ML PftACOCK LOCATED IN FLORIDA. I rt«l«ii<. rU.. Jul It.—CM i» a** show that Dr. J. V. hwifc, wha HMjii last yaar from tha crim taally inaane department of the North ChraUna ititt penitentiary, wa» da •M sane at Arcadia, Florida, laat Thursday hafora Jodge Csncgs W. ^Thltehorst after an sxaminatioa by Or. H. M. Richards and Dr. R R. Sol-, Hraa of 1 ihllM Dr. Peacock waa stopping hara at tfc* hma of hi. riater, Mn. K. R. Laffay. hot Ml laat nigtot fat ft Pateiabun, whara it waa aald ha in teada to practka medicine. According to Information rocehred hara, ha waa f xamined to frustrate any attempt to ntnOte him to North Carolina. Thoaaaardla, Jan. IS.—A letter from Dr. J. W. Peacock, from T skebad, FTa., telling of hia having baan cat fraa by a Judge in Florida and by siienists who pronoancad him tana, waa received hara today by his wifa, Mrs. J. W. Paacock. also an ordar for Ma office and madieal fixtures to be sant to him eama in the same fatter with the information ha was intend hf to boffin the practice of medicine at some point in Florida. Dr. Peacock la spending today aad probably tomorrow at St. Petersburg, Fla., according to information, with a viear to deciding on a location for the practice of hit profession. The question is already Mine ski- I tate4 here as to the profer course | to pursue in regard to bringing the' doctor bfcrk to North Carolina, from whoae criminal insane department he escaped sometime last summer. For mer Solicitor Bower, it is learned, states that he can be brought back. Solicitor Bower was prosecutor in the (Ml /or the sUte during hi* trial for. murder in Davidson county last stun-. mer a year ago. i Dr. Peacock was tried in Lexington to Jane, 1921, on a charge of murder ing James E. Taylor, chief of police •f Thomasville. After one of the most •ensational trials in the annals of the state, a jury from Rowan county re turned a verdict of not iruilty on the ground that the physician had slain Chief Taylor while in an irresponsible mental state. Judge T. R. Finley, presiding, under the laws of the state, ordered Pea eock held for investigation. A hear tng was held in Greensboro the latter part of June, 1921, which resulted in Peacock going to the state's criminal Insane asylum. Last summer Peacock made his es-j cape from the insane asylum and the information from Florida today was the first heard of him since, his sen sational escape. ruwvin un npru 10, i»i, Chief Twlor on the streets of Thom asvillr He iin-d with • shot {run from hit office window upon the chief, wound in fr Taylor severely. Peacock then rushed from hi* office and emptied several shots from his auto matic pistol into the head of the help leas officer. The killing: of Taylor was said to be one of the moat brutal *ver recorded in Davidson county. The trial of Peacock was one that held the attention of Nqrth Carolina for over a week. Both sides, the state and defense, were represented by some of the ablest leiral'talent in the state. The defense fought the case an the ground of Inaanity, contend ing that the defendant was suffering (Ms paranoia. Several ^bl« alienists toatiflsd that Peacock was a par aaoiac and that while he appeared rational most of the time the dis •aae would probably take bold of bim at any time. The killing of Taylor followed the banting 'of Peacock's barn. However, the defense never contended that Chief Taylor waa in any way raapon-1 ■ke ftr the destruction of the barn. • ________ Womsii Not Roady for Public Oftco. f New York, Jan. 18.—"There are / very few women who by training and gpfwliltj have become fitted for an)- public office," Miss Alice Robert son. of Oklahoma, member of Oon greea, declared in a lactate at Town Hall last night. There is none who ts qualified to be governor of a state er msashsi of the cabinet I don't be When they are fitted for such reapoa MASTER MIND Of BIO HOLDUP IS DCAD Body Fooad h Gam* I* U»> liMAilklofJ. C Slmmm, WyiM». Dtwir, Col*., Jan. 16.—tki alaln mint bandit, whoa* froaao body was found last night seated in aa auto mobile in a private garage, and re garded by polio* aa tka maater mind of a deeper*** gaag nf rrlmlnali waa identified today aa J. C. Sloan, of Casper, Wyoming Run WUIiaaa, chief of Dewrrr police, aald ha waa mmt of tha bm the <*>ikx haw aoniM •Incr Dacambar I* hurt, wi^n robbers mada away with 1200,000 In currency from a federal nwrta bonk truck In front of tha mint, killing CharWa T. Linton, a guard. Sloan it waa, polk* say, arfta off*rod himself aa a target, standing apaa tha running b*ard of th* bandit ear I* It apad away and desperately Br ine at mint guarda. , Sloan's body waa found with a bul let in tha heart, and police declare be waa