VarlOUS 9f|9S rropostnl 'Of *llp UU^... jyil.,1 0H9WM rrofcci. I* Farm Islaraaliaaal Clisrlag Hum af WmiMm. Maw Jf*», Hawaii. (M*. Ik* aa *IH of I'arls, Ik* IMm. Iil^wi ■■llssilaixl Italy, an* dry* M<t tai prapoaad mm alias for aa In lama (km I <i>> M|~a Ota ptOMS of wl.u-k Ban Irlt. A»<lar*an. an Aaiarlrsn, an* rwliiln, Ha, Uoaaa, Itaa barn rollabar "tin far fix- haliac part uf tka last II >aar*. Mack a «H;, Srtwcdlni la Mr. Ai.-k-raun's projaris, waald not ha tka adaptation ta intarnatlonal par paaaa of a town already eilatln* bat iron I a ha balll aaw and aa would ma tain naif ih.ia* adlhcaa aarvawarf for IU a lata ami lualuranaara Tbara woald ha among othar l>ulidln«a, an Intaraallaual cwart at Jurtlra. which Mr. Anderson willingly roucedes would Ml Aa aaa; artth war, bat woald al laaaf laaaan tka poaalMltfy of H. and whl, h would ba sttaadad by parma nan I repraaawtatlvaa from all nsttona Tbara would also ba aa Intranational ban', an International i»«ill'si voaa ftf . whirl, would always ba In sen ior, and Ibrouab wtilct\ all aaw ills rowlea In RM,l<<'lne l<* .-•••< •• and an til la""" would al nn*a ba ,1l»arrolnated fhr •'irho'ti iha worlil: an Inlrrna'lon al |«v«" loillillni. and an International rhamt>er of rommett* anil In',or K1H1 ffnyrnim»nt wnt^ld llkewl«e liava Ita a»n building. wblrli would offer to rap rraenlallies of Ilia other nirlo i» lha opportunity of rxamlnliiK all lha works of prof raw msda by each »nnn try. Till' city would than Im> ail In lartinllonsl Manrltnr hnaaa of Infortna Una and from It* i-atahHshment, Mr. A»i'i>-r mi (Wis re*. only *««1 re*ults rait Id serine, Tha plans af tka rlty bar a bam ex hibited at-the Smithsonian Institute at Washington and extmslae literature eaucernlng Its ermwsBlc. political and structural poMlhlllttaa kna hen sen' la tlta presidents and sovereign* of prnrtu-aii.. all tha countrlas in tha world Tha aatlmatad mat of such a rtt» la vwnntojom, but tha oat an be a I rain lo aarh nation partlrlpatiof la It* adraniafsa and faaflltlaa would k* 121.000,000, according ta tba calcu lations In tha tracts which hsva haan sent onl Lartnre* will ha ma da apon tka project i his summer hi tka Onttad Mates. sad tba Sorboona la Paris has atfarad a chair far tkraa yaara tar Mtotsna aa It. Hia plan kaa ra tal *ad tk« approbation of Pope Baoa dtct Tv. and both Relglum and Oraaas kaaa cTrrad lard xrsnt* for tba stta •f tkr prapnai-d city. Japanaaa Num. Nnr ToknfaJI. Japan, la VnnjraJl, • troop of hulli1tni.ii noted aa the place of Interment of aeveral of the mlkadoa daring the Kamakura and Tokugawa period*. wrltea a correapondent. Tha grave* an- not xhown; they are ap parently very iinpr.-tending. quite un like tb<* aorgeona niauaoleuma of the Shogun rtynaaty. hut the place la worth ▼tailing. War the cnte, I pnaaed a group of ahaven-pated nuna. their de nuded aiinimlta rtlatenlng In the ann— not walking with demurely dcwncaat eye* telling their beada, hat with Jolly laughter telling each other aoroe joke. Buddluat iiunahlp appear* to lie little ■tore than a cheerful raHnqulahment of domeatlc and economic anxletlea; though one would think they must f«el uncomfortably cool la the winter. Tha extenalve grounda of Sennyu)! art