JULIUS ELDRIDGE Aim* In Van UmdWj Ce. FbrM Nwmakly'a Pine CaadUa The "lUull" Store Phone 31 Hm Kqr that Unlecka the Doer to Lmi U»iag. The nan of eighty-Are and ninety mra of age are not the rotund, welf fad, but thin, }pare man, who Uva on • alender dial. Ba aa caraful aa ha will, howavar, a mart paat middla age will ocraa tonally aat too much or of eome article of food not auited to hi* constitution, causing indigestion or conatipatlon and will need • doaa of Chamberlain's Tahlcta to mova hla bowda and invigorate hla atomach. When thia la done, there ia no re aeon why the average man should not live to a ripe old age. SHAWNEE KU KLUX PULLS BIG PARADE iMiltftm and Gtmklm Will Ur, Trouble by Laaafeg, Om Placard Says. Shawnee. Ok la., Rapt. II. - Three hundred nwmbtri of the Ku Klux Klan, In official regalia, WlM thru the main street* af Shawnee and Teeumaah late last night after captur ing the night editor at a loaai news paper and taking him on tha journey. Nothing waa dona othar than to dis play baanara and sand a warning nota to law viola tori thru tha columns of • Shawnee nawspapar. Before allowing tha nawspapar man to bars tha ear, in which h* waa taken on tha trip, tha following nota was handed to him. addrasaad to a | Shawnee nawspapar: "We art* 1,000 strong In Shawnaa. (food Americans uphold tha law. Watch tha ownership of your paper and kaap It In tha hands of good Americana. W« will (Iran Shawnee whan tha tima is rlpa. Bootleggers and gamblers will save trouhlr by | leaving now." In addition to tha warning sent to 1 tha nawspapar tha following banners I were carried on tha sides of the slaty cart in the parade: "Dont follow us; it is not safe." "You can't eat grab your wife made by washing." "Wall be back, be careful and be American." "Judgee, you know your duty— ws are with you when you do it, but you must do It* "I-ook out if you do not heed these signs." "Fooling around the other fellow's home Is not wise." "Joy riders be careful." "lawyers, make your money off legitimate cases." "If you want to be healthy, don't go on law breakers' bonds." A Short Story Chickens fegs Butter Dried Apples Our interest to farmers and merchant* who want first class service and fair dealing. You cannot afford to over look us. We have the Experience, Outlet and Trade to Give Top Prices. ELLER CO. MOUNT AIRY, N. C. for Goods at the Right Price See— F. D. Ilolcomb Hardware No. 11 Chattanooga Cane Mills, $35.00 No. 12 Chattanooga Cane Mills, 45.00 Closing out Keystone Paint, while it lasts, at per gallon, $1.35 Cook Stoves and Ranges have recently made a de cline. Our prices are right. Wire Nails also cheap. Closing out good line of Crockery at 15 cents per gallon. HURRY! Building Material cheap. Get our prices before you buy. Get our cheap prices on coal and wood heaters. HJaters must be sold regardless of cost. Special Sale on Florence Automatic Oil Stores. Til* rtM Art* department of the lob mmi Krtday In the parlor, of th* Blue Kidg* hotel. Mr*. Frank C*rte», Jr., had charge of the pujgiam for th* afternoon which m an th* *ub)*et of th* art* and -raft* in our nam coun ty. Mm. Will Hayaes fart a highly Instructive and (treating talk on Km art of spinning ami we*ving, with the '14 wheel for il—iinstmtion. Patch work waa taken up effectively by Mia* r*ve« She showed the old and new method In patchwork. Mr*. Jarkaoo explained the art of baakatry In pin* "-•die* and grasses aa done by Miaa Ola Marlon and Mr*. Win Hal*. Ow ing the aoetal hour. In whlrh «and wlaha*, taa and candy -nrm nerved th* ladle* wer* given an opportunity t* xamine the sniendtd exhibit which th* chairman had carefully selacud ; or th<- afternoon. Thin included! i "ird woven npraad*. bla"ket«, towel*, I 1 'able cloth* and piece* of clothing,! ^.Ubwork «pr«ad* and runner*, knit tad counterpane!, handmade candlea.i hand painted rhina, the aplit bottom mountain chair*, and **qul*it* hand- i made baaket* and Jardlnere*. | Th* Home Economic* department of i 'he club held a call maetlng In th* Blue Ridge hotal parlor*, Friday at I o'clock. By an almost unanimous vot* It waa decided that th* depart ment wool.| accept the bid to cater f <r tb* banquet which the Kiwani* club ia planning for October 14. This work will b* In tha capable hand* of the de partment chairman, Mr*. Cl*ve Ilale, and plans will h* definitely formulated h»fr. ; B. Y. P. U. The B Y. P. L'. meets .Sunday even ng at <1:30. A very intereatinir De votional program. "The Golden Rule.** Will be in charge of group "V with Danna Binder acting a* leader. As this fo the (lr*t meeting in the new , quarter a contest will he started among the group* in the form of an imaginary trip acroa* the continent. For each member present the group will go forward 1" mile*; for each member doing the Daily Bible Read i gs 10 mile*; ami for each new mem ' er hrowrht in th*- trroup will go for ward 100 mile*. At the meeting Sun lay evening Me will have with u* the ;ite Junior B. Y. P. U. secretary and probably Mr Perry Morgan, the State i B. Y. P. U. •ecretaiy. Theodore Recce, Pre*. Danna Binder, See. Euirene Olive. Pastor. Deposit Funds Show Decrease Washington, Sept. 24 Fund* on deposit with the national banks of the country decrease! by more than $2, 000.000 000 durinrr the pant fiscal year, while the total resource*, ex elusive of rediscounts. declined by over S2,WX'.