AAMiwnmuTora none*. ?Z&1 p£S2a &£ Mtuwl Mid «alato to prooaftt thow to Zl MUanicDMi Ut or Mm ""P.**?' twr 17 I rr program should ha adoptad am kmdar our state law muat ba adoptad All malntananrs and conatructiot work supported by taxation muat b< In ludad in this budget and a tax lev) muat than ba mada by tha board ol town commissioners to cover salt budget. Than It la absolutely nacas . try that all tsaaa ha collected with ■ reasonable degree of promptnaaa otherwise tha public intaraat mum "offer. Now to tha point. Soon after tha alaction In May ol this yaar your representatives com manced an investigation ralativa U tha financial atatua of ML Airy witl i viaw to formulating • plan for doini ha work which had been eommitta< nto our hand* Tha Investlgatlot brought to oar attention tha follow ing unaatiafactory (ituatlon, via: Unpaid accounta due tha Town of Mt. Airy for paving dona IBM to 1919, incluaiva.... $8046.71 Unpaid tax ticket* In tax booka IH13 to 1919, inclusive 7903.11 Immediately positive lnatractlni waa givan City Tax Collector Deyerli to collect as faat a* poaaibla the»< long standing and much paat dm I tana. Ha waa Instructed to adopt due proceaa of law for tha collectiot of paving accounts and taxes what necessary to do ao. Accordingly i majority of t'paving accounts havi been collected. Some of them, how ever, are now tlad Up il. tha court I hut we have reason to believe tha] they will all be collected in the naa future. The same proct , IS heinjr used il the collection of all . .ixc* 1913 to 191H Hundred* of levies liave been madi since the 1st of August.. AM old 19tj to 191'J taxes will He closed out with in the next ten days. Quite a libera portion rtf these old taxes are um-ol lec'shle. Much of it is in error double listings, Aoiiti/ig poll tax, etc W< cannot tell wtiat per Vent of thesi old tickets ran be collected. It il likely, however, that 'M per cent la a we cm' hop*' to collect. All erroril double listings ami otherwise uticol lettable tickets will be rebated ani thus taken from the booka. Our Schools. > WONDERFUL GAIN IR WEIGHT REPORTED Young Wmmi Only W«%M i 7t FmmmJm — Now Woi«ka 1 Ow 100 And la Ctb ing Every Day "Baton I began taking Tanlac 1 only weighed 7# pound*, I now weigh over 100 and am gaining •vary day," •aid Miaa URm Davie, of Chat tanooga. Tann. "I bought my Ant hottla of Tanlac at Qm City, Ind., and H helped ma ao much that I continued aaing ft. I hava always been Vary da I Ira l# and •ufferrtjl a graat daal from afaNMcb trouble and rheumatiam. I raraly •ver had any appetite and ataaply could not ri'llah anything. I fall off until I only weighed 7* pnunda and waa ao thin ! looked perfectly awful. Thia la tha condition I waa In whan I twgan taking Tanlac. "Ob, ! feel ao different now, Evan my eomplasion la improved. My ap patlta la gnod and t ran hardly grt •nough to eat Tanlar la aimply grand and I can truthfully aay It ia tha only medicine that aver dona ma any good." Tanlac la sold by leading drugglate Airplane Spood King Killed in Fall. Etampea, Franca, Sept. 23.—Capt. Bernard Da Komanet, tha world'i •peed record for one kilometer, waa inatantly killed here today whilo tak ing part In the elimination racoa fol the Deutach I>e La Meurthe cup. The canvaa* on Rumanet'a machine i tor* while ha waa flying mora than ISO milea an hour at a height of 060 feat and the plane fall. Tha machine waa a biplane from which the lower plane had been removed to obtain greater apeed. A 8»e IH ml X* having bMk .Superior Court of ti> the ap 7. rwita hUU »i ti. a Nannie Mldkiff »t al., _ No. ... on I ho a portal proceeding docketa of Mid cawrt the uaderal»n*d rummiaoMMurr will, oa thlvnbjr, Oct. 15th, 1W1, at 3 o clock utfec for »alc I* tho hi*haul bidder on term* of m»a thlrd laan, balance in aia and twelve menth*. that certain (net of land ill Mount Airy Town*hip upon which f» the home of tke late EJ.A. Midk'ff near tke Flat Rock and deecribed aa follow*: lieirininir at a atake and running i 8. 80 dee. W. 27 ft; thartce 8. 44 dev. W. 123 ft.; thence 8. 48 H deg. W l*)| ft. to a ■ take; thence N. lAVfc deg. W. 1,113 ft. to a Make; Ikence 8. 8* deg.' SO mm. E. 126 ft.; thence N. 2 deg. 45 miu. MX ft. to u Make; ;h -nee N 111 d«tg, E, 421 f* t'» a alakc; the-ire N. 40 deg 80 min. E. : •(> ft to ibe Wgln- i nlng. For better d«*eeriprloi» a-e <|.rd! from C. B. Keeaee t'» hd. A. Midmtf and title bond from C. D. Keeeee to Ed. A MldkHT. Thi« Sept. 10, \*t\. E. C BIVENH, Com. Ne HalmUtate Offered. Say what you will about drugglctc ifferinjf aomething "Juat aa (rtod ba auae It pay* a batter profit, the fact atill atanda that ninety nine out of • hundred druggiata recommend Cham Iterlain'a Colic and Diarrhoea Remedy, when the beat medicine for diarrhoea la aaked for, and do ao bacauae they know from what their euatomera aay t it, that it can ha defended unon. NOYICS Having qualified aa adminiatrator of the cataic of David Smith, daccaaad. late of Surry £ooatv, North Carolina, thia ia to notify all peraona having cla7 r .T lovilT PHYSICIAN OfBre orer F. D. Holcomb Hardware 8tor*. Photic MI px mm 5 Was 5 Very Weak "Alter the birth of my baby I had a back-set," writes Mr*. Mattle Crow white, of Glade Spring, Va. 