the fi ••bullion con - OMd Unl tax dto-: •at ^H-ving peti-! «l , far aa election to (• bald to i cb« will af the poofte __ that* ahall be levied • *padal ■f not mn than thirty cenie on each UM hundred dollar! of valuation , fit pmprrty and not mor* wSmm t tha funda apportioned to sa!d by tha Board of Education Tha aald petition having baa* ap proved by tha Board of Education of Surry County, it in thai WWW MM that an election ba haM in tald pro paaed uarial tax diatriet on BaiaMay, tl tTi day of December 1M1, to aa ' tha will of tha people aa above Bald propoaed diatriet being bound ad aa follow*: ■•gjanlag at tha Mouth of Ho ma Creek and down tha Yadkin river to the mouth of Oraaay Creek, theaee up the creak fo mouth of Adiun Scott branch thanea up eatd up said r* branch to the butt of Stony thence across aad Mmm Scott'* farm to tha *ou(«* or Hudaoo Creek, thanea down *ald weak to Ararat river, thanre down tha river to mouth of Batty Kelly cr**k, thanea with the old dietrirt line to mouth af Horn* croak, being tha place of the i beginning, J. E. Hudson's home to be| included In boundary. It I* further ordered that an aMttr* aaw re|ri*tration of the voter* in *aid | diatriet be had. That B. F. Scott he and I* hereby appointed Registrar, that Charley Coon and R. E. »j«rber are hereby appointed Judge* to hold 1 •aid election, that the registration book* he opened on the 12th day of i November, 1921, and closed on the Srd day of Dooember, 1921. That •aid election be haM at B. K. Bcott'* •torts, in Shoals Townihip. Thii the 31st day of October, 1921. Henry Wolfe, Clerk to Board of , County Commissioner*. SOUTHERN RAILWAY SCHEDULES The following schedule figures are publiahed a* information only, and ar« not guaranteed. The arrival and Departure of Paa aaogcr Traina at Green*boro, H. C. Arrival Depart* nam hi 12:26a New Orleans-Atlanta 7:86# 12:30a Washington 1:14* 8:28a Birmingham-Atlanta 12:40* 4:10a Washington 10:10? • :2&a Richmond 10:86p 4:00* Goldaboro-Kaleigh 12:40* • :45a WinsUm-Salam 10:40* •:15a Washington U:Mr 7:26a Waahington 12:86a 7:80a 8anford 7:ttp i 7:46a Charlotte x 7:00* 10:20a Raleigh 2.16p1 12:10p Goldibnpn-Raleigh 4:15; 11:66a Mt. Airy 4:Mp U X N. Witkaaboro W-S l:Mp 12:26p Danville 7:40p 1:80p N. OUana-P'na 8:Mp 4:06p A*h *v ilia- W Inrtoa 11:20? 4:16 Sanford Wilmington 12:S0p 6:46p New York-Waah l:42p <:80p Weatminiater-Char 12:4(p • :50p Wllkcsbor© W-S 8:00* 7:00p Mt. Airy 8:00a 7:80p Gold* bo ro Raleijh 8:20* i: 60p Winston.Salem 7:40p 10:09p Charlotte-Atlanta 7:40p 10:10p Goldsboro-Raleigh 7:26a ' 10:21 p Augusta-Columbia 4:20a ll:46p Atlanta-Charlotte 8:86a X Daily Except Sunday The arrival and Departure of Paaaea ! far Traina at Mt. Airy. 11:86a Sanford 3. JO; 8:00p Sanford-Wilmington 8:80* The arrival and Departure of Passed far Traina at Winaton-Salem. 11:46a Mt Airy-Rural Hafl 4:8ring him mora for m am of crap than bio cotton bring*. Bat bo makee I Ho right kind. Ho toM m» a day or two ago that bo oapartad la havo at tho colored fair at Pinehurat a boahol of aweot* that would not Kara mora than ton poUtooa la tho buahcl. Up In Chatham county laot waak I > (topped at tho boaao of Jod Newton, | a ono-armod awn who haa boon a ton ant farmer, and with W* one arm ha* 1 mado aomo mighty good ctopo of *ot ! ton, whoat and othar thing* for hi* •uboiatonco. Ho-haa a bunch of tur ; koy* and chic bona and tolla mo that ' thoro la mom money In tarkeya and rhlrkena at tho proaoat awikrt pricao ' than any cotton ho ovor rata ad On ! tho farm thav forago largalp for iha-maolvaa, and in th* fall tho ttirkeya ara In good domaad, and bring good monoy. Chickona are ahrays waatni and at pricoa that to fair to took at thooo day*. itemaaafor ran* Hluff (Thickens are in demand In Chat | liam county, turkey* ire In demand > in Chatham, hut the coonty boundary line does not mark the limit of the de 1 mand. The New* • Letter, printed < over at the University, has assembled «ome figures to show that the fartor ! ies of North Carolina make in a year almost a billion dollars' worth of rood*. When I came to this state a little less than twenty years ago the manufactured products totaled less than one-tenth that amount, or about a hundred million dollars. Now the to tal is close to a