ESTABLISHED 1 8 80 MOUNT AIRY, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 7th, 1»22 ^ 81.6.0 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE AFTEK MIGHTY BATTLE DEMOCRATIC SENAT ORS WIN FilikMter Wmfd By Oppo mmmta Of A»ti.Ly»«lti»c Act b Vary Succ.aaful Wuhiniton, Dm. 2.—I genu crowned the filibuster of aenale Dam ocrata against the Dyer antl-lynch tnc bill today whan Jl»publican hu ton la party caucus voted to aban don I la meaaura completely. TV Republican majority acted after the DawaefaU by what la gen arally conceded to have been one of tha moat efficiently conducted ftli buatera In tha hlatory of tha innate had prevented tha tranaaction of any hoahteaa for tha fourth consecutive lerlelathre day. Tha obstruct ion Ut tactic* of tha Democrat* moreover ware threatening mora than a thous and presidential nominations which if unconfirmed by Monday noon whan tha spacial seaaion ends must be aaain submitted. The Itepublican eaucui ni preced ed by • conference attended by Senator Lodge of Massachusetts, the Republican floor leader, Curtla, of Kanau, tha Republican whip, and Senator Shortridge, of California, In chart* of the Dyer bill. Senator Shortridge who had been unmovable throughout the filibuster waa under stood to have agreed at thia confer ence to allow the fate of the hill to be decided by a majority caucus. The question of abandoning the measure, which was, paaeed by the house laat aeeaion, waa debated in the caucua for two houra with. It la understood, a small majority holding out for a continuation of ths fight. The final declaion. however, was to direct Senator Lodgv to inform Democratic leaders that the bill would be pushed no further either at the special session or at the regular session convening Monday. Thia means the death of the legialation, which the Democrats have attacked aa "a force bill" and as unconatitn-! tinuL Tha decision. Republican leaders I —aa tha csucaa. will nmitJ TTTnfTrni tL..i * # 7 ' fi mtov the pending nominations at a session •f the senate convening at 10 o'clock Monday, two hour* in advance of the meet in *» of Con^re** in rerular aeasion. Among these nominations is that of Pierce Rutler, of Minne sota, to he an maoc'ate justice of the Supreme court Majority and minority leaders al;k» wi>™ arree«t to">"ht thnt t*>e f'ti hunter thu* hroujpht to an end hv th» Republican caucus decision will take a place a* on'' of the m'Wrt , rotable in senate hii.torv. It. hn* df'ered from predion* filibusters in th'it it ir.volved no l->n>» aneeehe* IV-m 'rrat* having utlllr.e'l the usual routine ac tion of apnrovin" tl,e kvmal. I'nder senate rule* no hualneas can l>e transacted unt I t*>e iou<-ns) or m'n utes of the previous session hive been aonroved and tVe TVm'wrat* took artvanttw of this rule r>''usini» approval. nres«r»>nij HnV'niimo'its. demanding niKtmrn calls and renueat Ing the ayes and noei> on every nnos tion broup^t tin. • in- |»n i untiiCuvni J n < -=s ■ ■» . ... .-•» maneuvers miv he (diii'fil hv Jh« fact that the m'natf wl-cn it quit work todav hnd he'ore it a* unfinish ed business the journal* of Tuesday. Wednes-e**ed snd showed no emotion as Vv nl:ghted from the motor* and H-ed to the square formed hy the 'itin" troops. They took place* at ntervals en.-h man facing his own '■'ring *quad of 12 men and refused to he blindfolded. When the order n f re rane out sit fell vmulta>e"us and phv*:e'ans s-ril 'hit death in virh oa*e t-gd come instantly. ">"he h<>di<'S were removed to a *>e*rhv cemetery, where relative* at •ended to the hur'el rite*. Only a mall crowd »-iw th execution. CRAVFN FARMERS ARE * CREATING INTEREST Campaign For Improvement Of Agr:cultural Condition* C*u««( Comment New Rem, Dec. 2.—Craven county^s campaign for the imnrovement o'f ag ricultural condition* has attracted statew'de interest and ha* brought many 'nnu'rie* hoi* from other coun ties relative to the mnnner In which the camonign '* be'"n«» conducted and •he result* achieved, according to C. C. Kirkpatr'ck. secretary of the ag r'cultural committee. Durtntr thennst year an extensive ^roT«m hs* heen promoted, includ ing the organisation of more than 20 nl|? and poultry cltjh*. the erection of *weet potato warehouse*, the promo •ton of greater Interest In livectock raiting. an educational tour with •nore than 250 farmer*, their ton* and bu*'nea* me" to R*le'«»h and Pinehurst. the staging of community *->:r* t>'* fall e*tihll*hment of a m*» of 1260.000. More than 300 men were thrown out of employment. While the flame (till were raginr at the mill an al.?rm was turned in from the western section of the citv where fire .had started in the negro district. Firemen, being occupied at the lumber yard, were unaMe to immediately re*pond to the second