inataatly killed by a bullat from tha revolver of Pete Kaidiag*r, a guard employed at th* mint Folic* bailee* that after placing Sloan's body la tha automobile, tha rest of th* gang drove to tha garag*, near 17th and Gilpin straeta, locked the automobile inaide and eeeaped. None of tha loot waa found in tha bandits' ear. The identification of Sloan, accord ing to Chl*f Williams, la the forerun ner of tha aarly capture of tha rest of tha gang. Sloan, according to th* polic*, waa the leader of one of th* moat daring ifangs of desperadoes in the country. This Rang went out Only for "big money," said the ofllcera. and one jearily marksmanship with either a revolver, rifle or shotgun. The reck less daring of Sloan's gunmen wax lemonstrated in the mint robbery, when Sloan, pumping a hail of buck ihot at the main door of the mint, offered himself aa a target for the Millets of the townwwt guard*, while his pais transferred the 9200, >00 in currency to their stolen auto mobile. Keidinger declared today he had |K>sitively identified the bandit's body >s that of the man who'tAok part in [hi- robbery of December 18 and stood i- ith a pump shotgun and fired at the government guards until he fell and was dragged into the robber car. Edgar Welch Manager Mount Airy Branch of Motor Club. 0. Edgar Welch, of this city, ha* Seen appointed manager of the Mt. Airy branch of the Carolina Motor Hub. with headquarters at Greena k>ro, N. C. The Carolina Motor Club is an or ganisation of motor car owners not •arried on for profit, and devoting its •ntire efforts to bettering the condi tions for motorists in the Carolinas. It was founded by Carolina business men at t>reeniDoro, Septemner 10. In addition to benefits derived from Initiative and good road* work, mem hers receive definite service* includ ing: Free road maps^antj information. Free legal assistance. Membership in American Automo bile Association. Membership card which serves as t>ond up to >60. Radiator emblem carrying reward af $60 in event of stolen ear. Mr. Welch adVises that three or four official garage* will be named to render free emergency road services to members of the Carolina Motor Club, at well as • legal representa tive. The advantage of the Carolina Motor Clah over many small local dobs is the fact that tM Carolina Motor Club farniahea fro* emergency road services and legal assistance to its members at many points In the Carolines, and that the police official* in Carolina towns have signed an agreement to honor membership carde of the Carolina Motor Club as ap parent bond up to 960 in event of ar rest for traffic violations. Am soon aa the membership in Mt Airy has developed to fifty or mora, a Veal Advisory Committee will be elected to determine and cooperate with the Carolina Motor Qub officials oq the local activities. Trirhinnoeia, a diaeaes caused by eating tei perfectly cooked pork in which the trichina parasite la lodged, may ho pii»>nt*d if the pock is NO OPPOSinON EX- , PECTED TO ROAD BOND ISSUE. wmj Mm An Wtatkf Law (Uqoiri»« All AmIbmoMI— I* Slop tt Railroad Croaa U)l|k, Jan. It.—Moon, of Mar tin, of the commutes on public roads and turnplkss, has cast lata tha Hmh the 915,000,000 bond bill carrying with it tha l eant gaaoHns Us and sinking fund Machinery, tha first to ha applied by Us State. Tkia is Us administration and state highway iifliilan bill wfckh will go into naalttii with loss opposi tion than any measurs of lka charac ter yst offered It ia aat believed than will ha any lobby iplwi any aapact of tha meaaara. Quite a law legislator* would like to sea a msas urs which dsaa not lay all tha rev enue on auteasabUe owners; but tha gasoline tax is Us only tribute which tha State can got fro* interstate tourista and Us Moore bill haa aa many talking points that It will not bo opposed seriously. Ths farmers' Union advocates of retrenchment are here and are op poaing any bonds, hot they And nrf way to stop ths road rush. It is expected that the Moore measure will be quickly ratified and from tha ear liest possible hour tha people will bo gin paying the extra gas tax. Which tax Commissioner Frank Page, chairman of tha organisation, doea not bellsvs will raias tha price of ^ejoline st sll. He cites Virginia, the roadie** state, to show that tha tax means nothing. That stats has no tax st all snd gasoline is higher there than in Nagth Carolina. President R. W. H. Stone, of the Farmer*' Union, Js here and a lobby of railroad employees ia buay. Mr. Stone ia seeking to atop thia thine of new registration* for fvery bond •lection. He said he had to regis ter four times laat year to cast as many rotes against hood iastm. ne1 would make all borxj proposals to depend on regular registrations. He is against them all. The railroad men are here in their own interest. They tell the members of the general assembly that reck less driving of automobiles is get ting on the nerves of engineers and conductors and the rail men would cause all machines to stop at cross ings before trying to go over. This would give the engineers the cer tainty that tliey do not now have. They never know when they are go ing to dash itnn machines. Tar Heeli May Pay About $130,000,000 to U. S. Raleigh, Jan. IS.