MOOBK COUNTY hM tor 5737"' ~ " ' WORKMEN'S B. A L-Aaaociatioa la LOUT—Bay mart, weight about 1,000 pound*. aUayi'il from camp lot in Mm* Airy. October U. Finder pieaae notify Oaboraa Hawk*. Lambe mirv, Va., or W. E. Jackaon, Mount Airy. ltp. NOTBMBEB 1st .tart, tho new miIm of B. A. L. now on aalA W. <3. Sydnor, Pro*; U. B. Sparger. Sac. rOK 8 A LB—Oliver typewriter tad Borrowrha adding machine, nearly rnw. Will aell at a bargain. Apply <2. C. Lerfll Co. FOB SALE—One wicker baby carri age la good condition Apply Mrs. g. C. Blvent. ll-ll-p STOP—Hare you given Hermitage Dairy Feed a trial. 11-4c 136 A err farm for aale near Sanford. ' M acrea in cultiration, balance in timber Good buildinga. For parti cular* aee W. B. Partridge, Bockford 8t., Meant Airy. 11-10-p FOB BENT—Nice 6-room bungalow on Lebanon (treat. Modem «on veajenona W. Pulton. tto. aw«< i . ,« FOB SALS—A nice lot on Eaat Le banon aaar new acbaol building. FM particular! writ* or M* Mia* WL t. Htaee, Mt Airy, N. C. B. No. I. 11-llp PRKPABE NOW for a home through fee B. A. L. Office over Merritt'* Hdw. Store. 11-10-c OlVr HERMITAGE Dairy Peed a trial. It will produce reaulta. 11 -4c FOR RENT—Boom* for llfht houaa keepm* Mj* W. O. Hogan, 149 Ptee street. tfc. FOB BENT—Brick house on Pine ■treat. Apply to Mrs. J. A. Hadley. / 11-4c TAKE NOTICE Application will be made to the Goveswor of North Carolina tor the pardon of 8id Vaughn, oonvieted at the fall term of the Superior Court of Sorry County, for the crime of viola tion of the prohibition law, and sen tenced to the road for a term of six teen months. All persona who oppoae the grant ing of aaid pardon are invited to for ward their pro testa to the Governor without delay. lib the 25th day of October, 1921 lt-10-p Lucy Vuftrn . -JL x - .1 HAVE YOU secured stock I* lk« aeries of Um B. A. Ut Over iiJT MEND Ui jrodr kodak films tor do rmk>fi»g end prinUag. Owr Hnln fsnsfc VaWntliM't ait>r« Mount Airy Co., Bo* €71, Mt. Airy, N. C. It*. HERMITAGE Dairy Food mom Milk. 11-4-c FOR MI J One sera erib. Anyly Mw. Joko L. >mn. 11-Tl-p ir YOU need a good house I flee or six good ones In I Meeut Airy tor mIo. .Vow him ay I* aix. Bono with both, mm with out. All ki good locality. Mm sfiurtjsrrz aSS:-® PRIMROSES For Bato—At Irrta * Har»oy'» Mom. j 11-ip. IF YOU mM mom Milk food Heflal tage Dairy Food. 11-4. | Wom» b UmrUd Aliro Cleveland. Oct. M.-Mrs. Haaal Burns M, whose badly ssatilated body was found buried In • shallow grave near Paineaville Wadnaaday, dlad from suffoeation and atrangula tlon, Laka county anthorKiaa an no oncad tonight following • poat mortem examination of tho body. Mra. Burna waa not ahot, bat waa baa tan with tka butt of a email cali bre revolver than buriod alive in • aha I low grave In a marah, tka authori tioa iwlmi Tka marka at ftnt believed to be bullot wounda, ware made by the butt of • platol, phyal ciana Mid. The examination waa made while Proaocutor Ralph M. Oelander and Sheriff Spink w«m grilling tka alaln woman'■ husband, Barry Buma. la the proeecutor'a office at PalnMville. Tangled In Mra. Bum'a hair waa found a email spring from an old faahionad revolver, phyaiclana report ed. Grilling of Burna begun after his arreat Wadnaaday, was continuing tonight Authorities have fallod to obtain a confeaaion from the husband who denies ho had anything to do with the murder. Today Buma waa taken to view