The Building Boom Is Almost Here Don't Let it Come Like a Thief in the Night Timeand Find Y011 Not Ready. With it will come a great demand for lots on which to build. The best spots are going to tell first They will bring the fancv pricee. The man who owns them will harvest the gold. Get in on the ground floor and be ready. Have three or four of those good spots "on tap", for the builders thirst He wfll pay your price and be glad of the bargain. The first auction sale of the season consisting of seven of the best business lots ever offered in Mount Airy st your price. T. 6. Samuels Livery Stable Property At Auction Tuesday, April 11 at 2 P. M. TERMS: 20 per cent cash, 20 per cent 6 mot, 20 per cent 12 mcs., 20 per cent 18 mcs. and 20 per cent 24 mos. Linville-Ball Realty 6 Auction Co. Mount Airy,N. C. nvmri sals or land By virtue of • power rnntatoad In • cartels deed of treat, executed the Srd day of Dec—ber 1919 by Paul Allrod, to W. J. Bytrly trustee for Mis. 8. B. Hadley to sscurs ssrtsto wtoi 1b the m of $400.00 of mi date therewith, Midi M of trust ho-. ing recorded in the Regiater of Deeds - office of Surry county to deed* of treat book M page 160, default hav tog been made to the payuMOt of mm, and at the request of the holder I will tell at public auction, to the highest bidder, for eaah, to front of the Bank of Mount Airy, Mount Airy, | M. (!<■ * Saturday, April 15th. 1922 at 1 o'clock p. m. the following deocribad real oatata: Beginning at a point on tho north-! woot aide of church itroet to tho town «f Mount Airy, tho mm being the aorthaaat corner of G. C. Welch's tardea lot, and runs with Watch's Una north U (togrees Wart 81« feet to a SO faet allay; thance with the alley north 41 degruoa Bast 244 1-2 feat to Banner Brannock's corner;, thence with Brannock'i line and Mr*. Hadley'a line of other lots • point In Geo. Grits* Una, south 27 degreee K lit fast, 2 inches; thence with Crits's Mm South 48 dagrsaa Wast 2« feet to Crite't corner; thenes continuing with Crits's line 8. St degtees E. 160 tost • Inches to ths north wsst aids of Ctomh street: thanes with Church vtrset, south 46 1-2 degrees West 122 fast 4 inchss to ths hsgtontog. Sale made to satiafy an todahtod aaaa el SM0.00 principal, Intareat *^TWa*tha' 14th day"of" March, 1*22. W. J. Byerly, Trustos PUBLICATION OF SUMMONS. North Carolina, Sorry County—In the Superior Court Esriine Cummings Harrison n. Purer Harrison. I To Percy Harrison, defendant: Take notice that an action entitled aa above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Sum Countfr, the complaint in which action is now on Ale in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court, and you are notified to appear before the said Clerk of the Superior Court at his office in Dobson, N. C., on the 6th day of March, 1912, and answer the said com plaint or demur to the same, or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the complaint. You are further notified that this is an action brought by the plaintiff against the said defendant for abso lute divorce. Given under my hand, this February 2, 1922. J. A. JACKSON, Clerk Superior Court. NOTICE By virtue of authority of an order of toe Clerk of the Superior Court of Surry county, made in the special pro ueeding entitled A. J. Deatherage, Administrator of the estate of Bd A. Midkiff, deceased rs Nannie Midkiff et *1., the same being No ... .en the special proceeding;^dockets of said court the undersigned commissioner will on Tuesday, April 26. 1M2, at 2 o'clock offer for sals to the hlghset bidder on terms of one-third cash, balance in six and twelve months, that certain tract *4 land in Mount Airy township upon which is the home sf the late E a great deposit than Baltimore. Ha was informed that it would be of in calculable benefit to them, and es pecially to th* poor people. While this gift of radium I* to these physicians, it is largely because of the fact that for years they hav* done a great daal of charity work, charging only thoae who are able to pay and doing th* work for poo peo ple aa if they were paying th* full price. They aaaured Mr. Plonk that they expected to continue auch work in the future and that with the great gift of radium could widen the scop* of their activities. The precious substance itsell it no-longer used; only the emanations from it are usod in the treatment of cancer and other kindred diseases. The radium salts are placed in a chunk of lead, greatly resembling a cheeae in shape. The lead cake ia bored full of small holee and into these holes are inserted test tube* filled with mercury. The teat tubes containing the radium is placed in the center hole. The rays from the radium are two in number, the alpha and the gamra ray*. Only one of these rays ia desired and the lead acta as an ab sorbent (or the