UXtoSlSa with trow»l fa on* toi tha other. I dmlrt fa wm Witt Ms MX—torn*d el fmt, Mr. IM Gorp America*! antrum into the war, • 1m put H. M been bled •in proitnlt ud g«Ua and "Taut at this juncture," mid the speaker. "America entered datmtleaa Iy and took twr stand by the aide of the haH-praaned armies of Oraat Bri tain and Franca. We can oarer far Rat that gallant art." ■aid ha always m Kin they had a kindred spirit Bo had throughout Ma Hfe dtawn con stant inspiration from America's greatest men. notably Abraham Lin coln. and he tomorrow was to start on a journey "to the country which I regard as the great miracle of the west, where Man has risen from the past to a now hspaf In introducing the guest of honor. American Ambasaador George Harray I Mr. Lloyd Oaorga as a groat American does and daalrad to aaa mora than any Englishman. His greatest serrice to Britain ha said was rendered as di rector of monitions during the war and Us greatest to the world was his sen ice after the armistice. ffearill* Man Kills His CUn Danville, 8apt IS.—CO ley Gibson, •f Gatewood, M. C. yesterday ith big ran over and killed his own five year old son while in the act of tog from the garage doee hone Giboon intended coming to Danville and was hacking his art knowing that the little hoy was to the path of the ear. Ha heard a car to find that one of the wheels had passed over his son's body. The little hoy died within W taring been internally injured. Dan ville dectors were called hut it was am that the child could net sur vive. Gibeon is reported hy the fatality. lalaigh, bft M>—TIm IIhiIiii of tho Mm Orww C^u'twltw m »<K'i»tt«m at H»»ir Mcitkjr ■MUm to day, infflw <i Um P 'Hcy <rf tho aa mcmMm, at*'<n« that thvy wH hn»d all iMBbir ian.F>nta *iahla far lh* (Ml»«ry <r* ill ta' rfflu* grnwn upon thoir land, according to Mr. 0. Wllaon, of tho board. UMit of Mmn |im upon tWir land to a party othor than tho aaaocia tton until tfM wyf i court af Nortt) Carolina paaaaa upon tka qoootion. Da daction* w<0 ba nada afloat all thoir antira crop to tka aaaociation if tka ■upran court wiatalin tho opinion af tha aaaociation flwtton in l-t ■—.< ■ < I i ii i-.# — _ — *nt ir inif^rj/ifiVwvion 01 viN ii n ii i ■ ■ ii t _L j.L ,m M- fn — - If aL. Vive contract which cans iw ui um tobacco pwtori by a awliw diraet ljr or Minctly aa a producer or land lord. Today'i decision of meters of tha Tobacco Oiu»w' Ca operatiYe sssocistjon wee dactiFid to bam takan becauaa of tha Jsriis to treat all isarahiri la a fair and oai form mannar follovinf tha recant rul ing the association from inf I ha sssocii 'on fn>or from lan.llor'• rar daiirerlae of the *«aociation by tonanta in tha etaee of shoal • membon according to jt tha hoard. The policy ,>f tl.e asaociation to re quire delivery of all tobacco from tha latida of the wrtin as sat forth In the contract was reiterated last year in a statement »nt to all sm bars of tha tobacco association in its monthy publication for December IMS Virginia at mestlaga of the local rounty unite of the tobacco co-of tire, according to Secretary Wilson ef the association. Directors from North ' Carolina, Vir ginia and Sooth Carolina today eea phaaised their dartre to deal fairly with the entire membership of the as aociation by sustaining the repeated riamands of loyal members, protect theA against the practice of tobacco from tha fanaa of to compete against their own in porarily tobacco from their land outaide the asociation while others hare such penalties for the til being through an appeal to the courts. An immediate appeal will ha takan the aunreire coot*, of Noi'-h Carolina by the Um« sssociation la tha eaaes.aevir 'lag to today's ita'pert of Secret a Tr Wilaon. of the Hir4 of Japan's Fmameial Lm AUtl $13 P«r Pwm Wuhinftoa, Sift M.