his wifa'a body and twice eollapaod and' falling on hla knees at the aide of the bier in tka Palneeville morgue, ha prayed and sobbed: "I dtdnt kOI her, 1 didnt kill her." At the under taking rooms, where be encountered his wifa'a MlathrM, he also maintain ed hla innoceoee. The authorities believe Mra. Burna waa killed on the spot where .the rough grave waa dug. Blood found nearby, they aay, la hum aw blood. Aa yet no motive tor the crime haa boon put forward by authoritiM except jealously over "another woman." Mrs. Burns was the third wtfe of Bums, hla first wife having dlad and his second wife divorced. Recently ho had his name changed to Burna to simplify the pronunciation of hla former foreign name. Ha first made his appearance in the neighborhood where he lives aa a porter, than ha began his commercial career by aa tabllshing a popcorn atand. Today Burna la Mid to be worth betweert $90,000 and $70,000. Ha owna four business and apartment blocka. Mra. Buma had boon married pre viously, being divorced from her first husband. Mert J. Uvill, M. D. Office Hours Phones 9 to 10 A. M. Office, $48 2 P. M. and by Appointment Rea. 239 Sunday by Appointment Office over Hokomb * M 14kif R. A. MARTIN Shoes, Dry Goods and Notions Special price on Shoes and Sweaters F R. A. MARTIN Next door to Bolton Grocery Store 10-10-c MOUNT AIRY, N. C First Hand Real Estate For Sale A bm in Powhatan county Virginia containing 82 kow will ba mU by tha twMr at a good bargain that coal bo boot anywhoro. Tkli Cam Hoa ia a naighborhood wtpra ono hundrad. farmari frotji Uaity aawaty hare aottlad and mada good, man whoa* characton hava • haaa good aad worthy. If yon ara daairon* at going to Virginia tt HI pay yoo to m» ma. I am hi poaition to maka you a nerlfloa affar that you will find cannot ba baat. Addresa "D." White PUirn, N. C The Mb of Mr*. W. D. Haynea, Is! #a»laim." The *«'■ u»jr at > o'clock with Hn. I A. V. W.M on North ' TIm w»maa of Um Mi kin iitonM M Invitation to Umh Tueeday iftmtH a* 8 o'clock j In their church . It tWtr Mtk of prayer aad It la tka*| object la kin re porta of moo'i work from all for eemparisoa on Italy. Mrs. BaM Jl appointed to roport on Baptist) W. M. U. work. All «mh of the) chuirk ato irpd to A »todjr of tko Gospel of Matthaw will bo bogus Wednesday night at prayer nrrk*. Copioo of tko Ooa pol will ba furnished all siring to tako advantage of tboao J delightful rtudiea. Tko Pbllatkoa claaa will Thursday evening at 7:80 at tko I of Mlaa Myra Olive a* Mortk Main | street. Mlaa Margaret Inman Mr*. 0. K. Snow will act aa Central Method 1st Chunk South Dr. H. K. Bojror, Paator Morning aeivkes 11.00 V m. | Evening lortlew 7.00 p. I Wedneaday prayer service, .7.00 p. m. \ Sunday school,"* 9.48 a. i Laagoai Sunday 4.18 p. 1 Rot. J. H. Waat will proach 8u day morning at tba elevon o'clock I Thla wook la aat apart aa tko Week of Prayer for tko women of the church. The regular monthly mooting of the Woman'! Missionary society will be held Monday at 8 p. m. with Mrs. A. B. Somerville leader of a memori al service for Mlaa Belle H. Bennett. Tuesday there will be Prayer and Praiae service to which the women of all missionary soeietiea of the various churches In town are invited. There will be special music by Meadames Combs, George and Folger. The meeting will ba lad by Mia. Price. Wednesday la "Our Home Field) Day." French work in