I. f. WEST DRUE CO. MAIN STREET MOUNT AIRY, N. C. New Mill— I km completed installing my Midget Marvel Mill on Depot Hill tad am now ia position to mttc the public. 1 make the famous Flaro Brand Flour, also the Best Home Ground Meal, corn crashed and do a general milling business. My plant is in charge of an expert mill man, and fully equipped to take care of all business. M. T. Mc Knight Phone 201 lakes the guess out of Baking - saves you money You can't buy baking-powder, soda and salt as economically u • when you buy them already mixed in Occo-nee-chee Self Rising Flour. And the extra in gredients are added in proportions for perfect baking. Hot-cakes, light, golden bis cuits and tempting waffles can be mixed in a few seconds and baked in a few more. Just mix ' with water or mUk and put in the oven. You'll like Ocoo-nee-chee be cause it's a real time- and trouble* •aver. OCCO-NEE-CHEE Self-Rising Flour IkH tW Gomc out of Baft** and S«tm you Money Tkm htmhmm Hmm J im mm •mmvy »mmJt •/ OfM» mmm ckmm Smtf Rum| Flmmr Y mmw iwr t»HI mmU vmv m immJt tmtimv Ami» Un Pi m |om( piMn Am. bmj PiftoM. Aaitm-HiMtoa C*. [WUl n. C THE WMT Touts NOTICE By virtu# of a deed <>f trust exacut rd Wi mr by Willard Staples, tu set-u re |a debt of two hundred thirty (1230.00) dollars due A. Goldsmith, default hav ■ in* hcKti made in the payment of the ■aid debt at maturity, I will net) for caah t« the higheat bidder, Ih front of the Bank of Mount Airy, Mount Airy, N. C., on the 2nd day or January, 1921 at 1.00 o'clock P. M the following real estate, to-wit: Lot No. I aa ahown on plat made by T. B. McCaifo. Begfnning on South ■ids Fancy Gap road on atake or eor ner between Iota No. 7 and I, and rune with Una betwoen thaae lota Sooth 18 Wast IM feet to • atake on line of Lot No. It; thence with aaid line >69 Eaat fifty-Pea (ft*) fast to ataka on corner of Lota No. 8 and •, thence with Una between thaaa Iota North N 1-t Eaat ITS feet to atake on f ancy Gap road on corner between Lota No. a and t, thence with Fancy Gap foad North 46 do grace Waat sixty (60) faet to tha beginning Sale made to satisfy aaid debt, in terest and cost. TMa November 1st, 1920. J. H. Fuljfer, Trustee.! NOTICE. By virtue of a Deed of Trust execut ed to me by C. L. France and wife to secure a debt of two hundred (1200 00) dollars, which debt ia past due snd unpaid, I will sell for cash to the highest bidder, on the 2nd day of De cember, 1920, in front of the Bank of Mount Airy, in Mount Airy, N. C., the following tract or parcel of land; ly ing and being in Surry County and hounded aa follows: Adjoining the lands of A. S. Cook, tha Haymore hairs and others and be ginning at a Black Gum, comar of Lot No. 2, runa Bast 17 chaina to a Cheatnut Oak Mary Shinault'a lino: North 13.40 chains crossing Oka road to a staks; Waat 17 chains to forked Chestnut Oak, Haymore's corner; South 14.41 chains to the beginning —containing twenty-two acres, more or leaa. ■ Sale made to satisfy said debt, in terest snd coats. This November 1st, 1920. Reid Snoddy, Trustee J. H. Folger, Atty. NOTICE By virtue of ■ deed of trust execut ed to me by Scott Co*, to secur* ■ debt of one Hundred seventy-one ($171.00) dollars due A. Goldsmith, which debt is past due, default having been made in the payment of the same at maturity, I will cell for cash to the highest bidder, in front of the Hank of Mount Airy, in Mount Airy V. C or the 2nd day of Januarc, 192 at J.00 o'clock PyM., th« following real estate to wit. fx>t number Two as shown on plat made by T. B. McCariro, and begin ning on the South side Fancy Cap road adn or. stake set on corner be tween Uu No. I and 2. run* with line , between these lots South 26 degrees East two hundred eight (208) feet to road ftnd on stake set on corner be tween Lots No. 1 and 2; thence with line of Jx>t No. 12 South 59 degrees Kast sixty (60) feet to stake on cor ner 'oetwoen Lots No. 2 and 8; thence with line between these lots North 27 degrees Kast two hundred *igh-t teen feet (218) to Fancy Gap road and to stake on comer between Lots No. 2 arid 3: thence with Fancy Gap road North 66 1-4 decrees West sixty-five (65) feet to the beginning. Sale made to satisfy the amount due on said note, with costs. This November 1st, 1920. J. H. Folgar, Trustee. Selling Out at Public