TRUSTEE'S SALE By virtue at a deed of trust •» •coted to the undersigned trustee on the 26th day of Aujruest, 191*, by Laura J. Midkiff and R C. Midkiff n eerded in Book 89. pace 163 of the record of nertfifii of Sorry county, 1 will Mil to the highest bidder, for cuh. in front of the First National Bank of Mount Airy, on September 3. 1923. at one o'clock P. M„ the following described real estate, to-wit A lot known as the Laura J. Mid kiff homeplace. adenine the lands of Jim Midkiff. Dock Midkiff, and E4 Snody, and Charles Fulton, containing sane 17 acre* of land, mors or less, except I acres heretofore sold and conveyed. For particular description see deed of trust above referred to. This sale is mads to satisfy a claim 4m the First National Bank of Mount Airy. Tni« 28th day of July, 1928. W. F. CARTER, Trustee. NOTICE North Carolina. Surry Comity. In the Superior Court. Bachel B rate her va. Eliia Bratchar. Notice of Summons. To Ellis Bratcher: Take Notice, That an action entitled aa above baa been commenced in the Superior Court mt Sorry County, the lommona in which action is made returnable the 27th day of Anguat. 1928, at the Court house in Dobaon before the under signed Clark of tha Superior Coort, at which time tha defendant ia required to appear and anaver the complaint en file in this office which action ia far divorce, abaolute, and let the de fendant take notice that if ha fail to appear and answv or demur to the eomplaint. plaintiff will apply to the eeurt for toe relief demanded. 8-17c Thia July 28rd. iWt P. T. LEWELLIN, Cleric of Suparrior Coort Notice Trnetoe'a Sale of Lead By virtue of authority veated in ma the undersigned, in a deed of truat •executed to Edw. H. Linville on the tth day of October 1919, for ISOO.OC and recorded in the Begiater of Deed* Office of Sony County, N. C., in book 71 pa«« 1®*. default bavins been mad* hi the payment of the note therein ■ecured. and at the request of the holder therof, I will sell sell for caah to the higheet bidder, at public auc tion, in front of the Bank of Mount Airy, lfoont Airy, N. C., on Saturday Sept. let MIS at oae o'eloak P. M. The following described real estate: Beginning at the East aide of 8outh atreet in the town of Moont Airy, N. C„ at M. Saaefs corner and runi with Samet'a line East 90 feet ts a stake in Shelton's line thence wit): Shelton's line N. 1 deg. East < feel to 8helton'a comer; thence with Shel ton'a line to B1 is sard's corner; thenea with Bliuard's line N. deg. E. >t feel mora or leas to Hitman's corner; thence with MHman's line Weet 1M feet mora or leea to edge of South £1-8 W The aams W. 62 feet to the b«rfambia being lot No. It of tfci LanS •a sold by tha Linville-BaH-Hutchim Land Co. on the above date. Ma made to satiafy a balance of #73,00 principal, interest and coat of sale to add. "niia Slat day of July im C. M. BALL, Trustee. fmiy & Machine Shop Oak SL ' houmM M follow*: Beginning In U» earner »r mam and Nixon Street* la front <>( Moun tain Park Baptiat Church anQ ran* with Nixon Strwt North 74.2f> dogs. Coot 17 Jeha. to • otoko, then with the rood North to.5 docs. Boot 2.96 chs to ■ stake, thon with tho rood Sooth M degs. East 114 rha. to • etake D. C. Bodwine's eomoi thon wtth tho t«ad South W don. fail 96.66 (ho. to a atako hi tho old I mo of tho Chat llMI tract, thoa ortth tho said lino Sooth 19 dog*. Baat I.I chs. to an old Chestnut corner, than Sooth 4ft dogs Waat 2.10 ehs. to ndas road, thon wtth said road North aft dogs. Waat 4 cho. to a atako, than with tho road SI dog*. Wast 4.M eha. to a stako. than with tho road Sooth W dogs West I.ftO cho. to a atako, thon Sooth with tha road 79 doc*. Woot 3.60 eha. to a atako, thon Sooth 4ft dog*. Wfat 2.83 eha. to a atako, t!>oa Sooth with tho road *2 doc*. Woot S eha. to a atako, thon with tho road Sooth 69.6 doc*. Woot ft eha. to a atako, thon with tho road North 64 doc*. Woot 4 eha. to a a take, thon North 1B.7B dacs. Weat 6.10 eha. to a atako, thon Sooth 75.2S docs. Woot 1 ftJkl eha. to a stake on Snow Street, thon North 16.7ft docs. Baat S.S rha. to a stako. thon South 7ft.2ft decs. Woot 2.3 eha. to Main Street, then with Main Stroot North 18.7ft dogs. Woot 16.60 chains to the borinninr. containing 76 acres more or Ions, on which tract of land is located tho Mountain Park School buildings.. Far deed to said Board of Trustees aoo record of Deeds No. 70, page 267. From the proceeds of tfce sale the undersigned will p-y off snd dis charge. First; tha deeds of trust executed prior to the execution of the deed of trust under which this sale is made, nnd the halanco will be paid upon the indebtedness aforesaid th> total of which, with the sad deeds of trust, amounts to 62S.043 27 and th« excess ibove this amount, i any. will be paid to the Trustees or their assignee* after payment of expenses of the sal. Givon under my hand, this Aug. 6. 