excursion down the styx. where dried leaves on the hall Moor and corn stalks against the Aral Is formed the background for rrinning pumpkin lanterns and bitches Mrs W. E. Jackson told 'ortunes in the "House of Fate" while he hand of fate beckoned the young people to the information bureau .. U XM n r> T 1 ... Will Hollingsworth, hunt? up by their inir, were inspired with power to an iwi-r all kinds of questions, then the quests passed on to the (trave diggera loe W. Johnson and Burrus, who luried some bugbear or folly of year* past as they were deposited by each ;uest. By this time Charon had led hii follower* to the parlor where Miss Diana Binder took their "credential*" ind their disguises were cast aside ind readings given by Prof. Lucaa, J. E. Van Hook. Miss Cook, Miss Irene rbompson and Warren Davis. Music »nd conundnima were also a part of :he entertainment. The dining-room was decorated in orange and black crepe paper and lere refreshments appropriate to the occasion were served. Pa rent-Teacher Association Will Meet The program for the year's study n the Parent-Teacher association nestings for tha school year 1920-21 a "The Children of Today are the fitiiens of Tomorrow." The November meeting will be held Mot. 8th at the High school auditor um at R.00 P. M. The sebject for liacussion "What the Home should 10 for the Child" speaker W. F. Car ter, leader of dlaeuaeioo, Mrs. F. L. Smith; ••■ eal sole, Mr*. J. D. Jenkins. The question box has been placed 11 the front hall and all who wish to isk questions sre Invited to Trite their questions and drop them in the >ox aa they enter. nil* "I had scMTf pains in (h«* ' H< k. arms f«-«*t and limbs. Several i.irs mated n»«» without results I- ;iiB\ I Im'v'mm taking Ileese Formula 11 N v in • heurnatism is tcone, . '. jii! 1 'i'k! system cleaned up. i is !>• ' t. r and ! can do my ii / i • v ■ #rk. I recommend Reose Mini i I! II. because of its wonder d iv.mi! is in my ast\ and if my testi motrul vs.i! 'i i' 'it*f to other auf I «-!••> ; ;mvc it to you." i Formula K fl * tlav ni s ur"*"i Ii'Uir store. SOIICK liv virtue of autl. *rity vested in the ,. .1, r d l.v .. r. td< r - t! .• rk ''>!•«• jiM < • rt i'' >:.i i . i inly "i -r"• i 'a 1 jt imI I 1 :• .i"i ti .»n r I n'h t> \ ■> I! ■» ,r . 1 .IV. r n. ! v\ ! • !l :iI pnhlii- . • I 5 !'h <t }■ d 1. »• *' • I ..VS ,! ! .. • d..-d 'ra-t <>f hit ,| !■ ! on th. \s. .st and north !>v flhe land- - f I i>p«-r K •>. | on the ras: h\ ? h • • lands J« ' • I'af - t -rson and »>n the s«• • 11h h- land of I .incs r.uiitcr. containing .I 'J «n ri-s "f land rnioc •.r less. Ivin^r in Kldora j townshij on Hull Run rrtrk. i»n Satur day, the -11li <>f Decemh. r fc»:M at 1 'clock P M on said premises, it being •he old John Johnson home place near I'nion church. Terms of sale: 1 3 cash. 1-3 in 12 months, and 1-3 in 2 years on approv ed security. Sale made for partition amonjf the u. -: — Sol Johnson, Commissioner Notice of Sal* Under Ven F,.x. By virtue of a ven ei issued by the Clerk of the Superior Court in the rause entiled, T J Smithwick vs i Willie Wilkes. T will sell for a^h to) the highest bidder. at the Cr.uri House d< or in Dobs» n, N. C. >n Monday the i 1th day of December next, toe foii-iw- I !U- property, towit: That certain indebtedness evidenc ed by note and deed of trust executed by R. V. Snoddy to Wil'ie Wilkes, and levied upon in a warrant of attach ment issued by the Clerk of the Su perior Court 'n the c»jse entit'ed, T. ,T. Smithwick vs. Wi'lie Wilkej, the said indebtedness amilinting to J765, 00. Sale made to satsify a Judgment in favor of T J. Smithwick amounting to I7BB.OO with interest and cost. This November 1st, 1920. U. O. Belton. Sheriff. i Notice of Sale By virtue of three several execu tions issued by the Clsrn of the Su pericr Court, <n causes entitled. Syd nor A Sparger vs. Meyortan 1. umber Corj oration and Rossi yn Lnmbe- cor poration and Mount Airy A Eastern Railway Company. I will sell fo- rash lr the highest bidder, at tlie "our» House door in Dobson, on the Srd day of December, 1920, at 12.(i0 o'clock noon, thi» following real estate, to-wit: That certain tract or pa real of land lying and being in Surrv County, North Carolina, adjoining the lands of R. H. I.eonard and others, and con taining ten (10) acres, more or 1ms Same being known as the Mount Airy A Eastern Junction lands. Sale made to satisfy one execution of I1S9.B7, with Interest from the 1st day of January, 1B17, andfT >0 cost: one other execution of $154.10, with Intereet from the 1st day of January, 1917, and 97.80 coat, and one other execution of 1148.88 with interest from the 1st day of Jannary, 19J7, and 97.80 cost. This November 1st, 1920. U. G. Belton, Sheriff. If it la a Binieu Attack. Take three of Chamberlain's Tab let* and a quick recovery la eertaln. Stomach'T rouble Relieved by R-l 1 After Doctors Failed Jameii M l,on|, of 426 North Se cond Ht , (ronton, Ohio, nn rmployN of the Union Iron and Nte#! Company, han to *ay of The Ke«*e Formula K II, "I have heen doctoring for ovrr nix yearn for Ntnmach trouble. Six doc tor* in (ronton «jid four in Porta rnouth did not ) « lp rn«' it hit. 1 hav« taken nil aort* of remrdie* without Jn .11 f t until I h« ran taking The K«e*e I' rrnula K II I have taken hut on*, twitlle hut my stomach doe* not trou hl«« no- at all and I xtrontfer in "V»t\ r«-*pert I am going to take an ».tf;.