Relief is Foond from Stomach [rouble at atoaaacb tiwaftla la n—dil by W. T. Hmbwiw, M Mm St, CUAm VMf*. Va. Mr. Mnabauii waa a ▼Mm af atoaaacb IMbii la tta worat bvt vm rowpUuly rtitofvd to health by taking Taalae. Ha aaya: "1 have actually gahiad tMrty-aix (awh by taking Tanlac awl Ca able la aaik regular now for tha flrat ttaaa la four yean. I don't believe there la a man living who ever had atnwai h tmubla warva than I M I IM la Jnad of thaaa apalla all tha ttau m4 llfa waa abaoat unhaarabla. 1 am aow la tha baat of haalth. Tnn laa geta credit far It all." Vndlgeeted food feraaanta aa tha ■toaiach and aoon tha antlr* ayataai la flllad with poiaona. Tan lac waa daatgnad to reetore tha itoawk to a healthy condition and build op tha whole body. Million* avarywhara bava acriaiaiad Ita wondarful power , Oat a bottla today. Far aala by leading druggtata. j notice Tbia ia to notify all paraona that 1 tha un.i. r-.^r.-.l Kaa qualiflad aa Executrix of tha aatata of DaaM | Marion lata of Surry county. All 1 imlahfad to <«mr wnll make Homed lata Battlement. All paraoaa holding claim* against aald aatata will flla him with undenirned on or be fore September 21. 1 MS, or thia notice will ba plead in bar of recovery. Thia Sept. 18th, 1M2. W. R. Radrett, Atty. Mrs. M. M. Marion, Executrix. Pilot Mountain, N. C. Don't let washday ruin your hands Sudden change* from hot to cold water, weekly soaking in •teaming auda—these are the things about washing at home that quickly rob bands of their charm and dain« tines*. Begin next washday to keep your hands soft and youthful by phoning us. We have services . to meet your every need—have our rep resentative tell you about them. Phone and he w*'l call Granite City Laundry O. M. Brrndl*. Mir Phone i| 65 S. Msia St. 'Smdlt, COOfl PUNMNC MANY SUITS AND IT SOLANS MERRY WAR tlMMVkM »U.lf fairly bafar* tha «*Wte. In liM|k Um moat tnUTNthf ru mox la that MalUa A. Griffin, who haa wnttan a ainat Irravarant articla at ha co-opt, la to ba *aad by 4a ■aaaciatlaa. Mr. Ortffln Urea at Wanda)] la a vary aicabla tobacco • ommanity and a lattar a faw 4aya **« froai INrgaai ami Joyrer Inti mating act* aealnat him brought a Mat daflaant raaponaa. Ha w»l. coaaaa tha HI it and talka powarfully at hie thraatanad auitora Judge C. C. Ljron has heard »s preliminary |U(N of thaee actions. Tbe to eperathf association inlM Want him fee • restraining order WfdMndiy against Z. A. Hsrrell, of Edgeromb, »nd W. T. Jones, of Nash These restraining ordsr* m returnable before Jndg* Frank Dan iel* October t, when the defendant# will show nun why these Injunction* should not bo mode permanent. Mr. Harris is said te have 25,000 pounds in the biff pool and Mr. Jones 10,000. Besides the injunction, the associa tion will sue for the penalty of S rents on all tobacco sold outside the co-operative houses. The purpose of the association Is to protect growers who are signed up from pressure on the part of the outsiders. These actions will bo followed by others involving quite s big lot of money. Martin and Pitt counties arc said to have many con tract-breaker*. And use ides the overt act of breaking the contract, the association Is disposed to prose cute those who have sought to pro cure the breach. Therein lies the possibility of a terrific fight. The outsiders who distrust the co-opera tive plan ar* going to insist on the right of free speech end will contend that any legislative act abridging thf right of the auctionists to use persua sion against the co-operatives. Is an unwarranted invasion of constitution - a! rights. _ The warfare will become hot right then and if there is my falling down of the co-operatives in their effort to hold hi line 90,000 grower* in the association, it wilt make eaiy the amendment if not the repeal of the present law which make* repris als against the men who talk dero gatory stuff against the association. Rut it is highly doubtful whether rpsogt to the courts will not hart more than it helps. Peeling is bitter in more than one county. NOTICE North Carolin, Surry Codnty. Town of Mount Airy. Under and by virtue of the law* of the state of North Carolina and the ordinances of the town of Mount Airy, authorizing the sale of land* in the town of Mount Airy for assessments levied against said property for street improvements, I will offer for sale at