HUMAN SPIDER MEETS HU DEATH Fall* 10 SteriM to Street in New York City. Jfow York, March With a Broadway crowd lUmiinf iiipa and movie machlnee clicking oat theh yards of celluloid ribbon, Harry T, Young, aolf-atylad "spider," plunged 10 atoriaa to hia daath today while attempts* to acato the aide of tha Hotol Martinique. Woman fain tod and disorder en aoad. Police roeervoe had to ba call ad bafora tha body could bo wowd and traffic raatartod. Among thoaa who crowded Oraalay aqua re watching tha performer at hla atant waa hla wlfa with whom ha had jnat lunched. She swooned Revived In a dru« atora nearby, aha waa pe rn ored to • hoapltal. The square waa packed when Younp appeared. Clinging to polnta, of van tage en tha SSrd "treat elevated war* doaena of cameraman. Wlndowa of every skyscraper In tha rinclnlty were filled with men and women laughing and talking excitedly aa Young be gan hla climb. Tha police estimated the crowd at 20,000. Young wore a white shirt, duck trousers, and white shoes, which Barr ed to outline hla figure againat the drab wall. On his back hung a sign reading "aafety laat"—for Young was an incorporator of the "Safety Laat society." formed laat week by human flloa, parachute Jumpers and folk of adventuroua liking whoae occupation caused them to be lasted by inaur ance companies aa "bad risks." The spider" began hia aacent at the north end of tha hotol. He climb ad up a aurface that aeemed from tha atraet absolutely sheer, but hare and there had small Indentations on which tha performer waa able to cling witlj finger or tea. The fourth floor waa gained without Incident. At that point Young climbed over a balcony and walked over'to tha cantor of tha building aa if to afford tha crowd a batter view. Young aypavwiUy felt he waa to meet death, for people in windows paat which he climbed said later that they heard him muttering ta Mmaelf: "I cant make It, I cant mtKf n. # But he kept on. When he rescued the 10th floor hit foot slipped. Down he plunged. From the crowd r^e a if roan that grew like the moaning of the wind. Falling, close to the wall, he crash ed onto the halrony. Hi* body wan deflected out into the ltreet. Young, who wni 25 year* old and lived in thia city, had en raged in stunt,* for several year*. Hi* card proclaimed him "America*! unique and original steeplejack" and an nounced that work waa guaranteed "on flagstaff*, church steeples, water tanks and impoaiible place* to reach." He had performed many time* for the Red Crosa and many times had scaled Broadway buildings. He leav ea a widow and a young aon. The sign which Young bora on his lack at first waa taken to indicate that his climb was intended to ad vertise the "Safty Last aociety." In his pocket however waa found • contract with a motion pictire con cern and from another source it waa reported that a new picture soon to pot on the screen would feature • human fly stunt. The fact that a large battery cl movie cameras recorded the begin ning ana the end of Young's tragic adventure raised a question as to the probable coarse of some producers who might desire to release news fthns. At the office of the Motion Picture Producers' and Distributors' of America, It was stated that office could not attempt to censor the ac tion of any theater managers, nor could there be any prohibition from showing the details of the affair. It ^ was said that strong reliance waa (laced on the good taste of producers and managers, precluding and possi bility of scenes of a Morbid nature being shown anywhere. The Psnnosia Month pneumonia a high rata After a—Ti"' 1 — ii—■ 17 WAITING FOR ELECTRIC CHAIR. LarfMt Number Ever No* Uuder Death Sentence. Raleigh, Fat>. tS.