beautifully kept. There la a wide main walk lined with cypraaaea with aldepatha leading to vartoun ahiinea; all are covered with granite aand; at the e<u) la a almllarly aanded court yard about ISO feet aqua re, with a i running along one aide; tha are toarded with cylindrical tOaa atamped at the end with tha lft pat a led chryaantbemum. Wat InaMa and Out The Marine waa up for Office Hoora. The Sergeaat of tha Quant haa ac cused him of falling off tha dock white Id an Intoxicated condition. The ac cuaod Marine atoutly maintained that ha waa atrlctly aober, and that tie1 (lacking he rot waa not the reaoH of hla own rolecondoct Hla buddy wjaa a reluctant wltaeaa. The Oominanding Officer a Idrcaaod the wltaeaa: "It la reported by tha Sergeant of the Guard thai the ac • cuaed Private Jonea, waa Intoxicated at the t|me he fell off the dock, and that yon aaalated him aahore. Tall me. how (lid he appear to yo« when you pn'to<i him out? If ymi had heen ordered' to give an opinion of him then, what would you hare wildf "Kir," anauered hla huddy. "Iahoild hare a «ld that lie wax one of the wet teat, If not the wPttcat Marine J had •W grfti." , ii i i CoitanMat of Photography. The - -«*nttaae> of the dlacovery of pboau* "i'hy wa> reivntlj .Act.rated In the rl'liflt nf Fe.f w-Marne neat Parta where tJaguwre apent the la at yeara at hla life, and wloaru laMffiO he carried on the expert owm« which reaulted la the daguerreotype. from which miMtern photography. Including Hie motion picture, haa he«a (level true to Brag of It. Itofka—Te» I re had a rathe* During the war 1 out at lead. V* * iiox—Oee' A ad ga( away HI Meat iaf* gat f JtifiSO u: ii LF UCCJPAM1 i - 1 —^ | *#»«• Tom Mad CowiiMtMr l>«l ~*>d UM Mortal Fr» « of U»0 ftMW Roger William* TM mmorj at Kacrr William* fminik-r M Hherte Uland, Im* *j» | . jlectcd II* i|,e<l to IMS. a Ml NT ink r«ar» am «t« ■ m>> tablet marked tkw *pat whereta hi* a*b«« re-ted. Thew a awiani waa -at afoul ta locate th«r pan. and iftee nnwh 'wurHl. dia place wee wia^ Noted. WIm tha law reeling pluv of Wft Item* waa »p«a«d II waa found that everything had pa*eed lata oblivion The «J i« of the ndln n«M ha I farad by a Mart liar, definitely 'lef.alng lha aide* and ad (an of the wooden covering There waa a Mi of naalad malarial- hlnkmi and ae'la, • frag ■K-ni nf wood, and a alalia nrnnd haot. • Meer lha rr*vr afood a venerable apple traa. Thl* Iraa bad aani two »f lla mala routa lato lha grave* of William* *ad hla wife Tha Iargar rant. Mnaini hi* *r> re Had puelied thrmik'h tha aarlh tintll It reached llta prec1«e «pnt occupied hy lha ahull of lha ilend man. Making a tarn a'wti ihl» the mot followed lha direction «f lha harkhnwe In th» lilpe Thara II •eparaled. armllng *ob-root* al'Wif •arli lag which, la (am. haul aiivard •Haul tha toee. Ona of tha root| formed a alluhl iron* al tha knea. Tha who)a hore a rloaa rearmhlnnce in tha limnmi form Wot a inrtirla of human dn»t ara* lafl. Cliroil*fry ni»ke« «alnIn Ihnt aft lle«h, and tha celeilrion* iriatter *tv 'n« (imalatanrr tn tha hope*. ara ra «nlved Into ritrhoolc-iicld (if wnter Hnd nlr. while tha *olld Mmo-.ln»< re mnlna. In tlfla malum v. avail tha pho«r>hata of 'line from tha la -.tea had