Hownea La. led by Mrs. Calvin Oravaa. Thursday's program la on Buena Vista of Hopora Cuba by Mrs. J. L. Walts. Every member is urged to attend theee services. Collection tor the week go to the two echoola. At a meeting of the Board of Stewards Monday evening the fol lowing committees were elected: Finance: Geo. O. Graves W. J. | Byerly, M. 8. Martin, B. H. Leonard,. E. H. Kochtitsly. Public worahip: W. M. Jordan, G. W. Hutchinson, Calvin Graves, 0. K. Marritt, O. H YoVlej. Lords Supper: B. F. Sparger, J.| W. Earp, M. H. Sparger. Church property and' repairs: E.j C. Foy, D. C. Bowman, W. W. Thorn aa. ChjtcS record*: J. H. Pol/", J. D. Thompson, T. H. Worrell. Ushers, reception end collections: C W. Andrew, 0. B. Yokley, E. C. Bivens, C. E. Uvnm, Jeeae Banner, C. C. Hale. E. W. Paddiaon. W. C. Galther, Wade L. Hatcher, Ed ft. Snow. Muaie< C. C. Craveling, Annie Pol* re* Margaret Ashby, C. L. Whitman, Irene Dobyns, Mrs. J no. H. Folger. Publicity: W. B. Hale, Mary Frank lin Graves, Cora Earp. Committees elected by the Church Conference: Missionary comklttee: Mrs. Ed P. MeKinney, M. H. 8parger, D. C. Bowman, Mrs. D. V. Price, Mrs. A. E. Smith, Mrs. W. J. Byerly, Mrs. Ed M. Linville, Mrs. H. K. Boyer. Social service: Mrs. J. L. Wolts, Dr. T. H. Worrell, Miss Katie Burke, Mrs.'J. H. Pol ton, Mrs. H. M. Poy, Mrs. Ed C. Banner. Evangelistic: O. W. Hutchison, E. C. Poy. W. M. Jordan. Mrs. 8. P. Braves, Miss Baaa Merritt, Wade L. Hatcher. Christian education: E. C. Bivens, P. P. Sparger, Alias Grace Poy, Mrs. T. H. Worrell. Lay activities and lay speakers: I. D. Minick, Mrs. Ed P. MeKinney, G. W. Hutchinson, Mrs. ft. H. Leo nard, Mrs. J. L. Wolts, ft. C. Bivens. Christian stewardship and tithing. Mrs. R. H. Leonard. Mrs. P. L. Smith, J. P. Yokley, C. C. Graveling, Mrs. Calvin Gravea, Mrs. determined to win and Mount Airy pledged to pile up a great acora fought harder than ever but neither team • cored In the third quarter— I/cukivillc keeping the ball In our territory moat of the time. But in tha Isat quarter Mount Airy fearing the poaaibllity of a tie ran true to form and after fighting on even terms ahowtng a slight superiority on the offense set out from under Leskaville goal • forward march which was quickened by Dean's In tercepting another wide paaa and ran wild for thirty five yards before down. v The entire line played a great anr«t plays and ran the team In good / Shelton Hostess Honoring her house gueet, Mia* Mabel Wood of White Plaina, Mlae Frances Shelton waa hoeteea ta a do ten girls of Junior age Saturday evening at the home of her peraata Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Shelton. Decorations characteristic of Hal lowe'en were uaed the earn* Idea be ing carried out in tha favor*, aoora cards and napkins. Rook was playad at three tablaa aftar which block toe cream waa aerved with wafers followed by mints. Mr. Osier Wolts made a busineah, trip last week to Gaatonta and other points south, returning to the city MONTHS OF ' SUFFERING How t Baltimore Girl Recov ered Her Health ' , Maryland.