BLACK-mUGHT I Mr ftpttk Uv Mh the hoar of 1 o'clock, p. m , on Oct. 17. IMS, the land* described and eon TtyW in said deed of trust, a* follow* • A certain tract of land lying Mid Wing in the county of Sort, and Stat# nt North Carolina. Beginning at the mouth at Flak Hirer on the west bank, and nma east 4fi chains to a rock in the bank of the Yadkin river; thence north 90 chains to a white oak McKaughan's corner; thence with M« Kaoghan'i lino 14 chains to a stake: thence with McKanghan's line SO and 18-100 chains to a white oak stomp; thence west to a rock Davenport's cor ner; thence with Davenport's line to a white oak stomp; thence 10 chains westward}; to s sourwood, W. T. Da venport's corner; thence nearly north witn Davenport's line 20 chalna to a rock; thence with said Davenport's line west 24 1-2 chains to a birch at Fish river; thence down the River 10 chains to a chestnut. Thomas Wil moth's comer; thence with Wihaotk's line 32 50-100 chains to the hank of Fish river; thence op Fish river as it ■saanders 10 1-2 chains; thence iroas in* said Fish P.iver 2 1-2 chains to Phillip's corner; thence southwardly with Phillip's line. 2 chains from the River, OS chains to a walnut tree: thence 2 chains to the wast bank of the River; thence down the said west bank of the River 16 chains to the ba finninr. containing 285 acres mors or less. Except 110 acres on the west side of the above mentioned boundary deeded to g. W. Garner. This ltth. day of Sept. 1*28 Chas. R. Helsabeck. Trustee. NOTICE "North Carolina, 8urry Connty. In the Superior Court, More the caw*. Howard East n. Finney East ft others heir* at lav. Publication of Sammons. To Einner East TAKE NOTICE '>• ' TAKE NO That a proceeding entitled as above been commenced in the Court of Sorry County before the * - ■ * ■ _ii1_Ll1- ■■—lnaMifln ■ la IlulujVI #m cipric, wnacn procwaiiif 11 oroufni xor fee pvrpoM of MBfatf th# loads owntd tn common by the heirs of O. Tern Wast the petition in which case is file in the office of the Pert of the Superior Court of Surry County «m Ma mH#U4 anfiaar Wifft tkc Clark of the Cent if his office 1m Dobaon on Mb da/,of October. lHt sad answer the petition or the peti wiH apply for the relief pea yd —10, ins. F. T. Lewallyn DR. J. D. HOGAN DENTIST Office Over Granite City Motor Co, MOTKI or IALI By virtu* of • M of -| ^ to me by J. D. Miniek on to of October 1111 to so of Ste Hundred (1800.00) Dol lar* 4m Mr*. Cora A. Gilmer, upon Ul"' '"prtoripjl" "* ■Mil taenat or Mid prncipal from the H d day 'ft >'*ctob • ■ 1, subject to ■ iiH' - On application of the br^der of the not* •edited by Baud dmd of trust I will Mrlt for caah to tin htgboat bidder in f**otit of Fir*' National Bonk in Mount Airy, Norttr( T li.ia o~ Uk Ml fey of October. 1*23, at aao o'clock f. M, the following describe! real tatato lying and benyj in X.«nt Airy Towa n*. Surry (Tomiy, North Can":ea and bounded an! described aa follows: That eartafe tract or mucoI of land adjoining th*J. D. Miniek (MO right of-way, the lands of T. N. Brack and J. A. took A others, eouteMng U >•■100 aeree mora wlwasd h*tng particularly Jain Ihsil in daad from Cora A. Gilmer to the said J. D. Mia irk registered hi the Office of the Ke r inter of Deeds of Sorry County, said asod haamia date the XSnd. day October, 191>. Sale made to satisfy the amoa doe on said deed of trust together with costs of sal*. This Sept. 17tK1023. J. H. Folger, Trustee. None* Having qualified aa of the sotats of against his J to »o on or before 1M4 or this notice wfll be bar of their recovery. All poraona indebted to said aatato wiB pleaa* pay m* at one*. TWa Sept. 1, 1923. 10-ltp George M. Sparger, Adm. of Tyler Sm th COW FOR SALE—I have a ftn* aow for sale, 6 years old, Jersey and Holstajn. Gives plenty of rica milk. Want to sell quick, if interested call and a** th* cow. C. H. Hayn*a. ltc. WRIGLEYS Have you shitted your [ shoes today wvfh «ome ektnn of haating hIhw'm the <-hampion af the time happena to W. OTUrorfc# nM, (n Ma »uai rli of £nfbnd, that ha M rt|llaai it ia anticipated that IS menthe Mat paaa before any one of thaai might haee a chance of meeting the titie holder. * .SAY HIGHLAND PARK YOU SHOUJ) MM IK SUMY COUNTY LOAN I TRUST GO. CUou nee and those other vitalgasoline qualities r' apparatus. But it would be hard to urinate its great moral force in eliminating those harsh, cruel words usually addressed to a alow-starting motor. *"T<—ilsiif* usees have forgotten what slow starthg means. If your engine is right, your switch on^nd the choke out for a moment, "Standard" glm you instant start ing, because it's balanced, which means that it has exactly the right proportion of low, quick-catching ^■Ai*s2jMna slkAa l^Hkls* laK^aAMslw Xm± sLa incnoiis TiTfli isnifc iBiuuiuy in cnc cchqcSv ihovob* This balanced gasoline also gives you the snappy power for pick-ups, the hard-pulling poorer for h«Us .and i*«" mlimii power for long mi**T rK«> have made "Standard" the regular choice of hundreds of thousands Test it out and see for yourself—nest time you fid up. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (New Jersey) , A Gasoline