the Court House, Dobson. N. C., on the first Monday in October, it being the 2nd day of October 1922 at 12 o'clock noon, the following property for the assessments levied against some, interest snd costs of sale. Property of Mrs. Claude Beard, ly ng on the north side of Pine street, feet frontage, with dwelling Amount $42.39, interest .84, cost 1.70. total $44.93. This Sept. 1st, 1922. R. V Peyerle, City Tax Collector. "Strong and Well" "T WISH yoa could know how A much I am improved since taking the Cfrdut." write* Mr*. Nannie Brown, of Black Rock, Ark. "You wouldn't know ma for the tame weak InraM I waa before I took ft. At ay ... I had to keep off my feet or I woaM tall. I couldn't do my homework, and |uat got where I'd moat aa ttef be dead aa tiring. Some oae tpid my huaband of Cardul. Ha got tt tor m aad I look l before I rtopped—then ofl tad oa tor ttw iMt three rear* (art as a toatc. I mw ■ decided I ad was able to do ay tor mj lamilr and for oTben. I % Taka Carttff The Woman's Tonic Further attempt to skaw th» Frenck po»itk>n It made In th» added atatimmt that Marshal Fnrh told tha Armenlaa Bishop of Montreal an hta visit ta the Canada city laat »prin* that if tha Armeniana wanted libarty they mat fight for It. Tha stata mant aays further: "At that tlaia tha Armenians had been lad to disarm while Turkey had armed, and 100,860 Armenians in All tela had heen driven oat and ruta ad. Moat of theee had sought refute In Aaie Minor only ta ha maasacred." Promises of protection for.tha Ar menian* given hy J. i. Jnaa#rand. French Amhaaaador at Waahlngton, to offWiala of the Armenian organisa tion, caused the organisation to (top the propaganda it had began to cirru lata. France, it believes, la behind tha whole of tha present devastation. The following telegram sent ta President Hardinr today was signed by the Armenian National Union of America: Monattetra tragedy unparalleled In tha history of the haman race, and pmhaMy extermination confronts the remnant population of Christian Ar menians in Asia Minor. The merci less Turk has added I RO.OOO livea to -Ma toll of l.fiOO.OOO massacred dar ing the Great War. Only beautiM women and girls are spared to a fata forae than death. Bowed ta grief, Armenians in America through tha Armenian National Union fervently entreat your Excellency for at Wast some public expression of sympathy. The ntoral support of the people of the United Stats whose hands are ever extended to suffering peoples of all creeds and races may do more in this calamitooa crisis to stem the flood of plunder, pillage and as ass ignation than the armed forces of Europe. Turkish newspapers pub lished in this country boldly threaten the extermination of all Christian Armenians and Greeks. Mosques end citadels are to be built of the skulla of the victims. Can America with moral integrity maintain an attitude of silence when another colossal tragedy is casting its ahadows before, and the life and the peace of the world is again in immin ent danger? Ktatemrnt of Condition of Tbe FIRST NATIONAL HANK. it Mount Airy, in the state of North i "arnltna. at tbe close o' business on ■ September 15, 1922. RBSO'ROKfc Loans and discount* 1666,663.98 Overdrafts, unsecured,... 127.20 Deposited to secure circula tion. 60,000.00 All other U. S. securities,...R0.l00.00 Hi oids skhks »• curities, etc 1,750 00 Hanking house, furniture and fixtures 28,356.15 Real estate owned other than banking house 701.28' I.awful reserve with Federal Reserve Bank 35,602.68 'll I ' ml ii mn ■ due from national banks,. 146,924.22 Dii'' m • i' » inker and trust companies, 6,489.61 Miscellaneous cash items 661.44 StrH nut in fu i'l «v i:. S. Treasurer and due from U. S. Treasurer 2,500.00 Other assets 4,500.00 Total 11,008,166.56 IIART1 tTlE.^ Capital stock paid in 76,000.00 Surplus Fundi 60,000.00 Undivided profits 46,954.08 Undivided profits. 40,964.08 Reserved for interest and taxes, ....*.1,670.34 Reserved for un earned disct... .12.266.47 • Total 59,890.89 Leas current ex penses, etc. paid, 16,918.06 48,977.84 Circulating notes .60,000.00 Aimuint d'ie o State banks, barkers, an,l trust companies, in the U. S 19,988.47 Certified checks outstand ing 189.46 Oas^'®'"* eheeVs out standing, 4,308.19 Individual deposits subject to check, 2P2.614.14 Certificates of deposits,... 