—Seventeen men •11 tn a row of "death cella," tomor row will eratch Bob Wlllleni, nagrn the 18th member of thatr group, wall down a loaf, narrow runway into thi ■mall chamber of the electric chal at the itate priaon. Not many mln utaa later, through steelbarred win dows, thay will aea an undertaker"! hearaa drive away with tha na»ro'i body. Usually, laughter and talk are ra nounding along death row. But to night, in itriklng rontraat, silenci reigns. Tha thought of witneaaini I part of the aama vena which ma] mark tha and of their Uvea hai crowd ed out tha Jovial apirit of tha eon ■learned-. an attitude on the part ol the man sentenced to die that hai suprised almoat every visitor to th< priaon. One would expect quietude and at | atmosphere of diapair all the time h j thia colony of men. Priaon official* j however, atate that there appears U be a concerted effort on tha part ol each man to cheer tha othera and tc , hold out hope that perhapa aomethini will happen to prevent the laat wall to the electric chair. Carh of th< | prisoners ha* acquired a smattering | knowledge of law aa a result of courl trials. A large part of tha time Ii consumed in arguing their caaaa, tell ing Jokes and laughing. Williams, after having been in th< hands of tha law on other occaslona waa convicted of the murder of spec ial Officer Bradly Crlbb, at Fair Blufl when placed on trial at Whiteville Tha slaying occurred Thursday night January 25. After the negro*! cap. ture, tha grand Jury returned a tru< bill at 11 :S0 o'clock January 29. Wll liama went on trial at 2:30 o'clock the afternoon of the aama day. Ha pleaded "not guilty." A verdict oi guilty had been returned, sentence ol death paaaed and Williams placed or train an rueta to Raleigh before II o'elock that night. TOU : * 11-t.A J_# A. -M iL. North Carolina national guard. stood with fixed bayonet* at strategic peti tion* about the Columbu* count? courthouse while 'he trial was being held. Three guardsmen, with gleam* in* bayonet*, surrounded the negrc in the courtroom. A detachment iruarded him part of the way to Ra leigh. Troop* were ordered out hj the rovcrnor to prevent mob violcnc* just after he was captured. The following is the lint of the con demned men, the crime for which each was sentenced. the status of each case and date of execution where they hav« been fixed: Bob Benson, negro, fredell county convicted of murder; first sentenced to be electrocuted anJanuary 27, 1922; appealed and loat; date to be fixed by governor. Graham White, negro, Meeklenbem county, murder; first sentenced to be electrocuted on March IB, 1921: ap pealed and loat: date to be fixed by governor. C. P. Montgomery, white. Newhan over county, attack on woman; first sentenced to Be electrocuted on Febru ary 20, 1922; appealed and loat; daU to be fixed by governor. Joe Dixon, negro, Craven, first de gree burglary; first sentenced to b« electrocuted on June 8, 1022; appealed and loat; has bean panted three re spites by governor and date of elec trocution now act for April 16, 19&S, Ed Dill, negro, Beaufort county! attack on woman; first sentenced to ha electrocuted on July 14, 1922; ap pealed and lost; date to be fixed. George Willlama. Fred Dove, Frank Dove, and Wlllia Hardlaon. all negrr^ convicted of a murder in Onslow coun ty; date of electrocution first fixed for December 28. 1922; Williams, Fred Dove and Frank Dove have ap pealed and case is pending; Hardison has confessed to the crime, according to officials, and has exonerated the other negros, his data for electrocu tion has Seen set for April 28, 1928. T!«i negroes are alleged to have killed a rural mall carrier in Onslow eounty. W. W. Campbell, white, Buncombe, murder; data for electrocution Aral set for October II, 1922; appeal and eaae ia still pending. Eugene Gupton and Sidney Gupton whltea, Edgeeoaibe, murder; data foi electrocution firat (faced for Deasmbe* 22, IMS; appealed and caae I* Mill James Williama, negro, Newkaa over, attack oa a*man; dale of elee trecutiow fin* find for December 1». lWlj appealed and ease Is stil! JhaMiOer, hcm, Um*) aw*r; ! rlnt» for electrocution Mt for Hair I 3, IKS; appealed and caaa la pending Bob William*, nipo, Cohunbw , murder; date for tlwtnmtlM se for March I, 1028; no appeal. D. M Noble*, white, Columbui > murder; date for electrocution flxe< ' for March SS, 19**; no tppeaL Wiley Perry, negro, Granville mar ;, der; date for electrocution aet fo 1 Marrh 9. 1929. Jerry Dalton, white, Macon, mur der; date for electrocution flrat *e ' for October 10, 1910; granted nei 1 trial, again convicted, escaped fron 1 prison at Asheville; captured In CaH fomla and returned to state prison appealed but supreme court dismiss 1 ed case; date for electrocution ha 1 not been fixed. This Is the largest number of prl ' wincr* under sentence of death eve: ' held in the state prison at one tin* according to officials, i ALARMED OVER GASOLIN! SITUATION Some Are Predicting $1.00. , Gallon Price Washington, March 5.