Scrap Book MKKWS MOMENT FOR MOOT fiar nm W< • LMtt* WMh kMfl m * mm m4 bale—was part— Ik* library «Im Us darter nrftn4. "Wall duriar." trM IW baebee*, farcing • •mil* 1* It twlner H-lMf—" began UM darter. TMpbul Oml Oaaaart" lUaatrMl tba dee tm. "Onatfruplets I Hal; smoke V -Ha. no." rried th* darn* "Qu-«» Iriu lb» cuatrary Trtrtry and U tbfca H ptepbllaaopblrally. lt'l • Remarkable DiuppMranca. Perhaps th* most remarkable dis appearance In aobni tint** of a prominent public maa **» thai of Jam** Wlnatnnley, a brilliant Oxford scholar. who won the "ll*rtfiird" near ly aeventy year* ago. Wlnstauley, bavbig heroine a poaltlvlM under the Influence af Cengreve- one ut tb* founders of lb* new religion copslst big of "three persons and no OodH— laft Oxford and llv*d In retlrem*nt on bla l#itwi»nlilw estate, where b* devoted himself to th* welfare of bis dependents. built a church, and. In the year of bla disappearance, wn blgh sheriff Just before tb* aaslw* be went to Folkestone, started for th* pier to meet hi* mother <*>u)lng froin Boulogne. and was never afterward a** i: by hi* friend*. A boot man at Ooblem Dialed that an Kngllshman re sembling Wlnaianley waa ferried over to Uhrenbreltatelo. and b* waa au|> poeed fo bare been drowned: but thoae who beet know bin temperaiueat thought It possible thai he had Un ■ured himself In a monastery. Cbina'a Concrat* Work. Owing to the high coat of timber la China. It ban been found ec<ip«>mlc al to make railway deepen and alee trie transmission line pole* of rein forced <-oncrete. The sleepers are re Inferred with old mine ruble, state* Engineering New*. Record and are cunj under water before one New track la not supplied with rtpirrete keepers, but laid with ordinary wood en sleepers, which are afterward re placed by concrete when the road bad to well nettled. The pole* are 40 feet and (SO feet high, and nre east horl aontally. They ire hollow for four fftba of their length, square section, * and taper, and som* of th* reinforc ing rods are carried shove and below the pole to act as lightning conduc tors. In both raxes the concrete mix la 1:2:4. and the pole* and sleeper* have given complete satisfaction,— Scientific American. Men Orlvas Meihtr Pram Kitten*. Three kittens which were deserted bp their mother were adopted by a ban, says a Nova Scotia reader. The ban dscovered the kittens lo a cow's manger and after watching thera for aome time sat on them. She waa chased away and the mother cat was put with Ita young, hut the old hen want Imck and chased the rat and Claimed the kittens. How th* kittens ware fed I* not known. DOING PINK "How'a that protty conducter.tta making out! Car aba maka 'am atap lively r "Rather. Thay bag In to atop lively tha mlnuta thay apy bar." Died Whlla Chloroforming Cat. A Penney Ivanla railroad engineer loat bta lUa when bo attempted to chloro form a pat eat at hla bona la Paoll, Pa* whlla hla tanfly was away. '.Tha aat aeratchad and atnigflad aa ha triad to bold tha chloroformed ra« to Mi noaa Ha fall unconerloaa and M fras the fumra. Tha eat raa away. •paatal Carriage far Quadruplaaa. A fanltniw atora la Naw Baron, Oeon, eanonnree that tt la haHa« a apaelal quadruplet baby carriaaa made la Leooilnatrr that will ahort ty ha praaeated to tha quadniplato dai haro recently baaa born ta Mr. aad lira. fcalao of View Ha ran. Prolific Iwa. A atan la Nora Scotia raporta that ■ owe owned by hla neighbor gave