HON OH ROLL Mar* Mat* School. let Grade—Edward Carton, Bachel Booker, Iwi Scott Qwjm. 2nd Grade—Mary Ruth Jomm. Mil drad Jana*. Margaret Booker, Blanche Owyn. Georgia Worrell. florid* Oravaa, Helen Lee Natea, Lewla Wehh, Thomaa Paweett, Kaith Smith. Srd Grade- Dorothy Janaa, Br* Joy Worrall, Irene Cundiff, Jama* Boyd. Jaaaa Boyd, Jamaa Hurat, John Martin. Doerold Boyd, Oaonrla Ctill dram, Margaret Gohla, Mma Hinea, Oertrude ErtHk Smith, Mil drad Sralth. Mary Wataan. 4th Grade- J aim >) Comha, Robert Hanrlaon. f/Orka Wabh Dora Balla Oravaa Lucille Slmmrtna, Mildred Wolfa. Mh Crailr- KnuifK Booker, Robert Hlatt. Ruth JAhnwm, Wm. Taylor, . Helen Worrall. rada—Dorothy Ollhert, Mal colm Wataon, Baulah Stout, Walter Robagon, Ruth Mlnlck, Agne* Ounter, Trcaala Maya, Thalma Creed, Lade Bowman. Amoa Wyrlck, !x>ttla Brink ley, Aeary Mary Binder, Stella Key, Lyde Burcham, Virginia Hunt. 0th Grade—Prank Smith, Mary Sprinkle, Verona Itennis, Virginia Booker, Allene Terry, Maria Baird, Boy Edward*, Bertha Byrd, Ada Bel •Ui Qwfc Cehrin OntM, Clari** Hiwm, BmIjtb Booker. Mary K*ff, Maoriim Stanley. l*t Gratfe—Lteney Marah, franc** Umwrt. Olh> Cain, Chrtlnd Cain. Orrln Gravely, Kyle McCoy, Claud* York, Cortoss Bsfcsrtsss, Bills* Ro bertson, Annl* Rkmakir, Ruby Jar rtll, Kath*rin* Brand!*. 2nd Grade—Elisabeth Martin, Nina Binder, Maud* Co*. Urd Grade—Alma Harriaon, Kath leen Dobaon. France* Poller, Charl** Lowry, Katharine Marshall, McRa*' Byrd,Jame* Leake, John Rear*, Hugh Reeee. 4th Grade Florence Mathews. 6th Grade-- Velma York, Mary Thomas. Edna Ellis, Dorothy Jack son. Nina Hoffmen, Vslerla Jackson. j i #t.h Grade Robert Foy. Mary ; Itaine Cooke, Sue May Hendren.l ! I'ranocn f'awcett. 7th Grade Jnmr-s Tn-f-d, Asrn«-» | [ Ayr**, Wrher f'xllaway. When you mine to Mount Airy K" | "tralirht to The News Office and have 1 the paper sent to your home. Samu«l Campers Recovering From InfltMBs* Now York, March 10.—Anxiety over the condition of 8amu*l Gom per*, veteran labor leader, who Buf fered an attack of influenta and bronchial pneumonia, was removed tonlfrht by physicians at Iaa«ban to all—la bavin* flaa aaccaes In mseflwy tba require ment* for accredited relations. Ha baa mad* arrangements to bava labo ratory work in relation to his science courses, secured a new atata library, which baa bam ;»■ aroualy supple mantad by tba people ' application to the State Board for npnt'iiil aid for tbia acbool. 'n response to thla application, he reeen' ly received the following letter: "Raleigh, N. C„ March ». 1»23. My Dear 8lr: I take pleasure In informinr you that the Htata Hoard of Education he* approved special appropriation to the Dobaon Hiirh School to the amount of «1200. This amount will be aent to you Ju«t aa soon aa arrsncemenis can be made Htata Treasure* With every good wish, ! am. Cordially yours, J. Henry Highsmith. Supervisor of High Schools." Large Sum Bain* Paid To Virginia Grower* Raleigh. Marrh 17.