—Japan's financial loaa in the (MNt aartbquaka disaster sTaragaa about fit par capita of ita population, it w aatimatod to day by the far aaatarn division of tba commcmct dapartmant. Tba daaui* to industry, eonaMarine tba total ca pacity of tba manufacturing and pro ducing «atabl isbaaants of tba country was aatimatad to ba aran laaa pro portionately. Material tain amounts to 91, 000.000,000 in tba *part»ant figuraa If tba Japanaaa nation adds tbat amount to Ha praasnt public dabt of »1,»18,000,000, Ha total par capita in dabtadnaaa will ba about tM aa aoaa parad witb a par capita ladabtodnaas for tha United Statea of 9X11 and Graat Britain |7*i TW Tot Superstition ia up Afda London, Sapt. 27.—SuparatHion that Pbaraoah Tutenkhamun still azarta a malign infloanca upon tba dhrttaan of bia tomb baa bsan larlrad by tba daatb in Liadin yaata\day of tba Han. Aubray Haritart, balf-brotbar of tba late Carl of Camarroii. Mr. Ilaibait who dted from aa ap p»ration did net anjcy • world-wida imputation but was wall known in b|hM aa a traralara diplomatist. I In rn lot. peat, soliter and! politician. Ha was WMtal ftt Franca in 1IU and later saraad In tb- Dardanatlaa and la loft With tha MtBa to ba the official Journal of the I It dataiM tha brief action wl terminated in tba elaaima of capitol currMuia by tha tha hooaa an their hopaa : tion arainat tha milttny tha effort! of a is preparing court to mark tha nest stag* in tha con-| Rict That there would be no uttgmpt to s soluble a*nin hi »f martial lew regulations «M tha| promise made lata today by leaden to Adjutant Genera] B. M. I predicted that! Representative Disney, chairman of the local committee, said tonight j that the oourt proceedings could ret under way before morning. He | refused to indicate tion might ta!:« or whether it would, be instituted in the state rourt or the federal court here. It is expected, however, that an in- [ junction win bo sought sgiinat Gov ernor Walton, with the poe«rfWTHy I that national ruard officers will be| made parties to th» <iuil. Attorney Ceneral George F. Short, who will oppose the action hi ha half of the state when the wtrt battle begins, told newspafumsn that era! types of legal action might ha filed. He add'*! that he did not know what to expect. The nature of the proceedings, he said, would the place of filing. x tit "Journal of the sd to show that the i My called today and that it peraod, is expected to he made tha| basis for the The journal, written en stationery | of the local hotel where the tors make their cribee the "Corridors of the hall of tattoos, September M, IMS, lt*0| Charlee 8. ascertaining thet « members of the | house of representatives were ] called the hoooe to order, at time Col. William S. Key preeentottoee dispone, after which he rsad Ma order from the gesertw of | the state of such command. Crowded in the mtonda en the I fourth floor of the capftol the members, a small army of i correspondents and pooeftly 10® i taton milled around waiting for thai toot. With rtflee on their ahoaMera, two privates stood before the doote of the bonee end the sensto chambers. Of ficers wearing eervice itwl»en eta at v«ntoge point a. The hands of the clock sw«ng to! ones T» Ordsr Suddenly above vhe noise I roles thet of Cher let g. "I, m military district at Oklahoma thia A crowd of pimw aent op a field acroaa a the Icfiilitort tppMrvd on At ftpHol I until the •d forward to mm! the Then they ordered It to With the departure of the le*i.la-| ton, the crowd melted rapidly and) followed in their The *•1 the gnatd would ha no attempt to hold either a| Tin Km HUmm Might H«H> Thia Situation The city of Graoneboro b ling • disgraceful situation to om that if h continue and will mate ita nana hbead and a word fat North