—North Carolin inns are paying taxes into the federal treasury through the office of Qilliam Grissom, collector of internal revenue, at a rate which indicates a total for mo nsrai year 01 approximeieiy »», 000,000, it was announced today. The office ia receiving daily an amount in excess of $400,000, Mr. Grisaom (aid, despite the fact that the present is not the period in which the balk of the quarterly remittances is paid. "Although North Carolina pays a total to the national government which makes it about the eighth state," said Mr. Grissom, "a large part of the amount ia paid ultimately by people outaide the state. "This results from a overwhelm ing proportion of the tax being levied on manufactured tobacco made in thia state and told over the world. Ap proximately four-flfths of the federal revenue from the collector's office ia from the tax on tobacco," he said. J. B. Horton is Dttd at His F-llrk. Hems. Elkin, Jan. II.—The death of i. B. Horton, prominent citisen of ^his place, which occurred yesterday aeora ing at (o'clock, st his basse en Owys svenue, came sa s shock Is his friends, none of whom realised that his condition was so serious. Be hsd been in declining health for s num ber of years, and for 'several months had been confined to his home, but hope fer an improvement in his con dition was held by his family end friends. Mr. Horton was U years of age, a member of the Baptist church, having for a number of yean has* S member sf the board of dsssona. Mid until kfti death omum lipilrtd was ever a worker' ia every cause of the church. He Is survived by Ms wife sad mewl Imkm sad sMsn. j KLAN MAINTAINS RALEIGH LOBBY 7 BUI l» AMiik Capital Pwhfc ■Ml 9mm I* Haw Uttfe ClMUM* for PlHUfc Kil*i|k, Jan. IS.—tautor Charles U. Harris, of Raleigh. tonight an nouncad that tha arrata committee on wator com marc* ttt moat at 8 v' '*vk next Thursday afternoon to Jan ata chamber to heor tha rb«i of am parta on tha governor's praps asd • hip ping measuiy, and b> generally con sider tha legislation into tha upper branch of tha general aaaeaably last Wedneadny. With tha general aaaeaably adjourn - od until Monday night and a general exodus ovsr tha wask-and of ai in bars, legislative rtaws today was re duced to hotal lobby diacusaioo of aaasurss that havs baan introduced. That an active Ku Klux Klan lobby exists hars, directing Ita energise against legislation to unmask tha klan, ia claimed by Senator J. R. Bag gatt, whoaa bill will coma bafors tha senate from tha committee hearing, which will he held January IS. Some reprsaentativea of the klan working hare are known to him. Senator Bag gett states. Members of both houaea of the gen eral assembly express themselveo freely in regard to the governor's ship lies bill, which temporarily ob scures other important recommenda tions which were incorporated in the biennial message of Governor Mor rison. T^ese expressions are easily as numerous for the bill as against it, while a still greater number are de sirous of further discuaaion of tha measure before they vote. Activity In behalf of local meas ures eras expected to be put under control as far as immediste passage of theae bills was concerned as the result of Representative Lindsay, Warren, of Beaufort, and Representa tive Burtrwyn. of the rule# commit tee, coming to the front for strict enforcement of the new rules, which have been laid down In the house. Because Representative Owen, of! SlampM*) count* .who presented the i act to abolish capital punishment, did j not get a committee hearing before e hill was reported out as favorable, judiciary committee number one will probably hear Mr. Owen on Monday night or some time Tuesday, although frte expression from house members indicate* that the bill has little or nol chance to get past the house, even though reported out of the committee after the Owen hearing as favorable. Secretary of State J. Bryan Grime* Dead. Raleigh, Jan. 12.