HARDING'S SHIP SUBSIDY TIm Republican* Plan To Ghw Away Million* Of Mltn To TrwR InUrosts Charlotte Ohwrvur. Thar* I* nothing t * United State* ha* been standing idore tn rw*d of than a mcr-bant nu.rina that would •tarry it* flag and it* trad* into all fart* of th* world. Tha naad i* mpra ptaaaing now than It was previous to the World War, by conaequenee of which nnsaiblltttee of expanding oar ssmnsreial interest* were craated on a larger acala than might hare baan for. Prerieue to tha war, agi polat whan aatkm by wwmm .(.(taarad near but that* i call for ihlpa *f aifothor nature and tha merchant marina proposition waa aida-trackad for tha coming of a batter day. With tha ending of the way, tha Government found on tta hands an accumulation of ahlpa for which It had no ass, and tha propor tion waa originated with tha Eepubll aan Administration of making those for tha desired mer Tha Idas was Ineor I In tha shape of a subsidy hUL that th* only way In which — - ■■e>t — m a*M mil* CTJuniry WUIQ pminOW ■ ID0T sidy of some kind, and public senti mant had boon growing hi that direc tion. Bat It depended upon what kind of a subsidy. With detailed information of tha aabeidy proposed by the President than came a re rule ion of sentiment. Ik la a aubeidy which ssams to throw the door wide open to' graft and to sraatioa of a claaa of preferential Government pete. It la a little strange that any Administration could oppose a bonus to tha soldiers and at the same time farce a ship bonus of tha pVOpOMtl npon th* cona The money that would V" required for the soldier bonus la a bagatelle compared to th* hand-out that woaM be instituted under the mas bflL Let as of the facts pre by Slchan te be eure. tta National Committee, bat facta which ft la for tha Republicans to re fute. Tha facta have bean eopplied by the Democratic membera of the Hooae Committee on Merchant Ma rine, and are therefor* of authority, and this is what develope— The Government's fleet built dur htg the war and now in tha keeping ef the United States Shipping Board, seat the people $8,000,000,000 The ■hipping Board would be authorised hy the paaaag* ef th* pending bin to sail these rsaaela for $200,000,000—a baa to the tax-payers of ti,#00,000, Having purchased the ships, the aw 9wncn would hsrs the oppor tha disposition in tha i of thaaa Democratic members, t» capitalise them for something like ' ^roe value am) haae their freight i on this higher valuation, so tat the people woeid suffer first from tha Shipping Board's i iilim— deflation of $2*00,000,000 and after wards hjr the Shipping Trust's reek teas inflation of more billions. This would ha an atftinil loaa and bur den for the taxpayers to boar for tha mgrandixement of special Interests. Again, .tha bill eontemplataa tha ^mating at b on nasi aggregating ITW,000,000 to the prirata concerns hoy and oparste the ships and Of 11*8,000,000 to thaaa and individuals to pay for the building of new and Um of old vsaasls. That •tat out, wmM to tanta mount to, giving the ahlpa away and then baa tuning iswsids totalling 'Banvwevs of the $128,000,000 pine al at the diapoaal of the Shipping t— Tk, i nl 1 i i —— «i - s — - oj iTMiotni nirainf • would to swahled to Itam at aa Interest rata of two pel • at and for aa long as It years. Tfe edly collateral pledged for the i» |d/m ml of ttoae leans would to tta tha amount lent hj fek might to the equivalent of twe of tha market value of tin which H waa advanced. 