—"A dollar I gallon for gasoline" Is the prospec held u$ for the consumer In the repor of the I.o Follette oil inveetigatini committee to the senate, unleis meam are taken to break what the repor declare* to be a complete dominatloi I and control of the oil industry by tlx Standard companies, tf a few grea' oil companies are permitted to "man! pulate price*" during the next fev years as they have been doing sine* '920, the report presented yeatefda] •aid, the people of the country mm be prepared "before long4' to pay "at least" that price. The result of a three months' In quiry into conditions in the industry the report declared the Standard com panics, in violation of the 1911 dliao lution decree of the aupreme court exercise slleged control in such man ner a* to fix "the price which the pro ducer of crude oil receives at the "-ell the price which the refiner receive! for his raaolim and kerosene ai wsl as the retail price to the consumer. Asserting that the "more aubfle' methods of such control placed ilu industry and the public even "mon completely at the mercy of the Stand xrd oil Interest*" than before the su preme court decree dissolving tin Standard Oil company of New Jersej and its mib*ldi*irie«, th< report de clared that with "slight <-xreptions' there was still a total avoidance ol competition among the Stnndard com panic*. Not only is there (itill a divia ion of markptlnif .i.e«—New Jersey ant New York—dhtde the world betweei themselves hi marketing operation*.' Other methods of control net fort) in the report are ownership by th< Standard companies of th« principal pipe lines, interlocking stock owner ship, fixing of pricM in the prodocin| fields, and ownership of basic patenti for the cracking process of gaaolim production. Among eight measures recommend ed by the committee to curb the evib found art establishment of a uniform accounting system for oil companies to show coats and profits; compulaorj monthy reporting to a government agency to show particularly the quan lities of crude oil and its product* Ir storage and transportation; divorce ment of the membership of pips line) from companies transporting the oil and prohibition or regulation of th< exportation of petroleum. Investiga tion looking to contempt proceedingi before the supreme court in all caaai of "implied" or expressed agreement to fix prices arbltrarial or reatralr trade also was recommended, aa th« institution of grand Jury proceeding! wherever price manipulation la at tempted. Jumps From Washington Monument Washington, March •.—A lea( from a small window near the top oi the Waahington monument 504 feel from the ground, brought instant ' death today to A. Bimey Seip. grand son of the late General William Bir ney, who served with distinction dar ing the civil war as a brigadier gen eral in the Union army. Seip hai I been suffering from a nervous di***aa for several yeara, relatives said, aix! had left haase unknown to his mother , Ha had suffered a breakdown several years age while attending Cornell uni versity. and had Just bom home from a Philadelphia sanitarium. IConu 1 meat attendants eatpreasad the MM ! Seip amid not have fallen frea tha I wUm, which la anly abort IS inefcaa high aad three fee* wide. PASSED OR KILLED LEGISLATIVE BILLi Thing* of Lorgor That W«n Dom or Wt U» doM hy Body rMfnW . . JiMir; M ■4)#enwd March Ml Bill* IrtnhiiJ . .MM Bilk ratified MM Bill. killed Ttl Major Bitla 1'iawi Hichwajr Bond laane, providing at additional fund of (15,000,000 (or tlx continuance of the preaent road build ing program, and the Wry of en ad ditional 2-cent gaaollne tea. Permanent Improvement bond lara* for JJtato institution* and the eon pl«ti»n of work now under way, total inr $10,007,600. Appropriation! bill carrying a tota of 115,000,000 for the maintenance ol State institution* uid departmenti for the biennial period. The Revenue Act, re-enacting tha 1921 schedule of llrenae and privilegt taxe*, and the 1921 schedule of taxea on income* and Inheritencea, and alac exempting atocka in foreign corpora tion! held by citiaene of thia State from ad valorem taxation. The Machinery Act, providing foi the valuation of all property undei the direction of the county commla aionera and