Instant Bunion rHlsj Guaranteed or not • mm • emt L I I u VL'n/iT po»i II CTir— tlit. JULIUS ELDRIDGE m Ymm LMhr Cm. TV# Ttwiir Store 31 NOTICB. A #*• Mr cant jM luring ptorad witaiM as*! by rirtna of am thorn* of in order of (ha Clark of tha Superior Court of Hurrr count*. ai<a in tha aparia! |iimii»»iwii antitlad A. j. Daathamga, Adminiatrator of tha aauta of E? A MUikiir. dacaaaod ra. Nana la Midkiff -t al.. tha aama being No. ... on th» apaeial prnmadlng dockata of aaid c«wt tha onderaignad aommiaaioner will, on Saturday, Oct. IMi, 1921, at I o'clock oflfar for aala ta tha hifhaat bidda. on tanoa of one third eaah, balance In aU and twelve atontha, that certain tract of land In Mount Airy Townahip upon whlcn to tha home of tha lata E<L A. Midkiff naar the Flat Rock and fallowa: Begining at a stake and running 8. 10 deg.lf. 27 ft.: thanca S. 44 dac W. 123 ft.; thance 8. 48'i deg. W. 100 ft. tea stake; thencr N. 10St <tag. W. 1,113 ft. to a ataka; thencr 3. 42 deg. M mm E. 12R ft.; thrnca N. 2 d^g. 45 rain Wl ft. to a ataka; lh«nca *7. 14 dag. K 421 '* to a .take; tha we N. 44 da? 30 m n. E -At ft to tha begin- ] aing For hcttar d«*-ription aae dead from C. B. Keeaae t'> K'd. A. MidkilT and title bond from C. B. Keeaee to1 BAA. MidkifT , Thia Sept 10, lOil. E. C. BIVENS, Com. Ofica CIub|« My oAea haraaftar to to I atpal building at hand of tha T. B. WONDERFUL GAIN IN WEIGHT REPOftYD) Ymmmg Wommm Only WmigM Ow 100 And U GmMmc Ewry D*y. "Bafora 1 bflfu taking Teniae 1 only walgfced T« pom*, I now watgft uwlOOtMl w gaining ovary day," aaid MIm UIm Davia. of "I hn» Hf bit bottle of Taalaa at Cm City, hi, aad it WH mt NBMltetlMrtMMtaflt 1 Imm ilnn ■■#■■4 a •war had any tyydtto aad ataipty could nut rallab anything, I fad ott until ! only weighed Tl pounda and waa to thin I looked perfectly awful. Tkla la tba condition I waa la whan I "Oh, I foal ao different now Bran my complexion fa Improved. My ap patita la gn«d and I can hardly gat •no ugh t» aat. Tan lac la imply gTand, and I can truthfully aay it la tfca only madicfna that ever dona me any good." la aold by Hidden three month* In an unfilled water tank of a eteamahip, 20 emaci ated Chlneae etowawaya wore recently removed to Ellia I»land from a Britiih ■taamahip. The dlacovery waa made by a cuiloma official aearrhing for rortrahan^ liquor and opium. How Belter Than PllfcT The que*tion hai been aaked--In what way are ('hamberlain'i Tableta tuperior to the ordinary cathartic and liver pllla? Our anawer ia, they ara eaaler and more pleaaant to tak<- and their effect ia ao gentle kh*' one liardly realixea that It ia produced by > medicine. Than, they not only move the bowela but improve the appetite ind atraightan the di«r*etion. A Short Story Chickens Eggs Butter » Dried Apples Of interest to farmer* and merchants who want first class serrica and fair dealing. You cannot afford to over look us. We hare the Experience, Outlet and Trade to Give Top Prices. ELLER CO. MOUNT AIRY. N. C Make Your Own Soap! Women all over the country are learning that the loap they make at home is better, purer and more eco nomical than factory made soaps. just save the household grease that now goes into the garbage. Buy a can of Red Devil Lye and follow the plain, easy directions for soap-making. Each cantul save* you fully a dollar! Good Soap From Waste Falsi But Use Red Devi)— Red Devil Lye has such tremendous strength and power that every c-nful will (urn waste grease into ir.any big cakes of splendid laundry soap. Ea.y to do. Follow directions, right on the label. Saves You A Lot Of Mohl; You are paying ¥0 erne; to i