Smrrimm •« Catbolte Ckank lUu will to told at M a. m . rnnrt N-uuky at tto Catholic churrh and ItMMdlctioa it T p. m. 1U». Pattor Mphonae of Belmont win praalda at TIm Pleharta Coming Tto molar Ptetort Stock Co., fiirwmty known aa tto 4 Pktorte wto ha»« played Mount Airy off and on for the paat IB yaara, will to tor* all next ««•» with all m>w play* and vadao vlllr, and an excellent company of 20 people. Mlaaaa Lillian and Oraeo Plrkert, Val C. Claary and Clnt Dod »on ara mm of tto old farorltaa atill with them. Tto biir canvaaa ttoatra will to located on Rrnfro HIH. Don't fall to aae Hnhy Carol, a*e six—ato'a a wondor. Price will to 26 and 35 centa, Including war Us. adv. NOTICE. Tto undoralcnad riaving quallflod aa adminlatrator of t^e eatatc of P. T. Kaiger, cUceaaed, tiiia la to notify all »«■«•»# holding clalma against tha rotate to premnt tto um> to tto nn danlgned adminlatratnr. within twelve month* from the date hrroof, or thia notice will to pleaded in tor of re covery thereon. All peraona ind Mad to tto aatate ara repeated to make Immediate pay ment. Thia September ?i, 1M1. Will H Ki lter, Admr. H T. Keigar, Dac'd. E. M. Unviile, Attorney, Seamstress Miss W. A. Lee # 145 Spring St. MR. MYAN TALKS OF FARMER NEEDS Juatic* to Um Pr»d—»r D*> clarad Loat Uiular Pmwt System—Soma RmmmHm Ar. Outlined. New Orleans, La., Sept. 28.—The farmer's condition la woraa today than It haa bean In SO yarn, fttat baeauaa tha fall In farm prlaaa haa baan ■ ad dan, aad secondly because other prlcaa have not fallan with hia," aald William Jennings Bryan la a reoent addraaa hara bafora a convention of tha Intar •tata Farm Congraaa. Ha mantlonad tha partisan rharactar of nawapapera aa a great hindrance to farmer Justice, advocated elimination of nnnaeaaaary middlemen and redaction of ratea, and warned of tha neeaaalty of pre*anting legislation from ■hiftinr tha tax bur dan to tha maaaaa. Mr. Bryan's ■peach was In part aa follows: "What can be dona? First, tha farmen moat stand united against tha present effort to shift the burden of taxation from the privileged few to tha maaaaa. Tha obviooa purpoae of tha revenue Mil now under discussion In Oongreee la to relatively decreeae tha taxes of the rich and relatively In crease the taxes of the poor. "Saaond. the farmer muat give at tention to the middleman. Statistics will show (hat the middleman have increased In number and In tha per centage which they take as thair profit. Tha farmer receives too small a profit or percentage of the price i Spending a Dollar To make money the busi ness man spends money, and even borrows money. "The farmer it a business man. He too must spend and borrow in order to earn. And right here especially is where our bank comes in, with TRe COUNTRY GENTLEMAN This bank cares for your savings, loans and investments. This national farm weekly cares not only for the growing of crops and livestock, but also the buying and selling end of the fanner's business. In its page*, Maine po tato grower* learn from Wacunan potato grow er*. Teaaa and Indiana cattle men exchange pointer*, and ao on, each section helping another aolve it* moat important problem*. We are banker*, and where we can't help you in farm management we know who can. W« ftrmly bdicvc that by spending a dollar for a year's subscription to Th* Counthv Obn TUtMAN you may save a hundred or two in your business during the com ing year —to depoait in our bank. Ask us to , enter your subacription. Well atart it promptly and charge your account with the price. If. Only On« Dollar! THE BANK OF MOUNT AIRY W. J. BYKKI.Y. rrcKidmt I'hone 131 MOL'NT AIRY, N. C. Capital 1100,000.00 £atabliah«4 1905 YOU SHOULD NAME THE SURRY COUNTY LOAN & TRUST CO. AS YOUR EXECUTOR FOR THE FOLLOWING REASONS Til* FtW Coaptu; will Hi that your will la drawn correctlj »oJ. when naaud aa Exacutoi, make* no charge for properly drawing uj. tha will o?k«aptnf It oadar aaal 1b Ha ran It i DIRECTORS W W. Burke, A. Q. Bowman, W. t. Carter, E. H. Wrenn, W. A York t. 8. Etdrutva, W. W. Hampton, W. G. Sydnor, J. D. .Smith. OFFICERS W. F. CARTER, PrMUaot. W. W. BURKE, Vica-Prea. W. G. SYDNOR, Sac. * Traaa. Jarrell Produce Co. Wants Chickens, Eggs, Butter l«U SEE US BEFORE YOU SELL paid by the ultimata consumer TVa I • middlemen's toll l« dlvkhd hatwaMi < k< *m flight rataa, asaae* »a c*>m miaitoua and »»cmW« profit*. M tantton, therefor*, mat be given to r»ilr..