• Kamaktira district, wu Th» volcano on the it ma is continuing to send Cmaheriaad hi Va., Sept. 1.—A Jury of IS m from AnWnt had MM It «mM Mt be |ih»Ii to obtain a (air Mid impartial jwry in CMMberlaad county. waia aaaMa to ^raa today aa to tka i«lk ar ta rlerfr. charged wHh the mwrder af lev. E. •. Ptaiwa laat June I, and Thus for tha ssssnd time since tha now faasous caaa waa called laat Mr M, legal battle* (tot haae made Wa tery In Virginia eaart ha** brought no reeaha Mid tha caaa, atanda whara H did b»*ore tha wrefce af battling oW change* af venae, •■hangr# irf van Ira and rfbar tarhni eal folnta of tha la*-.. K. 0. Oamtf* eaae #'i. he again when ?»•- • a.- * of eewrt ceavanes on September 2*. bat wheth er tha trial will Seem at that tiaw la andacidad aa tha trial af l<affci* C. r» Sro'.^r of tha Man wboaa trial e»<tad to<t y with a hong J-.ry a iH Sintly in 1' • -a with hhn f• r first i*''#ria autr-J •• In «•■<•«••• • w i*. «h» killing af the Baptist minister, alaa la aat far that data ind it ia possible may get friiadaim. The jury deH*»-ratel today three hoora and one minute but the fact that it waa apparently hopelesaly di vided early m rhe -onaidemtlgn te cams evident aft»r an homr and foi ty. •even minate* when the Jurats filed in and told Jadge B. D. White that they could aat agree. It la eta ted that at the ootaet one juror stood for first degree murder, seven for aeeatid degree murder, one for BMMslaaghter and three for acquittal. After tha second period of deliberation. It waa 'urther stated that men who stood to consolidate aa a manslaughter var. ifct prai IMd the others weald cease Svar. The three far Lfr 1 atoad rat firmly however, and farther af. forts for unaniasaua agreement wars nhindiytd. lite inm tn tlw courtroom «a> im aa tk Jurors (IM hi the first time and it generally tu bettered • •*rdict had been reached, mrinf to th rtimp*r*tiv«>ly «hort tint* thoy w»r» •ut. Few people war* in tha room at the time howerer, aa all spectators had been kept at a safe diatom tha oanrthouae aa • preeaution fcnjr poanibie demonstration. The defendant vma tha only one of the principal* in tha caae who fa Mined in the rourthooae and ha sat quietly, much of tha taa alone. Ho showed plainly tha gtnat strain which ha waa laboring and waa death-1 ky pale on both ocoaaiMa In rota reported. Jnd«e White toM the Jmwi that| he wtriHiJ the sia day total boon unproductive of • wdW, that ho had no wtah to two t to ami an dm their "eeaaeieMI S^MMrtodVoLlll^'a. 1* In a statement aa to the hopalaaa 4 » L. —1 . . W * .. . WLIa. 1 wci, wMTrapon Joofi wmn iw ad one of the jo ran at randaas, qveotod him to atond ilik and the others then wot* diamieeed—thaa far mer! jr dorlartnir tha onae a miatrtal. whan tha case la nenta etlh upon Govmor E. Lao Trinkle, aa Jndfo White la assign lit to thin caart for thla term only. To pr soldi ho BKMt ho reaaaigaad. IW coat of brtactnc the A mhnril Jvy here waa In ««c»m of 11.400, and tha total coot of the trial to the cents alone, Clerk J. A. Tillman stated, waa | to Mora Pay m Charlotte. Aug. II.