dollar for as much soap as you c-.n make with a can of Red Lye—anti the soap you buy is not as purr as you can make yourself from the fats and scraps you now waste! Your home made aosp will contain all of the nat ural glycerin and will be free from the adulterants so common in factory msda soaps. w- «-■ RED DEVIL LYE Sura is Strong/ YOUR GROCER SELLS IT SHOULD HAVE SEARCH WARRANTS FOR HOUSES But Tkis WnU Be Tm Slow for IrtiaiMai >»r* William J. Bryan. WUHam J. Bryan, wko I* M» a eitisen of Florife Mi will eset Ms ratoW that State, m la Vukta|tM laat week. Than te ahrsy» s muddle lefialattea mi Mr. Bryaa baa this to ■ay am the —bjert. "The wtfimw report so ths an ti-beer bfll meete the aMaation The •ire to Make the law* say wtotw strict A private mHiaii la a permanent building end it is entirely proper to require a warrant for seareh. Thia might area be sat ended to permit any bona Ms resident to protest his home from ssarrh without warrant by stak ing affidavits that* he has ao liqaoi an lawfully concealed therein. Bat it is different with automobiles. Te require a warrant before searching s j suspected automobile would practical - I ly nullify tha law. The automobile could go Into another eounty before a warrant could he seemed, ft is in i concsirablc that any dry Ssnator can ; he deceived by the mock hero tea of the wets, liberty to disobey the law la not conaidsred sacred by any Isrgr percentage of ths American people. A filibuster by s majority to prevent the enforcement of a constitutional provision is sbout ss undemocratic a procedure sa could be imaginable, especially a constitutional provision which outlaw* a criminal traffic " Indian Woman Hope* to Win Suit For $1,000,000 Tulsa. Ok la.—What would you do with |1,000,000 should you win that amount in I auit for title to land? Kn. Rachel Ptrrjnaan, 86. a Crock Indian and rrandmother, who recently A led auit for raal eatate ia Tulaa rai ned at fljOeOfiOO, aajr* aha would bay a new buggy, a young horaa and par haps a fsw good cows. "After that," aha say*. "I dont know. I dont Uka automobilaa, though; they go too fat" Forty years ago. Mrs. Perryman said, she used to follow tki droves of cattle from the Ferryman ranch, near Tulaa, to market at Coffayville, Kan. In those day* bar huaband. George Perryman, waa still alive. When the oil rush began, after aha had become used to the eattle-raiaing business, a demand for vegctablea started, and Mrs. Perryman started raising them. Her truck garden be came famous, and her husband ex tended his holdinirs, she declares, un til they included a vast amount of land where Tulsa now stands. The Perryman home, she said, waa built on the aite of the present Tulaa country courthouse. As much as 110 and 112 advance was paid daily on calla for produce from her truck gar den, Mrs. Perryman said, and she waa kno<vn as the richest Indian woman in this part of the country. "That was before Indians began to take an interest in oil," she said. No Shortage of Babies in State This Year. Cotton and tobacco may be Rhort thin year, and there may be a great scarcity of fruit in all parts of the State, hut it ia certain that there will be a bumper crop of babies in North Carolina in 1921. Records kept in Raleigh in the form of vital statistics show that 1921 will be probably the greatest year in a long time in the number of babies born in North Caro lina. And not only have Iota of babies been horn this year, but people hava been dying more slowly, and alto p?tb»r the State is promised a big in crease in inhabitants during 1921. Birth and death statistics for the first six months of 