m Ex-Governor Lowden ia • member of a co-operative dairying association la lUaois and declares that Its opera I bom rory ivccesaful. He io deeply impressed by wit the operation of co-operative itiom both la CaHfoniia and b urk. 8peaking of the Farm Bareea, Kx-Governor Lowden declared it to be the beet farmer*! organisation ever attempted in the United States and Hid he hoped that every farmer would back' it to the limit of his ability. Ho is * member of the Agle County Farm Bureau, the Illinois Agricaltural As sociation, and the American Farm Bu i Federation. ' ■ Deputy Found De*d o Ed«e of I Palaski, Va., Dec. Dr. W. W. Chaff In, county coroner sad a jury have just been inveetigating the cir laasstsnniH surrounding the death of Deputy Sheriff T. R. Corder, whose lifeleas body was found yesterday evening at a raaiate point la Hiwas aee District, in this county. When discovered the body was ly ia| at the foot of a cliff ia the edga of the strsam face downwards with ths water up to the ears. Ths autopsy revealed that then was no water in his lungs, so he araat have been dead when he fall or waa placed in the water. Ia his pistol were the shells of two exploded cartridges. On ths top of * the cliff shove were signs of foe* The fatal wound was a long deep ] gash ia ths skull, jast above the left| ear. Ha had left home the day be fore to go fox hunting with his son aad a neighbor. He had sent his son home the pra ling, saying that he had papers to serve oa Max Creek, f these papers were two war for violating the prohibition law. His horse was found some dia , taate from the body and several Issais before. Ths saddle was turn ed etaar under the hocaa. From the at hand ths Jury ware unable to reach aay definite . _ they sdjsaiaeil until next Saturday, aad ia the meantime efforts will be I GKISSON CITES WW CHANCES Two Nmr rr«i||jan| of ^ Thr following -*r'-rmm M taaoed Collattoi of htimi Ravenae 00 ,lS^GSL.<,r-" Dtolri,t * "**• *a*aaw a* tt im mum two »nd Important >ru i lalnai whtch "» the aubjeet of '—prrnt tfiriMlij. IV Aral rata tee to the peraonal ■>. •■ptlona allowed m.rri«d |na,ai. •aO the aacoad to the inmliba re ivkring that a return b« made of rroam income of $6,000 or won. *•>« •«* proridea that a married Paraon," living wtth huaband or wife f°r ,W1 "« or lean ■ hall bo allowed a peraonal rxemptton of «M0 If tka n* to 7* ***" "»• "«».*» tka exemption ia $2,000. Under tka Kerenue Act at 191S tka ,| w^n'ope"0^, * peraon of net income. Tka nanMl taT nlu rMBaina TTnhaatai. 4 par cant on tka ftot 14.000 of tka nat inco—aWa tha •«»ptb»a and S par east aa tka remaining net tacoau In order that aa tofcoma aliakUy to axeeea of IS 4)00 thai) not ba aabjaeted to aa Inordtoatotj ^proportionate t« bocaoaa of tka redaction of tka exemption of ftON tharaoa tha tow prarldaa that awk rafeetto* .hall not apwat. to tooaaaa tha Ux. which ~-Mha payable if tha a^Jttoa 7" 12400. by mora than tha .moont <rf tha nat Income to axcaaa of $8,000. '""Ha, on a nat Income of $8,010. tha tax without thia aartn* c "aa- ha «lM.40, which la 4 par cant on $5,010, tha aaount of sat ™*»a laaa an exoaption of 12 000 T1* actual tax la 1110.40 competed a» 'ollowa: From tha nat '—riaa of *5'010 tha 4 par c«t taT^ •nounta to $100.40. IV thi. I. a*tod •10. "tha amount of nat incoma to ax caaa of $6,000. _ fN Mamptiona allowad tton >#0d' m*rTta«* •* ■*» Heretofore, a paraon whoaa nat ta ~m. wm leai than bia exempt!™ (•1,000 If ainda, or $2,000 If marriad) ts^^. **T,no* Art W. |f . *r°a« incoma of a married •n4 that of dependent minor children Z t «^(NW>Wi000' • «Mt ba filed. ragardlaaa of tha •moont of nat incoma. T»et income" la -fcroaa income, laaa 2221L- f«rt that .1. owak1' **»uctiona from rroaa In come for boaineaa expenaaa loaaaa^ ^ ari.U, etc.. mar £ ~'th^£ income to an amount below the per •on*1 exemptiona of <1,000,or $2,000 »t altar tha requirement to Jl* a p-turn of rroaa Income, If auch «™w income equalled or exceeded John Wannaroakar, Merchant is Not Dood Miami, Fla.. Jan. 6.