—J. Bryan Grime*, secretary of state since January, 1901, died at 8:30 o'clock last night at hi* home on Rant Lane street after an illness of two weeks with pneumonia and influenza. The disease that left him a mark for complication* had run it* course] without giving special alarm. But1 laiiurc to inow any improvement lor days and particularly yesterday left j no doubt that this reserve had all! gone. He passed the crisis in both diseases without ability tq rally. The news of hit death struck the city • staggering blow. He had never' relinquished his Pitt county resi- j dence, hut he held all but his farming, interests and his voting here. Sine* taking the oath of office he had held the distinction of beiijfr the strong man in the state's cabinet. It will i be written of him that an abler sec retery of state has not served the state. Colonel Grimes was the son of Gen eral Bryan Grime* of Confederate fame and was born In Pitt county 64 yeata ago. War on' Moonshiner* Will Bo Profreitivs. Winston-Salem, Jan. It.—While the officers who participated in the big raid made on moonshiners Thursday declined to give out any details, farther than that they captured eight ■till*. 10,000 gallon* of beer and ar retyd on* man, it was learned from another source today that the raid was made in the wilda of Wilkes county, and plan* ar* being formu lated for Inother big "Mr*" on Mrekadors in other section* of PMr! ■oat Carolina during the next week or two. Hie officer* confess that there ar* asny whiskey still* in operation, especially in the mountain eountiea of thi* state and Virginia, hot, accord lag to weU founded report*, Chief Prohibition Officer Baa**, who ha* hi* headquarter* hi High Point, will ta rresai hi* raiding force so that war ee Booaahtoora may he bweaeai. DEPUTY'S WIFE WIELDS WEAPON Comae to HwkwTi AM la • T— U with Rm Immt. Unco In too, Jm. It^-Anotherj hunch of hovtlafgera cum to grief la Lincoln county Into yeetorday aft •moon at Henry, about II miles north«Mt of Uncolnton. A Lin coln county woman vanquished tha doughty laadar of the gang by smashing him over tha head with a quart Jar of hla own booaa, whila tha othar two gallant namwn baat it for tha tall timber*. Daputy Sheriff M. L Leonard, who lkea at Henry, waa cutting *t~vo wood in hla jru^ whan hia ittanll— waa'attractad by • ear whUk ballad right la front of hla houaa. Daputy Laonard want oat to lnveetigate and mdn aid. if poeafele, awl found tha ear foil of corn whlakey of a vary racant vintage. Exhibiting hia hadga of ofltea, tha daputy pro ended to put^he hootch-peddlers undar arraat. At tha light of tha officer's hadga tha drivar of tha joy wagon mad* a laap for llbarty and took to tha toil ttaa hara. Daputy Lahnard marched tha two remaining knights of tha hootch can Into hia yard and procaadad to ■aarch tham for flraarma. Whila go ing ovar ona for tha purpoaa of aacer talnlng if ha waa abiding by the tarma of tha diaarmamant conference tha othar fellow grabbed Leonard from behind, pinioning hia arma behind him, and making an effort to seise tha officer's piatol, which waa in a •cab hard on his right hip. Seeing hia chance to make a quick get-away, and with the cool courag# anj gallant chiv alry which characterise! the high toned bootlegger, the man who was being searched also beat it, making a beeline for tha nearest woods. The k'nmr nooun-runnvr, wno nvia iavii ard in his vise-Ilka grip, was (lowly getting the best of 9" struggle and was fteadily hearing |hi- officer to the ifround. It began to look (rood for the boose artiat. But wait! Hist! What is that peculiar sound approach ing? The valiant bootlegger turned his head slightly and beheld an irftte wo man hearing down upon him. • The sound he had heard was the swish of her skirts as she hastened to the res cue of her husband, for she Was the plucky wife of Deputy Leonard, who had heard the commotion and quickly Mzed up the situation.' Mrs. I/eonard fashed to the Itooie car. seised a nice, hrand new fruit jar full of the newly made corn juice, and approaching the struggling men, brought a resounding wallop with the whiskey jar across the noble, intellectual forehead ot /lr. Bootlegger. The jar broke into smithereens when it came in contact with that bone-head, his own whiskey filled his eyes instead of hit mouth, and particle* of broken Klaus lacerat ed the manly face and spoiled the in nocent countenance of thia valiant rum-runner. Blood and whiskey and broken glsss obscured the vision of the poor brotlegger, and his hands also were cut and bleeding from the wanton attack of this plucky woman. With one master stroke she had com pelled the powerful joy-dispenser to relinquish his strangle hold on her husband and aaved the day for the Volstead act. Deputy Leonard recovered his com-; posure and marched the now contrite, repentant bootlegger into hit house, where his wounds were attended to., A neighbor