r Dr. J. E. Banner DENTIST Special atumUaa firm to t/» trnfU ■anl of py<<rrboa an<J to X-ray w-irk I can few promt— paaitiv* an In h« mat majority of pyorrhea eaaaa Offut IS (MB* IMMofflM S«v«» h*m<' -J nl'M on foot—Mid -O be th» loiife »i march «v»r attatapt <1 h i «n Airi «r,t'an military urfanl atl. -win b j >-«vtr»d by tka Third i.ki rv Krirmrnt. Whan tha MidWr* <• r .m < amp Parr*. Otuo, to iie mm- (Ubcn at >ort Snal line. I r /> a. U frmr b.-ra, with full «», r •> t, w U fw v »• about 40 day* in [ -hn'h t» mak tha trip. WOMEN OF MIDDLE LIFE 1 Dtnprou Pifloi Tlrou(li WtUcb Eiiry Woman Hut Past Practical Suggestions Given by the Women Whose Letters Follow other suffering wumin to knew what Ly.i.s E. Ptnk ham's Vegetable (Jotr pound hu <k>n« for m*. During the i hang« of Lit* I >u In bod for eight month* and bad two good doctor* treating m« but they did in* no good A friend auviaed me to take Ljrdia E. Pinkham'a Vege table Com pound, which I did, and In a abort time 1 fait better. I had ail kind* of bad apells, but they all Uft ma. Now when 1 feel w*ak and nervous I take the Vegetable Com pound and it always doaa ma good. 1 with all women would try it during the Change of Ufa for 1 know it ' will do them goo.I If you think it will indues some one to trr the Vegetable Com pound you may publish this Utter. —Mr*. A. Kills*. Afton. Tenn. Mr*. Mary Lister oI Adrian, Mich..add* her testimony to the value of l.ydia E. Fink ban's Vecttabl* ComDouid to cAi-rjr women Mm; throoch the CbMft of Life. 8be says : " It to with pleasure that I write to yon thanking jrou for what yaw • wonderful medicine bee done for me. I «u passing through the Chance of Life and had a dtoplacement and weakness ao that I could not stand on my feet and other annoyhif symptoms. A friend told me about Lydia E. Pink ham'* Vegetable Compound and the flrat bottle helped me, ao I got mete. It cur-«l me and I am now doing my housework. Your medicine to certainly woman*! Mead and vou may use thia teetimooial as you ehooae."— Mia. IIabt Lurn, 408 Frank street, Adrian, Mich. It to (aid that middle age to the moet trying period in a woman's life, and owing to modern methodaof living not on*woman in s thousand paaaea through thia perfectly natural change without experiencing very annoying symptoms. Thoae smothering spells, the dreadful hot flashes that send the blood rushing to the bead until it seems aa though it would burst, and the faint feettng that follows, as If the heart ware going to stop, those sinking or dizzy spells are all symptom of a nervous condition, and indicate the need for a special medicine Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound to a root and herb medicine sspe eially adapted to act upon the feminine system. It acts In such a manner as to build op the weakened nervous system and anablee a woman to paas this trying period with the least possible annoying symptoms. Women everywhere should rsmsmber that moat of the commoner ailments of women are not the surgical ones- they are not cauaed by serious displace ments or growths, although the symptoms may be the same, and that to why so man/ apparently serious ailments readily yield to Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, as it acts aa a natural restorative and- often prevents serious troubles. Lydia E. Pinkham's Private Text-Book upon "Ailments Pecu liar to Women" will be seat to you frve upon request. Write to Tlie Lydia E. Pinkhnm Medicine Co., Lynn, Massachusetts. This book contain* valuable Information. It appeals to everybody I because of the pleasure EVERY and benefit lt affords. The longest-lasting refresh ment possible to obtain. Sealed tight—kept right in its wax-wrapped impurity-proof package. 1 HAYWOOD TALKS OP N. Y. BOOTLEGGERS TImjt Hart Peculiar Idea*, But Negro at Washington Ha< Thorn All Baat. Washington Hspt 81.