—Whitley Wee ley Wannamaker, a South Carolina planter, died at a local hotel here yeaterday and this morning the un dertaker in charge of his body, an nounced the death of John Wanna maker, the merchant and former postmaster general. The mistake in identification was tethered by an aaoonaeement at the Btacayne Yacht Club that John Wannamaker was ia Florida waters oa his private yacht. The false re no it spread all over the Son til and got as far aa Philadelphia before it was overtaken, whan it waa v announced there that John Wannamaker waa alive in hia office than. Railroad officiate here believing the dead man to be John Wannamaker gave instructions to prepare for tak ing the body to Philadelphia tonight { and gnve order for every attention to transit. The mistake waa discover ed In little less than an hour, but not before H had biea reported generally| thruout the country that the Phila delphia merchant had passed sway. Thirteen Americana who had been serving in the Spanish Foreign Legion In Morocco recently arrived in Paris, telling dtorles of cruel treatment and hardahipa. The Americans obtained their releaae by (wearing they were OnMdian subjects. All British mem ben were allowed to reaign as the result of prteaaia brought by the ~ Government. Twenty-two i were left behind in hoepi fonr were killed hi V HORRIBLE MATH FROM Wooden wall by a brisk on«, J. Ed 52. muter plumber ra Inatantly identification cept for th« faet that Mr. Albright *H know* te be at work on tlM tank and that he waa wearing ■ ring, given M him by hta wife lait Chrietmaa, to xald have been tmpoeaible ta have identified him. Amettaa Ljrna, employed by Mr. Albright, who waa a .elating bite wtth tha work, waa throws about IS foot by tko force of tha ae>oiMl> injured. Ho to not to leeeeer. Mr. Lyone to. a native of Guilford county, coming to Grooao boro to work with Mr. AlhifcM. I Tha exploelon attracted a groat throng o4 paopla, who nubri te tha ■com. mm Mock off tha mate itraot of tha dty, to tha hoart of tko aate Tho office of tha a mum of wnttoii whora tho big tabo had gona through. Aa it want through, tt ahnoot atruck F. E. Snyder, aaaociatod in tho ownar ahip of th* buaineaa, mlaolng hto head by a fow incbaa aa bo rooa fraaa hto chair. | J oat what cauaed tha axploaton to not clear. The two man were at mock on the teak, which waa a "free air" one, repairing a amall leak. No oae waa present except the two. Em ployee of tho plant ware baay elae whera. Tho tank had Wen tea tad to withatand 600 pounda preaaure to the aqaan inch and there waa tM to SM nounda preaaure a little before tha accident, according to L. H. Starmer, tart ownar of the boaineoe. The tank waa tnatelled by Mr. Albright. Mr. Albright waa of ty identified with Hrlc ttfa work. He had accumulated able property. He had perfected two, inventiona of eonaiderable value ia the plumbing No Mora Moustache Cops J / It Is announced by ths Son that another institution baa gone the way of ths great auk and tba dol Tba moustache cup la extinct. A person who wished to buy one laat week called on the crockery stores in nh. The younger set of clerks behaved unknowingly; the older men smiled t^adly and shook their heads. / Back la the "80s home was not home without the moustache cup. Father, whose lip draperies were enormous, received one at Christmas Brother William found one beeide his plate, placed there in derision by a yoMpr or an older sister, a week after he started his first *stoehe. Sour of the cups were strangely beautiful, what with their cnrlycnea and gold fettering. They vie< with the gorgeoua shaving muga which the barbers of the period sold at out rageous prices to vain patrons. There was always a diaputo as to whether the china bar waa to keep the mous tache out of the coffee or the coffee out of the moustache. It does not matter worn, although archaeologists may argue the matter in the future centuries if they find one of these cups in the excavations scientists will make in 6000 A. D. Other masculine things of tba Vic torian age are gone or passing. Oon gress shoes are rarely seen, even in the side street shew windows. Their devotees may have been made to or der. The present generation may not know what Congress shoes ware. They neither laced nor bottomed; they had elastic webbing tn their sides, and wen slipped on a* boots. Bootjacks are kept alive only by the god «f war; you aee them advertised la tba srmy Journals. Hair oil and that necessary evil, the anti-macassar, dis appeared with the gold tooth pick