call. waa not until a half hour after Shrill i■ hi I bean turned to that the first bn*e wa* stretched. By that time five houses were in ruin*. Fanned by a hieh wind, the flame* gained jr-eat headway In a short space, and soon negro families, ■issisted by hundreds of volunteers, were hastily removing what house hold effects they miebt. Ttie iyreas tng headway of the blsr.e however. ''>rced them to abandon their effects to the fjirnace. , Pelchin'/ a column of sparks and smoke of great intensity, the fire swept onward, unchecked until it had reached the white section. wh^re frenarat ions ' • remove household ■ f'ect* had nl'eadv been >ind<-r way. •ind a* the fire wore d->\*n automo Vles Unded \v;th Knusqhold »ood* were movinvr to safety, < m'CKr I in it* unsn 10 me - ect :on by the blork occupied by Ce dnr GK"'" rem-'tcrv. the fro veered t1 the north and »*e t down on the union station. All hsililinps on Pau 'I'tir ••rwt front'"™ the denut were deetroved. A houee two blocks be yond bu"-st into flam«n when aat Sandv Hook and h<-a«>■*« nmi f.n» utoard to i xecut* a rri» of iwntemn ••jn'iwt tha 4.000 i"«w« issued In Nhalf ot th* Alp* Dnir company. Tb* pro hibition official* refused to honor th* wrnd Niclolai had the hatch cover* Terr ved and de w-ended in'o the bold. The" discovered the Vqnor b*neath tons of othy fr"irht. which it would tak* hour* to rcrrv Ve. , M«anwb'l*. ixwrdin*' to Tinder Sheriff WtWllKW • AlJet V Foster. Mtomev for the Ounard lin*. cam* aboard. He consulted wifh John A. Viirrthv. b*:id of the f^d>'ral !MWBts detail, thin informed the deputies that the Asvria would sail in half a>. hour. ?W' cnstodv of the customs, • h<» stvriff hsil "O iurisdiftion, Fns »»r and Vur^hv tnlil Fitrsimmona. The under sheriff -s remain^ hej 'W with the enrtjo. All this hnd delated the AsyTirt for nearly an hour. Her mssengers lined the rVl tm^itient wh'le hun dreds who hid "one to the pier to wish them Ood-si eed. remained to learn the cnuse of the delay. On the m'nute set hv Foster the vessel slipped her linen and floated away. 1*e passengers lined the rail, cheer >njf. Soon afterward the faces of Rrtoney and Nie1>olai apneired amonif them, and waved obedience when Under Sheriff Fltisimmons yelled "Stay With the Asyria. Well get you." State Of Oklahoma File* Suit To Remora Official Tulsa, Okla., Dee. 2 —Clifford W. King, assistant state attorney gen-, eral, on behalf of the state of Okla-; homa, late today filed a petition in district court seeking the removal' from office of W. F. Seaver, county attorney of Tulsa county. king's petition accuses Seaver of1 official misconduct and neglect and* refusal to enforce the prohibition and other criminal statutes of the state of Oklahoma. Particularly did the petition cite the statement credited to Seavar to the effect that "ao far aa I am eon* rerned liquor can flow down the stteets of the city of Tulsa" and dur ing the retnai. der of hit term of offirf he would not attaaspt to en force such lawn. ' It is useless to expect a crooked LONG TRIP MADE BY SMALL BOAT 1 - • 30-Foot Motor Cruiaor Trawli 38,000 Mil*. Miami, FU., Nov. 80.—Esoortod bark to American toil by • flaat at welcoming craft which mat liar sever al milaa at sea. tha tW-foot motor rrlilser Speejacks, said to ba tha smallest boat eve* to rlrele tha globe, ■lid safely up to a dock hara at noon today witii har party of adventurers, headed by Albert Y. Cowan, her own er. of Chicago, and ended • *8.000 mile voyage which began In Miami la September, 19S1. At the dock tha world wanderer* received a rousing ovat'on fr>m hilf a hundred friends, moat of whom ■aw them off on their conqueat of tha Mas mora than a year ago, and later were tendered a Thanksgiving banquet at • hotel. Buffeted by storm and gala, once a thousand mites from land with scarcely enough gasoline to keep one of Ita motors running until it reach ed a port, tha sturdy littla craft showed not a scar on ita hull and not once had its enrlnes required more than th«ir every-day mechanical attention. Mr. fiowai declared: and, save for many sleepless nighta in churning tha sess. when it win "Tac tically Impossible to stay in a bunk, eiery member of the original party of eleven returned none the worse for their experiences. "I would not take $6 000.000 for the trio, but I would not make it again for *R0 000.000," Mr. Cowan com men ted. In the party, besides Mr. Gowsn. were: Mr*. Cowgn: Copt. F. P. Hogg, who in 191# captained Princeton't football team: Lew's, who de sitrned and superintended the con struction of the boat: Ira J. Ingra ham. photographer-in-chlef; Ber nard Rogers. of Chicago, a guest; J. A. Stirling, assistant engineer and wireless operator; F. H. Brooke, as sistant engineer and movie photo Tonber; David Wll'smson. mate and photogranher; W'll'sm S«-«lhv, Wert T :ndekfns. rhef. The trin was plsnned more than >w»> *•«»■»« bv Mr. fowiin. who is vice pm«M<«it of tk.