—Col. Wil liam Hay ward, United States Attor ney at New York, who ha* boon in Washington this week declares that many of tho highest-clasa bootleggers in tho asetro polls hart a peculiar idea of tho prohibition law. "My attention waa eallod recently," said tho colonel, "to one of tho <*al*ra in Intoxicant* who carried or. aia buai nea with aome of tho boat people In the city. He dropped in tho other day upon ote of hii customers and began to display hi* wares "I hare aome eery fine Scotch, aome vermuth, rye, bourbon, rreme da men the and a few quarts of rharapag* tntiay," declared the randor of Are water. 'What can ! sell you?' "'Have you any absinthe?' one of hia prospective customers inquired. * 'No, Indeed,' reaponded the boot legger, 'it's againat the law to aell ab sinthe.' • Another man, and by tho way he fa i North Carolina Mfn who haa got ten rich selling booxe to Waahtngtnn iana, won't aell to negroea. While talking to one of bit customers a few days ago the negro aaid: "Boaa, it's like dia. I used to sell to niggera and about every thirty days lae don* git into trouble wid de judge. But since ! been telling to it* folks I 4mm km no trouble Hit's de reason why I likea to aell to white folka." Beside*. He May Kit Yea. Calling a man a liar ia the laat word in wasted talk. If he ia a liar he al ready knows it and you are springing old stuff on him. If he iant one, you are, and h* ha* found it out.—Farm Lif*. Average Tobacco Price at Rocky Mount Batter. Rocky Mount, Sept. 17.—A gain of approximately tix cent* a pound was shown in tobacco told on the local market thia week in compariaon with the total aalea of laat week here, ac cording to official figures released by the supervisor of aales this morning. These figures show that the aver age price for tobacco sold here this past week was 120.34 per hundred pounds, while the average price for the first week of the market was $14.76. Salea for the paat week have also shown a decided increase in volume as 739,604 pounds were sold at the local warehouses. Last week the total tale* aggregated 617,720 pound*. The 739,604 pounds sold during the present week brought a total of $150, 421.48 which was turned into the agri cultural. commercial and businesa life of the community. The total sales for the season up to date hove been 1,267,324 pounds which sold for a total of $228,314.21 or a general average of $18.03. NOTICE OF TRUSTEES SALE OF LAND. By virtue of authority vented in me in ii certain deed of trust executed by E. J. McCormick to the undersigned tru«t<<• for Albert L. Bunker to secure an indebtedness of three thousand and thirty-seven and 20 one-hundredtha dollars on the 19th day of November, 1917 and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for Surry county. North Carolina, in book 62, nagv 219, default having been mnde in the payment of the note therein se cured and at the request of the holder f I will sell for cash at public nuction to the highest bidder at the court house door in Dobson, N. C„ on Monday the .list day of October, at 1 n. m. the following described real es tate to-wit: Adjoining the lands of C. M. Callo way, Jacob Fulk, and others and hounded as follows, vis. Beginning on a pine on an old line and runs S. 8.75 ens. to a chestnut stump; thence W. UJ.fiO chs. to a stake in Sutphins corner; thence S. 5 chs. to a (take in Calloway's line; ;thence E. 6 chs. to an apple tree by a road: thence 14.75 chs, to a aourwood and black oak; thence 21 ch*. to a stake and pointers; thence N. 37 degree* E. 9 chs. to a chestnut stump on bank of. road; thence N. 21 degrees W. 1.86 chs. to an old rock corner; thence N. 46 de Srees E. 14 chs. to a Spanish oak; lence N. 86 degrees W. 10.76 chs. to a small oak sapling; thence N. 48H degrees W. 6.76 chs. to a white oak; thence 13.76 cha, to the beginning con taining 64 8-8 acres mot* or leaa. 8econd Tract—Adjoins the forego ing tract and R. F. (Holding and bound ed aa follows via: Beginning on • maple on the east bank of Ring Creek formerly E. Callaway's corner; thence 8. 13 degrees E. 17.78 cha. to a forked white oak stump. C. H Callaway's comer; thence N 88H degrees W. 18 chs. to a pine; thence 8. 