%d rataa, to aom*toat»ns and to the scale at pfpfttB. "The question to ba dectried -and that tha people alone cm dec ida—to what lacialation aacaaanry for tha pro taction ot society. "Tha public to not clearly Informed aa to tha raal taauaa and aa to tha argumenta pro and eon. I m to ho pa axeapt through tba eatabliahment of a national bnltotto—not a news papar bat a ballatta—under htparttoan rontrol, which will furnish th« tbraa thine* needful. First, a elaar prreeo tatton of tha laaaaa aa they are itatad by tha two aide* Second, tha oom partoon of tba argument* aa they are offarad by the two aidea la editorial •pace supplied to represent*tivee of tha varioua parttoa. Three, spares for the praaentatlon of tha claims of randidatea so that the candidate with out wealth ran have the same arreee to the public that tha rich candidate baa," Diamond Thief Gets 30 Months Raleigh, Sept. It.—D. A. Bsrrieon, expert Jeweler who has been in Jail nearly two months awaiting trial for robbing the Mahler Jewelry store of ronaiderable Jewelry while working In the store, this morning drew a sen tence of two and a half years on the Wake county roads. Before sentencing him, Judge Bond heard a statement directed by the prtooner who confessed numerous theft*. He took quite a bit of the odd piece* snd discards and melted them Into handsome settings for the ■ to nee that he stole. One of these diamonds he traded to Mis* France* Hudaon, manicurist, but he said nothing that in the least compromised the character of the young woman who sold him her King Eight for one of these rings. The car afterward* got him in trouble In Petersburg where he was taken. Speaking for the boy who is a good looking youngater of twenty-three, Charle* U. Harris declared that his * record had been good; that he to a ' nit of an Ohio Methodist preacher and luring his stay in Raleigh he has tak n care of a sister whom he is sending to school. Harrison wss willing, Mr. Harris laid, to go to the penitentiary ■nd had no excuse to offer for his 1 rreat breach of faith. The lister un- ( leralood, too, that thi* meant the K ieitruction of his buiineas as Jeweler ( tnd starting life anew; but she waa u willing. They understood that no pow- d >r could sare the young man from a lenience. Judge Bond again descan'ed on the J farcical aspect* of court procedure p which *peedily punishes the offender * in small matter* and send* the unlet- * lered, untrained negro certainly to * mpriaonment and send* him there h >ften without his having * *oul to 8 ■peak for him. The negro 100 years n Biro wa* a slave without home life, ^ without any knowledge of the martial tie, he aaid. and the women of the race were encouraged to rear all the babies they could for purposes of lerrtng their owner*. He declared that as lit tle a* people wish to hear *uch talk, it is true and the law ought never to iret away from the fact that wrong*; by men a* intelligent a* Harrison are I a great deal worse than when com-1 mitted by n lower order of Intalli-' irence. Chine**" Girl is Student at Greensboro College. Greensboro Daily News. Greensboro collcge ha* this year, for the first time in a lung time, a Chine** student. Miss Sung Kyung' Shien. of Shanghai. Mi** Shien. who >mes to Greensboro from the Mc-| Teire school of Shanghai, plans to! take the regular course at Greensboro > "ollege. Mis* Shien arrived in Greensboro j several days ago from Thomasville, I where she had been visiting Miaa Emily Tuttle for the week before - school opened. She left her home in I China July 16 and landed in Van-, rouver, •British Columbia, 18 days later. She crossed Canada and enter ed the United State* via Roaton. Road Sentences at Rowan Court Aggregate 36 Years. Salisbury, Sept. 17.—Criminal cases having been disposed of, the Septem ber term of court adjourned until next week, when the civil docket will be taken up. Judge McElroy sent de Pendants to tha county roads ft - terms aggregating 36 years and U~k no fines except in the case of a 17-year- [ ild boy. Warren Davis, charged with rob bing Wallace's and EArd's ators waa riven Ave years. For the third time In recent yean i grand jury has recommended that Rowan build a modern county home. K number of citlserui are working to that and. Human hair Importations have opped from 21" pounds a month Iroppsd from m.OOd pound* to 7,000 th due to the new faah on of American girls who are boh >ing their hair. Chinese have for -"cauKj— Tobacco Growers— You are now marketing your tobacco crop. We hope you will get a good price for it, and believe that GOOD tobacco will bring a good price. We invite you to place the money you receive from your crops in this STRONG BANK, in a Checking