Will Open Craven Old Stand *V'« .,ii Blue Ridge Hotel Building MEATS of the highest qoali at Fuller * Hutchens. Vl4c IT WILL PAT TOU in dime* and dot larh to buy clothe* at Stmmooi Clothin« Co. tf< WANTED—fifteen boshrls of onion ■ett. prefer Multiply, Hill or Ptote to onions, advise price and when iKvr FOR KENT—My houae on Cherry ft Mr*. Sank Spaugh; fom—ion fir en Sept. let. tie. WANTBB-Studanto to work in of fice while taking bunnwi eAine Tuition paid from pwMBtMd |oei tion after graduation. Edward* mm collet*... Winston Salem, N. C. »ltf FROTBCT YOUR HEALTH by eat ins Fuller A Hutchen* meat. Com in and take a look. *-14c BUT A GOOD HOME—We will tell the Dr. Mooreflald it Saturday, Sent. 11th. Look Linrille A Balt tfc BRICK for *afe—lOawilde Eriek Work*. Mt. Airy, Bowto ». tfc __ DO TOU want a good home? Attand i of Dr. street, SmL 11th, 2 P. M. ta. UbtUJ*A BalL tie BEFORE BUYING aaa 81—w* Cto. Co. Valna first oar motto. tfc 1 AM BACK in tho lis and will aell you steak at SO Roast It and stew 10 canto per _■ _ i 26 cento. Weald • like to se* you at my old stand. J. C. ■ftrtamri TV-l I pounci JrOrm >teto_see you V TOUB ▼EOBTi Mi «• f. «. Aehbura1* Troek Farm, flip JUST RECEIVED "a"new stock from Kirshhaum, the kind thai laat Iomi and looks bettor. Simmona qSTco. Tke Bettor Clothea. 3 -•o rant a store room suit able for a retail grocerr or a gentle len's fumiahing store, or purchasi ■ established grocery store. Repli L S. ear* "The Mount ^hy New*'' DR. MOORBFtBLD house on Reek, lord street will be sold at auction ttWm for Ui. A Ltorflk tfc HUDSON SUPER SIX for «Ue oi trad* far amaDer ear. W. L8j* FOR 8ALE_—Elgin «. In gaod eo.idr frteodi IW SALE-Tm mm Am tobaaM land, I Ifkt Mil wtimTM 'MMi Is tmmmm for Ifli Si* mile* mile from mm of tha I in tha 4i, High FOB BKNT—Poor ntce mors in Pan Mr Street in the 8. M. Hal* forawi Home plaea. AO wawrieiwi. 8. M fife , Mi on Franklin »traet.H. Schafar. M| WE KNOW OUR MEATS an nwl Bat than Oar nua*anr« know It m manjr people who have narar girar m a trial. Thay an tha onaa wht don't know oar Mati an M good Fuller A Hutchana. ' M* WANTED TO BENT—Uaad Piano it fint clnaa condition; or will buy ii a bargain. Phono New* Office Ita THE KIND OP MEATS yon lib when you want them at Foliar 4 Hutchens. 9-14< FOB BENT—10 room mo<win~ ta" proved hooaa, on Cherry atreet. Oct lat. J. C. Hollingswcrth. lu JUST ABBIYED-400 mm carbUk frr ligfrHiy ylanta and Trildlm par Maaa. at # Mak par cm On mIi at HatdMr Hdw. C*. M. T. McKaigfct Wood lm, CoMland. N. C.. W. E North Caro to ha m pod aa tha tfc WANTED—To contract th* sawini of (00,000 foot of tiabtr. At onct Foy Lumber and Mfg. Co. tf< FOR SALE—Fiv* room house, 1 uA land, good (ardtn, fruit tract mk garage, next to Teak school. Flat Rock. Apply Mr*. Eocene Motaingei at the hog—. M61 FOR BALE—Two year old regiaterac HoUtein Bull. Price |7B.OO. «. A Epperson. 11m Hollow, Va. 8-21| FOR RENT—S room cottage on Wil •on (tract. Water and Light*. Dr C. A. Baird. »-14< FOR RENT—« room houae on Hmei Ave. Apply to Mrm. D. S. Hodge. !t< HUDSON SUPER SIX for aale oi trade for smaller ear. W. L. 8yd nor M4« KEEP on telling keep on selling them. Pallor d Hutchens. 9-14c HUDSON SUPER SIX for aale o> trade for smaller car. W. L. at FOR RENT—One eight room how or Franklin ntroet.ll. Schafer. 