Oothins Co. "Th Batter Clothei. "Itc WANTED—Mmiimt boy not sa fer 14 ysars. Boy with bicycle |»r» ferred who la familiar wtth town. Western Union offin, Mali) it 9-T7p WANTED—B ar I ysar old froah sow, Mack and white, gentle and dohorn ed. Mr*. R. BchsfSr. 10-lfc FOB BALK—Child'* white iron bod and mattreaa hi good condition. Kra. I. L. Banner. Itp DO TOr LIKE food thinra to art? Than huv a lunch prepared by the ladies of the Eastern Star while at tending the Pair nest week. FOB BALE OB TBADE—Boick • for mo Or win trade for Ford md ster. J. H M'dtriff. tfe EOB SALE CHEAP—St-vtta! mnh of wood on *ke ground at HirhUnd P-wk. Odd »wr t«p. In CM ronilftinn Phone 25. tfc BEE8 FOR SALE—10® colonies with pleaty fixtnres. Improved kind— wlh sell cheap. 1. W. Danman, Mt. Airy. N. C. lO->p THE EASTERN STAR ladle* aak for your patronage whQc yoo >rt ■Hawdhn the fair. All kinds of r~xl eata. CARPER GRASS S««d AO lb. or laaa. Sic par lb. delivered; 60 to 260 Iba. delivered; larger amounts, 20c not de livered John Whitaker. Turn bull, flim. lo-isp DONT GO HUNGRY—Bay a lunch from the Eastern Star booth while in the Fair frounda next NOW IS THE TIME to draaa up far the fair aa we have Just received • tarn shipment of Einchbav that satisfy all cnitonfT Clothinf Co.—Far Better I »s TEAL CALVES—Wanted at Stewart I AM RACE in the will aaO |N IS and atew 10 Folk chops 28 cant to aaa yoo at my old stand. J. C. te Urn «aod aa trz iyv&xz.'z ra.tf£2S=.'Sia.rK tare due Ire. Om A. Qllw». UN whi«t .• rta f tha hnOdhnr. On tha first land Ins votnc *• the aacond fin -t a lirft and commodious office ia located, and en tha loft tha ca'hiars daak On tha aacond fVvtr Wis* Martha Saunders ia in ,-harie of the ladies ready-to-wear and miRinrry ihpart While Messrs i A and It R Jack ■on wr* north/boy in* their la if* stock Miaa Saund< -rs was there select in* tha enw «? tho market far tbia department. Sha is ably assisted in «ellfn* by Misses TMrid*e. of fflkin, and Elizabeth U»f of this city. Mn John Jackson an eiport atam "Quality Merchandise" * m. L~r Eiicator'i NMIm Having qualified as executor of the aetata of J. T. Humphrey*, iwmni, lata of Sorry County, North Carolina, thia la to notify all panona baring claim* acalnat the aatate of laid de reaaed to exhibit than to the under signed at The Bank of Mount Airy, N. C„ on or before Sept. 19th, 1924, or thia notice will ha p tea dad in bar of k — ,, ■. tff. A 11 n--M ,.a. m Iii|ak^a4 [ neir rciuvvij • ah pcrionB inusoivu to aaid aetata will pleaae make im mediate payment. S. C Birena, Atty. The Bank of Mount Airy, Executor of J. T. Humphreys, deceaaed Sydnor & Sparger I Murine* Areata - MOUNT AIRY. ft C. DR. H. B. ROWS Mm* Airy, H. C nucnca Loom to ir. ttl, NOa « THBOAT OMm Ow laMlk Km MRS. HINCKLEY NERVOUS WRECK ii t» Mad BmH If l|li L none* By virtue of the power and »o thority contained in and puraoaat to an order mad* by the dark of tko guf lu» Court af Sorry County in •he sp<«»! proceeding entitled Bertha Holyfield et al V. Bobt. Atkina and other*, therein appointing ma e«M iaaioner for the purpoaa, I wffl offer for aale at public aoctm to the kick eat bidder m. tka premiae. on tka Mk day October, IMS at aae O'clock. P. M. the folio win* real uUti lyin* and ba in* in Rockford Township. Surry County, N. C. Bounded on tho North by the lands of T. L. Badgatt and R. C Edmonds, on the Cast by the lands of i. T. Holyfield and Chartle Millar, on the South bjr the landa of J. D. Holyfield and on the Wart by the landa of S. W. Atkiaa and R. T. Ed moods cohUininc 52 airia« mm m Ion. Thii trmct of Uin<| b knows m the homepUce of Henry Attott, Terms of tale will be one third dowa and balw.ee in 1 and 2 yean. L. J. Onaal. Commissioner. Foljrer. Jackson A Foi*er. Attya. SAY HIGHLAND PAJtK Dog Show •t Carolina-Virginia Fair September 25-28 Premium List •44 Dacaallafa. 400 446 Docs whelped after Jaa. lat IMS (feffcjr). MO IN IN 444 Doc« whelped after Jaa. lat 1M (pop). IN LM IN 447 Bitehea all age, 4.44 IN 104 after Jan. lat IMS (Mir), LM 144 IM after Jaa. lat ISM (pap). BJI Ut tN 440 Do«aallace. *M 441 Do«* whelped after Jaa. lat ISM (Mf), M4 ' M4 462 Daga whelped after Jaa. lat MM (pap), M4 (jM M7 Bitehea,.: * % 4kM «M SjM Ml Papptee ever 4 aad aa*r IS aaatha all 140 U0 M llaaMa M M Ul M