utrangthening the powei of the State Revenue Commiaaion to maintain • uniformity of valuea be tween the countiea. The Machinery Act, providing foi the repeal of the mandamua to compel the levy of taxea, and requiring the county hoard* of education to ait jointly with the county commiaalonen in preparing the county achool bud get. Power of the board to contract debt i» limited to the amount of the budget. Mothera' Aid biU appropriating $50,000 a year to be matched hy the countiea for aid to worthy mothera deprived of the aupport of their hua banda. Permitting two or mora atiohtafl countiea to build county homee to gether. Providing for State-wide eradica tion of tick* by the countiea with State and Federal aid. The Grill bill lubmitttng to popu lar vote the question of iasulng $?M>.000 In bond* for loan* on home* to veteran* of the World War. The Turlington codification of the State liquoT law* to eatahli*h con i form it y of State law* to the Volstead ! act. The Moore-Warren wllHton' *«l l *ry bill, placing the solicitor* on » | snlary of H.SOO annually with an ex pen** account not to exceed |7J>0. The "I-o*t Province*" railroad bill, pledging the credit of the state not 1 to exceed $10,000,000 for building a railroad scross the Blue Ridge moun tain* into Alleghany and Ashe coun ; tie*. | Three constitutional amendment*, providing for the (1) limitation of the state debt to 7 1-2 per cent of the aa*e«*ed property valuation; (2) the inviolability of ainklnir fund* to retire the State debt; and (S) to exempt from taxation one-half farm and residential property under mort ' (rafre and one-half of such mortgage, not to exceed $8,000. Railing the age of consent from 14 to 16, but amended to provide that | violations by persons leas than IS shall be punished as misdemeanors. Abolition of the criminal insane de partment of the 8tate Prison, and providing for a sanatorium for the treatment of tubercular criminals. Investigation Under resolutions passed by the House and Senate the following in vestigations were instituted. Ivestiffstions of the charge of a deficit of $5,000,000 in the State Trea ' sury, begun under the Joint finance ! committees and continued by authori i ty of both House* until the comple tion of an audit of the hooka. Investigations of the relations be tween the State Department of La bor and Printing and contractors for , State printing under charge of dis crimination. After two weeks com mittee returned report disallowing the charge*, but recommending cer tain changes in printing which were postponed indefinitely. Ir.rextijjatior. of charges of Mis management, cruelty, extravagance and nepotism against Dr. L. B. Me Brayer, superintendent of Stat* san atorium. Investigation continued un til after adjournment on authority of the General Aaaembly Malar Bills KM. riiinwls t* iseoe $2,000,000 tor \ ad ateamnhlp Una*. Senate aubetl tut» prov Idea 125,000 and rommts lion to Inveatifate and report to Oov •rnor and General Assembly. PrafOMli by Governor to MtabUik new department tf Cbmmerce and Induatry. Introduced and died in Houaa. • Propoaal to incraaaa tha numbar of Superior Court jadgaa from 10 to 27. Killed In Hooae. GUaa propoaal to laeoa 12,600,000 to aaaiat farmara In owning their own komta. Klllod In Sonata. Inveatl gating commlaalan provided. Moore-Parker-Warren Workman'* Companaatton act. Killed in Alt lagislation dealing with the ta bulation of secret fraternal organise tlona. Houaa paaaad M Milken bill twlta. Banata adopted substitute and declined to concur in MllllKen bill. Propoaal from M counties to alaet county superintendents of public In ■truction by direct rota of the peo ple. Killad In Houaa. Propoaal to allow corporatlona to pay Interest on two-year loan* at eight par rent Instead of tha statu i tory tlx per rent. Killed in Houaa. Propoaal to make incurable Insanity ground* for divorce. Killed in Houaa. Propoaal to tax and refulate pub lic motor bu* and motor truck line*. Killed In Senate. Propoaal to reduce age of juvenile criminal* from 16 to 14 year*. Se nate amendment killed in House. Proposal to aboliih flogging of prisoners. Killed In Senate. NEGRO JAILED FOR KILLING SON Angry Mob Gathers At Hon* Whm Coroner's Inquest Is Hold Over The Body Muifieeeboro, S. C., March 6.