Can tai twa <#L : _ l> n than. what t ta wn to T»*s fort a place of i «r krmiiuHt «iom at t for all who had fey damnation aa it* hart they pnraua htm Into TaaaT Tin group waa (trailing up Ihe *11 ga atr»-»r Keith could Imagine the Tt, Taru'xw comment* upon the Queer and quaint they would I W *• Ba laft hla aback and want op la t Oka hotel Ha alwaya fat drunk whan ; a ship ram* In. Ha liked (a ronfront , tfeoaa prfm Puritan* with the eight of • drunkm white man Ha liked ta ( aaa thair 'Magnet. ia aaa tba w»maa i shrink away from htm. Ha aat down i aa tba veranda and called far ; whlak v A group .urii* In and aat at tba J hart table Tberv wara two womm and two met,. One of tba an anaat ad bta attan. .>n Kaitb eta red until tba otbar ralaad hla ayea to neat Ma. Mnfordr Harford. b> all that waa aacrad! I What waa ha, of all men doing la | TavaT Aad rha woman with him, ta | ward whom be dlaplayed a rertala la E tlraacy of damaanor—aha waa aat I Molly• Harford cam* over ta him. "I want yon to maat my wife, Keith," ha aaM, I aa If their encounter B pU(, Keith fouad blmaalf talking ta a white woman for tba flrat tlma la flaw year* But aS the wMta waa tba queatioa tm Ma teart. aat Molly. Ha had Carer Ha bad approaches bar with tha la ■ and acoca that had become a of hla nature, bat bar klndnaaa him doarn There waa soma' tblag In her attitude that be had for gnttea could arlat In white women— gpMpethy. nrnlarmandlng. "I think my huaband want* to hare little converaatlon with yon." aha HmM Anally Metford took him apnrt • Keith, old man, I mhip hire to find you." ha Mil) "Ton were premature In leav Amerlrn. Molly—Oh. you dUInt fWKl- r*tand. Sill- and I weren't in love Itl, eteeli o»!n>r Mt nil." •She tntd me—'' flRhe t'lthTt rare for yon. And yoo iglit !f win I. lint nil* learned to re afrenvard. wl-e- you had gone my ga ymi did Keith. these four ir« ranec of Tnra. and that II homealrknee* for the fray «klea of New Rnglnnil roae up la blni again. "Tou'l! t-ome. wont yoo Kelt hi" Met turd. T*» reaarved a pa» on the ahlp for yon.' "Tea, ril eome." anawered Ketth. Lumber Vartatiaa by ttatoa. Arfcanaaa la the leading lumber atate . the production of red gum hlrkoey. and ayramore California leada rlwood. white ftr and angar pltiea. ana la flrat In yellow pine, ry and titpelo. Colorado la at the In iogdeiKtli pine, Idaho In larch arack) Indiana In heeeh. Maine alamn fir. Michigan la mapte. Ulfr In white pine Mlaalmdppl la eot Mlaantirl In walnut. Oregon yellow pine. Tenniaatt la Waahlngtoo t« Douglaa dr. aprne* I cedar. Weat flrglala in rfceataat yellow cedar Wlaronaln la hen t—ihar Manufacturer*' old Ja^Maa Tea ba aaed to play a Trading part DM ba. naallyT aaaal iff the abaft" -c •tea Uun Big Lom Uok *raat wormy a< bar* flmtlnlaitlng la impartann" aa • rnault ot wldwprmd w at miil lmf cbuiara .rruia. It Una ham radm t i»<«t liaMatroua ytara, bat I aitb grruiar cm ami battar uadar I Mnati u. ot (Jta plu*u« It couid Ita » Oarad to a mucb pntar aatmt. With the gradually tacrva«.a* tmt at thia -llaaaaa, If la Important that mviM grwvara ^*a attautlou ta tba : ia» attiar atlnmia irbk-b eaaaa . torn—, autuu ut which ara fraquaatly ■ aaadaaad with cb»lara. Among tba | flaaaaaa wtth aympinina < »nfiiaad with ' tbaaa at rtiolara ara aathrax, apUagap, < giwirwnt Hrttla, aacrokaetUaata, ptaar i Ujr, paMUiwiala. palawlng. awtaa piagua., aid wwn( Whan ttwrr la an; davlntiua from I tha normal la »tt. appatlt*. or >ltga» lion, it la tlaaa t»r tba anw ta taka 1 mraanrr* ta prrv i-nt poaalhlr Inaaaa. lllanr allmmta nftaa ran br »m aaaafl 1/ treated by tba ownar, bat In ana at . doubt tt la tha part at wladum ta aal ' far a Tatarlnarlan. Georgia Girl Wins Over Boys in Raising Swina T*lrtni tba rtiampWmahtp at tba «>utbaaatrrn at a tut sway from mora than nor btmdml bay rnatratanffc twatra-yrar-oM