Auction. T will sell a practically new and ♦ell equipped Roller Mill with corn mill and crusher situated in a large and nearly new four story building located tyir miles South of Dobson, and fire mi las from railway station within one fourth mile of Dobson and Pockford road and one mile of Dob son and Elkin Sandclay road with good road leading from mill to Uith roads. This is a fine wheat section and is within near reach of good schools and churches. This mill Has i large ruslnm imy and night and has i splendid reputation. The water power is consid-red jimong the very ■ 'St in this eetion • the PSlflTVl'le on ike premise* Saturday Vov. 20th, 1920. 1 will also sell at th-> same tirrw ami plare a 76.6 ridre trpct of l'iod around and near the above mentioned mill. This l iriil fine 'or tobacco, n>rn and ti»•«-. nrC trpner;»i t irmm^. m;'« h splendid orchard of lute winter fruit, 'ms six r<""d springs on tlie place, a l**>od dwelling noose contkiningr five >lns with law 68 ft. porch. re modeled in 1917 and now in first class condition, also one tenant house, two ffood tobacco barns, other farm houses and is just ready and in condition for an ideal country home, mill and farm. I will also sell all my household and kitchen furniture, farming tools, com, wheat, one mule, one cow, two ho its and everything used and needed about a home, mill and farm. Terms of sale one half cash, balance in two equal payments one and two yean, if cash it paid on deferred pay ments 10 per cent of the same will be discounted. This the 26th day of Oct. 1920. Albert G. Snow, Dobson, N. C. R. V. D. ffetiee Having qualified as Administrator! Of the Mtato of S. T. Wall, Esq. All persons holding claim* against said •stato are hereby notified to pr—snt the same to th« undersigned withia 12 months from date or this notice will be plead in bar of reoorery. Also ail pereons owing said eetate will >lease Make immediate settleaseat Tkie Jul* XI, 1M0. ft. r. rtklel. AdmiaMfeeter. 1M Seetk dresn 8t. 11-ll-M Wtnatoa-SalM, M. C. COULDN'T PUT IN FULL WEEKS WORK Harding Gain* Twenty-Eight Pound* '.ad Work* Every Day St»-co Taking Tanlac. tiara gained twenty-eight pound* and all my old-time strength and ■> ergy haw* returned sines 1 began tak ing Tanlac," said George L. Harding, a well-known long*lior*M*n of fl4 1-t J*n* gtr—t, Seattle, Waah. "Ttr two yean," aaid Mr. Harding, "1 had iadlgeettoa *o had na)lMl I at* aeeaaed to aet like peieoa to ate. My atomaeh would cramp *o I would doable op like a jack-knife and 1 (of fered eoaetantly witk h*adarh**, eon •tipation and diuineae. I had th* rheumatism tn my hip* and lag* *o I could hardly lift anything although I hare been need to 'hard work all my Ufa Finally my trouble* got ao bad I could not work more than two or three day* a week and I knew I couldn't keep going at all much longer. "One night a* I wai fitting in the Union Hall, all doobiid ever with cramp* in my stomach, one of the boys advised me to try Tanlac and sure enough it began to relieve my trouble* right away. Now I eat any thing I want aad lot* of it; th* rhea matiam ha* left me entirely and I work witk th* beat of th*m every day. I hardly erer felt better la my whole life aad Teniae ha* **t as* *o firmly on my f**t it is a pleasure to gte* my endorsement." Taala* la sold la Ml Airy by L V. Wset Drag Co.. la Pilot Mountain by Net Drag Oo., la Klkla by Elk in Drag Co., aad ia Dobaoa by Mm J. M HOW DOCTORS TREAT COLDS AND THE FLU fir»t Btrp in "-tatir»r t Tj m Brisk V:th Calctabe, tb« Prmflfd anl Kefiued C?1 )mel Tmb>U t". »t l s ¥^xumv Ust, £«i« tsd tv.re. Paatora \ v# Xf'id ) 1 * »r>ae« t«ht BO n • !>•*# f ip til's -m | i .flu a*/.a ill b« U f - f 1! tf. yuwii tii# liver is ki<'<* t'nar . tgal* « ' #. TLat ia\r hy 1 •. first 4-ep 1b tLa tra«tiarnti^l4fa at1 n#a !• raiciaal tabj^fraald (' •tabs. ? k - • frss^rom tba » *ni afalt**' a'.'aati af tbi o'd ► ' • f <lo ual. i>v tor® k p< > at out t i'-*ct hat ii i • li fr i j go a 1 ay it 1 - : ^ *. a fc • ! 1.1 < bt iba rmfct '• Tt a * •tt iblii f * • i • it* iuim.iI H at Uvt»-. 'i k&4 waj'l'o : n*U* u-a a. Oaa CV.otab o» tLa to«£i.a ». l>«4 .aa witk a iwjloir af ▼..