others. Hence the mercury in the teat tabes absorbs only those rays desired. The mer cury becomes saturated, as it were, with the rays deaired. The size of the dose desired ia measured by the length of time the mercury tube ia left in the lead-cake cloee to the radium and by the aiae of the tube used when making the application. The mercury ia placed in a mer cury pump and then forced into a glass stem, very much like the stem of a thermometer, and from which the air has been drawn. As the mer cury ia forced up the emanations ee cape and collect in the hollow glass ball at the top of the stem. Liquid air ia then forced againat this glass bulb and the emanation an froaen, resembling fioat ok the inaide of the bulb. The bulb ia then sealed off with a bunaen burner or blow-pipe and the doae ia ready to be applied to the patient. Special containers keep the rays from the wall tiaodee and focus them upon ttw tiseasid parte. The length of time tksjr are allowed to play upon the illimil parte ia also a problem of cloee calculation and has Mcb to 4e with tha eoeeeea ar failure of tha liwfi Tha depoait will prehabty ha avail able hi fcitharfordtoa within II ar FORTUNE TELLER ■ SKIPS WITH MONEY WmM mm AmeUmt Gum o* Wilaom County Mm a»d G*U $640. Wilson, Mar. 20.—The rank* of the "minute men," Instead of growing thinner, it mwi, grow more con gent ed as the world continues to multi ply its population. The latest sucker to be caught by the "quoon of the gang who are out for easy money," ia R. B. Mosely from a rural district, who was trimmed out of $440. Mosely spproached Madame Evans' fortune telling tent pitched on the out skirts of Wilson and paid the regular fee to have his palm read. During the reading the Madame exclaimed: "I see an old man who ia near death's door; h» is very wealthy and a dia tant relatives of yours but knows nothing of your whereabouts. Now. my friend, if you will follow my in structions you will spend the re mainder of your days in luxury, for h« is anxious to locate aoaw of his kinsmen that ha may will them his vast wealth. If yo«i will bring me a large sum of money, the larger the better, say $ 1,00ft—to sleep on for three weeks, the spirits, through me, will communicate with your rich rela tive, after which I will return you the money which must remain in my bed until the time is up—then, if you wish, you can pay me what you think is right." The three weeks were up Saturday and when Mr. Mosely went to the camp he found that the fortune teller had picked up her bed and left for 'Charlotte. Magistrate J. R Hardy at once sent a warrant to the chief of Portsmouth to hold tip woman unless she came across with $H40 and costs, and this morning the magistrate received a certified check for $644.01 on the First National Bank of Portsmouth Mr. Mosely says there's a big job down in this neck of the woods for "the fool killer." Claud* Kitchen in Longren 22 Year*, Is 53 Yn«r» Old Kin*ton, Mar. 20.—Claude Kitchen will be (3 yean old next Friday. The minority leader in the house of re presentative! was born March 24, 1M9 in Halifax county. His first venture into politics as an office-seeker got him elected to congress. That was 22 years ago. Every two yean since then he has gone through the formal ity of an election. Seldom has the opposition been determined. The things Representative Kitchen's friends will congratulate him upon on his coming natal anniversary will be, principally, the material improve ment. in bis health and the fact that the folks "at home" an preparing to repeat. When Kitchen went to congress the fint time as a men boy he had al ready done a man's jrork for the Democratic party. He was a power in | the well-remembered campaign of | 1898 and 1900. He graduated from , Wake Forest college in 1888, married ; the same year, was admitted to the j bar in 1890, and following in the steps I of hie ancestors, was in politics in a reasonably short time. Preventative Medicine The tendency of medical science is toward preventative measures. It Is easier and better to prevent than te cur*. Pneumonia, one of the moat dangerous diseases that medical men have to contend with, often follows a cold or attack of the grip. The oold prepares the system for the reception ana development of the pneumonic germ. The longer the cold henn en, the greater the danger. Take Cham (•erlain's Cough Memory as soon as the first indication of a eold spa son so oa to get rid of tt with the lseet lissili May. It to telly to risk an AtfeMS of PMNMMMkJft WM| tMs V#* medy may le obtained tee a trifle Gains 15 Pounds And feels Like A Girl Ufa Smoi Altog.tW Differ •at for H*r, Say* Mr*. E. P. Whit®, of Ljrackburg. Ghroa Tamlac Full Crodit. "I am feeling like ■ girl ngam, full of life and anergy and I don't believe my health couki be in proved on," said Mr*. K. P. White. 