—More than a million and a quarter dollars wa* paid out to Virginia members of the To bticco Grower*' Cooperative associ ation of the dark-fired area this week on or about March 16. according to the announcement of F. D. Willlama, manager of the dark leaf department. According to Mr, Williams' an "ouncement, checks were made out for all dark tobacco delivered up to Feb ruary 17, by which date the associa tion had received about 20,000,000 pounds of the dark weed. The se cond payment, like the flrat will amount to approximately 40 per rent, of the appraised value* of the tobac co, and the sum of the firat two pay ment* will run well beyond what the farmer ha* irencrally averaged ifor hi* crop* In ordinary year* with a fur ther payment a**ured at a later date. Co-op members in 8outh Carolina who hava already received 10f> per cent of tl)e appraised values of their tobacco and are assured of a fourth payment, are checking up their gain* and an* well *ati*fied with their first I year of co-operative marketing. Anti-Road Bond Force* In Virginia House Claim Win Richmond. Va., March 9.—The anti bond force* In the general assembly tonight claimed a victory over the bond advocate*, following the action lata today of the house roads com mittee in reporting unfavorably the three bills providing for the sub mission of a tfiO.OOO.OOO bond iasue proposal to the electorate, an emer gency loan of 16,000,000 on short term notes and a special tax of one rent per gallon on gasoline, which wma i-ouplad with a favorable report on the bill calling for an expreasion of the voters of the state on the ques tion of whether highway construc tion should be financed on a "pay-as you-go" plan or through the issu ance of bonds. The anti-bond men won another point on the floor of the houae when they succeeded in pushing the meas ure authorising the governor to bor row funds for road construction in anticipation of the one mill tax to ita engrossment and third reading, while the senate finance committee refused to hold back a similar meas ure in the upper house for consider ation along with other highway. DANCER IN DELAY Kidney Diseases Ara Too Dangerous For Mt Airy_ Poop la To N a gleet The great danger of kidney trou bles is that they of tea get a Ann hold before the cofferer racogniaaa them. Health will be gradually un dermined. Backache, headache, ner vousness, lamenesa, soreness, him ago, urinary troubles, dropey, gravel and Blight's diseaae may follow as ths kidneys get worse. Dont neglect your kidneys. Help the kidney* with Doan's Kidney Pills, which ate so strongly recommended right hers In Mt. Airy. Mrs. J. F. Dsvia, lit Lebanon St, says: "I was' down with my hack snd the pains wers so had, I surely was in misery. I couldn't move one way or the othedr and would cry from pain. There was only one remedy that gave me any relief and that was Doan's Kidney Pills. A few Doan's always bring me quick results." <0c, at aU dealers. Poeter-Mil bura Cos Mfrs.„ Buffalo, N. 7. Ymir neighbor* Imp poated abort the local Matter* by raadtng tba bona paper—Tba Mount Airy Maw*. Have It aant to yeur ban. EVERY TRACE OF FLU DISAPPEARS Dreadful After Effect* Entire ly Orarcooa, State* Ail**** Citiian Cairn* IS PowmU. "1 have reaped wh graat banoAta from taking faniae that I can tall tba world It it a truly wondeiful l< edirine," race"! ly declared A. W. Wheoleaa. In* P» .rhtroe St., Atlanta, Oa- aperlai repreaentatlre of tba tfrlfl.t f'c. (I'Ml i in hotel equip ment. "I with m-rvw) Indicant ion a year or mora, ' »< naarly twenty pound* and Iwtmr tmdly weakened. Than In this rundown *'»U. I waa •Iruki-n with 'flu' and It Iff. me in a very rritlral condition. 