billion, and nobody knowft where this flc«*i is tending. Almost a hundred and sixty thousand hands are working in the factories, und they and other members of the families they represent are calling for a vast amount of stuff that the farms make. Few people are aware of it but ' the farms have before them a steadily nnd rapidly increasing job of feeding ' the factory hand, the railroad hand, the town residents, who are steadily ' increasing in numbers, and the winter ' visitors who are also becoming more , numerous every seaaon. And this itv crraaing buying population is scatter ed all over the state. It is confined to ' no one county and no one section, and ; no one section will have the monopoly of providing what must be provided. • Hen Who Seise Their Opportunity It is men like Zeb Blue, the fann 1 <-r, who aees what is in front of him 1 and who sees ahead, who prepares for this opportunity on a systematic ; scale, who will profit most by it. Hi* j type of men understanding what they | are to count on and what tbey m^y | expect. It is men like Ben Leslie who 1 ratch the opportunity that comes to him, und gets the money out of it as ! he gtx s along, and this man has made I himself a farm from his work, for he | lives on his own place. It is men like Jud Newton who realise that turkeys and chickens have comi to be worth a i price in the market, and that such i thing* are worth making because they can help so much in the making them selves. and pa> when they are made in thik fashion. NOTICE One fourth of the freeholders con stituting a proposed special tax » ho«i| district herinafter net out, hav ing petitioned the_Board of County Comm s-iioners for an election to bi b-Id V> ascertain the will of the peo ple whether Hhere shall be levied a special tax of not more than 6 cents on the ore huadrcd dollars valuation of property and not more than IS cents on oach pill to supplement the funds apportioned to said district by the Hoard of Education. The said Ktition having been approved by the ard of Education of Surry County. It is therefore ordered that an elec tion be held in said proposed special tax district on Saturday, the lTtn day of December, 1!>21, to ascertain the will of the people as above aet out. Said proposed district being bounded as follows; Beginning at meuth of Skin Cabin Creek on Ararat River, then & Westward course including J. V. Wall, then by the way of Jaaper Brown's including him to the old Stanford District line near J. W. Fulk's, then as the road meanders to Whitaker's Cross Roads, thence with Corinth District to C. D. Brun ers then Eaat to Pine Hill, M. E. church, then Eastward course not in cluding James Boyles to M. W. Wall placc including it, then a So. course ny H. G. Whitaker's not including him to the old district line to river thence down the river to place of be ginning. It is further ordered that an entire new r< gistration of the voters in said district be had. That J. L. Patterson a \d 0. G. Hardy are hereby appointed judges to hold said election, that Ben jamin H. O'Neal be appointed Regis trar to hold said election. That the K<>gistration books be opened on the 1-th day of November, 1921, and cloa ed on the Srd day of December, 1921. That said election be held in Stanford school house, Siloam township. This the 31 st day of October, 1911. Henry Wolfe, Clerk to Board of Co. Contra. — Drs. Robert I Eugene Cox CHIROPRACTORS Residence Phone, .. ,. 36 Office Phone, 384 Marshall Heights Part of the Rterse Farm on Ike Stat* Highway to Dahsoa | Will be Sold at Public Auction Tb27lT Nov. 24 Subdivided into building lota—One lot will be given away FREE! Other prizes. Easy Terms | Band Concert 26 stacks of hay, fodder and shucks and a large quantity of corn and feed stuff will be sold, also a lot of pigs, shoats and cattle. Terms or cash. PIEDMONT LAND EXCHANGE AND AUCTION COMPANY Dr. J. E. Banner | DENTIST Special attention given to ihe treat went of pyorrhea and to X-ray wutk I can now uromtao poaitive cure in the neat majority of j*yorthrn ra»e« i Office in bulMlnir fouoff'r* Sydnor& Sparge; Insurance A^eni | tOI'NT AIRY, N.C Jarrell Produce Co. Wants Chickens, Eggs, Butter Brmwax and all Kinds Country Produce SEE US BEFORE YOO SELL Ingredient* of VICK8