(X>0.000, according to nn abstract of reports on the condition of these bsnks on June 30, issued to day by Comptroller of the Currency Crisinger. BIG DOUBLE CIRCUS * HAS VAST PROGRAM Ringling Bros, and Bamum 6c Bailey to Present Scores of Entirely New Features. • Wsw>na"ls lam, October 11. Th-> announcement that the far. famed Ringling Bros, and Bamum A Bailey Combined Shows arc to exhibit at Winston-Salem, Tuesday October 11 has aroused no end of interest. It would seem as though practically all the youngsters and frown-ups in this section Mere planning to attend. Twice each day for almost two months New York's great Madison Square Garden was packed with those who thronged to see this hirrest pro gram in circus history. They saw scores of the jungle's most ferocious h>asts, subjugated to such s degTee, that these beautiful an'mals leaped to and rode on the backs of elephants and horses, jumped through hoops of Are, opened their mouths that their men and women trainers might lay their heads r.nd hands inside them. or leaped from pedestal to pedestal like trained dogs. And these marvelous dumb actors ar>> all on tour with the irreat doable circus. The four im mense steel arenas In which they per form are set up In the mammoth main tent. There is no sdditfon.il charge— everything is on the one program. And by everything" la meant not only the wild animal displays, but the entire circus. More than 000 men and women, embracing the world's foremost srenic stars, take part. There are almost 100 clowns. Aside from the ferocious beasts, the pro gram includes thirty trained ele Rhants. Troupes of camels perform i the rings. There are Ave com panies of trained seals, many dogs, be«rs, monkeys, pin and pigeons. Fully seventy trained horses and Shet land! are presented. It is the biggest cirrus program the world has ever seen, given under the largest tent and. In connection, is the famous com bined Ringling Brothers and Barman A Bailey menagerie. . NOTICE TO TAX-PAYERS The Board has notified me that all taxes, ap to and including 1830 most be paid by October 1, 1921, or steps will be taken to collect same accord ing to law. The tax-payers will please take notice and govern them selves accordingly. 1 V. DEYERLE. City Tax Collector. Mr. JimUmm to Lwra Hospital Nnt W—k Winston iWntinvl, Mopt. M. lav. Tom T. Jtnlaun, paatur at Qrac* rhurdl, who hm» bMR nn<Wr> qotai; tr—tout at Th» UwnnM Ho»piUl far two «nki or wn, •» pacta to IM abla to return Hoom Mat wull It ia aadaratootf that hta oper ation »u Mitlrtl; mimftil FOR SALE Three 1920 model truekr. All practirall; n w, and fully equipped with cab*, beds, etc., suitable for hauling tobacco or other purposes. ! will sell these trucks on easy terms or trade them for touring can or real >«tate. If interested in a good truck at a low price see me at oncc. S. A. HENNIS, Mount Airy, N. C. f"ONE BRAND ONE QUALITy j One Size Package All our skill, facilities, and lifelong knowledge of the finest tobacco* are concentrated on this one cigarette— CAMEL. Into this ORE BRAND, we put the utmost quality. Nothing is too good for Camels. They are as good as if s possible to make a cigarette. Camel QUALITY is always maintained at the same high, exclusive standard. You can always depend on the same mellow-mild refreshing smoothness—the taste and rich flavor of choicest tobaccos—and entire freedom from cigaretty aftertaste. And remember this I Camels come in one size package only—20 cigarettes—just the right size to make the greatest saving in production and packing. This saving goes straight into Camel Quality. That*s one reason why you can get Camel Quality at so moderate a price. neres anotner. we put no useless frills on the Camel package. No "extra wrappers!" Nothing just for show! Such things do not improve the smoke any more than premiums or coupons. And their added cost must go onto the price or come out of the quality. One thing, and only one, is responsible for Camels great and growing popularity —that is CAMEL QUALITY. 3H161 M Those Long Winter Evenings keep your home warm and cosy with a POLE'C ORIGINAL VJ HOT BLAST HEATER 7"HE health of vour family depends upon properly heated rooms—warm ooors. The maximum radiation, low base heat, air tight construction, and Hot Bia*t Combustion insure even temperature in all parts of die room at all timet. And besides, Cole's Original Hot Blast Heater is guaranaed to cotwume one-third leu fuel than any under draft stow* on the market guaranteed to hold fire fix thirty ttx hnuffc La us thou you yours today W. E. Merritt Co. Hi

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