viinlalied. taken tin l>jr lha traa In It* rmwth ilnrin* which It hail formed a counter) i.irt of tha aVeteiim nf tha mnn wl"-*c jravi> It robbed. Put* Blame an •Ifltilag Lavar. "Tnrlooa" wrltaa tn ■ pen-paper ■•king why Ira cream doaao't drop la price now that all It* aaparata Ingredl ant* have dropped. Tha raa*oo. 0 Cnrloua. I« harauna aa many lea cream patron* ara young and unmarrlad. ob aarva* Arthur B. folwall In Lieetla'a. Million* of gallon* of cream ara bought eacb and everf evealag by young roan oat with "tha ltd". What chance la thara that they will atart • buyere" atrlkat Buyer*1 (trlkaa ara far pinched aad deepen ta married folk, aad bay* ta do with aoeb proay, unromantlc com rood nice aa dothaa and cannad to laatoaa. Tha crafty makara of lea eraaaa know that all llmlta ara off whan ■ yooag man aad hla particular qnarn it thaba atap lato a palaca af froaty awaata. Tha young man'* fear of being thought a "tightwad" or a -pill" 1* the tee cream dealer'* beet hot that price* wont coma dawn to pra war level*. Not at lea at for aaearml while* Indeed, the lea cream man la thinking aertnualy of not dropping them at all, but of making hla war price/ do ror two ware—tha laat one and the next one. Cloth T»«t»r Invented. When hl*h-prleed clothe* wear out quickly the buyer moat hare bora "atuiiR." Mild the bureau of atandarda In a mvnt Wnahlngton dtapatcb to the Baltimore American. The bureau Uan perfected a device by which the buyer of a auit of clothe* can tell accurately tha reawm why. The new invention, worked out by • minor employee of the bureau, may tn the future be manufactured ao cheaply that every home can poeaoaa one and be uaed aa a aure guide la the purdwae of clothlag of all grade*. What the device doea la to tell be yond all doubt the thread count, fiber strength and thread width and prob able "life" of a particular kind of cloth that may be Riven a teat. It alao de termine* the power of resistance to wear of which • piece of cloth may he capable. The Ideal Lighting. . According to an Illuminating en gine^ what la wanted today la hooe Illumination la the Mrt of food light ing that la found on the ahady aide of • tree oa • sunny afternoon Sub ftttuu- for the aun a new 100-watt lamp, for the a try the creamy celling of a living room aad for the tree an opa lea rent dlxc or bowl; from the cell ing rot now -get a soft radiance which fiood« the entire room aa though it were open to the aky; from the dlf fualng dlac yon fret a generou* addi tion of light directly beneath, having the qualify of filtered annllglit Too have approximated the ehann'njf ef fect of mellow radiance that «** ap parent under the tree. Aretltabl* Exchange. In the late DO* we were living la a alack on the bank* of Cripple m-ek. a dry stream In Colorhda ivbi n the dam hurwt, a racing torrent *tfept ilown and we fled up the aide of the mountain for aafety. After the water >uha!ded our aback wa* gone, but In It* atead atood a brand-new bungalow, completely furnished" Aa no claimant eear appeared we thank fully appropriated It—Chicago Jour A D i Boon nee ted Story. "iou bad m narivw eecape my friend," taM the farmer who had raahed to the acene of the accident. "So I did," replied