and the made-up aaeot tie. But tba derby hat, like the old poetafflee Is •till with B» —New York Herald. Notice et Adwiaiatrattea Having qaaltfled aa administrator of ths estate of Clandon M. J ones, decoaaed, I hereby notify all psra*«B holding rlahas against ths estate to Hi last the sssas to aw far aayataat within twelve months from the date of title notice, or ths noties will ha pleaded la bar of reco All persons indsbted to ~i to WILMINGTON CONCERN WANTS MUSCLE SHOALS Ofhr SulalWil hr Frink Lmm of rnpirtu Kmin W lUri* Ww ■r pro pott— at Muaeia RMi, Ala iary WMka of tka war 4»|>iit»iiil It waa puiwlid to Marlon Batlar, fonnor United fltetea nmIm fm North Carolina acttaf aa attorney Car rmhrlili I. Engatruia. preaident af Dm Newport IMpMldlni company, >( Wilmington, Hi C., and waa ar rompanied by a lengthy aUteaMrt txpiaining tka off or la dotall and ro«nparinc it wttk that aabwHl.d by Banry Ford on which conferaacea win ha hold aazt waah with lanetary Waaka. Tha miiUiy waa aakad to gtoa Mr. Engatraai a kaartog «t toa mm firni far tfci pmpm ad ■ ah lag •d to tha affar whan It waa daiiraaad today. Tka aow propaaal la tha third •Mar received hp Nr. Waaka. that af a C. Ttaktor, af Saw Piaattoa, hatog tha limit Negotietieaa hotwaaa tha aocrotory aad |ii|inH of tke rartoua iatoraeta hwhid. It waa aaU, would piimd indipawdantly until a final aelection waa mU» and tha whola tranaactian —toalttad to Caw rraaa to a report bp tha war aeere tary for Ha ultimate deriehm Chief proriaiona of Mr. Engatrum'a aid, which guaranteee completion at tha dama aad nitrate planto, tha latter being remodeled to manafpatwe that product according to the Met approv ed lyetem for toaaawial producta of the kind, call for aa expenditure of 06.006,000 hp a corporation to ha formed, operation of at teaat owe plant prith in a year after tha propeity ■omea within hia pmaaaainn. aad rorera a contract period of production tor 60 yaara. Another feature of tka offer ia uvl uoe of the proflta dailiad hi a way that la intended to reduce tka telling price of fertiliaar to faimm md other buyara to a rata equal or I >wer than that at whick tka Chilean product could bo aold la tkia country, rhe price would be fixed by tha aacra tary of agriculture aad the govern nent would hare two diractora aelect id to care for Ha iatoraata la tka pro. pertiea affected after tkey ppaa late poaaeaaion of tka corporation. Mr. Hays w Going to S«ad Poetmasters to Sdkool Waahington, Jan. 1.—Beginning with Um n«w jrwr, under ordcrm ia »ued today by Postmaster General llaya, newly appointed postmaaters will be required to attend achool, where they wfl] be taegfct, am one other thine*, how to meet the public their place* in tly community, bow through publicity to educate the public in the use of the maila, how to handle complaints, guard the maila %nd maintain proper relationahip with the department. Central accounting poetofficea will be designated in each state as schoola for the instruction of poetaaasters of the second and third class, under the direction of first Aaaiatant Postmas ter General Work as "superintendent" of schoola. Newly appointed poetmasters will Se advised by letter "that hia city's welfare to a very treat extent de pends upon his willingness and caps city to give it better postal ssrvtes." After the intensive course aimed to impreea upon the new official, that "he is local manager of the biggsat | business institution in the world" tie will be required to write the de partment giving a review of what he ted learned, so that it may be deter-1 ■nined, Mr. Hays said, whether he is 1 qualified to serve behind a placard reading: "Ask your postmasters, when you want to know." General Dias, of the Italian Amy, las been adopted into the tribe of the &ow Indiana. Three Indian chiefs >f that nation adopted the gttoml ssimo into the tribe in Waahtngtoa, sith appropriate csremenias. They lanced, chanted songs with tom-tom in tribal costume trimmed with er-j ■toe sad bear's claws, hang a war bonnet on hia hssd, placed a nscklses rfjeeth s round Ms asek sad gsve Mb i pipe sack. Iks general eeid that as i bey he had read aad fessmsd ahewt khs American Iadlans, tat oaves, thong St hs sroaM be see. UQUOi BOAT CAPTAIN HAS HUB LUCK TABU M Wiaarf Story Mm* «1S0^00 Wartk at Uiniir Wfl No* U CwllmXJ ■aMgk. Jan. 4.