0-S| KEEP IN MIND the Allrad aale ol city lots en Cherry street. Sale will be held oil Saturday, Sept. ttth. tfc WILL 8ELL OE TRADE- IMt I el Oldaasobfle touring car, di about 6000 milea. Pint claaa con trade for smaller car mr ^ . _ how and lot, or will aaB. Apply J ; M. Ward lltw. Poplar street. t-8| NOTICE , North Carolina, Surry County, Mt Airy Townahip. lira. Will Worth ra. Ernest Make | Notice of summons and Warrant ol Attachment. The defendant in the above actior wiB take notice that a mmmnns fa the above entitled action waa •gainst the defendant oa the 18th daj of August, IMS. by T. B. McCargo, i Justice of the Pssce of Surry County North Carolina, which igj _ _ Airy jjyyb fa tS»e defendant will also take notio that a warrant of attachment wai isoaad by the said justice aa Ilia lttl returnable before said Jvatfaa, at kfa office In Mount Airy T» said county on the St day her. 1#28. iaaued by the said justice on the lttl day of Aogaot. 1928. against the pro perty of the said defendant, wild warrant is returnable bafooa the sak Justice, at the ttaae and pfa Med for the nstarn of the i whoa and where the ML JL Mn. M. X BoMmt, widow of I tor Booker. Sr. iM at the horn* of her ton Foster Boaktr, Jr. Mi Airy, at • o'clock A. K. Aug. SOtk At the age of ah* joined tin tomtd away without M In inter* were tlnjn wclcom* a: d e# fam Uy worship conducted bv thn* rhrit. tian guests. She IWed the lite pictttr ad for the true christian tti the heati Sha kad no foe. It has bean d truly that no <ne in any walk of lifa from tho highest socially to tha lowaat of thia claaa kad aught to say of her hut praise. Sfra. Booker was the third wife of Fo renter Booker, Sr., who was one of the moat conapicuoMa characters of '•irk righteousness and consistent moral* in Surry county. Ha eras a nromoter of schools, a teacher, fhe chairman of the Coanty Cammiaiion | ~r* which office he held at the time of his death. eH was a faithful Mason and master of his lodge. Mm. Booker* is survived W] apven children; Granville Booker. Kunaynidr V*., Mr*. Sarah V. Wright, Branaon, Mo.. Mr* W. D. Haynea, Mt Airy, Mr*. Alice Wolfe. Greensboro, ami Mr*. L. M. Fouet, Greensboro, Fores ter Booker, Jr., Mt Airy, and Carrie 1 Booker Atlanta, Ga. Mr*. Booker ml a young girl dur ing the sii hetwaea the statoe and had to reap the hardakipa of the re on*trurti«m period, which aha never '. rgot. Whan ihs V 8 eatorod the mrld war aha Joined the Bad Craaa worker* and hirami one of Ha Mat MKceaafol knitter* of socks, aw eaten He. , Har daughter, Carrie Beaker, was called into service of the overseas edu cational department hot the signing of i the Amiatiee prsvsntad har aailiag; whan the call came far the IS year 'old hoys aha had two giaadasai who went into training. Thomas Bsaksr i and William Haynea. Whan the ISth Amendment was paaaad aha went early la the polla and cast har vate. Since than aha has been actively in terse tad hi polities of im mediate concern eating each tiasa lor the beat exponent af right and jaaticr in har county repraeeatatleee. Mrs. Beoke»*s Ufa waa one af self sacrifice. first to har awn mother aad invalid father, har husband aad child ren, her grandehfldiaa. aad ta all who needed aid. She walked aad talked with God aad as a result walked a Godly walk. fla funeral servieee wan conducted at the hosaa by Elder J. D. Vaaa, har former pastor. Bevs. D Vaaee Price aad Eugene Olive aasiatiag. She was laid to raat Friday afternoon la the cemetery at Mt. Airy In the Booker ; family tot The funeral serrk.ee ware in keep ing with har faith and the talk by Eld er J. D. Vaaa was a source of com fort aad joy to the family. Her last resting place waa ^ scene of flowers which were the expressions > and frienda from far aad near, [j With the paaaiag af Mra. Booker the faaiBy haa loot frr a time the'r beat i friend, the community a loral aad I faithful cKisan bat heaven har gained 1 a saint. 9 Contributed /Miaasa Fraaeas Fay. Myrtle Dob VTinoMi tHil msak for OfaaaAne la iMad ashaol l at Q. C. C. W. TOKLIO WAS ALWAYS IN PEAK Of CATASTKOrtU Atlanta, Sept. 3.