1921 compiled by the Bureau of Vital Statistics of the State Board of Health, Dr. F. M. Reg ister. director, indicate an increase of more than 8,000 births over the same period last year, and deaths have de creased by more than two thousand. The same ratio for the year will give the 8tate a net gain in population of 67,810. Doring the first si^ months there were 44.268 babies born In the State while 16,010 people were dying. Dur ing the aame period last year there were 41,062 babies bora, while 18,070 people were dying. The decreased death rate for the present year is at tributed partly to the fact no in (ta enia epidemic was abroad during the early months of the year as waa the ease in 1930. Jane appears to he the month moat favored for birthdays by the newt) arriving babies this gear, with a total of 6460, bmt last gear the new citi sens preferred April, and in that month set up a yet unbroken reeord .for birth*—8,688 February of last year ao far hoi* (be reeord for Bishop Immbmlk Punt hi Jap« Naab villa, Tann, l<ft. 37,—Maw* of Um daath fMlNii; of Bishop Waltar Lam bath of tha Southara Mathodlat cborrh In a haapltal at Yokohoma, Japan, was riasivad Wart today by ralativaa. Tha daath of, Bishop Iswkath fol lowad aa operation performed a law waaka x». Nam of hla death. haw om MaMi bar* Hie fatbar, Jaatee William Laasbuth, was a miaaionary and to IwM In Japan. U la not known whsthar tha pralaU'a body wt D ha returned to tUa country or ha hurted In tha Orlant, tha scene of Ma life's work. Hal, China, bat a4mM In this aaaa try. Hla caraar bafan aa a ladi ral missionary from tha Soothera Methodist church hi China, following hla graduation from ths VandeiMt Unirarslty school of Medicine in 1*77. Since than hla Ufa has baan glvvn to tha Missionary interesta of his ehareb. In It 10 ho was alactad a bishop and for yaara ha hae baan rscognised aa ona of tha loading Sgurea in tha mia aioaary movement of tha Christian world. Ona of his meant achieve ments waa tha location of a Methodist mission in tha Congo country, tha first of hia church in Africa. Jarrell Produce Co. 1 Wants Chickens, Eggs, Butter BMMui>4«>KybCM*TPndM SEC US BEFORE YOU SELL TUU 3HUULU NAME THE SURRY COUNTY LOAN t TRUST CO. AS YOUR EXECUTOR FOR THE FOLLOWING REASONS. th« will ur kMfhf H wader im! ■ HmSC ** DIRECTORS W W. Uwfca. A. G. »!!■■—,W. f. Cvtw, K. H. VmlV. A. Jmk. t. 8. Eidrtdc*. V. iTBMMta. fT. 0. Bytmm.jTb. tattfc. W. f. CARTER, Pnatet W. W. BURKX. Ttar W. 0. STDHOB. Sm. * TNm. WRIGLEYS •AFTER EVERY 10i»o»5t The new su*ar coated cbewin* BWXV _mnrp_ nKEEEZ^ ^HOSZE^ THE FLAVOR LASTS Chilly rooms made comtor table in a tew minutes And you don't have to "drive" your coal heater With d«h<hH»l autumn daya t'lere alwayt coma rhillr ni|hu and Iroatv norM*|l. You dislilia to Hart ai ihf (uraaot or ■IMn baatar until it i» actually aaaaaaary. Naxt to |1m |nat aoirvtnirac? ol tha Par tact loa Oil Haatar m it* unusual aooaomy It karat (or about 10 boar* oa ■ ainfla |alha ol kafoaooa wbieb aoata oofy about kali oht it did kat yaar. It ii an aipooaiva luxury to kaaf aaidoa aaad raaaa aad ballw/ya baa tad alt lb* ■>»— - ■»- J- - J .l j. _/ a in.. (MM ■ nUMIMI CM iKWIimit Of MMHM will Ml dawa tbair aoaJ bill* tbia fall and viaur by naiad tba Nifcwlia a* aa aux iliary baa tar. Reap tha boaaa mm with tba aaal baaiar bri aaa Dm Mm maka tba Irriai noai co-tartabU Tha Farfaetioa Oil Haatar plaaad la froat of aa atpowd door or arlaiow wM draft, warn aad baaltbfal. Yaar baidwata, bowahnlaM^ ar 4a* partaral atora prabi Haatar*. Aak tha [AUPDWl SBCUMTYOU

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