Mount Airy News. Mt Airy, M. C.. Aunt X . K. JOHNSON * SON. Publlahara MilBHOHIPTION RATES <*»• yaar II M ♦i* montfet 7S Entered m aacond-clnaa maltar at tha puatoffire at Mount Airy. N. C.I iMbr the act of Congraaa of March J. mt. FREE ADVICE FOR FARMERS In thaae daya of agitation nmong tha farmer* an to how to get a fair i price for hi* farm product*, It la In order to gi»a fraa advice, at laaat we' aa" much advice handed out to Mm. la la a common night to aaa a bunch j of eitiaana mart In aome public place and fraHy dlaeuaa tha po-o para tire movement One of tha atock argue went* agalnat It, la that ao many' fimni ara not In financial poaltlon j to aall by tha co-oparatlva plan, for tha raaaon that thay arr head-orrr h*-al« In dabt and muat hava every rant thay gat for thalr tobacco to mart | obligation! that in praaaing. From | tha talk ona would conclude that aoma farmer* ara not joining tha aaaocia Urm for thr raaaon that thay ire n-it tuproaad to got all thalr monar wVen thay aril thalr tobacco All of which la natural and *'and» la tha way of thoaa mm who arr in WC, and alao of thalr neighbor* who naad thalr oo-oporatlon In thla affort to got fair price* There I* an >ld aaytag that a man muat be In debt before he will *ave money, and moat people aubacrlhe to thla opinion, but it la alao a fact thai the man who la In I debt la. to a large extent, thr alave I of aome other man, Man of thla country, by the thouaand, are hamper | ed by debt and will never he free to take n stand for their highest food until they learn that debt In a burden that moot be thrown off at the quick est possible moment. It la no doubt true that many farm ers are staying out of the association for the simple reason that they are In debt. And if thin in true It stands to the intereata of those who are mem hem to rome to the assistance of those farmer* who are In debt. If this can be done. Of course there are those who sre no hopelessly tnvolvsd that it would be sheer folly to try to tide them over their financial diffi culties. But there are many farmers who are involved to no great extant, but ret enough to cause them to hesi tate to take any step that would pre vent them from using the entire value of their tobacco crop. If all this Is true it appears to us to be good business for the association to give aid to those farmers who find themselves involved. In this way theyj can he lined up with the association and help to make it a succcss. The decree of success thst will come to the association will be de termined hy the degree of united co operation of all the farmers. Just to the e*ter» that they stand together will they he able to reap the most benefit from this effort. Unless some way can be found to get a great! majority of the farmers to line up snd j stay lined up but little |r»-od can come i to those who do Join. Labor leaders have generally advis ed against anything in the nature of force being used to try to get the op position to line up. They insist that where a man will not Join the or ganization the way to get him la to go to him and with reason and per suasion try to get him to see that It is to his best interests to join with them. And we suspect that If a com mittee of farmers in each neighbor hood would make careful Inquiry Into the reason why some of their neigh bors do not Join with them, thay would find some hindering cause that they could readily remove, either by i advice or hy some small financial as- i sistance. This is a time when wisdom and common sense are needed to make i the co-operative movement a success. | Marketing Our Peach Crop Beginning thin week the peach or chard* of this section are placing their fruit on the market. The popu lar Elberta peach is ripening faat and muat be moved within the next ten day* There are several large orchard* In this section growing this peach and It i* estimated that all of then will furnish about V> car* crated. A condition ha* * risen among the owner* of the orchards that 1* hecom-l Ing terlou* as a remit of the railroad strike Months ago several cars of era tea and baskets were ordered from out west, and these were shipped a abort time before the strike went IntoI effect, and have since been side-track-1 ed somewhere en route here. A. V. We*t and I. R. Sparger manager* of two of the largest orchards, have been doing all In their power to try and get shipment an the crates but 4n not know with what success. The crap mat be gathered within the next ten days and unless the era tea can he secured In some way there will1 he no way to ship the fmtt, and the' orchards will suffer a considerable [ i loaa tor tt to 1w»a»rtH» far thr* ta Hipni of all their paactwa m tha local market. T»U>n N«w» S, The tin* I* rapidly approaching for tilt marketing of th* tobacco crop and rvarywhera thcr* la activity in making prap*ration