—Tohto. Japai^ picturesque cafrital, and Ma UOMM ritisen* lived constantly in faar at a <11niter which would mm couplet* daatrurtion. acteidiug to Dr. J. C. C. Nawtnn. who nfmsd to Atlanta two montha a*o after having aaread M year* aa a ralxlonary in tha vicinity of tha city, moat of which now ia ■ unokinit heap of raina aa a resuit if tha earthquake of Satwday. "Just lika tha Tokio citiaana, I had I a fvaline that sock a disaster waa com in® noma day," said Dr. Naw ton today. "Tha Tokio paopla never railed to believe In tha aid aiyth, ' which w*» that a ffiant ft»h under tha, pity some day would bring about M( '»«tniction. "Whan w* laft Japan recently, Ta li oi, lad by Mayor Goto and hia cabi net. w«* preparing to float bond* and Inunch million* of dollar* worth of municipal imporvement* An eitfin^ erinr expert from Wachington waa o-operating with city authorities, and |' rttrr streets, a batter water supply, mproved sanitation and plana to at tain protection from inundation war* -oing forward. -A rrrvr runa throurh the center >f the city, nukint the aituation mil "he more dangerous. Tokio coven an miMiMf are*. The congestion la ter rible. and -the traffic queatlon fare 'he authoritlea world* of trouble. "The part of the city whan go»era lent headquarter* were located was utrictly modern, witk wide paved treet* am! handaome buildinga- Oat •Idathli lone the atreeta, aa a rale. 1 always fait safe there, hot not la Tokie. "A akyacraper in Japan," ho re marked, "■Sana a building fear or five atoriaa high. AM thla Is tea high. In a country that la conatantiy la ta|«r of an earthquake, Mm Deo /Both bridt and graaw kin been fin ployed by the North Carolina Gran ite Corporation. Mr. Hohncs la an EnfllahMn and Ik* wall connected in tka Mother country, th# bride ia an attractive young woman of Scotch which was beautifully dmrttcd for th# occasion and hart elaborate re freshment* wera aeread. In tha nuptial* and tacaption vara Mended quaint Rnfflieh and Scotch ruiitoaaa which were aaw to May at the raaata. The happy couple left Tharaday to ■pend a brief honeymoon ia citiaa of After Every Meal / gOOdttUMF fCIU4IUMr Mm af Tnwtw'i Mt af Land Mf vMm of authority trntod in ma in a carta in deed of truat executed tha 7th day of March 1»1« la tha under atoned truataa by W. L Cfcflton and w&» Snaay Chiltan far Mm Bank d Mount Airy to teeth* an £,T-'"" —" •SrtjiWS Sffl boon made in the paywant ai .jU tSarin aecured and at tha ■t af tha holder. I will *eU Cat tfUmteafiS Airy, Mount Airy, M. C, om lay. October *th. 1 at ewe e'cieck. P. M. tha following ma and adjoining __ an. n a lane cheatnut Graay old comer, now le following real aetata «o wit: Lying and being in Surry Cooutj id a&Mng the Taada of feck Law. in and W. A Snoddy and beginning I a large cheatnut known aa tha raay old comer, now Bock Lawaona il chaim to a lucaat tree north M chaina to the Mt. Harmon toad; thence with said road to Smith Franc'a cor ner; thence auuth with Jeaeup'* Una M chaina to a cheatnut; thence E. 6S* chaina to Jeaaapa corner; thenca with Hollmgawnrth'a line 9 1-1 ihaiha to the beginnM? containing M 2nd. tract. Adjoining the tanda al W. A. Snoddy and Buck Lawaon and other* and beginning on a locuet. W *t. Olilton'a corner; thence waat tc the ridge road. W. H. Lawaona line to a a take in the old Jackaen riflga mad; thence with aaid road aa it meander* in a nort^-oat direction t« W. I. Chilton1* line to a atake in, sak road; thenca with W. I. Chilton'* lina aouth to the begtominfr. containing PI sera* more or leaa. Sale made to aatiafy an indebted neaa af 1*38.70, principal, intereat and coat of n*le to a<i<i Thie the 4th day of Sept. 1*2*. J. H. KOLGEK. Traatoe.

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