Tabert was whipped white • eon Met in the has her company** camp Juwit ST, lttt. The defmse claim ed he died February 2. G, Grimson, assistant attorney geneval of North Dakota, investigated the death, spending several weds h' Florida. On his return to North Dakota, he submitted his findings to Hm North Dakota hgUatan, then In, and which approved a reaolu tion calling upon the state of 11m Florida legislature appointed a Joint committee and the lnveetiga thm that followed reeoltod fat dis missal from office of Sheriff 3. R. Jones and Comity Judge B. F. Willis, ef Leon county, who arreatod* and ill miiiiiI Tabert. Tahert was ar rseted for riding a freight train and Sheriff Jones admitted he had en tend Into an agrnmiat with the lumber company to supply prisoners a* 9M each. TtM me*, «u believed by the «m l» be MeAdoo"! Mat pffwsefal op M'Adoo Hu Nothm* To Say About Boom Santa Barbara, Cal., July 7.—WU Iiam 0. MeAdoo, in wfcoee behalf plana tor a McAdoo-for-President boom hare be«n worked oat in New York, baa ""nothing to say on polities" he said today. Mr. MeAdoo and bis family have taken a home hers for the summer. Prof. Prands Sayre and Mrs. Sayrs, daughter of farmer President Wflaon, also are here tor the summer. Mrs. 8ayrs and Mrs. MeAdoo are sisters. Bryan Hm N«w hdorwJ A Candidate, Hm DmIum Lincoln, Neb., July T.—"I hm net discussed the relative merits of avail able candidates for the presidency; that ha* been my rule for K years. I hare said that Qovamor Smith, of Maw York, la not an available candi date because of his iliw on the li quor question.'' This was the declaration of W. J. Bryan today whan questioned about reported InUiiiows in which he waa repreeented as laliislsi W. 0. 11c A400, far the Dmodie nomination. Mr. Bryan came to hia former home to Join his brother, Governor Charles W. Bryan, at a mspUun tonight at the governor's mansion. , Mr. Bryan said he was glad to cor rect the *8port connecting Mm with Js ikJ IV^ssnm vne rcpoiT^a csriciaacy 01 ntnry Part. He added, however, that it was his understanding Mr. Fort had net 1 regard a candidate's platform of men Importance than his pareon altty," ha said In discussing Mr. Port. Mo tMrt party movement is likely In *t"*iCth' la regard to probable laaaee In the next campaign Mr. Bryan add: the drouth the ' treee that Much at the i of tMM that an not and rain came. Farmer* who tired or upland no crop after the drouth set ta. Of were matured before the drouth/ but corn simply failed to mature on upland. And (hit waa the case with all other cropa. Pasture* dried up as dead aa if firs had burned away all life. In the country alone the streai is so much land that is so tar and wet that ordinarily it produces hot little (rrsln, but in this year of drouth this low land "made a bumping big yield. There were many farms along the river who produced much more than enough for the family from this kind of land. The result waa that the Car grain from farmers who ware fortunate. Modi grain waa hauled about the country tor many milea ta meet the naeda of the people. A flew fanners took advantage of the and soil their corn at high pricea. bat others did not A story that waa told about the country U peating. A man named CaL lived hi WUssa and owned a big river farm. Ha had a targe boundary of bottom land that was wet soough to make a big yield of com and, thoae about hha made nothing, ha [ duced hundreds of bushels of the boat com. The people began to coma to him from many milea away to hoy suppliss. The old man saw the u of the times and decided that H VU ■ -- ' " a._ ft—1> Al I hi want And ao w^p a camc far corn a conversation thin« Ufa thte would follow," iroch m do yau Mad," tha Coloaal | would oak. Than tha pun hi* and the Colonel would aak if ha| had tha monay, and if tha ha had It th« CMonal would any. "WaH,| If jrou hava tha rat M corn, if jmm I eon buy eorn at othar plaaaa, I ha did. Ha aold out! all ha had ta ware poor and oat aMa to pay nlj Hf tha ta tat And tha aid OoIomI Brad to! • Hpa old ago and dlad and wart to| Ma N^ardjjokrrrt of tin ? Lost Persons Don't Starve to in mines do net starve to death. but sore mnd to death, Dr. Hugh W. Concklin, of Battle Creek, "^'r* said today in an sddrsas before the 27th annual convention of the Ameri can Osteopathic association. "Of coarse, aome die of suffocation in the mines and exposure in the woods," said Dr. Concklkin, adding that his belief that thv do not starve to death la baaed upon faithf treat ment of epileptics. In 78 cases ha treated in the current year, Dr. Concklin said, the average number of consecutive days each fasted «u more than SO. Malnutrition is mors prevalent la children of the rich than thoee of the poor. Dr. Jeanette H. Bolts, of Den ver, Colorado a sported. "I have found an avrngo of « per cent of the children in oar beat malnutrition,'* aaid Dr. Bailee. She said malnutrition in children to at tributable to four things, faulty food, faulty health haWta, lack of 1mm officer* bat without mIL At 1 left for in* km shortly War* dark ean •n-rctopc containing the official of the Mnl balloon trip, badly mtenotM ud ihmt uudstlphsr •hie, pmmmI papers ijjwmJ to Ueotoneat Both, a pair of rauntleta, one leather coat and an Aaerican flat. Mr. Bnmo, Captain of the *"Ntea" ■aid the rope* which held the wicker baaket to the balloon had been cwt No traea ef the baaket was found. "Both men apparently had sti ipped to their underclothing," Mr. Bruno ■aid. It looked aa though they had discarded their clothine and the baa ket ia a desperate effort to Hghtoa the balloon mfleiefit to r*t Mown nay probably eat away the Henwled thoir and threw away all the weight thay could whan the basket first Ut the dinging to the rnoih about tin part of the bag in the hope it carry thsm to safety." A slight chance remains that the airmen ssay he alive, it ia said by airmen bars tonight Life war* said to ha in the balloon it left ia the trip and K is the two lieutenants might have been picked ap in Lake Brie by ssass of tfcs rescue. Lsoal air plane pilots said the two naval offi ce™ might haw want life ptsesrms or a rubber salt containing air next to their underclothing. in a packet ef one ef the *as found a on Um bordw of vMeh ta gone bad. WS1 try Aberdeen to get new gea We ought to make H all rifnt. It waa believed here that this had B. SUtooalh United in Army Mm Own," took part to (to to * toto* at the wMrttiw «| the whrtiirth anto Although the small in comparison with the anniversary celebration to 1911, whan 55,000 man who wove the Blue ar fee Gray camifcd here, the eIt leu at Gettysburg hare arranged an ohaare ance almost u impressive aa that af 10 yean ago. TV town itaeif la | ly decorated tor the occaalea. and bunthf fly from nearly home and business place, and the ] He square la brilliantly Many pH€HkI open for the entertainment of the < erans. moat of the hatoh being i ad with other ria iters here In the Pickett"* charge, which took plate July 8, IMS, hat no attoaapt ew haa Seen made to repeat tM ■•ncunter to and Union mm a* I Tto The attack' than, haw declared, really asarfc ed the to«tontat of the'defeat at Lee's foreoa. - * • years ago. asen of the oeer the field mi