1929. J. W. I*viU, Trustee. J. H. Folger, Attorney. The sale of thia property under the deed of trust will not prevent the opening of tho School at Mountain Park, aa Trustees of the achool ex poet to make arrangement with who rror purchases this piuparty that the trustees may open and conduct the school, no twithatanding thia sale. Stomach Out of Fix? 'I'boiic yonr groe<*r or druggist 'or v ihm of this delicious <!i gfSt: nt, i Kiss* f"'1 I* fives delightful relief, or no charge tor the fir*t dozea used. Shivar Ale Otfotlv* Artarftat W»lfi MiNr Witir 4 CI •far Notliirg lik" it ttr renovating old. worn-ot t tloii.uchn. > r.i ■ -ri■ ing food into rich klfW tu.,1 sour. .*teih. If /oar regular dealer «ann,t impply you, telephone TBS WMT-HLL COMPANY Certificate of Diaaoliitioe To all to wtooas these present* may com*—Greeting: Whereas, It appears to mjr satis faction, by duly authenticated record of the proceedings for tha voluntary dissolution thereof by tha unanimous consent of all the stockholders, depo sited in My office, that tha Jarrell Allred Company a corporation of this state, whose principal office ia situa ted at No. Franklin Street, ia tha town of Mt. Airy, County of Sum State of North Carolina (Geo. P. All red being the agent therein and in charge thereof, upon whom proesaa may be served), has complied with the requirements of Chapter 22, Consoli dated Statutes entitled, "Corpora ttons," preliminary to the isuing of this Certificate of Dlaaolutioii: Now, Therefore, I W. ST. Everett, Secretary of 8tate of North Carolina, da hereby certify that the wld ca tion did, en the 90th day of July rss; and « . file In ay office a duly executed atteated consent la writing to the dissolution of aaM corporation, execu ted by all the stockholder* thereof which said consent and the record of the proceedings aforesaid are now on fib la my said office aa provided •f Mir, set au*haad>and'>affl(ed my official xaim*^ thht*h*u °Vj& .... -w- — ML—Thay My •wti n.ifht at wtlm nrii nir>>t at 10. Mr*. CiiiiIMkb la a aMivia (an. But flickaria* filma She b fond of Sha la a brilliant <|u)rk at npirto and full of la aa ailawt aa Mm Hphtn*. Aa a atady hi uppaattaa, thay taha | ft rat priaa. Which raiaaa an mtaraat r»t qoeation. Kinra the Praaidawt 4a taata aarial affair" and Ma wife lovoa I tho«. what dooa tha elaab portend far | Washington aoeiety. WIU H ha a iff whnfniatmt ion or ! a ana? Will there ha halta, I fata* ami heneflta, with tha Whtta Mmiae fitn fluntf wide. and tha ha> | il«-nt (tut if oily donning hla dreaa ault earb night ? Will there ha a revival nf tha dnys of tha ray Cleveland and I tha riotoua Kooaeeelta? Or will It bo j ill dull and proaay, with CooMdca | trntinir off fa bod in good New Eng land faxhxin aa tha rloek utrikni 10? Friend* of tha flrat lady predict aha will inaumrate a rata regime. Not right away, of couraa. for Waahington will Mntirn tha daath of Ha lute Preai dant o»t11 lata Dwrmbar, and thara will ha few utrial affair*. "But sfter that," they uy, "Mr*. Cootid**- will keep thine* moving. flits twists the President around her llt the finger. If aha want* bails, ■ he'll have thain, for he'sao crazy about her he wouldn't refuse har anything." ('oolidge. by tka way, fall in Ion at first sight with the lady who 'twists him around har finger." It was in tha days when h» "roomed and boarded," as New Englander* say, wMti tka steward of Clark school in Northamp ton, Mass. The first lady waa Grace Goodhue then, a teacher at Clark. And Clark was a school for the deaf. Coot idge was a struggling young lawyer poor as a chaich mouse. One night the steward's wife Invited the pretty teacher to supper, and there was the young: lawyer. Soon aa he saw her he loved her. But he bid i «d his time, ft was several months I later that he arrived one day at the < ioodhiM' home. Grace was at schoo'., • and Mr. Goodhue anked Calvin to ha seated. He did, and thi*n there was an i awkward pause. "Did you come on business, Mr. ! C "oolidge?" queried Mr. Goodhue, seek Iing to break the silence. "Why yes," said Calvin, "If you i call it that. I've came to ask Grace to marry me." And a few weeks later she did. They | went to Montreal on a honeymoon and srere rone a whole week. When they came bark they rented a furnished apartment in Northampton, moving ohortly afterward to half the double ! house that is still their home. And Mrs. Coolidge did all her own vorh and never, never dreamed that one i day she'd bv social dictator of all the country. Lowering Heavy Tank* With Melting Ice Literary Digest.