1 had no np petite, rould not dlge*t proparly tha little I did aat, and waa too nervou* U> *leep. "Hearing of Teniae through »'>m« friend* I concluded to teat It for my aalf. It andad my Indigeatkin, built ma up eighteen pound*, and ever ilnca It aat ma right I hava enjoyed excel I - i nt health. I gladly recommend tha treatment, not only for what It ha* doni' for ma, but aliio for tha good it ha* dona a number of my frland* and relative*."* Tanlar ia for naW by all rood dtrug iri«ta, Take no lubatituta. Over 88 million bottle* aold. About 7000 people read The Mount Airy New* and hav* been reading i( for many year*. You hava it *ent to your homa tha naxt time you come to town. NOTICE. North Carolina, Surry County. In the Superior Court. J. W. Chandler V*. Vary Ball Chandler. To Mary Bell ChanJWr. Take No tice. That an action entitled a* above haa Ix-cn lommenvl in the Superior Court of Surry County, which action ha* been brought and complaint fil"d in thia court by the plaintiff agalnit tha defendant, taking for a divorce from the bond* of matrimony. Tb* defendant I* further notified to ap pear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Surry Count v, In hi* office In Dobeon on the 23ra day of March 1923 and an*wer the com plaint or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded. Thia February 20th. 1928. F. T. Lewellyn, Clerk of Superior Court. Nol ire of Administration. Having qualified an Adminiatraor of the fiUtf of W. E. Mc Kinney, de Wind, I hereby notify all persona holding claim* against the wiid es tate to preaent the same to m. fur payment within twelve montha from the date of thii notice, or aaid notice will be pleaded In bar of recovery thereof. All person* indebted to the estate are requested to make im mediate payment. Thia March 7th. 1#23. J. G. Clayton. Rural Hall, N. C., Ad miniatrator of W. E. Mc Kinney. De ceased. J. H. Folger, Atty.. Mt. Airy N. C. FOR SALE For aale or trade for property hi Mount Airy, 60 acre* in Yadkin coun ty, 3 1-2 mites south Yadkinville. Good timber, good buildings and other improvements. 1 also have 100 acre* 7 miles south of Yadkinville with rood buildings and lota of timber. 1 nave 160 acres known a* the Towe farm near foot of Wards Gap with S5 acres good bottom, 60 acre# fenced, 800 good bearing fruit trees with good build ings and nut buildings. All at » bargain as I am cloaing out. J. A. ATKIN8, Mount Airy. N. C. y Drs. Cox CHIROPRACTORS MODNT AIRY, N. C Office hours: Daily t to 12 a. ■. 3 to 6:80 p. m. Night hours: 7 to S p. m. Monday, Wedneaday and Satur CUT FLOWERS For All OCCASIONS MT. AIRY DRUG CO. Agmtj F«r Sutton MtowntW* M lulu i BHH HHH at' IbmM coat. IranwdiMclr tnlhMi. thus CM br apjihmi jut «Wj lyMilOMoWl Ft-its coat ■ ||M 5£r> rtKuyUm* IK. I'tM, pfcnuU Ud HINK W1LSON 00. WloatM-8.U«. N. C or «rtfc» Snn 10 V. ft. Orwm A Co.. BoiM.VvMk.Vft. EXPECTING NEW SHIPMENT le Tires From Factory Price* on thb Lot Will B« Attractive. Watch for Announcement Later. General Motor Co. MOUNT AIRY, N. C. J. E. WILSON Marble and Granite Monument*, Tomb* and Head atones, Cemetery Fencing GRANITE WORK OF ALL KINDS Corner South and Granite Streets MOUNT AIRY, N. C. SEDAN New Price F. O. B. DETROIT At the new low price the Ford Sedan represents a greater val ue than has ever been offered It provides enclosed car com fort in a dependable, quality product at a minimum cost Your order placed now will insure reasonably prompt dft» livery. Terras if dssiredL GRANITE CITY MOTOR CO. Mowrt Airy, N C PILOT MOUNTAIN MOTOR CO. PHI Mo—liia, N. C.