11m D—iiyaUu rnsmhsw call at to**«K« that while thfa il corpo ratio na tha psliOags of boimnlag the Govern fanda at a rhte of ton par carr a year tor a tarm of II yearn and uq ■ ef t of the ahtp* upon which loon* are mad* farmara who obtain money from the Federal Farm I-and Bank" can if«t rf. cnmmndationH only by. paying intereat at tho rata of tlx par eont a year for limited periods and in eum* not exceeding M) per cant of tha morhct~**lue of fartna they mort urHgc aa aocurtty. Over and *lw»« th**t direct honuaea from tha Federal Trraaury. tha bene ficiariaa wotild receive indirect aub , aidiaa. Thay would ba axampt from •II Federal taxes provided tha amount which would ba otharwtoa , payabla aa taxe* to Inveated or maraly aat aaida tnveatment to now ahipa. No auch generoaity if t roggeated to raapact to tha fantm | or amall boainaaa man or wago j worker* of tha country. Only tha rich ara to have now richaa. Verily, , "unto everyone that hath a hall ba gtvea, *nd ha ahall hava abundance." Thara to nothing In tha bill that I promises cheaper ocoan freight rataa or that provide* for regulation of tha chargee or boatoaaa of thaaa ra ceivere of publto funda. Thai* to, however, every raaaon to baltora that tha bill totaiuto tha repeal of oarUto •actiona of tha Federal anti-trust acta to order that railroade may operata ahipa and tha ahlpping in te root* may combine to enlarge and conaolidata their praaant monopoly. Finally, tha bill givea tha Shipping Board autocratic powara, tha nature I and extant of which are typified by I tha provisiona freeing it from the obligation to maka report* of its , acta or expenditure* to any officer , or branch of the Government or to aeek annual appropriation* or au | thorisationa from Congraaa aa other I Department* and Bureau* ara com pelled to do. It to with acknowledged hope of paaaing a bill of thi* aort that Presi dent Harding haa called an extra aaaaion of Congreaa. Tha public, having been placed in pom—Ion of tha salient point* of tha bill, may understand why the extra aaaaion to de*ttood to fail to its special miaaton, or why, not having failed, it would have eetabliahed legislation in pro fiteering that would forever dam tha to Aa elect tone of 1M4. B lockuUn Are Hard Hit la Western N. C. Ashevllle, Not. 14.—Federal offi cial! yesterday Mind tWt the session of United State* District court now drawing to a ctoee baa "broken the backbone" of illicit whiskey manufacturing and selling ' in western North Carolina. Follow ing a concerted drive by prohibition ' officers, deputy marshals and sber lfr. forces the past s{x months about BOO defendants were arrested. Judge E. Yates Webb dispoesd of ISO cases during this term of which nine were sentenced to federal pris on; M to Jail terms and finaa aggre gating $9,225 imposed. Only one de fendant was acquitted. During the court session it ds veloped that the "Cat's Head" section of Henderson county, had yielded nine stills within an area of about two square miles. This was pro nounced the worst hot hod of distill ing In the section. Five men were convicted from this section, one being sent to prison and four to Jail. One woman waa convicted of selling a i still and was fined (600. Large Incubator Ordered For Pit Greenville, Nov. M.—While several places have been talking of enlarg ing in the poultry business, it re mained for Greenville and Pitt coun ty to actually take the initial step in a Mg way, as far as eastern North Carolina Is tamarind. Orders was placed today with one of the big manufacturing eoaspaniee for a mammoth tnca hater. Two thousand four hundred eggs can ha hatched at one setthv with this The large Incubator wdl he operat ed on a rnatom baah, and so conduct ed as to permit say one to hhf their am Car such space aa they, might want, deliver to the aisags meat, return on the day of hatching, pay their hatching fas pad take their ehfc&s bona. In this way auny all la animated to graw late the poultry baainaaa, aa they will not naceeaarOy have to have large capital to begin with. The Pitt County Chamber of Com merce has hasa working on this matter Car some weeks and now Umt ; It has heeoate aa sinsapHahmsul la i aoi* than giaUfytm to the pro J. F. NEWELL EXPLAINS LATE ELECTION RESULTS People Of Country Simply Ditfuitod With Um Old Guard, He Styi rharlotta, No*. 26.