8 cha. to a dead chestnut stump; thence W. 1 ch. thence N. to R. F. Golding* line; thence 15 chs. to pointers on the eaat bank of Ring Creek; thence down same aa it meanders to the begin ning containing 17.78 acre# more or 2, 1814 and recorded In office of Reg later of Deeds of Surry County In book M, page 676. J. RICHARDS. — ~— Norm By virtu* at th« authority confer red upun aw u <°< mmiumiwr III the matter of Qrady Haymore, adminis trator, .at Mwlt Ann Haymore, •t ■>., I w II ugnr for aale, on the frMitHn. <mi 'hf 18th day of October, ittl at 1 o'rlock tha following describ ed land: Ueginnlng at a Rod Oak runs S. M chain* and 2ft Italia to a rock In a •aid. 8. 7 deg. E. list chains la the fork of a branch ia tha road N. about 40 deg, W. with tha BMandrrn of tha road to a Spanish Oak on tha North ■Ida of tha road. North with Jaa. W. iiaymore's llaa 90 rhaina to • White Oak E. 19* chain* to tha bactawhw, with tha imytlun of a school boon lot and about three acta* sold to D. 8. Low*. Except tha dower allotted to tha iilu* aa follow*: Beginning *' • planted rock, tha Northwest corner of School Lot, aW in D. P. Love's llaa and rona 8. M ■t«g. E. 9.HB rhaina to a pleated rack in tha Itold; thanca N. ( dec. E 10 chain* to a lock at tha edge of wood*; 'hana* M. M deg. W 9.70 chalna to a plantod rock In D. t. Love's old Una: 'hence 8. • dag. W. 10 chalna with I />»•'* old lis* to tha beginning, eon •fining 9.77 acre* mora or l*aa. Thi* Sept. 10, 1911. C. C. BIVENS, Com. A Pronoa trad Haceeaa. Tha uniform success that ha* st id^d tba use of Chamberlain's Colic I'd Diarrhoea Remedy in the relief u d cor* of bowal complaintn. both for l ildran and adults, ha* brought It In to almost universal use. so Quit H la i>ructical)y without a rival and as everyone who haa used it knows. It Is without an equal. Kiinm kMk without fluMltefi fi ^ If t'UNTt OUAKANTBF.O «K<M DI4KAAK KKM«K '.!l at'aS«W« .loiiinf JW7* 1h# treatment of Itch, TVf// Rlr. iw»m,T#ttro»of»wfU«h- f If / »rf *Ain d. TtW «»»• 1 'Vl Um Ub«o« •« mmr ritk. W. 8. Wolfe Drag Cm. The next time you buy calomel ask for alotaLs Hm purifnd tad i >1 tablet* that arm ■Im*, and i •4 ud byriftJ. Sold oniy in Pric# 35c. DR. H. B. ROWE Mount Airy, N. C. PRACTICE LIMIT CD TO CTC. EAR. NUtlK * THROAT Offtcc 0»«r A mmd 10c. Star* Sydn6r & Sparger Insurance Agent* MOUNT AIRY. A.C SOUTHERN RAILWAY Tha M infonnati >n •n not finnMMi Tha arrival and Dapartura of ■—gar Traina at OiamkoN, M. <1 ArrWaa Tmm 11:18a Maw Oriaana-Atlanta 12 30a Waahiactoa 1 au H rm,riich»n. A 4:tta Waahiactoa ijji HrVri rl isma Oildakarn I«M»* li£ Wtwaiaa la law l:H* Waahtagtoa 7:t6a Waahin*ton Ti.lOa Saaford 7:4ia CWi»ti 10:20a SaWcb lSrlOf GoldikM^iaMfk ilix I M. Oriaani Btna IS M Ai 4:16 Sanford-1 , 64*i> Maw York- . 4Mp WaatmlnistrrCKar 4«Op WUkaatvim W-B 1:009 Ut. Airy 7:*>p c.< Vh!>oro*alaijh 4:M[ Wliiaton Salam I0:<rip <"h«rlott« Atlanta I0:10p Goldaboro-Ralaiffh 10:21p Augusta Columbia 11:48p Atlanta-Charlotta X Dally Eleapt Sunday Tha arrival and Dapartura of 1 car Traina at ML Airy. 11 88a • Sanford ft:00p Sanford Wilmington Tha arrival and Dapartura af 1 x*T Tmini at Winston-Salaam 11:48a Mt Airy-Rural Hall 3 05p Aahavilla M. A. Pendlaton, Tlckat A, Bwy Co., Fr*i»ht Of flea. 8! ta, STOCK CERTIFICATES—Tha offlea ia prepared to prist afl of stock crrtlficataa lor on short notica. Aak for as BIRD'S ROOFS ART-CRAFT TILE DESIGN 9 ! Prices Are Down Spirits Are Up GET out the old hammer and saw. Prices on building materials are down—way down. We're glad. So are you. Come on in. Let us surprise you with our figures for your requirements and especially on Bird's Art Craft Roof, red or green slate surface, tile design. Art-Craft is probably the best buy on the market today. It's durable, fire-safe and mighty attractive. SAVES money on first cost, the cost of laying, and the cost of labor. The ideal roofing, right over the old wooden shingles or on new buildings. We know Art-Craft and we back it to the limit Let's do business together. BIRO * SON, inc. (Eatablhlwd ITtS) Eaat Walpok, Maw. ■. - - - " '■ V - '•• 4 • .. - • " W. E. Merritt Co.

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