Mount Airy Xtwt. Ml AW, N. C., Not. 10, 1M1 Wwh of Pr»yw nrvl*** in Mac , * by the mm af Central Matbo iM <-hairh tht* wiik. * Walt* • large delegation from ihla aity attended the Sunday achooi Mat Franklin Crave* left wrml day* age Mar a trip t® Waw York. Mfeeei Jamie and Bailie Had try left Tuesday hi vialt their aiater Mra. Milton Caah in Wtnatoa-Saleta Mr. and Mra. A. K. fltaaia are rtekt ing friend* la Winaton-Saieai and Ureenaboto. Mra. K. T. Moore and children a pent Dr. Cox apent Sunday In Winston mm Mr. and Mr*. C. C. Elder and baby •M rliltlaf relativea In Peters barf Va. Mtaaee Martha and Ruth Ma under a spent Hd' day with relative* In Wlna ten-Salem Mra. Jeaae V. Prather ia vieitinir relatlvxa In Charlotte. Mr*. D. A. Kawlev of Wa*hington D. C. I* visiting her brut her J, H Fa) ton. MIm Kate Mitchell, of N. C. C. W ef Qreenaboro apent the week end with her mother, Mra. C. V. Mitchell. The local W C. T. U. will atc~t with Mra. H. E. Herman Tuesday after noon at 3 o'clock. Mia* Ethel Dix submitted to an operation for appendicitis at Martin hospital Wednesday. Mr*. W. R Kiger ha* retarned from a visit to her mother Mra. Spain hower in Winaton-Salem. Mr. and Mr*. Brad Partridge and rtiHdren have returned from a vialt to relative* in North Wilkesboru. A *on waa born to Mr. and Mra. Percy Maaten Jr., Tuesday, Mra. John Lemmerman spent sever al day* of last week In Winaton Salem. Mi** Mary J. Creed *pent Sunday with her *i*ter in Pinnacle. Rev. and Mr*. 3. A. Cook and two daughter* Misse* Annie and Mary ef Randleman are now at home at the D. R. Bualrk farm on route 6. W. W. Avers of Rocky Mount will *pen Mr*. M. L Dean and little ion Rowe the city, laat week, from Baltimore, to join her husband who ha» been here ever since the 4«ath of hi* father A. W. Dean. Mm. John (.••mmerman has return ed to her home in Baltimore after visiting Mr. and Mr*. John Lemmer man in thia city. There will be a box supper at the Key school house on Saturday night November 12, 1921. Everybody i* in vited to attend.' Teacher. Rev. C. C. Haymore will fill the pul pit at the Second Baptist church next Sunday at 11 a. m. and want* all mem ber* and friends-to be present aa he has a special announcement to make. Mesdames J. D. Sargent, E. M. Hol lingsworth. E. M. I.inville and Miss Mary Hollings worth motored to Winston-Salem Friday to meet Mr. Sargent who wai returning from a trip to Aaheville. C. H. Haynes will return thia week from New York where he visited hia daughter Mis* Lucile, and Baltimore wIm?* ha went to consult a specialist. His friends will be glad to know that the report of the specialist was favor able and no operation neceeaary. Rev. H. K Boyer writes that Mrs. * Boyer is doing nicely since bar opera tion, and if nothing unforeseen pre vents he will fill his pulpit in Cental Methodist church Mount Airy next Sunday, both morning and night. The Mission Study class of the First Baptist church will meet with Mrs. W. D. Haynes near this city Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock. The Woman's Mlasionsry society will also meet with Mr*. Haynes on the same afternoon at 8 o'clock. Mis. Forester Booker will be Joint Hostess with Mrs. Haynsa. Quite an interesting and really wonderful entertainment was given at the high school auditorium Tbesdsy evening, when the second Lyceum entertainment Pamahaaika's pets con sisting of trained monkey, dogs, cats, canariea, Australian eockatooe, and other birds did stunts almost beyond belief. The trainer declared that on ly patience and kl»-3neea could era* secure such rwpiMi from dumb anim als and birds and that they wets well eared for in captivity and lived longer ' than household pets and birds in theii aittive haunts., Mra. Patejr Maatan left W. da a.da; for he* Iiom la WInatan-Male* mfU vial tine r.tali»«. tn this «Ky and I* taklnir poaaamkin thla waak Mr and Mra. A. B. SummarvlTle will mora Into thalr naw rlumen which ha would preeent to tha achool. Tha flrat aid klta, given by tha Home Rconomiea department of tha Woman's club wara formally present ed by Dr. Martin and accepted oa be half of the K'lmiU by Miaa Hraa • Marritt. Mra. C. Hinder tendered her resign iitloa aa praaldant and Mra. B T. ' "rman waa alacted In her place. X Woman'* Club Not*a Irf-t all of oar club member* remem Nov ember II, > Due to the fact that the drive fiA fund* for the Wnr Memorial come* on Armiatiee day, a* yell as the day on which tft- disarmament conference Iwgins, the program for the general meeting last Friday was one which t.uched especially on those phases. Miss Weat of Martin Memorial hoapltal, who served aa a nurse in Franca during the war and who ia tha [ossessor of a victory medal, spoke in ! a- interesting and intanaaly stirring . 