—"What Is Um piplaoation of the citrous voting in the Ut" election*" Mid JUke f. New •'II, mt-mber of the Charlotte bar and prominent Republican. "That's aaay! There are many anglea in tha answer, but thay an all aaay. "Nationally, tha Rispublica-ia wars dlaguated with what has boeoma known aa tha old goard—that ia, the remnant of tha Taft element In ths party. Unfortunately, tha Harding adminlatration has permitted tha idaa to obtain that it was controlled by that sum old slaunt Now. whan thera ara fWe Tafl man la Um ■epabliean party in tha Unitad Statas, thara ara nlnoty five antl Tafts. And tha old irnard never laarna anythinr. It tot a drubbing in Itlt On acooont of tha problems arising from tha war, ths Boose ▼•It followers triad to forgive the old guard. Tha old guard began again to foal that It existed and raled by dhrine right. So, ths Republicans Just gars It another beating. It is really cruelty to animals, but tha old guard had as well understand, once for all, that It will ha beaten ovary time the people in the Republican party have a chance to beat K. "In North Carolina, tha Republican* xtruclc. The Taft element was in charge, bat they were never very handy at getting oat votes on elec tion day. The Roosereltiani just left them to their fate—and there were not enough of them to eonduet a respectable funeral. "The Republicans in North Carolina have not been pleased with either management or their nanagers for the past four years. They atruek and refueed to attend the state con vention In Winston this year, and then struck again on election day. They are tired of the old guard in North Carolina because It la tha old guard. They are tired and diaguated with the calibre of a great majority of thoee appointed to offtee In North cause they are tired and hsaanaa the old guard MkM tlM> tired. "TV Republican party, in both ■tate and nation, will rid itself of the old guard, or the people w(P rid thtnwlm of the Republican party. By thia. I do net mean that the Re publican party will hare to enbrut the radicalism of the west, but I do maan that the party will get rid of the staffed prophet* who have coun selled the course that hat driven the party dangerously Bear to the rocka. "Now don't imagine that I think the real Republicans are going to the Democratic party. Rather, De mocrats are coming out of that party, if they ran find a place to go. Tor jnstance. the Democrats of the south are 'dry' as a powder house (at least in profession); the north is aa 'wet' as the Atlantic. The north will shape the policy, write the platform and name the candidate in the next De mocrats convention. All three will be wet It will get mony votes. Bat how wijl the dry sooth look at HT Or will she reach her uanal state of normalcy and shot her eyes and vote anyway? Beaidee the wet and dry issue, there are many other things in the Democratic party In the north that can never be vary popular with Democrats in the south. "The troth ie. neither one of the parties stands any too well with the people Just now. The present leaders of the Republican party are not trusted by the people, and the pres ent leaders of the Democratic party are not trusted by one another. The m -i,..I, >L-||,| at, n ...a *V_— nepuoncan* siruCK inroufnoui im country, except in Pennsylvania and California (where they had something to vote for); and the Democrats, Just straggling around, slasblsd upon victory, except hi Pennsylvania and California. And that vMety may he more of a liability than aa aaast." -W«n, that's DIM ttea I hoat tlM tnk mt tha i luaatwg." lufM tha •pood fWnd u tha mw** wkioad hjr • Mcoad Utter. "Tm," ropbod tha friond wtth him, "WW* k t wy gTMt who# I lone •hot wkM—hot not often. Lot mo got oat oo I con walk homo. My Ufa tnooroneo it not paid op." Nnrlywed: "Tn towd my wtfo in your favor for >60,000." Wtfo: "Oh, Jack, foa win kill imrmH try tot to pay Um »malum« Bow 5U ywr, T* Dim la CUctri« Chair York, a C., Nov. 18—-Willi.n c i .M, win die I. the electric. chair on DKtiabn 29 for the ■laying of Newton Taylor, aged 14,1 anl— *>». higher court* or tb. gey.' wnor interfere. Date for hla -nrm tion ••• Mwd lata today ^ J. C. Paorifoy in court of general after • Jury aarllar bad found hia rollty of mnrd.,. I A motion for a naw trial waa mr. RMK Farfaa want on trial yeatordny morning In tha flnrt of four ehargoe of the fatal wounding on September T*?