-"Far imtil I * with amn backacha I Kiwi EFoeru KMmTi could not deep comfortably at nigfet for paine la bt back. I foond your book at bom* ooe day and after reading it ba gaa at one# to taka Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vege tabla Com pound. I bar. W very good raanita and soma of H| girl irwnda are taking it now. too mar w tut letter te Delp other girls, a* the letter* in your book helped me." —Bos* W atone*. MU Koseland Place, Baltimore. Md. That is the thought ao often expreaaed In letterstacommendmg I.vdia £Ptak ham'i Vegetable Compound. Theee wo men know what they have auffered, they deacribe their symptoms and stats how they ware finally mad* watt. Jart pb-'i statementa, but they waatdtefM to be helped. iia E. P i i is indicated by biikidw, faeihmi. and MO um I to |et i Lydia E. Ptakbam'a Vegetable Oom pound is a medicine made from dnal roots and herha. and without dwy% to relieve the aickneas vmm ao trat hitioa to cat anything dona or to ShiTrt hi — try it? anywhere' It has helped saauy Why Bait Rev. B. M. Bridges Gives Fads in His Case It to doubtful U tboro haa mr I • Modiotoo lafoniii by ao of Um Go* pal aa ha* Taalaa. (ton to MKdr • faith, do no an nation In all Um toad to which mm, or Btn, of tho clor*y Un for Um bonofita thoy >mt« iliriw4 frmm Ha mm. Om of tlM la toot M spook out to ttoto eoaiMctloa tobt.lll Bridcoa. A J iMlftWAii • wpmy mown wn vwvvv C., whoao ititunt (dm: "Tan lac haa fhroa bm a food ap potlto, to nod ay My igntM and ro nowod my atrangth to rack • iratify Ing way that I aa glad to rawiMMand it to anyooo who to to a run town condition. For tea yaaia put I ha»o had aaeh a arron eaao af indi foatioB that I amid not ftod anything to oat that agrood with aa. Finally I bocamo »ory norvoaa and eoald tat bat Uttto tloop or root. "It mm— that 1 took Marly ovary thine try toe to «at myaolf right, bat nothing holpad aw until I ran aeroaa Tanlac. My norvaa ara ao much hat tor now that My atoap to Third, th»t tKa of th. mwmUn « ImM to all ■—hm of to* od family. fourth, that Umm rwulaUw to MHd upon tho nlnuto hook of «Mi Lod«a and that copi»« ho aont «M raaua— to puMlah to tho Orphaaa Frtaod and Maaonic taml, hS RocortJ aad Mount Airy Naw*. rtflh, that all mambtt* of «Ma Lode* wear tho usual badjra ti mounting for thirty days aad a mm of thoac raoolutiona bo aont to tKa bowayod faaflt. • plr W. H. roy, Committoo '>/*• FLORSHEIM SHOE i For fine style, the Florsheim Shoe has no equal. The new ideas—the sr.,art effects well dressed men want, ORIGINATE with Florshhm. A* THE PARKWAY for the man who wants the style of the hour Auction Sale of Valuable Farm Land Ob Wedneeday. November 15. .at t p. ■»., we will Mil the M. 8. Jones farm on StewerU Creek, known a* the T. A. Jones koM place, S milee wwt of Mount Airy on ths Lawgap highway. This fa mm of the beet firm in Surry county. There are t tobacco bana, good dwelling and a large orchard. Plenty of wood and timber with about one-third of the place fenced. Thfa farm containe 100 acree aad baa been divided into three trecto to auit purchasers. Thfa place fa mall watered with apriaga aad branches and fa adapted to all |nwk| trope and fa the ftoeet ef tobacco land. We will abo eoll at the same time one pair of boraee, ana-1 twi wagon, double harneaa, buggy and harneoe, cane mill aad evaporate*. t aete tobacco flnee, 2,000 tobacco atfcka, vfaat drill, dfae harrow and other farming took. One brood cow, lot of cattle, etraw, fodder and ehocka. Houaehold and kitchen furniture. • Pont fail to attend thfa aala aa Mr. Jonas fa dunging hit Valuable prfaaa given away. Sale rain or sbfas Terma eaay and siyo traced at aala. DM Airy Realty t Mm Ci. J. A. Alt INS. Manager