'V of her work, beginning with the 'riinttiK in our tyuntry and taking u* on to France and the hospital* with her. She touched especially (Hi tha m irit of tha bov», their unselfiahneaa thair gentleness and coaaideration. In i-enc'usion she said that she deemed our plan for a memorial a moat com mendable ona. Miaa Lovill read two after-war poems " Poppies," and "Forgotten," 1 In her usual delightful way. Mr*. Pries bro't ua a message from the "Saturday Evening Post" concern ; ing diaarmament and the disarmament conference. The reports from department* and eommittees showed the splendid work being dona. Tha president announced the d!»trict meeting in Win*toit-Salem ! on November 15. Our club ha* been ; asked to respond to the address of welcome. Mra. C. C. Hale haa been 1 appointed to represent us in thia respect. Other delegate* hare not been appointed but all new member* are urged to attend. The Woman'* club ia in no way | whatsoever connected with the preaent I.yceum courae in Mount Airy and ia ; not responsible for the aale of tickata. ' However they wiab to assure the Par j ent-Teacher association that thay wiah for them a *uccessful sale of tickata ai d to assure them of their Individual support. The (economic department will not m<-et Friday due to the fact that it ia the day for tha Memorial drive: Thair meeting was replaced by the trip to I Dohson to go before the county coni , mfoaioner* on laat Monday. j Mr. and Mra. M. F. Patterson have | returned from Rockford where they ! were called by the illneaa and death i of Mra. Patteraon'a * father, C. F. Mann. The Mt. Airy Insurance & Realty Co. % A New Mount Airy Corporation ■ flu. ' With a capital stock of f!5,000—organized to handle Life, Fire and Casualty Insurance Loans, Real Estate and Rentals efficiently and successfully. % • Your business will be safe in our hands. J. A. Jackson, Pm. G*o. W. Sparyer, Sm. 4k Tnu. W. R. Umdamj, Mtai|« Office in J. H. Folger'e former office, Goldsmith block i ; DIRECTORS—J. A. Jaeluon, L. P. Wrenn, N. W. Dob bine, J. H. Folger, Geo. W. Sparger, W. E. Lindsay, C. A. Shelton. Hale's Department V Bargain Basement People are •warming to our BARGAIN BASEMENT and with their anm loaded with the Biggest Value* ever shown in any in one hundred mile* of Mount Afary. We have received to date ahout Fifteen (15,000) Thousand yard* of I ^ double width dreM goods, yard wide percale* and heavy draperies all i ed on one long table at one price, 10c. Shoes! Shoes!! 2,000 pair of sample and job shoes at and below regular wholesale prices. 80 dozen Blue Buckle and Big Ben Overalls, heavy weight, with elastic suspenders, at 98 cents each. Main Floor • * Just received a big lot of Men's, Women's and Children's Sample Sweaters at Wholesale Price. 1 case 1500 yards of Canton Flsmnel, at .. 12 1*2 cts. ' \ » I Dress and Millinery Department ♦ e Every express is bringing us new Ladies' Suits, Wool Dresses and Ladies' Sport and Trimmed Hats at better values than you have had for many a day. Hale's Department Store S. M. Hale, Proprietor - ■M. $500 in Cash Will Be Given Away in Four Premiums as Follows: 1 st Prize, $200.' 2nd Prize, 150. 3rd Prize, $100 4th Prize, 50 We will say for instance: If Johnnie Jones buys $367.40 worth of furniture and music from me during October, November and December, and should his amount be the largest among our customers then you will see Johnnie Jones smiling all over his face as he will receive the $200. If Billie Smith buvs one of our $350 upright pianos and his being the second largest amount he will receive $150. And if Miss Mary Love buys one of our parlor suits for $175 and heft being the third largest amount she will receive $100. If Jabbie Wakie buys one of our Sonora talking machines for $100 and his being the fourth largest amount he will receive $50. Somebody is going to win these prizes and it might be you. Now is the time to buy your Piano and house furnishings. We carry a complete line of house furnishings and all kinds of music from a jews harp to a piano. HERE ARE SOME OF OUR GOODS WE ARE OFFERING AS BARGAINS: Parlor Suits, from 940 up Bed Rtfom Suits from $80 up Dining Room Suits from... $60 up Library Suits from $86 up Player Pianos,. $485 to $560 Upright Pianos, $286 to $600 Talking Machines, ... ,$7 to $900 W. 11. Marion Piano & furniture House Mount Airy, N. C.