—Steel tank* u**<f ' as brine-container* in ice-plant* of the Union Ice Company of California are lowered to their permanent posi tion* with the aid of blocks o{ ice which carry the weight of the tank while blocking is being removed and then, as the ice melts, allow the tank to settle to its foundation. Says a contributor to The Engineering News Record (New York): The buildings in which these tanks are installed are not designed with a frame from which the tank could be "impended and the melting-ice method has been found cheaper and more sat isfactory than erecting temporary means of supporting the tank while lowering it to position. Tlte tank is riveted up on blocking three or four feet sbove this foundation in order that workmen may have access to the ander side of the tank during the pro cess of riveting, calking and painting. When the tank is finished the blocks of ice are placed and the tank is low ered on jacks until the ice carries the weight, after which all Jacks and blocking are removed and the melt ing ice allows the tank to settle to final position. Two rows of ice-blocks were placed under it on 12-foot cen ters, and to hasten the melting pro cess small wood-fires were built In side the tank, one over eack support ing cake of iee. In the case illustrat ed, 800-pound ice-cakes were set on end. Mors frequently the cakes are set on edge. The tank can be quick ly 'Jacked down' to tills height, which is sufficient clearance for the removal of all blocking. When the ice-cakaa are on edge there is lees danger of slipping or uneven settlement. With the aid of small firas in the tank the ice is ordinarily melted away In twelve hours. Sydnor & Sparger Imaranc* Afenta *OUNT AIRY, * C. by L. B Itabf and wife, Bite H» Nr. •" Uw Mw< fcf a# Kiwtw, « of the Reaped W Deeds of Truet of Mum Count/, I will sal) to tl« blcfc «»t bidder nr caab in fMrt of the F'rat Natim iJ Rank, In Mount Airy. N. C. on Saturday toe MM fey af «•*. IMS. IMt'iMP M.. the foBwrt'n pi' pasly to wit: Let: A Utct it land «Jioinm« ;he lamia of J. »u>V. D. C. KkM; and being In KMori r >wn»hip, and beginning at a Uta.k (jam «nd run* South iff dec. Beat 3 n« and TB linka to a ataka .n iha Mount Airy Itnd Hilornn mad; thence North r<0 doff Waat with uhl road II rhaiaa and M link« to a ataka in naid Mad; tbniae Raat 8 rhaina to the beginning, con taining 1 1-2 acres, mom or Jeaa. 2nd. On tha same day at tha build ing occupied by tha mid L. B. Maalay aa a stow in Bldora Townxhip at in (Hi A. M.. I will mRI to tha ht ghost MIk for eaah all tha merchendiae aontatnod in the Mid atora building. 3rd. All farming toola and live ntork belonging to tna aaid L. B. Moa lay. ■aid aalo mada to aatlafy a dab* of Ona Thourand (fl.OOO.M) bollam due iha Pirat National Bank of Mannt i tt aala of tha atoek of goods ia | mada by virtue of a lVd of Truot executed by tha aaid parties on tha 2rtth day of January, IMS, and re- , cftrdad In Book No. H Mtt 2M. Mc Thia tha 14th day of Aotraat, 1MB W. P. CABTBB, Trwtoa. NOTICB North Carolina. Surry County, Mount Airy Township. S. A. Hannia. tr ding a: S. A. Hen nia A Com per jr *s W. H. Harden. To W. H. Ha.t!an ta.' a notice: That an action entitled as above haa bean commenced in tha Recorder's Court of Mount Airy Township for tha recovery of Two Hundred and Fifty (<250.00 Dollars, tea by tha dafeiid ant to the plaintiff an contract, and the defendant in notified to appear be fore H H. Lewellyn, Judge of the Recorder'! Court sf aaid townehip, on tha 9th day of September, 1923 at 10 o'clock A. M., a::d anawer or demur to th* complaint and let tha defendant take notice that if -be fail to appear and answer or deutar to the complaint, rlaintif.' will apply to the court for the ,-elief den.anded. The defendant ia further notified that a warrant of attachment has bean issued in this tausa and Is returnable on the 8th day of September, 1923, before His Honor, H. H. Lewellyn, Judge of the Recorder's Court of Mount Airy Township, at the town hall in Mount Airy, and that said warrant of attach ment hat beer, levied upon certain In debtedness of Lovill-Dix Company to the defendant. Given under my hand, this Aug. «th, IMS. R. V. Deyerle, Clerk of Recordt-'s Court. . 19241 MODE I J THE STUDBBAKBR UGHT-B1X F1VB-PASSBNGER TOUB1NO CAR »HI 130,000 Owners Know the Value of this Studebaker tW* MODELS AND PKICBg-f. a. b. factory J !/»• w.a .torn. p. im. H ijh »•~%L BIG SIX STUDEBAKE Mount Airy Buggy & Auto Co. i t STUD

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