-r >o!tlr ultnough I fe«d that I am ent indy well now I most heartily recnrnmcnd thi« r« m«dv an it ha*, hy relieving me. don«* *omething I d' 1 nut think poa*ih)e." f'on*ult your dru|(iriit today a* t*> th«• merit* of thi« wonderful tonic and hody builder Physicians Use Reese Formula • R-U Every Daj i i (.reel Tonic Rebuilds HyitM, Pfll* I fU« th« Blood and Put* 8m# In Your HUp. STANDS TODAY IN CLAH8 BT ITSELF PhysU'iann every day prracribe fee patient* suffering from troubles ef th«- at^mach, liver and kidneys, sodl as indigent ion, nervouftness, header he. backache. lumbago, urinary liver aad kidney disorder*, some of the drugs u*ed iri The Reeae Formula H II. They are excellent drugs But u» lea* just the Hght ones are used ie j»j«t 'h-- ri^rht combination and quan tities, the bent results cannot be ob tained. It took ye/tr* if effort and with I)r Ree-e-'s "wn life at *take to perfect The Reese^' ypiula U-II It stand* today in 1»* itself. T' • r ir.- •■]»/ Jh to«l.*iv who have suffered for yarf t and v o now <»we their health to Pn* wonderful remedy. (let •« 1 c today and be convinced »i its merits. If there in any special i iformatlo® you desire concerning your own case write the Medical Adviser. Medical Department The Ree«e Formula Com pany. Huntington. W. Va. Union Labor Leader Says None Could Be Disap pointed in R-l 1. Secretary of Central Labor Cn ion Declare* He \\ aa Benefitted More by The Keeae Formula K-II Than by All Other Medicine* and Saya Sufferer* Need \e*er Fxpcriment When Thin Wonderful Keinedy Can H. Had. Suf.erera of stiimacli. liver and kid nev trouble "will never have to ex penment if The Keeae Formula R ll an be procured," aaya W. F. Dodaon, • rre^jKindin^ and recording aecretary »f the Lynchburg Central Labor. I n.on. Mr Dodaon aaya "No one •an be disappointed in This wonderful rernedv , which I am absolutely sure I im ritfht in recommending to anyone <nd everyone." Thia labor leader con-, innea: "I hid stomach and liver troubles 'or a number of years, and took many wind* »»f reinedi< s, which, it seemed. 1 n 1 me \ery little, if any £o«>d. I had ap|»etife, and n«"*hinjj I ate evrned t,, arree with me I just ibout I icided to let the medicines ;ro and 11-h if (.ut when I saw an ad\ef*e » eUt of The I let e Formula K II I '.ive this very little notuv, however, I ! id tried ho many remedies li t nd only diaapr 'in'ed me. One dav vhile I whs talking with Mr. K. M. fJhee, who w..r' in the a,b*>pa v'h me, T a^ked 1 rn how he f- !t f r I knew he had been nick with a serious stomach trouble. He told me he wm a great deal better; that he was tuk injr h medicine that did him more froo4 than anything he had ever taken. This remedy, ne said, waa The Ree»% Formula R II which he Umj^ht at the Crafts C -operative Store Knowing Mr McfJhee to he -a ron s-rvalive man and on the strength of his recommendation 1 decided to pet a bottle of R II which I did that •' r ' 1 r?in state positively and truthfully that I received more real f.« r" *V from this remedy in one week 1';•' I rvrr pot from all medicines I id tr» I Mv appetite imj roved, in diirest'.n disappeared, and 1 felt bet ter generally than ,1 had in month®. I am very thankful I found out abottt this sp'.-ndid remedy for stomach, liv er and kidnev troubles, and feel that no one will have to experiment any more if Th«* Reese Formula R-II can be procured. I would qualify this only t.i sav that I think anyone that has h "I these troubles for any 'enrrth of time should take two or three !>ot tles of R II and I feel sure they w?1! net he disappointed. •\nvoee suffering from the after - >• ff< .if "flu" and pneumonia indi L'"-,:ot)t nervousness sleeplessness, 'tirr.'v.|> , ! ,. he female w eakness, nr -iarv, ) ' • M.-r -'omach liver and .v ip-u'''' will do well to pet a '">• I.- of j-< wonderful remedy to i. , — Vt-d'Ti) Adviser, Medical Ihpar;ni- nt. The Reese For mula Corrpany. Huntington, W. Va. for advice . onr ■ •rrvnir your own parti Mi'ar ens. © Uroutt * iro».. Ik 1W Charles Schwab said: "F 1 had three dollars to my name, I'd spend half for a good meal and the rest for a new necktie." You can't deny it; clothes do keep up a man'i spirit. A poorly dressed man can't be sure of himself. And a man can't go wrong by buying proved clothes of known value. HhshArjClothcs are trim and upstanding; true in fabric and tailoring; made to meet the test of daily wear. We have the exclusive privilege of selling High Art Clothes here in J. F. Prather.

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