—The pay of s^ parlor court jurors, (rand, regular • teles. IMS ordered Increased In enmity Thoraday by tha at ^■1 — — -3 to A —» m m ^ a mm im iTOifi rtOBivi 91 ptr mf their ssnrlns hmtond of the farmer I $1 a day while telnanr wilt receive | IS for the first day m4 M far ei additional day instead of »1J» This actio i ho the thnt tha pay of Two years ago • 94 limit «m pay. Grand Jwtae od that Ue riM U JAPAN SHAKEN TO PIECES BY GREAT EARTHQUAKE Tofcfe. tkm C«ph«l, mmd YiMnm, Ur|> fcflpwt City, PrHtiMdr UM to Killed mmd Umkkmim* Fm« fltflrratfea Ja Tha city of ] TIm Yokohama wu engulfed by a tidal wave and the imperial palace at; Tokk> ia unlaagsmd by flit. Nacoya baa a population of 820JW. It k about 00 miles waat of Oaaka and abowt 70 aiUaa waat of TaWa. New earth today. TIm Manila I a. m. and 10 a. m. The arena eiolent but could not ba ( ly lata*ad. Tha Saturday tha rreatest tha Manila Ba iiRioyfTH tps wwidad in SO yaars, according to Father Serra, tsslogiot in charge. Last word from Japan received by tha Radio corporation waa at 1:42 o'clock thia Moraine. That «H From tha Tomioka station. Additiaa d < id railroad Haas and att athar msans at the other citiea on tha aaatarn central laacaaat on tha ialand «f Hondo are iaalatad in their da eolation. Th« citiM of Tbkio mud Yokohama ww dcicribcd by the lupfnntflidcot >t the Japmm gtwMMnt wiraUee , lUtkm at ToatMca, which operatea via Radio corporation, aa "like hell." Building* were fatltnf. fto waa ■preading twywfciff, dead and dy* in* war* oa all •itUi. thara wata ax pioaiaaa and eriai of horror by tha What quake and ftra did not dratray on land tidal wavaa an rv port ad to k«* enwlwd and eaak at tea. Tha tatp to Tekie haifcor and what ahipa ware than atill raauia id to be tHiwIwt The lataat vo-| •aid hai«y a ending in tha la WakMM Ike fire *tartad In of tkaaaanda a( pm>i at re •art* In tha Hake*» dtotrict of Yoko hama In the aiaantatoa wear drteaa fran. their warten by qnakee and fWaa. They wore panic attic hen. TW •d. Tha town of Ataau ad. ais aa am At I to, aa tha Odsu by tidal wneea. Six t *"** are reported to hare a railway tunnel at Saaako 1J00 < • Y«r •opt. I.—Japan kaal 1JM *a»tfci|aah*« a year, or] of feor ehoeka a day. of which an net via lent. In Tokia a 1 •hock la felt on an avorage of aaca a| hi eawy two yean and a kaK. The (reateat qoake of the BO eer tftV irtary waa in IH? and ahaak rarvssr.2 waa followed h tber tt and 94. 1*4 tkaaaj M Aug. 27.—Jack WO Iiaina. World War veteran, a native of Rtokea eoanty and an of CteiiM William*, of Spencer, anM Soaday afternoon (In boor* ahead of Kia itMuh oa a kike from Atlanta, Ga.. to Lee Angelee, Calif. Ha tha day hor* today, and 1 ed on hia way. 'Tar due in Loa An relee, Calif., by CWiataaaa. I aa> traveling with three helper* advertia ia« laar pablhatlcm. We laft At lanta Jaly It, with one penny aad wa nuat have aa mack aa one penny when we reach oar deetiaation aa tha Pa cific cuaat." be told frienda bate. la nther word* be and hia party aiuet not be "broke" at the end of the Journey^ They can only aak for a rlnnk of water, aad while they cannot aak far a "lift" they can accept auto ridea when they are volunteered by the aatoiat. He aaya be ia chrcked op on the journey which ii| being Made ea a wager of |UN. lativea in thia city and aacsioa, he li irMitf, thereby will apead m the hihe. He *UA> milee by Chr-at by way of Baaaaka aad Va.. to Ciarinaatti, la Ctty and driving »a enr at the time Dteera wan aeat «a the eeane ta-1 altar the urUiat. "IWy tore of tbe Cnlippar family bat today had Hot raeo.ee ad that ef •inued ia M feet feet of water Hi* manner In which tbe Perry gnattlihaiaa, who haa.ehaffaj •>f opening aad etaaiat brtdfa,: •eatifiad at tha latpmet today that tbe *awbri*e bad net been opened, taad tiunagh it £* wISl™1 lfc*t ** ck*f"

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