lain Dnnnn of Rny» Lois Duncan «na H»r | aat, On. »m the tnnil prlae In tha , Hoys' IT* club eventa af the r»-cent j Southeastern fair In Atlanta. (la. She la aeon with "I «m« «B Libera tor." the Poland-China hoar whMt ww Me rtiaaptnnehtft Wte Mm waa •en>n.l prlaa with another entry. Bar "pet pi**." aa she ralla them, ware ralaad under her aula 41rectl«n and care and are aa tame aa klttaaa. She e*p»*'M ta take tltem to other !n tarwctionttl falra In the country and ^ capture more prtiea Most Careful Attention, for Eggs During Summer E«g* are entity sacuretl In March. April and May. It la during the three DKu.tliH which follow that tlx' flock r» moat careful .mention. Twelve year* result* at tlx- 8torr> egg-laylns contest showed that a normal well-fed hen ahoulil lay within aeven of aa many ctrvn In June, July »nr! Auzuat aa ahe laid In March. April nod May. The h verage coat of feed for a hen It «p proslmatelv 10 rent* per month "TOiI* feed bill naturally run* leaa In mmgiar month* than In "Inter month- \Vh<>u aeveu out of ten egg* pnxHced by the average I rn arc produced from March , Dm Ui i»« i'teuili«r Or*t, ran you afford to oveHook feeding for aumioar egg production? Corn Is. Not Favored aa Milk-Producing Ration Oorn I* more of a fattening ration than a milk-production intton. but a certain amount of corn in a ration la valuable. A considerable amonnt of ; bundle corn can jbe fed to Tory good advantage with rimer or alfalfa hay. Belter reault* would be secured Kf a rule for the corn to "»e lmskeiPout and ground. Give Attention to Hen and She Will Work Hard • What the hen need*: Home grown grain* ant their by-produeta. a little more light to eat by, clean water, •nmigli grit, a dally wet or dry maah. i a*ercl*e and a •cratch mixture Olva I bar a little gytre Attention and aba i arm work border for you Turkey Failure* Laid to Infectious Disease The turkey hnt ■r^r within its view fr»m far and near. After the hour xpent in feasting on the anod things pr pared by the ladies ( apt. Satterfield took charge of the ceremonies and called his patrolmen to the improvised speakeA platform where they were introduced and each one explained in brief oat dear detail the roads they were maintaining. Af ter this the audience yss surprised when Capt. Satterfield produced from those present a gentleman whose fame has traversed the com nent of the United States—"Farmer Bob" as he 's called in that section but known in <"ongn>M as Coni^rsmnan R. L. Dough ton. "Farmer Bob" livea about four miles from when the picnic was held and when he Warned of the pic nic quit tits hay gathering, doned his old felt hat, gathered his basket of fried chicken under his arm and came over to enjoy the day with the boys. Those who were not personally ac quainted with him did not realize until his appearance on the platform that there was in their midst so distin guished a personage. Mr. Doughton made a very interesting talk on the good roads work hi this state and told how other states of th' union are tun t*g their eyes towand North Carolina rtnd are daily '..ending delegations into ur t%.
  • laee. By that time the state will ' sve completed the hard surface road up the Blue Ridce to that point. The party going from Surry Surry to Mul »rry Gap went by Elkin and North Wilkesbort.. but in returning some same down the Boone trail from North W lkeiboro to Yadlcinville thence over into Surry. Bridgera-Daniels N Invitation* » follow* h»vr born sent oat from Raleigh. "Mm. Annie Cain Bridgei* requeat* the honor at your presence at the marriage of her daughter, Elisabeth , to Mr. Jonathan Worth Danieli, on Wednesday even ing. September the fifth at nine o' clork, Edenton ' Street Methodiat Church. Raleigh. N. C. Encloaed card read* "Reception immediately after the ctr—uwy. Carolina Country clnb. The favor