the aviator, aa be crawled oat of the wreckage at hi* plane and nonchalantly lighted a cigarette. -■ "How did It happatl" " lat keow. I want late a I £ Dag Mm WKk Wmlir. A IWM otlt# dug M *aatrrn Ofr Uria baa ■ ik»*iH aafagnalat; tha dug aafiaa ika farm wwn by tka wk hafclli.g tb« Itird'a hoad la tha graaad. aavar Inrtu-ting aa btjarj Tha araik a# tha MrO ta halag rwlaaaad la tut MM. Oa baiaf again aitarhad tha 4tf *J\1 aaearaa Ida M't Md altar mmo playful H<arrta>«. Tka rwafltrt l» haraHnd b> aiurh aaiar from ttw an ** Wrd *"* *** Chiafcan Walaad Wtta kmmm A aal with tkrea hMtana. la Xmi •aotta, adaptad • tuatUarlrw afcu-kan two «a*ti . Id. It aaald I la down with tha klttaaa and qrt aad |t la d«m b would try ta mi Ilka :ka ktttana aad tka mi aixl kltiaaa triad M pia? wUlt bar dka atajfad wltk tka rat atrapt nlghta until Aa wa» aid aim# la go wltk tka otkar M. Two rtatara raaldlag la Halan'a MUla. Bk rwmu. Pa., -w. b bacaina tka root bar of twlaa aa tka mum da; all roar of tha aawoomara halag huya Tha two marrtegaa oraurrad mtlj a ■buri lima apart laat jaar. Roth noth ara aad tha twlaa ara la aarallatii ra» Mm Unfartunata Farmara. Four fanaara Halag la IN. John» horji. Vt. wboaa fbnaa adjoin. ha*a baan irufofiunata Ona ha« loat hla laft « f -ha oart haa loat hla loft «rm tha aad hi* right foot aad tha ntbat ha* l<at lila right lag. —s , X (jthe Miaaion Study riwn mat wtttA in J. N. Fallon laat WHufcy afternoon D*veClaMJ mtvWim »mi ronduetad by Mn B*ttw Pmit4|i. M«hammr<Wnl»rn «»* tb« awbjwt at •tody for *ha Wur. Aflat tha I—on vtriMM n«mb«n MpvMMd, for thomxKr* and tha cUnm, (Mr r——I st !<»»» HwIhm W. r. WomMa •Ad W B VmI from Mm elaa* and ih»tr appreciation «f tha Mp Um| bad haan to tha rUu dafag tMr it*; ma. M-!uUrr*E. MmI.. and Jim Aahby A dalktoo* mU cwru «M tarvad rfurirf th« afternoon. Death W • Child Th# t> wonth *14 aon of Mr. a«d' Mm. Jack Bowman dlad of ratttia at thair home on Worth atraot Satarday morning. Tha fnnvra) araa ronduetad | by Rav. Mr. Ortjwj Sunday aftar ruon and tha ramain* Intarrad at Oakdalr ramatary I ■ "it ' ' '■ I Card of Thank* Wa, tha undarstgnad, dasirr to •* proa* our ainrrrr thank* and riatlso to our frienda and neighbor* J and maahar* of tbo Mawmkr nrdar for many art* of ktndnaaa and **pra**ioa i 11it *ympathr during tha iUnaa* an.1 1 ilfath of Colianbu* V. Mann. Mr*. Battle Mann and Children. 10-29-21 j I Corn m ckMf tteia year TW mv k eamewhara tn the iiHrtiilnii mi kim hUUan buaheto, and Mm (mmr aill pr»baHty wf*»i «•* maih mm •k m fifty »r »t*ty eeata • ImM tor t. The »«■■■■ haa Na • garni ama. *> far aa n»wia| roadMene ara m ■nnj and the fact that M*r ntlw farawr* planted oaiy half Mr ueual KTM|f of ettto* and pat ^atmeh of ■ I J ^ | ■ - t- l — -1 ' a ® 'W'W eaewGa BMV | • mM tkto yeer't n»f at iaaat tha terond laryaat on* a»ar raieed la tha IhM ftotaa It la a pity Chat tha paopU of Ea rope—exo-p< tha luMara—an ao mapltiaaa of earn aa a food. If they maw how ta uae it aa Americana 4a ihey eaald relieve thatr nmaatttn »nd un money hy baying mora of hit aurploa. Tha aewapapen report hat jmaaa of tha railway warhara in Iwtria at rock botaaaa tha bra ad fur 1 la had tham by tha government con tained com aMat, whirh, thay