for handling the crop. Kara in Moaat Airy tha Cooperative Aaaoriation haa laaaad two warrhouaaa and put Jo* Dobaon In charge aa manager Mr. Dobaon la now on the Jok and haa a force of hand* making aotne necaaaary tm proremenu and repair* nn tha Farmer* Warahooa* on Franklin •treat. ^ Sine* the Aaaoriation haa ' tnade pmviaion for tha handling of tha toharro of ita membera In thia city l he fannara of thia aertlon ahould •end In their carda to headqoartera at once daalgnatlng thia place aa their marketing point. Thia matter ahoold be attended to Immedately aa It la nereaaary that tha Aaaoriation off I riala have thia information And thoae who named aome other place aa their marketing point prior to the leaae of tha warahooaea In Mount Airy ran hare thia changed by notify ing the proper officiate or Mr. Dob •on ran have the change mad* for any one. Thia moat he don* however before marketing tha*. In addition to the Cooperative Warehonaea Planter* and Banner Warehona* will oprn for auction aalea about 8»pt. 80th. This is TIM Land With the melon* fitting rip* and (hp peaehe* already Hp* and all na ture doing it* beat to pmduce a bounti ful hurvrat. and with plenty of apple and peach brandy In the country ju*t near thi* city, tbia la th* land. One farmer knowa something about it, for hi* pinches alt dlaappeared fmm hi* tree* while he slept one night recently, and he think* he know*. Rut he ha* no a**urance that he I* to have any of the peach brandy that will be made later. But it will be made juat the «ame. Tell th* native* that thla I* the land. There may he i.ther rood place* to live, but none *urpaa* thi*. New County Superintendent Locate* Here Prof. K. 8. Hendren, the newly elected County Superintendent ha* been in tbia part of th* county for itrvrral day* look In* over th* Work and acquainting himself with th* situation. He waa In our city Tues day and Wednesday and whU* here mad* arrangement* for moving hi* family here and making Mount Airy hi* home in th* future. Prof. Ilendren ha* a wife and three children H* ha* *f finished material Veady for shipment were consumed. A rought estimate of the loss Is around 11R.000 with only $3,000 insurance. Thfc company has not decided whether or net they will rebuild. Attention Ex-Soldiers Any m-soldier having sustained an tnjury In service must secure a certifi cate of Injury from the Veterans Bureau by August Rth or his claim will not be allowed. This can be secured by writing the Veterans Bureau. Washington. D. C. stating the Mwumstaitcee under which the Injury wan sustained. • Mi— Alic« H*ywm •« K—t Oar cW— wn *ha*h*d m4 rrteved Saturday momirg when It bMtw known I hat the ipMl of Mia* Alice Haynaa had taken ita flight, arrnaa that unknown huurna. to tha lfnd frraaq whirh no Iraralrr ever return*. Mtaa Haynaa, who haa alway» been frail in health, aubmitted U> an opera Dm far appendtcitia on Wedneaday at tha local InapiUl and aermed to ha doing wall until Friday, whan har condition grew ataadily worae until tha and rame at f o'clock Saturday morning 1 Miaa Haynaa waa twenty (wo vaara old and a daughter of Mr. and Mr». W D. Haynaa of route 4. She waa horn In thia county and after graduat ing at tha local ilffh achool attended Maradlth collage hat had to give up har atudlea on account of bad health. She derided to aubaait to tha opera tion with that hopa of being able to reaume har atudlea In (ha fall. The deceaaed waa a moat lovably young woman and • conaerratei chelation. She waa active In all thJ^ yotrnr people'* work of the flni Haptlat rhorrh The funeral waa conducted from tha rhurch at A p. m. Sunday, Rev. R. I, olive being aaaiated by Rev D Vance Plica. An immenaa crowd gathered at tha charch, and followed tha remain* to Oakdale cemetery where the mound wa* covered with beautiful flowera. twenty flower bearer* being needed to care for the numemu* and coatly floral offering* Among thoae from out of town at tending the funeral of Miaa Alice Havnea. Sunday, were Mr* Van Lan deinham. Raleigh, Mia* Nell Darke, Durham. Mr. and Mr*. Kouet and daughter Miaaea Kranrea and Sarah Oreenaboro. William and Rdgar Wolfe. Guilford College, Mr* Arch Bennett. Win*ton-8alem and Mra. Chri* Bunker, Hayatack. To Move to Wtn*ton-Sal«m J M. Dix, of th« Lovfll-Dtx Co.. in thin city ha* decided to move hi* | family to Win*U>n-8alem where he will look after the Intereat of the | Wlnaton-Salem branch of thia proa per*>u« firm. Their many friend* her* regret to lone the*e rood citizen* from their mid*t. Their daughter Miaa Ida Bet Dix, who haa been aalea lady for lh« D. G. Craven Co. in thia city for aevaral month*, will tranafrr to tk* Craves *tore aalea forre in Winaton-flalav. A Surprise Birthday Dinner Of all the cuatnm* of modem time* one of the moat beautiful ia the *'ir pri*e birthday dinner that haa come to be the cuatnm In the