—In the presence of over four hundred people white snd colored, Carey Vaughan, negro. snd notorioua for In flicting torture on the members of lib i family, was sires ted Sunday morning .00 o'clock Sunday afternoon. He was found guilty snd sent to Win ton jail where he awaits trial at the April term of Superior Court. Germany's President Gets $18 Lenine snd Trotsky are earning tit a week bcaaing Russia. Ho Russian official's salary may exceed IJOO, 000,000 rubles, or (it a month. This makes the salary of all the highest Bolshevik leaders fit a week. Hew ever, the reds ate jhtocul* eoatf pared with the Oenaaa sxeeottvea With Marks at sore than IMN to the dollar Prssidnat Chert's anneal salary of SOO.0M marks la |ll a year aboet 11.40 a month, er aheot 40 oenta a week. Better be a boos ef a peanol CONDEMNED MAN 19 HOPEFUL B*U«vm Governor Will Km* Hbn Out of Dm EUctric Chair. Raleigh, March 1.—Uadtr to be electrocuted, Jerry Dalton. «to »«i twtea convicted of Border fat lowing hia alaying of Merrill Angel and Maud* Grant In 1*19 and who •ecaped only to Kara tha nadl^r W a birth announcement In California to raault In hia capture, Ullevaa la rapltal puniahment "whan a M wilfully kills another," ha told t)M A aaoriatod Praaa today. Bat Dahoo, whoaa casr ha* at tracted nationwide attention, dm not believe he shoold be esecoted for the rrima for which he waa ton rifted, because, according to hia atatement, he killed Mi.a Grant, deacrlbad aa • "*iacinattng widow,* through acci dent and Angel in aelf defenae. "I want to live bat I do not fear death. I can walk into that room yonder," pointing to tha cell In which the electric chair atanda, "with a rlear conscience. But if I die tn tlda manner. It will b* an injustice bo rauae I hare not been given a fair trial. I believe in rapltal punish ment when a man wilfully kills an other. "When I rame upon Angel and Mr*. Grant riding together on a road to Franklin, aha wanted to go with me. Thia angered Angel and the quarrel atarted. He reached for Ida gun. f pulled mine and tha trigger caagfet In my clothing, discharging and kill ing the woman. I then ehot AngeL" Throughout tha trial, it waa chang ed that Mra Grant waa a "awaot heart of Da Hon. Thia waa denied by Dalton today. He declared that he "had gone with her," but waa "not In love with her." After hia flrat trial. Dalton waa granted another hearing by the state Supreme court, which found an error in the charge of the Macon county Superior court Jodr*. Judge Bta Ray waa tha praoidtng Juriat. tn tha second trial. Judge T. A. Bryeon pro aided and Dalton again was found guilty and sentenced to be electro cuted. Dalton ramped from the Buncombe county Jail, while awaiting removal to the "death row" at the state pris on. Stories were published to the ••ffrct that the prisoner had escaped through the use of an airplane and the assistance of friends. The lore of a woman for a pris oner In the Jail, however, led to the ■ scape according to Dalton. She Virnuirht her lover a pound cake hi which was concealed a thine file, ha «aid. Dalton and the other prison ers worked at t.ight and finally sepa rated the hars. The man who re ceived the file was Um> stoat to get through the opening, and tha other inmates went away into tha night, while he languished in tha heat of • sultry Jfly nirrht. After walking across the moun tains for nina night*, Dalton caught a train. He traveled toward tha weet, stopping in Wyoeitng, Montana, Ore gon. and California. Then ha want to Mexico, hot returned to San Diago. He aaumed tha name of Bill Birch field, later became superintendent at a laundry and was going to a night school at the time of his capture, day, a birth notice attracted Dalton** attention. The child's mother was the eecaped convict's aunt, residing only three blocks away. For many months Dalton said, he had beet homesick. He longed to hear news from home and to learn how his wi dowed mother was fari ig. For months, he visited the aunt and heard from his mother. Finally, the family moved to Michigan, bat secret of Dalton's life to her "boeota friend." The "bosom friend" told her "best friend." TV wife of a court official then heard the secret A reward of nearly a thousand dol lars had been offered in North Caro lina. The reeutt: Dalton waa ar rested and returned to North Caro Dalton I "If •ai-f'ii