who had been attracted by the row waa told to watch the vio lator of the law whito {he deputy phoned a report of "the incident to Sheriff Abernethy down in Lincoln tan. But no sooner was the officer's back turned on tho prisoner than ho made a dash for the rear of the dwell ing and made good hia escape. So quick was the action, and such the commotion aroused, that Deputy Leonard failed to identify the men implicated in thia affair other than to hear one man say hia name was Beam. One of the party, tfho ee capod first, was a cripple. * A search of tho boose ear revealed tO nice new fruit jars, well filled with corn whiskey, and carefully pocked In nice fresh cartons Just from tho wholesaler. Then was also a nice, shiny new five gallon can also loaded to the (ills with tho fcettve corn juice. The entire outfit was token ta chart* by Sheriff Abernethy and is now To posing quietly and nuiwntljr m H tnson's garage at Lincolntoa. Chinamen are engaged ta captur ing largo sea turtles which abound on the western coast of Mexico. The meat of theee turtles Is Mad Mil shipped to China where II flail i| HIGH POINT BUS!MOB MAN SEVERELY BEATER Jan. It—Flea their MHIIj Willi by night, at tha pohK of a rM ft. ft. Tim ma to track teltr at High the yard at the koaa of Mf«. B. Q Strsyhorn, on mm, ib town, to a vacant tot to Jha rami at the hotaao, when him with >Mftl hU Hair vtry cloao to tf» toi to ttokMiMri ha waa marched to tha town, what* ha waa toft aNk a warning that ha aaeat agate vtotl *■ Strayhora hnn or the team at ThoaMM villa. busineaa to thia ctty, Mitoa at tkk home af Mra Strayhqrn at tha tkto Since moving to High Paint ha tow boaa a frequent vtoHar at tha beM Tonight abort)? before 7:t0 a'clack ha drove hi* ear tot* tha rear ymrd at tha houaa. After stopping hia ear, ha saya, ha noticed by tha light at tfca auto lampa a man standing to a shad in tha raar yard. Taking tha a«h crank with hia, ha wast to tnveato gate. Whoa ha reached tha shad tha man covered him with a pistol ahasa upon ha screamed. Tha scream brought Mrs Strayhorn, who wm alone in the house with bar two daughters, to tha door. Thare aha saw Mr. Zimmerman surrounded by five men all wearing masks and heard them as they ordered him to the direction of the vacant lot. Hair CVoaeiy Sheared Arriving at the lot, some distanee from the house, Mr. Zimnwrm i says he was first severely beaten with a club, and then held by the other member* of the party while his hair wait cut as cloee as possible with scissors. His clothes vere baaly ton in his straggly to free I'imsel' froas his er.|.tora. After the beating he was hurried to the outer edge of the town and toli to leave at once, being specifically qrdered not to return to the Stray horn home for his car.. A member at the local police department volunteer ed to get the cer, and Mr. Ziramermaa later left for High Poir.t. Mr Zimmerman's Thoinasville con cem failed some time rgo, and it ia said that a number of people lock money at the time. He reports that while being beatei toAght mrmbm of the masked mob mentioned that fact, although he refused to amplify his statement in any detail Mr*. Strayhorn it prominently idenified with the civic and club life of the town. She wu naturally very nervous after the happening tonight, hut asserted that in the event the officers of the law took no stepa look ing towards the arrest of the gull;/ parties, she would have a thorough investigation made, declaring that she would not cease until she knows who the guilty ones are. Three of the masked men won white masks, while two wore black hoods that completely covered their faces. The chief of police had not besa located at a late hour tonight, there fore it is not known what stepa are - being taken, or will be taken, bring about the arrest of the uln - inals. Pilot Momtan R~te 2 Notw. Suggested and ad .pted by dm school "Ridge View" i stead of Cook* school aa a name for 1 4 public schoet located on the Pilot 1 'nuntain ridge * road, flee mOee north o Pilot Mn» tain, N. C. The original name af the school house was Cook1*. A few years ajy the name was changed t» Pine Ridge, there being a Ptae Ridge school hooee in Stewart Creak tows ship has caoaed several ssisusdss standings to aoear, thsrsfsis the name haa been changed to Udp Vlar school boose which la aa appropriate name from several stsiidpoints. Re*. John 8. Cook, of Spray. vWM his parenta, Mr. and Mrs. 8. T. Cook this route last seek. There was quite aa eld time kh folk reunion at the heme S. T. Osok last Sunday C. P. Cain's famQy, & P. Cook, Dr. M»h«w and assay others pafltcipated hi the eostel a« fair.—Cec tribwtad.

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