rural diatrieta of thia aection. It givea the people the opportunity to exprea* the finer sentiment* and draw* them together In a way to greatly atrengthen the bond* of jrood fellowship The lateat report of an oecaaion of thia kind wa« the dinner that wa* given la*t Sunday to Mra. Herman Atkin* of Kldora townahip. Mr At kin* and hi* wife.are aubatantial and popular citizena of the aection of country ten mile* aouth of thia city and are among the mo*t prosperous young farmer* of that *ection. With out their knowledge aa many aa 260 of their neighbor* came to their home la*t Sunday and apread a bountiful fea*t under thetrae* on the lawn and for an hour made themaelvea at home with the family. A number of the well known citixen* of thia city were made aware of the occaaion and attended, among the number being Attorney* J. H. Folger and A. E. Tilley, Sheriff A. L. Ashbum, T. 0. Fawcett, C B. Tilley, and Carl. Sim mon*. That Bad Back Do you hare a doll. steady ache In the small of the bark—aharp, stabbing twinges when stooping or lifting— distressing urinary disorder*? Por had hack and weakened kidney* Mount Airy resident* recommend Doan's Kidney Pill*. Road this Mount Airy statement. Mrs. P. C. Bran nek. S. Main at., says: "A few years ago I certainly was down with my hack. I had catches ip the small of my hack all the time. I couldn't rest property nights; my kidneys didn't act right and my head ached at timea ! also had dizty spells. Hearing a lot of Doan's Kidney Pills, I got a supply and they Certainly made ma feel a whole lot better from the fhrst. When I had finished one bo*. I was entirely cored." Price 60c, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy—(ret Doan's Kidney Pills—the same that Mr*. Rrannock had. Foster-Milhum Co.. Mfrs., Buffalo. N. T. Hanger, the Beat Saace Spuce is used to create an appetite or relish for the food. The right way la to look to your digestion. When you have good digestion yon are cer tain to relish your food Chamber Iain's Tablets improve the digestion create a healthy appetite and cause a gentle movement of the bowels They arm GOOD! 1Qf " I BmylkuCigmrrttttmJ SaeeMe—y j Pilot Mountain Buy* New SiU V far it* Now School /Pilot Mountain, July IT.—Tin town »f Pilot Mountain, at • Meant •taction eoted bonds for a wrm school bulldtnf aid eleven Km «f land naar Weet Main mm haw been pawhssid at • coat of I4fl00, on which to erecy U)a k building The I. E. Wllaon nutit works, of 1 this city, last wosfc erected a nlaa 1 double monoment at tka I tha Baptist cbnrch at White Plains i to tka memory of two brother*, Grady 1 and Msrrta York. Orady was a sol diar in th» world war and IM only •1 Vw months after his return from France, service ir. the amy Indirectly being the caoaa of his dsath.' ' I Hot Weather Diaeaaea Disorders of the bowels sre es- ! tremely dangerous, particularly dur- , ing tha hot weather of the tumner months, and in order to protert your wlf and family against a todden attack, gat a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic and Diarrhoea Remedy. It can be depended upon. Many have testi fied to Its excellence. I mam * TURNIP SEED Frwli an • I Now M Um tint* to pUat mmI wo hato • largo varlatjr to nlirt from. W. S. Wolfe Drug Co A««nt Van Lindlty FWfcrt Tax Notice! To the tax payer of Mount Airy: ! aa in structed l»y the Board of City Commieeiooers to collect all taxes due the city by proc— of law if payment u not made by the 1st of 1922. R. V. DEYERLE, City Tax Collector W K. and Cnlton Marrtu and Miaa Anna Merritt of Qoantieo. Va. wen- guaata of Mra. R. L. Bub hard in Klkin, Friday. TV JoaaphiM Frank Missionary au Holy met with Mia* Ada Jonas at H»« Komr of Mrs. C. W Taylor Tnsada/ nifbt Ford THE UNIVERSAL CAR We Have Reduced Our Labor Charges Effective Immedi ately For Repairing FORD CARS Extraordinary reductions in the prices of Ford Care, Ford Trucks, Fordson Tractors and Ford parts have been made by the Ford. Motor Company during the past year. In keeping with these reductions, we have now greatly reduced our labor charges for repair service on Ford Cars. The extent of these reductions is shown by the following examples: Overhaul Motor and Transmission, $16.00 Overhaul Rear Axle, 4.00 Replace Transmission Bands, 2.00 Grind Valve* and Clean Carbon, 2.50 Overhaul Front Axle, 3-50 Oil and Dope Car AU Over ... 1.00 These charges for labor only and do not include parts used in operation. All other repair operations reduced in propor tion. Our service means GENUINE FORD SERVICE, and the strict use of only GENUINE (not spurious or inferior) FORD PARTS. This means lower operating cost to Ford owners, longer life to your car, and thoroughly satisfactory service throughout Its entire life. GRANITE CITY MOTOR CO., Mount Airy, N. C. PILOT MOUNTAIN MOTOR CO., Pilot Mountain, N. C ( f Authorised Ford Dealers