aaid. Ma "anflt (or ronaamption " It to iafa to aay that thoaa atam had never anted aay Southarm hoaeaka or Waat arn Johnnyrakr or New England fried t>aat> pudding "Unfit for eonaump !H>a." Indeed! J'.ma yaara ago, whan a great ' >rW'» fair waa in progreaa. a Sooth p-n rtrtero rook waa aailt to i*eeida vrr a booth where tha moat deltrW«M ' raada and cakaa and puddinga made ' f corn ware offered to the thronging . i»jtor» She waa an artiat aftar her »f har laksw. Om 4om mm gmm tha miurtariU MlnMaMi mm to thtak that what wilt not *t»w to itor own back ytr<b eaniMK be good to MM, a«ywa|r. Yo« will pay ■oak toaa than kaif form of mi a*al tkaa bt tka mm munbar of catena* in tka bn of wkaat floar. Wa aaaid 4a more tkaa twice aa aiack to raltoaa baagir to Koto pa If tka Far»»aaa people watod uk» our rvm aa tkay taka our whaat. But tka tart that atowat a kundtad million boakeia of ram kaa game ma aa tf torn*, at Uaat, of tka paa Ixa what aa abundant* of cheap faad there raally to for tfcaaa who will aaa t. Oar ftlmn might bo bettor off tf tkar «Mrid »hip tkatr cam aa aora to •toad af feeding H to p*ga and hHi, and ao manufacturing pork aad kaii. Mora tkar ninety par caat of aw cora crop to fad to animate, yet ttoa food < (parts toll aa that hi tka meat )f the animal wa gat back toaa tkaa !.w» ty-fhre par (Mt of tka com aa need. That ia why meat aoato mora than bread. A lmoe* any fanner woald -atliar aall hia corn from tha kto than hare all tha trouble and riak of faad Ind cattla or pigs and tha additional V>thar of dealing with tha storkyarda •t tha and. Yootha Companion. Worth White News ■ "J? "• * :>*■" For Auto Owners / / ' ■;, . ' . ■ " . " , ' ; , v The General Motor Company is giring the beat price* on work in Mount Airy, and every job b guaranteed. Effective at once we announce below reduction* in the price* of grinding ▼aire*, cleaning carbon and lining brake* of the moil popular car*. Price* for other cars in proportion. Grinding Valves Ford $2.50 Chevrolet, 490, 3.00 Dodge, 4.00 Dort, 4.00 Chevrolet, FB, FA, HB, ...... 4.00 Oakland 6, 5.00 Eimx, 5.00 •X Hudson, 7.00 Paige, detachable head, 7.00 Studebaker 6, detachable head, 7.00 Burning carbon Buick 6, all modeU, 3.00 Burning carbon and grinding ▼aires: Buick 6, all model*, 8.00 Paige, L head, 8.00 Studebaker 6, L bead, 8.00 lining Brakes Paige $7.50 Dodge, 8.00 Dort, ' 7.00 Buick, 8.00' Hudson, .8.00 Ford, without starter, 3.50 Ford, with starter 4.50 Chevrolet—480, 5.50 Chevrolet F. B., .7.00 Chandler 8.00 Oakland, 7.50 Studebaker, 6, 8.00 Esse*, 7.00 Huppmobile, 7.00 Our reputation stands back of every job that leave* our abop. If it is Hot satisfactory bring it back and we will make R good. Every mechanic employed in our shop is an expert and capable in every way of hand ling any job on any make of car. With our up-to-date and fully equipped shop and our able corps of mechanics we are in position to do your work and do it satisfactorily. We will gladly quote priced on any job before you leave your cfr with us, assuring you of the fact that you will not be over-charged. General Motor Co. ' % '.T *% : ^ '■ • rr ' '$£•,%' ' ■ Moore Street Mount Airy

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