*T* •' family af 7?" * T*rV" * Clover Both •idea rlo^d their caae thla morning •ml at 1.M o'clock thla afternoon tha raaa waa given to tha hirv at •t had reached a verdict and three ■'""too UUr the »erdict waa an ■ F*ri" " tim* da*ng tha trial ^ °* •Botfcw Ha! V* Twd,ct Condemning bin 1 to death la the electric chair atofcnl An W alW the rwdlct w. ***®' Former Oov. Cola L. •nd Thomaa McOow, eounael for m.i * motion for a now ,nd H waa overruled. #*n,d F,r<w ^1 toro the bench and pronounced aen-1 5^°*, SUndin* eract and holding hi» MnA .louch hat in hia hand. ( *n~J,or 11 niinntea atood before while aentence waa ^ Tmi .tood in the eyaa of nuny of the acorea of ■pectaton whan Judge Peunfoy ronclwtod. Fartoa. bownvor. •tood dry-eyed. Several of hia child fen, who have been by hia aide throughout the trial, were ranged ■round him when he waa aentenced and accompanied him to tha door of tti^°Unt^U Wh*" * Pending removal to tha oaal tentiary in Colombia. Sentencing of Pariaa °f the mot notable caaea of -r ,Tl of . ehildr2r"^a„Si^*X little cotton mill rlllace of Clowe j. JX of Fmri— quarreled. There »•*» ■avoral quarrel. and finally the adult member* pf the families Involved although never breaching tk« point of violence. finally on Septembw • IHtl. John Farm, eon of William told hU father that a member of the Taylor family ^ .truck him with a .tone. ThU porting to Pariaa' own .tory OB lLT1 *tand' *° provoked the •Merly man that he eouH not atond the quarrel* any longer, and getting ™ **■ he itarted (booting nam. bera of the Taylor family.. He aald ^inTJ,Si<,id n°t1.know wh-t hn. Six member* of tha Taylor family were wounded when the "" *>■'• Norton. LWn and Fred Taylor and Claode Johnson, their grown couain, died. Caatioae Mu "And you an 96 yanra old!" aha exclaimed. "How wonderful I Ton look ao well. How hava you aumaged to do it?" "My method Is rery aim pie. 11 nerer let any of ay friends know | when I am not feeling well; com quently TVe never had to take any of | the things they would hare imh mended if they had known I waa all-1 In*."—The Continent (Chicago). OF LOCAL INTEREST Poop I* We Kmw, Aad ' i Will Profit By H«*rbtf This'la • purely local event. It I took place in Mount Airy. Not In | To« are aaked to billiw a i word; To conftrm a oMsei ment. Any article that la W. L. Steele, prop, of J Otk St., says: "1 have fiend Dean's | PUlo to be a s Occasionally I base o ring pohi hi the small of my hack and my kidneys donl act properly. Whan I feel tMa may, I always get a boo ot Doan*a Kidney Pills f**m the Weot prog Store (now Jul tat ridge thug Stale) aad they aooal bring relief. I think Den's an a I Tfc* ItafciuIiatMa Of (fardi*, W*w York Wodd. Oni TiMMdajr. November «, ltSO, the 7Xw!ro<K>n ^ * P,0r*llty •* H»rdJnf and hi. Republican «o ^ C^'fk for the conduct JMJ. Ob Tveaday, November T. ' l»22 rhl^k. to 'toP P*ym~t •» the' Both morally mm! politically rep,. ■Iiatiun of tha Hardm* Adrnmu/tr. t|on- tha light of tha — IT—«. «.**««£ JZfZZ Into power two yaara ago, tha n. •I reveraal of political eenttr- nt utM tha country haa evarJmow*. JSL*5M* * >•7 b» tha (Uty. ^•Mh Con™ 1. practic.lly wip. , 0**t» It to now » queatiof, whether there will ha any Ratmhlir.n "•Jortty in the 8lxty^l^th Con Rraaa. H«nry Cabot Uxfce, the Republic leader of tha Senate, c*ta throo,h ' than tftOO vote*. Ha ran more than 40.000 behind tha Repu™ candidate for Governer hi a f.*?* J* *hifh hi* '•-•toetlon had "totally been conceded by tha De mocrata. I At„ th*i time, Mr. Mondell the Republican leader of tha Hooae w -«• sLi^itb * 7r*°n*1 P^PotarltTbut 8«nJth • popularity does not acmnnt I fcr OW d.f«, «. ^TJST •"•or tha remarkable inereaae ta the f~™ °' »—«»* Repreaenta ,** Jf Cwm from thto Stete. I In New Jeraey, Mr Hardin*', per ">»*1 frtond. S«mtor Frelfngtaiyaen "V "'-heta-d by Co.. e3w.£ ' <JdJ^' L^"Pdi"r* fhT rT.