of a reply la requested." Thi* wedding will )e of interest to the puhltc inasmuch aa the gnim la a aon of Mr. ami Mrs. Jwefbee Daaiela and the teMs is ako a mem Sat., Sept. 8th, 2 P. M . On the above date I will offer for sale at public auction the following pro* |*rty: Brick store building on Main street now occupied by Sanitary Market Four vacant lots on Cherry street Four vacant lota on Cherry avenue near Martin Memorial Poepital. One vacant lot 80 x 800 ft with beautiful silver maple shade. This lot ia one of the nicest on Cheery street Don't fo~|«t that Cbeuj street is the concreted. J. F. ALLRED A CiMt Spirit—I lUwiwal If than be any peopla who Ml tiw operation of the Holy Spirit ae <»mpaning the pi—thing of tho &o» pal m it did to tta (fay* of old, (toy •hooU hare bra Ib • revival held at Indian Grove Baptist dmk, hp la*. J. M Neater, last weak. It ia Mid by people n uitiwil to wttending revival meeting# that sash a manifestation at tta Spirit is rare ly ever Man thaaa aayi on any occa sion; that not wit hftindinf thf tscM^ *iw downpour of rain day and night, tha nesting capacity of tha church we* taxed to the limit and aontonen nfarly doubled and that cha^aoat in tense interest wm manifeet from tha beginning. At timea, before the sar mon wm finiahed. the people would rise to their feat in (Teat throne* ind make a break for the front aak ing for prayer; lomt ihouting. noma weeping, and tome praising God, in "i»naar that m mm could doubt the fulfilling of the promiae, "I will "tmr out my apirit on all flaah." The writer ia Intimately acquainted with all the people of that nectioa and "an testify that this was not an out Hurst of the "riff raff" but waa a da j -nonntration of His Spirit and Power ' f denominational line*. , Incidently. Bro. Neater is a farmer | is well as preacher. Tie serves three other churches and has had good meet-; nfs in them all and added 48 hp tap- ■ tism. Haa good Sunday tehoola going in them all and has made a good crop of tobacco besides. A Friend. Mt. Airy Route 2, Aug. 16. FOR OVER 40 YEARS KAJUVS CATARR. UFTOICJ.VE b««n um4 luccewfb.'l r in ttw tr >a»B .f Cktirrt. HALL1 CATARRH Mr.i/U l.V.: > »■ ?'•tn of ■> BSir •'•(••h QnMnr I CWfteaw hy (•«•: fr ' iit'ei-iwl > i i-. , «Mej> brourti «h* *Hoo- * ■ • i Off-j. Flues 8c Pound Cash • . .Vv-A-/ .. ■ „ 4 . .•••••J \ . I t III- _____ • M > We are doing our partin holding down tiM price* of Flue*. Some are trying to get higher price* hy talking workmanship. F.wamine our Fhm for yourself. The same man made all the elbows. Hofcomb & Mm Auto Tires are CHEAP at the present time. Buy now. J. E. WILSON Marble and Granite Mniw—nil, Toaba mad . » Haad *mm, Cwif F«ek| GRANITE WORK OF ALL KINDS Corner South and Granite Street! MOUNT AIRY. N.C Robert J. LoviH, M. D. 3fllc« Hoar- Phone* » to 10 A. M OOto*. Hi ! P. Si. and by Appointment 1U*. Z&k *wid»y hf AppointaMat avtf Ibtnat) * W.dkif R. M. LANCASTER, M ? Office in Post Office Building Rc^dcnc* 111 Rxrkford St. (Dr. vl» ur-'i «ld'a haute.) County Tax Must Be Paid By September 1st ii m W "Ordered, That the Sheriff shall proceed to collect all taxes by law that remain unpaid by Sept. 1st By order of the Board of Commissioners of Surry County." - • * ' * The above order was made and given me the first Mondav in August and 1 have no other discretion in this matter than to fol low out the instructions of the Board. This means that I will be compelled to proceed to collect by law all taxes that remain un paid on Sept. 1st All who have not paid will save cost of sale bj paying during this month. It will be with regret if I have to advertise a single Dgraon for their taxes, but unless they are paid as ordered by the Board I will have to perform this unpleasant duty. Pay now and save your self the cost and save me this unpleasant duty. • C. H. HAYNES, ~