364 996.88 Other Una deposits 117,092.59 Total $1,008,166.66 'tat* o' North Carolina. County of , Surry, as 1. K. 0. Tmith. Cashier of the above nwneH bank do solemnly swear that he above ptatcmi-nt is true to the beat >f my Wiewledre and belief. K. C. SMITH, Cashier Subscribed and swnm before me the 21st day of Sept, 1922. K. I ftrnnti'»'k N tar* PubNr Cornet—Attest: T. O. Fawcett, M. L. F ArmfleM. W. W. Burke,.Direct WaJlaaa, Baft. H WW Ibt. Sd waad OmU, at Maw York, M a ptm nart «nU laae Mi Ufa In an a*r Hehiaaka, npi iwilhi tlM New York, A marlcan legion, at tha faneml of UnMMM Maynard had tafcan mack internet In tha tubercular aani tariurn at flaranae and kad auuie Many fllghta far tU benaflt. Mr. ftrhiaaka Mid. Hia haart aiaij la ba in the inetltution and It waa thoaght that when ba aompietad Ma flight* at Rutland ha would than (toy faimr Ueutenant Maynard had baan art ed by Mr*. Maynard to quit flying. Ha had piomiaed bar that ha would, tha airman having alao bad a yra aentinent that aomethlng wonld hay pan to hiai. Ha alMftad to aaacal tha engagement at Rutland but wa* urged by tha management of tha fair and thooaanda of paopla of that tac tion not to do it. According to thair i ra<)aaat, ha mat hta daath juat prior to the cloning of tha fair. Mr*. Maynard flrat heard of bar huehand'e daath aa aha aat in bar ho ma at Queen*. N. Y. Funeral aervice for Lieot. BeNin i W. Maynard. tha "flying paraon," who loot hia lifa in Vermont laat weak, waa bald at tha Maynard fam ily burying ground naar HarreU'a Store thia afternoon. One of tha largaat aaaemMagaa ever gatharad for a funeral in thia aection of tha atato waa there to hear the laat aad ritea aaid for one of Samp son county'a moat famooa aona. *• IMkia* N» Swfwy N» OatMpstky Drs. Cox CHIROPRACTORS MOUNT AIRY, N. C OfflM ko*n:-l to It a. m. I to t:tO p. m. Niffbt Iwn: 7 to 8 p. m. Monday, WMbxtdtj and Satnrtlajr. H~ >n— fc k»a tejm «*» 4*m+m W p»»tan»» HM|M md» nldli i«Jial»»» in A aMtar •««•«<• I* •I Ik* faaml Anew Vm iIm wy 1m Mm tm inmx* •• w« nMi « mM ta ImmImm hi* !• in iNell a eervke le w a* hi Ik Hw al and W tmmmm (vary ai what haw w ha* tar k haw al tin day «r aMk k nan *a au ha. la rtai 4Mfnw a <» »h TWa li lalhac yaa *—' — *-*—*--if - irintli —4 bawa h* haa kna calM aa away ua«» hi haaaaa wrtaa haa aalUd tw, ha wn4m |uM»*M«tadaiailw»aviKai wtMg < iiH / in >*>>"'ji ')■! y fh»Cln UnilC^aCm. ftviswjLx Hannah & Moody Iw< t NOTICE or BALE B> virtue of the power of tale cuisuatj lr. a> de*a of trust iiadf by Aki Hutaon and wife, Mailt# Hutaon, to H. D. McKaughan, iruaUe. dated January 12. 1921, and duly regiatered in the office of tha Register of Deeda of Surry County, North Carolina, In book of Mortgage* aad Deeda of Truata No. 77, at pan 278, to which refrence la hereby madia, ai d default having bwi mada In tha payment of tha indabtadnaaa aacurad by tha said daad of truat, wherebv tha power of tale tharain contained haa lacuna operative, and tha owner ef Mid indebtedness having made de mand upon the underaigned that ha chains; thence N. 2 1-2 dagraaa W 23 ehaina to tka beginning, con taining forty-oca awl ona-kaff (41 1 --) acrea, Mora ar lana. a D. McKAUOHAN, Troatoa. Tka Maal PwgaUfa Aa a purgative, Chain bar Iain's Tablet* are the exact thing is quired, strong snougk far tka Mat rakaat, mild enough tor children. Thay cause an ■gieesMi ran isaswit of tka hnwela arithoat any of that terrftir rriflng. They are aaay and fkaaaM tc take and agreeable In affect. D,. k. J. LOVILL PHYSICIAN Office aear Baleeak A MMktff The ideal fuel ALADDIN staiiirvolL iTAAilMlID auwrvs^ J PERFECTION Oil Heaters Imlmml k—t »l#wwr ytm nttd it for city, suburban and country homes .ADD1N SECURITY OIL is the •al household fuel today. It is u rm, du i and dependable in e wav And you can always get i. concur.; ally. The esf I Perfection Oil Ran^. v. . \ . erfex Burn* does all the work of a gas sto\ and saves coal. This range is being in stalled in thousands of kitchens today for year-round service. The Perfection Heater gives instant warr 'th wherever you have a cold rot, vVTiatevcr oil-burning device you you will find Aladdin Security Oil the best kerosene for it. Don't be without heat because . of the coal shortage. Burn oil—the ideal fuel. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (New Jcney) * NEW PERFECTION Oil Ranje ^ mm SUPDtFEX