1106 Monroe street, l.ynchburg, Va. "I attribute the wonderful change in my condition to Tulle and nothing Ik*. 'When 1 began taking it I hod tieee suffering (at a year with (tow ach trouble and waa in a wretched state of health. 1 had gotten ao weak and run down that actually I dtdnt hare strength enough to "weep a rooai or make up a bad. "It ia tun ply marvelous the way I have been built up. I have gained fifteen pounds, my digeation ia Juat perfect now and I am failing better and stronger than in atar.y year*." Tanlac ia sold in Mount Airy by leading druggists. ORDINANCE To Authorite The Town of Mount Airy to Issue Sewer bund*. Be it ordained by the Board of Com missioners of the Town of Mount Airy: Section 1—That under and pursuant to the Municipal Finance Act, the Town of Mount Airy do issue its bonds for the purpose or constructing a newnge system in said Town. Section 2—That the maximum aggre gate principal amount of the bonds .shall be PiOflOO. Section 8— That a tax sufficient to Cy the principal and interest of the nds shall he annually levied and collected. Section 4—That a statement of the debt of the municipality has been fil ed with the Clerk of said Town of Mount Airy and ia open to public in spection. Section 6—That thia ordinance shall take effect upon its passage and shall not be submitted to the voters. The foregoing ordinance was pass ed on the fi day of March, 1928 and was first published on the 20 day of March. 1922 and in two issues of The Mount Airy News. Any action or proceeding question ing the validity of said ordinance must be commenced within thirty days after its first publication A. V. Wert, Mayor of Mount Airy. F. MTPoere, Sec. A Treas. ORDINANCE To Authorise The Town of Mount Airy' to Issue Funding Bonds. Be it ordained by the Board of Com missioners of the Town of Mount Airy: Section 1— Tint under and pursuant to the Municipal Finance Act, the Town of Mount Airy do issue its bonds for the purpose of funding debts incurred before December 5th, 19S1. Section 3—That the maximum aggre gate principal amount of the bonds • lu.ll W U0 0O®. Section I— Vhnt a Us sufficient to pay the principal and interest of the bonds shall be annually levied and ool lected. Section 4 —That a stateasnt of the debt of the municipality has been fil ed with the clerk ef said Town of Mount Airy and is open to public to cneftion ■Section 5 —That this ordinance shaH take effect upon its passage and shall not be subasitted to the voters. The foregoing ordinance was passed on the 28 day of March 1W2 and was first published on the M day of Marsh 1922 and in two issues of The Mount Airy News. Any action or proceeding question ing the validity ef said nidlnaaii must be esmaseaeed within thirty days after ita flrstpAHaatisB. N0T1CB By iIMm of uthsrib eorttlmd la deea af trust executed by Tonmlt Atkins and wife Minnie Atkins, dated December 14th, 1920, executed to Ms as trustee for B Ashby and i. H FoImt. I* secure the of three hundred •tatv-eiibt and 80- 10u (•368.50) dollars, I will tall to the highest bidder, for cash, in front of the Pint National Bank in Mount Airy. am tbs 8th day of April. 1«H, at 1 o'clock, p. at. the following deacrih ed property, to-wit: A tract of land in Waatflald toai ■hip, Mac It l-M Km adjutates tha Landa •< W. W A Hum andotl** in4 daacnKad la tha rayort iTHw K. MeCarvu, Sr.. and othara, oomtmm ■ onari in tha diviaion •( thia ' Atkina landa, ami mctiM la tha jfflea of tha Iwittar of Daoda rf Sorry County, and being that 1*1 af .aid land allotted tu Toauaia Atttna. Said aala nada to aatiafy tha aaM .k-bt. with in threat and coat to bo addod. Tbil tha 7th da* of March, IMS. W r. Carta*. Truatoo. 1 MUSTANG LINIMENT IN* IUWUTMK CO.. > .11 UO« MMIm WH1TI. R T SOLO BY MUG AND GENERAL STORES M MM M* MtaB. MM »•«* l« ftt MH7 mMv fM Fit. * CatanfcOMfera. kM». Q—m FREE ■- - - •Ml a m Mi Mm 28c. Huu»rhuM MM SOc. *• much m 91.00 UnUlMltllQM m muck u Sv ItM Live Stock Nje„< Spring Tonic Winter Gold and Absence of Green Stuff in Winter reed Leaves Live Stock iff" Rnn Down Condition in the Spring. , Roatw the health, Mn-ugtb and vitality or your lionx-a, nuirt, aairn. hog* an.I (Kjultry. Urt Maximum raaulta in health, growth and l>ro ilnrtioo. Spring la the time fur rtni-wal in alt nutur«. You raa b.-«t ■ are (or your worn out and aiek live «tork by uaiug ' Remedies TJmy n-ilorc health, bring lurl Mgor and rtn-ngth, an 1 Inn n»o produeiioa. Tbtre ia a !*|K« iu> Cm V(t treatment nrriw.iit bv thi a bleat veterinarian* for each Uva itork dtaraae and dUordei. A Few Special {§$V*T ReWli For Spring Use: I'tro Vot Coa.litioii Powder fir horaw, mule* ud tittle, price 75c. CaraVet Hwiue foadltioa Pom >r, prioe ?V. (WV«t KjfX Prodi «er, pfte "Kit. faro-Vet Tonic for borMa, muU>« and cattle, price 75e.