—Padaral PmMU tton Agant K A. Mow, af Salis bury. on Ma way houaa from Om rola, dm ha want Friday la Mat Ma wapHta ovtr a cargo of HMjMO worth of Itqoor, off today hi Ralaigh u> tall tha atory which baata hm all for liquor truaaur* Ha fiaM District Attornay lrrin A Tuckar'a offlaa and laid a fow fragaanta bafora htm. Tha haad of tha prohibition form in tha data haa spat four nl(hte |«ttk| to that liquor and away Croat tt Ha found m tha -Meatanftr of Paaca" 1AM caaaa of whfcfcay. TMa mm 4,144 irallona, or 1«A7« quarta. Thia haoM aalla at till* a quart iiMl Tha rrand total gaaa wall abov. $1(0,000. Tha haoM ra tapiaiad la tha Oa racoka inlat FViday whau tha Haa ! lonaur at hwa, as Ha erutm to laa Piam, Nov* Biatfa, Mow tart* tha to lat and got ataek hi tha mud- Tha fact that thaaarigatoTi wm running 500 tha Tsaaal, who axpiatead that a tha aaaaa. Tha Mmfir of Pimm a rig»ad up with thraa maata and la vary aanaMva to «tad. It Mm an angina and can drin ahwaiw it wiahM to go. Tha nlkin had Mttla parapharnalia which habop to aut nta which go hy aaa. Bat for all that, tha Man atood by tha atocy that tha an kind win da biaw than into North Carolina, tha ftrot atato to ga dry by popular fata. mm Stick-in-the-mud the stats k» fin to a&nlalster on ths cargo ud found quit* i tonnage of bwn. The boat la good for about CO tons and half its capacity waa ia bottlod Joy. Thar* wer* four standard Two-thirds of Um whiskey waa Mary land Sy« by label, bat than la noth ing to a nama. Dmwa gaedSy percentage of Irlah whiakay awl a limited amount of two well-kaowa aU and sent thcaa la Wsshington Observation has taaght him that not all old fiddlaa are Sladliarlimaa and not all tumble-down furniture la an tique. All thai smells Is net pure rye made hi 191S. The Salisbury leader had hie tribu latloaa reaching the Miwi^ir of Peace. The wind blow* down there and little boats cut all sorts of didoes. The trip waa made Friday night after the rail Journey ended at New Bern. It la M milea from than to the Mee lenger of Pom and Mr. Kohloaa fin 'shed hie Journey, which Im continued 'pom New Bern in a government boat, without getting to the Messenger of peace that night A boat from Portsmouth, N. C., took him to the liquor veaael and he went aboard her. "wo whites and aaeaa blacks manned he schooner. She waa a seaworthy ship. The whiskey on her waa made in sundry parts of America. It had been consigned to San Piers with the Bahama Islanda aa a setting out point. But that awful wind came up and sent her into North Carolina. Mr. Kohloss, on investigation, found that the winds have had a habit of blowing Captain Coleman and his aa •oristea into t>at part aI North Caro lina. Hitherto the galea have been a little more considerate and have not sent the ahipmen aground. But the Meaaenger of Peace waa not in an un chartered sea. It made Haelf very much at home. The ship cannot get away and in time will be taken to Wilmington. The government will go amply Into the case. If It should tun' out that San Piers really la entitled to the boote and theee men were hi good faith carrying the stuff there, there, is nothing to do but to turn the whole crew loooe. Two chips, which barely misesd be ing caught in the state, eacapad by heaving their cargoes over board, it la said. Cop "AnrW Himaetf (New York Herald) Henry Hector, «t o headquarter!, Eaat Orange, N. , » call yesterday- from Walter Alberta, who ni •t the police box at a Mm, ha teflie* rum FROM AUTO KILL DANVILLE MAM Sh« calWd J. W. (Mite, • who took off Um hiacM af tfca *ga. Thojr want la and dead at Um wkaaL Tha polio* aad Coroaar J. K. Taylor < ly callad. Dr. Taylor, aftar i ing Mrs. Naive*, daeidad aot la Mi *n inqoaat. Tha M of Um which had run without 14 hours, wu tilted at ooa rad of tho ad thara was ifllMt af sailor* and marines hart been ap pointed to head the work among the *x-service man in their district! and especially to enliat tha co-operation of poata of tha American Legioa. Veterans of Foreign Wan, and divi sional societies in the national move meat to rafee • fowl of »1,000,000 or mote, beginning January 16, to sa dow the Wood row Wilaon Awards for mer+torioue service.

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