> Portland Ce ment com«anv ^ut a licensed naviga tor a* well. It was hit ambition f'r«» to entire nook* and crsan'^s nf t V... « ,,M U lands never before touched except to traverse In •> "V) ^-,4 W:th the** thine* in view >»#» h H' 11 ♦ V*» CnA^fi^V xnifln'r no rsvncn«t' i« thr n+n »* '•M to h.ive cost IROOOOO, and $35, \v-* «» "nt *'»> *ar*v. TV»i* c:m«<>Urlr (M tons; sh^ lins her ^ t*w»#*d of *nd *» *»-»1f knots an hour: she h»* a 17-foot hf>NiH flflf! llriv^ (ml** -^X fonf of wter. H»r MnVs purrs enon*h ■"mhIW for 2 Rfx> tn;lo«. For the • rin. a *n'l to itM'U' b«*r in romrh ton* nnd two nvicbine puns for eMinrencv u«p wcr* carried. Af'or lf»vln» Miami the party V ..,1-vl for Pa~nm-> er canal and chui jred Into Ca'ro and Alexandra. Next visited were Athens, Naples, Rome. Genoa. Monte Carlo, Nice, Maraei'les, Barcelona and Gibraltar. Then came the trip along the cuatt I of Africa to the Canary »nd to Caps Verde, and finally to San Juan, Porto Rico, and down and across to Miami. Three titan the S pee Jacks waa re- j ported lost hat each time turned oati to ha only delayed by itorms Hat Narrow Eicapt From 300-Pound Boar ^ Bryton City, Not. 17.—The prise hoar story of the season comes froaa Or ana Lofty, near here, where Lee Gibson reports a narrow tacape from a 300-pound bruin. Glhaon lost a Am in the mono taint, trailed bar lata the wtlifniitti, and caaM upon two cube and aa old bear feattinf mi the ear eaa of bia cow. The mother hear charted him hot waa Intircaftsd by Gftaan*t bound ditf, who attacked the heart flankt aad eortrad the hasty retreat at bia MMttr. No Man lulUae Will N.w York. Dae. I - Iaunigiaato from Italy will not be permitted to enter tha United Htataa until ifto J una- SO, IMS, It vu anoouaaed by immigration oWeiala who aaid that 1, nitted it ha to exhauated during the firat five montha of tha flaeal year. Lowly Honey Boo la Source of Rotwmm Raleigh,' Nov. 30.-The lowly honey be*, lipping nectar from North Care llna flower*, is returning large pro fit* in thia atate—one apiary yield ing aa much aa 12,000 in one aaaaoa, according to C. L. Sanaa, ipectaliat n bee-keeping of the agricultural *x tenaion lervica. There now are approximately 200, 000 coloniea of fceea in the ataia. bet at present only a email per cent of the nectar from the "untold myriads of flowera," according to Mr. St ma, ia *aved for human uae. "It la only through a knowledge at the behavior of beea and by provid ng luitable environment* that «S ablea u* to get any honey over the need* of the colony. Deapite this fact, I am constantly receiving ex cellent report* of good profita mada for the small amount of time ne e*. s:»ry for the ca.-e of a few colonies "A* an example of this, one ap ry f 60 colonies located in the mu a tain* already hu yielded this *ea« a *7fl0 cash. The owner state* he "• is out onlv six actual working day* w th the bee*. In another mountain coun ts an nniarv of f>0 colonic* pave #600 cash return*. "Equity ro''I ret'tm* have reported in the I* edmo-it nnd nn«'al plain section*. Many other* whe ire fam liar with the ways of the 1 ee* and practice intelligent care ate highly pleased with the returns id say . that the bee* ir've the grew' at let income of anvth'ntf on the farm," he said. _ Armenian* A'e In A State Of «•» Terror Con»t*nfinonlp Dec. 2.—The ' An mcnians here arc in n atat« hord-r mtr uooi terror as a result of 'he miblicitv oamrvtlfrn begun afra nst them bv the Turks. Nothing »inc* the Keinaliiti thr*"ite^d to ••>lce Constantinople bv force has caused more wdespread despair and f"*r imong the Armenian population than the recent publication by the oftir'al government news agency of the dis covery of an alleged Armenian plot to fon.ent a revolution and assassinate the Kemaliata officiate. It is de clared bv all:ed observers and "if Armenians themselves that the Kemalists are prepe-ing the ground for wholesale arrests and ' persecu tions. They compare the present methods wjth those employed under the "Ted sultan" Abdul Ham id in 191S and 1916, when after the proclama tion of the discovery of anti-Turkish plots tens of thouaanda of Armen ians were imprisoned, deportei,^ -f executed. Brigadier General Hartngtoe. Brit ish commander ia chief; the allied high commissioners, and the Arm an ian patriarch have protested to **• faet Pasha againat the publication at theae reports, declaring the* malicious, false aad designed to arouss racial antipathies. An exchange says that a pretty girl eaa make a (pel of the hoaisttyak ef men. Meaning, .we pswsmes that the hsndsoMs awn Is la no ns»d st such assistance.