The only cap thara right for rainy-day wear-"SURH-F1T" ':«!• mrtp m ymur "ff JBB. FIT", mug fa in a bit «» you would yynr Mr—|nd that np'H til tight till your head Uowt Oil; Smccom you'r - out far to- « tuM in tM tain. Any «p'll •hnnic thtn. fnu'd!- Janwd uiKomf jnabU in an mdmsty ■cap. But you jutt mm out dwMfapinyour"Sim»mM •nd go on MNtiuigty. XirIk ar !•«« • iw-liw—, your "lUKMn* aiwafa ftt— fmntnulb, PttUaly. And, if youfac ooa of (h« ■!»•»>• rfmW -flUUfc.nri' ywHn - nk •' il>* wafli hWu l»and recorded on the 22nd day of April, IW»7 at 10 o'clock in Book 67, pace 271, ih the office of the Begirt* of Deed* of Surry County, I will aell U> the highe*t bidder, for caeh, in front of the Pirat National Bank of Mount A try, an Ha tar day, tbe Mth day ef Jane, IMS at 1 o'clock P. M. the following daerribed real aetata, to «rit; A tract of land lying on both aidaa of the land clay road, known aa the t. A. Criaeman bomeplace, adjoining on the north H. Schafer; on the aaat Sparger Orchard Co., and Dick Lank ford; on tbe Booth and weet by the Sparger Orchard Co., containing M acres, more or leaa. ' Thia sale ia made to aatiafy a note «f 1170.00 to tba Surry Comity Loan ft Trust Company, with intereit and :ost to bo added. Thia 80th day of May. IMS. W. P. Carter, Trustee.... Chamberlain's Calk and Diarrhea Bemei Every family should hasp thia pre paration at hand during the hot of the •ummer months. It m almost aura to be needed, and when that time is worth many times Ha coat, now. Shoe Polish MhkKt "Built Me Up" "T USED Cwdul for yean * aBdttdtd at more good ■Md," wrtes Mis. M. C Ragidali, of IW Tovraon, Ok la. "I BMdto niffw^Ui MdMHmTim • I JeonidHva. "n**Mi I kMrd d to Mi 1 A rmmt law mt T1 >• front p at Dr. Owl— «. U. S. M. m nqwa to tfca aeifll Goaat at la r han a hundred truest# were served. Th.- receiving line naaiated of the bride and groom, parenta of bride and groom, maid of honor aad boot man. The gueeta were ushered into the dining room lor Mm. C. G. Lindaoy, whore the color scheme at pink and white was carried out. Here the guest* participated in the cutting of the beautiful wedding cake, and were served a delicious ice course The bride ia one of Roanoke'* most attaciive and talented young ladies, while the groom ia a promising young banker. Mr. and Mrs. Stone, after aa ex tended northern tour, will be at home at 412 Woods avenue, 8. W., this city. NOTICE OP SALE By virtue of • M of trust execu ted to me by Nathan Edmonds to se cure balanre purchase price of the lands hereinafter described and to te em* a certain note of $270.00 due and payable to A. Goldsmith, default having been made in the payment of the installments as set forth in the notes and the said contract providing that upon default being made in pay ment at said installments or any at them, the trustee shall advertise and sell the said property, and default having been made, I will sell for cash to toe highest bidder, hi front at The First National Bank, Mount Airy, North Carolina, on the * 18th day el Jane. IRS at 1 o'clock r. M. the following described tract or par cel of land lying and being in Surry County, North Carolina, Mount Airy Township and bounded as follows: Lot number eight as shown on plate made bv T. B. Met. <*rgo: Begin ning on South side of Fancy Gap road on stake on coiner between Lota No. 7 and S and runs with line between these lots S. 29 W. (1*) One hund red eighty six feet to a stake on line of lot No. 12, thence with said lias S. 69 dag. 66 to stake on comer at lots M and 9; thence with line be tween those lots N. 29 1-2 111 feet to stake on Fancy Gap road oa ear ner between lota 8 and 9; thence with Fancy Gap road N. W W. about sixty feet to beginning. Sale made to satisfy the amount due an said note, to-wit: $210.66 with interest from January 1st. 1922. This May 16th, 1922. J. H. Folger, Trustee. Resource* Orcr One Million Dollar* First National Bank Mount Airy. N C. Has given satisfactory service to its customers for more than twenty-five years. What can we do for you? T. G. FAWCETT, PmUmI W. W.< BURKE, Vicn-PnudmL E. a SMITH, Ca*kr. HLF. ARMFIELD, AmL Ca*kr. Home-Made Caramels' Always Taste Better Why pay fancy prices or candy? Make your favorite vanetirn at homo—you save money —there's pleasure in do ne it—you know what /ou re eating—and the Jelicious candy will melt ia your mouth it you use either i k>U. TW* GuMtn Crown swsttstlS 50c »«J» ftq» kM wd tii ataaa a I -wy <*. «hitii iy ^iiiTff IT • •ixitlT, MM 4 n, NWhMhnM, BALTMOWLMD.