Account, Sawngs Account or Certificate of Deposit With a CHECKING ACCOUNT you can pay all billa by a check and will not need to carry a large amount of money around with you, subject to loos at all times. Your cancelled checks will be your receipts, also. In a SAVINGS ACCOUNT your mon«y will earn more moneyfor you at the rate of 4 per cent interest, compounded every three months. A CERTIFICATE OF DEPOSIT draws interest at 4 per cent from the date of purchase, and is a gilt-edge investment With your surplus money here you can be assured of its safety and can pet it WHENEVER YOU WANT IT. We welcome accounts, small or large, and take a personal interest in all our elastomers. Come in and get acquainted with us. Wachovia Bank & Trust Co. MAIN OFFICE TRADE STREET BRANCH Winston-Salem, N. C. Capital and Surplus $2,000,000 Member Federal Reserve System Tb* Country G«atl«m«a To AM Wmu'i Club la hildiai War Memorial. A campaign Is being staged by O. . Hallman field manager for "The ountry Gentleman" at the fair rounds thia week. This magasine, publiahed weekly ir the small price of (1.00 per year, > too well known to need any Intro action by as. The pobliahers have arranged with u woman's club of Mottbt Airy to Ire them half of the proceeds of the jbacriptlon* taken during this cam sign, thia includes renewals as well ■ new subscriptions. This money 'ill go into the buildings fund, witn 'hich the women propose to erect a jitable memorial to Surry county'* eroea of the late war. Miaa Mar a ret Sydnor is chairman of a com littee of club women co-operating ith Mr. Hallman in thia campaign, fhen yon visit the fair ground* be sure to leave your subscription or re news! with Mih 8ydnor or her help ers. Parent-Teacher Meeting A get together meeting of parents and teachers in the High school audi torium Monday evening resulted in the reorganisating of the Parent Teacher association for the new school term. Mrs. C. Binder, the president presided. A splendid program had been arranged. Mrs. J. D. Jenkins rendered two vocal selections assisted by Miss Margaret Ashby pianist and Miss Virginia Moore violinist. Rev. E. I. Olive led in prayer, and Mayor A. V. West extended a welcome to the out of town teachers in a very sp- . propriate speech which was responded lo in a happy manner bv Mr. Casey, principal of the Rockford street school. Miss Elisabeth Lovill gave a reading entitled "By Telephone." Prof. Epps presented the matter of having lunchea aerved to the children on the grounda. After the program a aocial hour waa enjoyed during Which every par ent waa given an opportunity to meet the teacher* of hia or her own children aa well aa other*. Iced tea and aand wichea were aerved during the aoeial hour. -^Mra. Roth rock Hoataaa. Mra. P. S. Hothrock waa hoataaa at nine tablea of rook laat Thursday afternoon. Golden rod and Other fall flow-era decorated the reception rooma and hall. Rome made candy waa aerred on the tablea and the holder of the hi ghee t v:ore at each table waa pre aented with an embroidered linen handkerchief. Miaa Donna Bolt rendered a num ber of piano (election*, while a delic ious fruit aalad with iced tea waa served by Miaeea Sallie and Jamie Hadlev, Louiae McCargo, Stella Reece, and Mr*. Luby Caaey. ILES _ IE mCX REGULARITY reen the South and Washington and New York Northbound No. M 1.40PM UIHI No. 1M No. U 11.30 AM 11.40AM 4.50PM 5.55 PM •.•5PM ».20PM 1120 PM 10.50PM 5.00AM Tssm ^2.30 noon II. 40 PM 5 50PM (.55PM 9.05PM 10.20 PM 11.20 PM II. 41PM i.ooAM It.MAM ItMAM 4.MXM Ii.ooamI TTO05T 7 ioaW 10.40AM 10.08AM 12.20 PM IUSPM SCHEDULES KC9MNC AUGUST M. 1*1 I ATLANTA, GA. I* { Terminal Station (Can*. Tlma) ar h ( PaachtrM Station (Cant. Tlma) ar ar GREENVILLE, S. C. (Eaat. Tima) l» ar SPARTANBURG. S. C I* ar CHARLOTTE, N. C la ar SALISBURY, N. C. h Point, N. C l« :0, N. C Kr ar Wtnatoo-SaUrw. N. C. W.C. «r DANVILLE, VA. ar IWJtTVT ar Richmond, Va. ar LVHCHBUftCTVX— ar WASHINGTON, D. C ar BALTIMORE, MO., Pa> ar Waat PHILADELPHIA ar North PHILADELPHIA ar NEW YORK, Paaaa. S71 EQUIPMENT Southbound No. 2* I No. t7 No. ir No.» MUM 12 44AM 12.IIAM 5.50PM 5.J0PM 2.10PM 1.00PM 10.40AM •.MAM t.MAM MUM 7.00PM I ll.«0AM To.fiPM 4.50PM 4.10 PM 1.00PM 11.52AM •.MAM 0.10AM 7.1 • HAM T35305T 11.45 PM 0.0CPM 7.41PM (27 PM LtfM sToSFKT UWM l.dPM 11.MAM IIJUM •.MAM HKiir'.IHF !.;i •JOPM 0.12PM •.47PM •JOPM 7.14PM 702PM 5.00PM ' ran a m" i hmik ATUUtTA WtCIAL If MM Mi—. «iwli< Jwpht m» —Sa|h|a>MMlMa ""■VTVii" Nit YOWL WASHINGTON. ATLANTA* M> OIUAM DM rsREC25 TUiTsr WS0UTHERN RA1LWAY SYSTEK*