'feat after • courageous Wtth with Bmmi, iht paaaad into tha Qraat Beyond. Mn, Waatharfard waa yuuni MMl beautiful, but it mors transcen dent kaaitjr awj a her spirit and dia poaltkm. So bright In mind, and sweat hi spirit that every ana whe mm in watirt with bar rscogniaed a rare, tranaparcnt Christian character moat ■wwil. Mid hscama .warmly and sympathetically attached to bar. Ska chartahed Ufa for tha very Jar she found In living, and for tha aaka of har devoted husband. Ilttls son and asothar, whoaa devotion ska retui nad abundantly. She loaod her home, and thus afflicted, but did not complain, batiarinir to tha last that she would Har mother spent mitch time with har, during har Ulnaaa minisierin# In every possible way to har comfort, and to that of har stricken husband and littla son. Tha funeral service waa conducted at tha home, by her pastor Re*. H. E. Boyer, aaaisted by Bar. D. Vance him, after wtolch the family left with tha body tor Nashville Tenn. where among her freinds and relatives interment will take place. NOTICE OF BALK By virtu* of a deed of trust execu ted to me by Nathan Edmonds to le cture |1206.00 balance due oa purchase vie* of lands bearinaftcr described, default having been made la the pay ment of said debt, on application of Ike holder of the note secured by said deed of trust, I will sell for cash te the hifhest bidder in front of the I%st National Bank m Mount Airy, North Carolina, on the 14th day ef July IMS. at 1 :!• o'clock P. M.. th» following real estate, lying and being in Surry County, North Caro lina, Mt. Airy Township and d.-scrib ed as follows: Ijbts numbers 0 and 7 as shown on plat made by T. B. McCargo, Begin ning on South aide of Fancy Gap road en stakes on comer between Lota No. ft and 6 and running with line between these lots 8. » dee. W. 20# feet to ■take on line of lot No. 12 and thenoe with lot No. 12 8. 59 E. 110 feet te stake on corner between Lota Noa. 7spd 8, thence with line between these lots N. 29 E. 1M feet to Fancy CWp road and to stake between lots Noa. 7 and 8, thence with Fancy Gap road N. 46 W. 120 feet te beginning. Sale made to satisfy balance due en said note, default having been ■ad* in the payment thereof, Balance principal being $866.60. with Inter est from January 19th., 1928. This May 14th, 1923. • J. H. Felger, Trustee. IV Home of Ute Soul la olden time*, it was beli wed that the Mat of the soul was the stomach, moot likely for the reason that a man is neter so' completely_ used up as w1 en hi* stoihach is out of order. For the cure of ordinary stomach troubles, there is nothing quite so prompt and satisfactory as Chamber lain's Tablets. They strengthen the (jtoiaach Mid enable it to perform its functions naturally. Give them a trial. They only coat a* quarter. Racom mends Chamberlain's Tablets "Chamberlain's Tablets have been used by my husband and myself off and on for the past five years. When My husband foes away from home he always takes a bottle of them along with him. Whenever I have that heavy feeling //Iter eating, or feel dull and played dAit, I take one or two af Chamberlain's Tablet* and they fix ■te up fine," writes Mrs. Newton. Vreeland, Minoa, N. Y. Take thaae tablets when troubled with constipa tion or indigestion and they will do Magnolia krs. LIQUID Fmea mmdTmtut POWDER Tha ililm of tha ■ww, t km drawn machina, U not mi Km k*r paving is tha (rate, wbich waa tali ar than tha tot. UttW ltobart hat baan m Inlimtod watcbar of Mm mowing. Aa ha stead haaida tha pat) of tha wachina aonthtng tmchac out fHw it m4 wrand hi* lag* Ju»< ahowa tha anhkfc Tha tragic occur ranca waa tha flwt of Ita kind to aval jr-ics? ■jsvsr of _£ i 40 T1 eteluK Umo ■ «taka; tnance South 4M •Uk* In oid Hrve; tho»c« last 2» f««t to a *takc; tkene* flouth 4tt tm to th* h** inning. Sale mu« to »»ti»fy claims amount In* to about $ltf.00 and inUrwt am to«t» to ba added. ■jW. F. CarUr, Truatae Sydnor&Spargei (Maruc* Agent* 40UNT AIRY, S € travel, dropaWI •welling*, rheumatic pi kfahtty and MniMif diwnlm, «fll Mad rrhb gratifiration Airy Man. W. 0. Fowler, prop, of pwwjr, Franklin itreet, up "I toff mm a heap with a mtn backache and wot a* bad at thnea <%t if 1 stooped 1 coald hardly straighten "«ain Tha poor, unnatural action ot my kidney* worried ma. Tha aaeratioaa paaaad frequuntly and wnt acauty and highly colorad. 1 began using Doan'a Kid ntty Pitta, which I got at tha Wolfe , Drug Co. I took about three bona* of Doan'a and ail tha qnaptMU of kidney trouble left mo. I uae Doan'a now, and they keep the backache am and ay kidney* in food ardor." 80c, at all dealer*. Foeter-Mil burn Co., Mfra., Buffalo, N. Y. Phone 31 * * . Mount Airy, N. C. I The Rcxall Store CUT FLOW!* SERVICE J. fc. W 1LJ»UJN -• , T« GRANITE WORK OF ALL Corner South and Granite Streets MOUNT AIRY, N. C *■ ' STARTING PICK-UP ■ ] E hTOe 1 \ \ ■idied VWGKanks -m gasoline'on your car ? one for starting and pick-up one for power and mileage ,v- Made in the Carolinas SOMETIMES, the man who is proud of the power he . gets on the nill is the very man to wear out his battery , * ' trying to turn over in the morning! Not if he carries "Standard", the complete gasoline. i Why are gasolines different? Because this motor-fuel we call gasoline is not so simple as'it seems. Even the smallest . dfop contains starting-fuel, pickup-fuel, power-ftiel and mile age-fuel, in some proportion or other. < And remember: it is this proportion that makes a gasoline good or poor. And it is in this detail that "Standard", the ] Balanced Gasoline, excels. By scientifically balancing the ^jrarious constituents of every drop, flame generation and full, eflan burning is assured, Thj^means all the gas is bbrned up —giving maximum power.l^rho noticeable carbon residue. Long effort, experience and scientific research have produced . • . The Balanced Gasoline, the complete, ail-round, all-purpolse motor fuel Try it Out this season—for your own satisfaction. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (NEW JERSEY) " '

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