Mrtti to a btmb; two waeka later tha aame ewe rare birth ta twtaa. Hm •rat lavo 'llad Aortly afMr Mrth. tow tha twlna are (till atlaa aad TIMES OEMU MODEN BIHS rWHiy uKiiirvcivo uff'iWP SMIart Out «f Daft. DAIRY ANIMALS REQUIRE CARE euwtww to W«(l linirt Tr» Ml liumi) WhM iallitog I* to SwlM W«M. •y WILLIAM A. NAOFOftD. Mr WMIaai A IWIto will WM aa »■«'"«« mi i*)m cwci or ooarr • «u imumm «• mm Mtort -f auildia* wa*k an Ik* (mm. taa UM rmmO.r, ml (Ma >M" 0» I «t M* «M> »«>irn««i m Him, Aulbar Ml Itoaala u»i ii to to wUbaoi ImM. tlx >l«lim uiiMfiir m au !>■■■ miiku AMraaa ail Hxiulrl** I* WIMaaa A. IU4 (ar4. Ha. mt frairl. a»a»ua. UlaH IB. and Mlf lailnn iw*->*ai mm» Im '1*1 Tilm >u to Ito luaiory «f AjnatVaa hm» alwa ■ bar* wa» maralj • poor ly mMrMtd ikrliM for tto ton* Uva Mock aad HUM of (be (rd lw«l ad to mallalli lb* anlmala throufhoul iha wint»r wuutba. So partlrator at I an llua waa paid to Ibr wnli of Iba anlmala othar tbao • roof wpj thrlr bM'U and walla to bn-ak Iho win far wlnda. C-owa bvuwl la tbraa mnt tara* war* cold aad a crawl. panwul aga of llw> faad thaj rwi>uinpd wia wad up to maintain tha raquirwl body baal. and lltlto want to pMucr inl'k. Horaaa »»rr not n»«l«l for farm wort to wlmar, no tbajr warr put m» light fanj and wbaci aprluf raina wara In poor •■>odttloii for tha lo-my work of thai naaaoo. Study of tha llvaatork Induatrr fbowad thai thla tj|«* of txa>rtv <-<m J nrw i: aatartor riw, H will k* m«4 tkal I ■•lid wait witk i 4o«r la th* «»» AtMra lh* taflM N* Ik* mn/TMl WtlMil at mmiii'lli la rwqulrad k» law la ana* Main aa Ik* dan ftna lW kor la raclawlinlv Ik* atllk In th* I •labia ik*r* an ata* atari* alalia. an4 • rona for Ik* h*m*aa Th# alalia faiw a r*ni*r allrjway •*»» wkirk la a rarrtar raa aa a Irarti thai la aa*d la ma^Kirt fa*d la Ik* Taaajara. Tkla irark *it»»ida ia Ik* raar of tka alalia aa Ikal ik* rarrW taay k* aaad t* tak* out manure About Iwn-thlrda of th* ata hi* Boor la ileroted ta rh* dairy ataki* It will k* a**a by ik* plan thai Ikar* ara 14 alalia In aack row facta# Ik* failing all*J. h*atd*a fo*r large has alalia fur ralvaa an4 kali Tk* doll ad Una on th* |>lan ahowa th* ran >4 tk* carrtar track, which ei trivia to ik* fr*t| room that <**aa*fta tk* Mka with tk* hara. Tkla *rramrnn*i>t permit" tk* alias* la h* thrown dowa In th* W room loaded Into lh* 'ar rl*r ami i ran "ported -llra^-tly to lh* matigera. Th* aanall c'rclea al tl<» otall head* Hmimi drinking <it|ia which arc <oni>*<-fc.| wltlt 'he farm waler-prmattf* aj»nu> and ke*p a a tar continually larfon* th* an'ata1/. ihc water U-ln* turned on and abut «!t nul.-t' iilliall) by Ik* pro«t»re of th* ♦>#»«.*... 1/ »hr r»n • vilvf lE^Cf -tmtt-Atttr etructeri form balldinf waa expenatvm. It pr<«v«><l that when dairy unitnala nit kept lu a weather-proof building the milk flow L»>ntljr Inrmme* during the cold n en i her. Better buildings demon strated that thera were feeana of not unly keeping the anmlala more health)' and productive, bat of doing the work nacifxary Iti . urlng for the live xtock more family and III leaa time, rttep by atep the dealga of bam* wan Im proved, until harn architecture be eame ao important that It attracted the attention of the architectural pro feaaluu, aud an Intenalve stud) of the naada of the Ilea atock and the farm owner haa brought about ataodard ar chitectural practice* Id barn design ing. The modern barn. Ilka the modern home, la