'M wu very 111; thought I was going to die. I was so weak 1 couldn't raise my head to get ■ drink of water. I took . . . medicine, yet I didn't get any better. I was constipated and very weak, getting worse and worse. I sent for Card ul." ■ TAKE CAROM The Woman's Tonic "1 found after m lie of Cardul 1 was la» prorii adds Mrs. Cross* 'lite. "Six bot tles oft ardul and ... I was cuj _ d,yes, I can say they were a God-send to me. 1 believe I would have died, had Knot beea for Cardul." Cardul has bees found beneficial la many thousands of other 0< womanly troo If you feel the need of • good, strengthen lag tonic, why not toy Cardul? It may bo )aet AO Druggists j ungguu irayjJ > our scnoois art- in real rie««u <> fund*. It id absolutely nm iiMry tha a liberal amount of fun I* be ava'lsbl by October 6. Otherwise oar schoc board will riot be able to mwt the! pay roll fur September. We urpe al our citiEcrm who have not paid thei 1920 taxes to do no immediately. No b'vy ha* been issu< d thus far fo th« collection of 192(1 taxes except i' r.nr> where certain individuala nav unpaid tickets for several years pas1 For instance, )91ft-1916-l»17-f9M 1011) and 1920 in which event 1920 hii in moat cases been included in th levy. Our Purpose It is the purpose of the present ad ministration to collect all 1920 taxe within ihe next SO to 60 day*. We belhrve that it is bad businefc to carry 1920 taxe* over into 192S The year 1921 is certainly all the tim any one can reasonably expect' i: which to pay hi* 1920 tax. The oide taxes In-come the more difficult it i to collect and the greater the Ion* t be sustained. Then too it is not fai and just to the tux payers of Ml Airy who pay their taxes promptl to permit nuch an important matte drair along through a term of year as has heeti done with many individu at* heretofore. It is much easier for the tax paye to pay his taxes promptly than to pei mit an accumulation of several year and then be forced to pay all at on time. Get In the habit of payim promptly. This is best for our e\er interest, individually and collectivcl) We most earnestly request th hearty co-operation of all loyal Ml Airians in our effort to improve con ditions along the lines suggests herein. If we can better serve our peopl in any way, kindly make it known t us. Yours truly, A. V. WEST, Mayor. Finance Committee. W. I. MONDAY, W. F. CARTER, Jr. Bannertown School Opens October 3rd. The Bannertown school will begi October 3rd. Unless further change are made, Mrs. J. C. Council will hav charge o* the first and second grades Mrs. G. C. Hauser will be the thir grade teacher; Mrs. G. H. Welch wt] teach the fourth and fifth grades an I will have charge of the sixth am seventh grades. No school can realise its fulles success without the co-operation o every patron, so, I earnestly ask th parents to give us their support dur lng tha coming year. I also ask tha they see that each child is supplio with books, pencils, and paper befor coining to school. Respectfully, G. D. WInfwy, Prin. The Ideal Pargativa. As a purgative, Chamberlain's Tab l«U are the exact thing require* strong enough for the moat robust mild enough for children. They caus sty agreeable movement of th« bowel wrHwwt any of thaftsmble grlpins hny an* easy and pleasant to tak and agreeable in effect Tmt Sat* at ymm Dealer tACLEMJKADO .^TcoSpiNY. NEW row If Test this Gasoline '' for Yourself, on the Road HOWEVER sincere one mo torist's statement may be, hit experiences with hi* car cannot be applied exactly to your operation of your car. Most drivers know that indi vidual cars have peculiarities. We do not ask you to use the unproved "Standard" Motor G^olinc simply because you have heard that it is the beet on the market. We want you to try it for yourself, accord* ing to your own requirements. On a basis of results, alone, we would gladly have you de cide whether or not you should use it regularly. "Standard" Motor Gasoline is a light, volatile fuel which enables your car to start easier and run more smoothly. It has extra pulling power. The recent improvements in the product, made possible by the work of our Development De partment, have made "Stand* ard" Motor Gasoline the best obtainable. But remember that the final test of gasoline quality is how it performs in your motor. Try ''Standard'* Motor Gas oline for yourself uuder vary* ing road and weather condi tions. It will pay you to begin at once. A great combination is "Stand* ard" Motor Gasoline for power and Polarine for lubrication. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (New Jersey)