^Ti i * D,mow»t- That the Preaident'i own Stete managed ?,*rt • "•publican Senator waa due j ^-0rr*nl1^ UbOT'" oppo^J y -* v"**"***' who triad to out Hardin, during the railroad .trike ^Tha aame Influence that defeated T^yV"- ,h* owwratira Democrat. ££& n Pr°*r~*' ooTeridfe in Indiana. No .oooer waa ^•nominated for tha Senate than "T'" •bandonad .very liberal! Principle that ha had er*r advocated wAH«niLth*^u*of °W Goard 1 Tha ahift wa, f^al. . ™. "khigan, a Democrat Senator 'tacted for tha flret time in T»°,ty ^ *• i-nc of New ET71—• '* "• »• HaHtat who to (are Newberry whan considering the quea ttaa of declaring hia aaat vacant. It *" Mr Hardin,, according to com ■r*t"rt- Secretary Huchaa to write hto extraordinary S lM^hi N#wbe"T. •«"» tha rotera !»i7l_ l * "°W ,JtPr»««d their Md P®»tlcal corruption. S,^r, ^b i. the1 Steteof Senator NoW. ha, elactod a I L^mocratic Ooremor for the aecondi tta. .inc. 1876. Delaware and Maryland nave electee ueraocraiic Senators to succeed Republicans, and | In Minnesota, Kellog, the Harding! rhampion, has apparently lost to a radical running on an independent 'JcM. In NebnAa, when Hitchcock, the Democratic minority leader of the Senate, was defeated, ha was beaten by an anti-Administration Republican who wiB affiliate with the loft wtec of the party, and the Democrata elect ed a Governor. If Fnudar should poll through hi North Dakota ho woold ho a Republican only la nan, like La "ollette. There an no bright spots for the President la any of the roturaa- The country as a a hols is against the Uriff, H to against Daaghortyiam, H Is agaiast a liadirtm Admiaistra t{on aad it is agaiast the normalcy that masks political bourbonlsaa and reaction. It has agaia turned Ms face toward political Hhoraliaas la The D—Berate an cslohtaUng the election as a Desaocratic yjetwry, but It «nU ho for busts scmrato to Jisrribi H as a RspaMtcaa dofoat. There has bees no vote of eosflton la the Democratic Party. The coun try has merely used H aa a weapon to poalsh the Wi|iiililli»as for their sins and mtsdaManoT*. Whether the <sstan from the election wfQ do p^nd wholly aa their sayaulti to eroho a psiigrasi that dsoerroo pah Ik laiMwi. > minjitration and tha Harding ilaa, bat rt doae not fit know « Writ of Dm Mississippi, radio Is no longer • poailbility; it la • and tha unrest of tkii Ea*t mm longer ba dismissed a* • flgN alarmlat imagination. Tha country It ready Cor • Daw and there wllf ba mo pt>!:ttaal m |ty until It baa afratn dlaeorei facilities mdtt ba pnrlfct 1t» library moat contain at laaat Ml standard library niwa ootalda aff reference work*. Than arc otfcar requirements which It (a omtaMV to mention. . We are vary abort on library ties. There are at ptaaant la tka M|k aebool library ooiy 276 Tohaaa outaide of reference work*. Thia h araly more than a toIoh par pupil. Oar library faclTHiaa tm therefore not paaa tnaportion. H» former superintendent, Mr. BfP% realising thla condition, aakad far a -.-LwtallLail I,. *±0 LaaL* M«am conxnimxion 01 hooks, ■bdj ww retalrad bat eery few o* tfeoaa clw aebool library |iuipsasa. Any all book on any subject wont count. Aa effort la being made to *acure fuafe Wfth which to porchaaa na*M hooka. Wa would be glad to imIw contributions of dealrable book* ala*. Tha Hat of needed boks la too leaf to pabllah. Any atandard no4m fiction, any of tha atandard aotlwea In aeta, or parta of aets. standee! poena, biography, modern worka aa the different phaaea of science. Sup plementary worka on bfartory, poHtfaa clrica, economies ate. win ba eery mm ful and very* gladly received by tha committee in charge or at the high school building. Work On* Day la Y«r Far Orphans The North Carolina Orphan nation inaugurated the plan yean ago of aakin? each to contribute the _ . day'» work daring the year to the aapport of the orphan* of the ■tate. t We have mora than f) met itat tone in the rtate and mors than 7.600 or The contributions ao far' hare only bean liberal enough to piorMi for •boot one third of thoee who Mel

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