Carolina. That b a strong charge; hot listen to the eri A citisea of Greenaboro ntaminf from church la«t Sunday night Wl in behind a p<m; of joBaga (Ma. iho from the mi iki. The cit icorting a feminii caidee ha had bo I tn the next 1 for on Weat Market | Green I of rM ku 17 Umm by driw. er» of avtomobUea, «l to the tal aad hi bid them to go far] * Hk M ait, | ,, --it -lrl, 1WW wneii ruiwjfr III IS •treat without botaftnraltad IT 4 within a mile, what eort of we maintaining ? The thing b not quite ai < It mmm at first far—la to far aa| our informant waa abb to drivers were usually not beardbn striplings, wboae advance* | -oukl not frighten om bne girl, i On the atber hand, < home to Greaaabero, far theae lira hare aad the can that tbay drive are Greensboro car*, the property of their fathers. In fact. tka riarnl hility lies equarely at the doar of the fathara, Man who permit their aana «f high-achool age to d tomobflea around the streets dark are enoowraging this eort of thing, awraBy an aeeaaatabb for the diagraaa of their city. Meat of the pape could be cared by a do eon laahea with a horeewhip. manfully wielded; L„i i««#ni4,iB»elalw |L,|r M Dui unionuTuiifiy xneir liwtn mrw not to be asen enough to apply that simpb umidy. Therefore the only tn eouree b for the police to the dray not aad ewaap a that wll up ta the Ai any rate. It wl wife an la a At lo«fc Pme, no <>rdtaj % nlrht 8am of the < to Crank. Authorii *rr not tadM to from Rn M it <• Morrison'» urfcti to I rxpiicit and in tkt tvnt Bock Ct It I sen* Mint tkt MgrtM who ton the military will then handle tho| Tho there will he farther trouble. perior Court Jniigr J. Bis Kay, who IHrea IB mile* from fore, waa" In Spruce PSa* late yesterday conferring with county authorities It to a number of wirraitj will >>e| iMn >f the ai"h While poradmy the streets Wo day the mob with guns on their shoul ton poaed for their pfctiuaa. TUa t-hotojrrahp probably will he the Man Vy which the loader* of the) ;ang wOl ho I up of the negroes declare they not roughly handled. They ■rely told they mat Ion* the coan ty. not to return. The negroes offer ed no resistance and left the s-etion tho quickest possible way. some going by train, others by track and a few are aaid to hare traveled over tie The saob had no rsapsct tor ago.] Whan they reached the O'Brien Cett straction company, seven miles of here, aad e« dared the nag roe leave, the manager of the aakd that he be permitted to keep two little nagru boys whoa* Mother to dead. This reoneat waa denied the Manager waa told the little roes had to leave with the others. Army headquarter* have been tablishod in a bungalow juat at tho river. The alto completely natee the tjw*. Ho Riafaad ■mi Loot TM Is a m unable to muw treatment MM Ma •elf rather titan prolong the agwty for himself and his family. It la wefl to hoar tha other side before < Infr the hospital. It to a i net take any and offered. The safety of pa tic II Lator th. be furniahad hjr • i •t tMa Mm • 1 nhqr tlM thlnr. and wJr parr flat it i •MMDt It Mat ka tickled mr Mb f«fc. Mnr plant i» botot kwtaltod that «■ not np 1MW «> per day. TMa "•at ia to be aold In tm esna. M,. mmd tab* and in barrel* an tha mar ket tmaafc. Th* plant i. to of Wataora thoarht that he had Wa manufacturing In a whnlaaaU way, bat find now that hi* form wa* an Infant compared with the | Will Winkler la aetinc aa and haa cortrad moat of tha terri tory within traclrlat dU Boon*. Prartteally erery atora ho 1 riaitod haa fhrto him a trial ^a «nd many hare already |hta iL — M11 jAlt^^aw vTWl DVlOVr «VW Tlfal haa boon made. The management mm wwMhiI and if tha product coaaaa ap to expectailona( tha telling end wfli ha tha aaalaat part of tha pat, they think.

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