built with two Idea" upper most ; comfort and convenience*—coca (fort for the animals that are to live In It anil convenience fur the men who care for the animals Modem baraa are constructed of good materl all and are put up In flrat-cUaa work manlike manner; they are provided with ayaterai of ventllatioo that keep the air Id tha atablae para, but ellm lnate drafta; they art equipped with labor-aavlng fixtures. auch 1 aa «teal stanchion* that do not accumulate dirt and fllth, water <npe that supply fraah water at the at all heada continuously; litter carrlera that eliminate Uie un plaaaant job of removtag manure j feed trucks that carry the faad to tha A food example of tba modern dairy aad horer harn Is afcown In tha ao campanylix illustration. Thl* ban la tt about the Cght alae to accommo date the live mock horaaa and dairy towa that are found aa tba average farm la the Middle Weet. ft la 134 feat kmc and •'« faet wide, and la di vided Into twe stables. one to sccom aiadate a<m .K.rm* and ibe oLbei u> baoaa tt <oh*. ;uelr calvea and a bull. A comiwrtwn of lhl» barn with tho«e In uw twenty t»r thirty y**ar» uih) the »tnl< turd f<>nn<l oo too many Ainrrl< an farm* today, will Kite a tf<x«J Idea of llir progr*** In barn >-ohm ruction and equipment. Dirty, (lark, cold and drafty »tni<ture« *re aspaaalrt t>i-cau>w they cm down pro duction and iocrraiw labor coat, whllo ih« modem barn* Increaae production and cat labor coal* It la economy when building to build wall. That la aapec tally true of bartta that ara to bouae live Mock and their feed. Every farmer wbo needa a new building ot thla typa ahould boar thaaa facta in mlud. Auntla Nat an OW Maid. Aunt Mary la now twenty-fl»e, and bar married brother* twit bar about her alngle atatc. They alao tall bar that alace aha haa had her laat birth day aha la an old maid. Thla both ahe and bar adoring B»e-ymrold niece Jean deny. Tlie other night one ot Aunt Mary'* admlrera called, and little Jean waa made • member of the party. Natn rally the waa mora In love with auntie than ever, and when the young man laughingly called her an old uiakl Jean loyally apratag to the raacva. "No. aha ain't an old aaM neither." Kha denied. "Teacher aayt any one lan't aa long aa they roll their atoek Inga Mown, over their kneea." And the aubjcct waa Imiqedlataly chanced.— tndlanapolla New a. Brilliant ttara. The brilliant atar Rplca la ISjOUC Umax aa bright a* the aun. whll« Canopoa. a eery bright ctar la tlx aouth polar aky. la flB.000 tlmea a> bright aa the *on. Splca aad Oano pua ara 'with ahout 800 light yaan frorr w. To rxpraaa thalr dlatann hi iaI lea, ana trroi'd write down thre« aad add BfMit » .era, Planters Warehouse Haynes, Brown & Hay ties, Props. Mt. Airy, N. C. Centrally Located Largest House Best Light Highest Prices Run by men with 30 years experience and who five their whole time to the warehouse business. Planters have always lead in pounds and prices. Why? Because its proprietors know tobacco and have the nerve to make the buyers pay the top price for every pile placed on our floor. Planters has always lead in phouse in the State to take better care of the interest of the farmer than they do. Your friends, Haynes, Brown & Haynes Between the South and Washington and New York North South SOUTHERN RAILWAY SYSTEM 7b 0mM> Trwektd Trwnk Umm Btlwmn Atimntm, Ga. mm4 Wm/Umg*m, O. C. m

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