•tor- tv t *§ all. No aalta, no azuaea a"" the a: _-ht uat iaiarfaraac* wit* your fi.t;* ». pltaa< -ra or *. k. Next Biuraiaj * «o.U uaa vaalahed, your livar ia a >, yo.. >'ata« ia T'url*V.!, and you ia, w tk ltoarty appat.ta for «»r *i»k l>ruggial€ aa!l I'alatwha on'r *n . ijf-aal k aied packagea, f> r« thirty1 Vi»ur iu inry v II rL t fu'i. . *4iit i.f rt a a# i «1 t! Dr. J. E. Banjricr DENTIST/ Spacta attoatiaa m« to pvykj laxia and pyorrkaa^WmaTakU brtdva aad tha ip(\»a.ati artiemaliaii af ta*Cks|P pj#»<a wark Offlea iiibaildmf hatcw l*Mtofftaa >ydnor& Sparg£i Insurance- Asrente HOUNT AIRY,. N. ( DR. H. R. HEGE Dentist OAm t?« P. D. Holctak B4w. 8 MOUNT AIRY, H. C Phono 366. Phone 366. ELLER 6 CO. Buyers of Produce Wm Pay Tmp Noteh MorWt Prim. Wo Nood Chickom, Egg* and Butter BRING YOUR PRODUCE TO US. Oak Street. Rwr of J. D. Smith Clothiag Star*. NOTICE By virtu* off deed of trust execut ed to me by Wlllard Cloud, to mun • debt of tfr» Hundred ($600.00) dol lars do* A. Goldsmith, which debt Is do* and unpaid, 1 will Mil for cash to the highest bidder, in frost of tho Bank of Mount Airy, in Mount Airy, N. C., on tho 2nd day of December, IMO tho folio win* rsaJ Mtato tc-wit Beginning at a stake on a lino run nine North 68 degvoes SO minutes East about 0 1-2 foot front tho corner of lots No. 6 and S. according to plst of tho lots of tho Jiseph Nations as tat*, copy of which said plat la duly filed in the office of Bogtoar of Deeds of Sorry County, said stake be ing on tho corner of Lot SaaiUr II ana on the aforesaid plat, and runs North 12 dsgrees West 36 fset to a stake: thence South 78 degrees West 72.6 fset to a stake; thence South 12 degrees East 48 foet to a stake; thence North 68 degrees 30 minutes East along the line of Lot No. 6 72.6 feet to the beginning, tho same being Lot No. 16, according to tho plat of T. B. McCargo. Surveyor, copy of which plat Is duly filed in office o? Register of Deeds of Surry County, mete* and bounds are thereon speci fically stated Sale made to satisfy said debt, in terest snd cost. This November 1st, 1920. J. H. Folger, Trustee NOTICE. By virtue of a deed of trust sxecot •4 to me by John H. Gilbert, to secora • debt of tkiw hundred fortT-fWl (♦346.00) dollars, default having b«M made in the payment of said dabt at maturity, on application af the hold er of the notes, I win Mil for cash to the highest bidder in front of the Bank of Mount Airy, Meant Airy, N. C., on the 2nd day of Janaary, 1921. the following real estate, to-wit: Lota 9 and M> aa shown on plot at T. B. McCaroo, Ne. • beginning oa Sooth side of raaey Gap road and Northeast comer of Lot No. 9 and runs with Una betweeu Lets No. 9 and 10 Sooth 32 degreee West 180 feat: tiwar* Sooth 28 degrees West about 62 feet to Northeast corner Mountain View Cemetery; thence with said Ce metery line North 62 1-2 degrees West 600 feet to East side driveway; theoee with said driveway North 27 degrees East 87 fset to corner Lot No. 1; thence South 89 degrees East 460 feet to Southeast corner Lit No. 9; thence with line between Lets No. 8 and 9 North 29 East 178 feet to Fancy Gap road; thence »ith said road South 4* 11 degree* East W 'eet to the beginning. Sale made U> satisfy said debt, in terest and cost. This November 1st, 1920 J. H. Folger, Trustee. GIVE YOUR COOK A CHANCE Probably yon arc inclined t» blame the cook if yo«r bread is not good. May be it ia not the cook'i fault, bat the fault of the flour you hare been using. Aak your grocer to send yon some of the famous old Dan Valley branda. Dan Valley White Satia Dan Rir*r Self-Ruing Flours. And see if yoa don't get the moat deliciou bread, biacuita and cake you have aver h:id. Thaae flours, the favorites in many af the hi nt homes ia the Sooth for the past 25 years, ar milled by a special process in which tney retain all the original nutriment of the wheat. Only ' the finest red winter wheat grain' ii used. These quality-flours give quality results. DAN VALLEY MILLS. £ Danville, Va. Av^t J* Tasty Biscuits, crisp pie crusts, perfect bread and juicy Roasts browned all over are the every day pleasures that moke Oven Satisfaction yours with COIFS DOWN DRAFT RANGE The corrugated air tight contraction gives yoo perfect control over the fire and oven heat in eveiy WMipny.Th»He>HiiidirttBm»n—tij ptlmocoak tax aod own beat and dollar* MT«d into your bank «cont DmciJ. No*! W. H.]McrnttiCompAny

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