B. m. i. T. Carrie*. Harry Carrie* *f *f Mr. mi Mn. ITl. Owyn and family h»« ■ot«|| Into tMr north Mala ati—t midmct Mr. and Mra. E. H. Dixon km ra ther ware caDed bjr Uh of Mr. Dixon's father. Mra. William ATlleon ha* returned to StotoTtWe after riaitinc retathree <■ thia ettjr. Mra. AIHaon wa«, before Miaa Mary Anally. of J. Walter Bam at WfaMten-Salex Ma prtaa winning doge, at the line-Virginia fair, in the lent and Forsyth county fair. Mia. B. A. Wilaon, of and daughter Mra. of Indianapotia, Ind., day* of laat week with Mra. J. Walter jf. Weldon Parker hai jp erection of. a nice eight room* on Church rtreet adjoin ing the home of FUMp Warahaw. D. H. Cook ia the contractor and boilder. Mra. S. 8. Lawrence and little aon leave thia week tor their home in 8a Okla. after ■pending the Ra with her parents, lav. and Mra. D. V. Price. Mr. and Mra. C. P. Clarke moved in to the A. 0. Trotter home on Frank lin (treat Saturday. Mr* Trotter will make her home with her daughter Mra. C. L. Whitman thia winter. Mra. N. G. Broom haa letuiued to in New Orleana, La., after a month with her aiatera Mra. A. G. Trotter and Miaa «May Lawaon. Miaa Lawaon accompanied Mra. Broom to New Orleana and will apend the winter there. Aact'io - Zzi* of HickUad Park The bdHtrW City Realty A A ac tion Ob., of Rlfk Faint and Mount Airy, will hold a second sale of lata in Higfclsad Park on Saturday, Oct. IS, at t I'.^L Thie property was for merly the Iwwi farm, and i* located on the Dobeon road Jut outfide the of the city. It hae Ma building lata and the ie cat op into tracts af from 4 te 10 acrne far poees. This company of a number rf*1ota in this merit and they are now Bilrinf a sec ond aala which taker place on the date above mentioned. Easy terms •iv offered the purciuw r*. Fraaklia School X | Franklin school opened Monday i morning under moat favorable con ditions with Mr. Prank Martin in charge. The teacher arp W. L. Dunmarv, Robert Jonas, Marshall, and Misses Eseie Algood, of Yadktavflla, and Beulah Folger, of Rockford. The enrollmen day was Kt Last year's ■are sufficient eradlta far the in* force to he increased from four te' six this year. C. C. Lawrence, brother of our town—i C. I. Lawrence and Chief R. E. Lawrence spsnt Friday night here en route te Round Peak, Ma ter mer home, after fswdhig a year la Wekh, W. Va. Mrs. R. L. Oraee aad baby *who hare been visiting Mrs. E. W. Paddi non left Sunday, Mrs. Paddiaon accom panying thsm to Albany, Ga., where she will visit for a few weeka Mrs. P. S. Rothrock leavea Tueeday i.fternoon to attend the U. D. C. State convention, which convenea in annual tension hi the OHenry hotel October 8 te «. Mrs. 8. W. Jon. Clarence JosMa, will from a visit to Mr. aad Mrs. J. O. Denny h HartevUle, 8. C. Mayor Van and family of Galax Va., spent the day Sunday at thai ef D. A. Rsbattesu oa Granite Mr. WOboRi Woodruff ef View, WBkas county, waa a At Firat Sunday to the annual rally day In tha Sunday School of the Firrt Pm byterian Church. A special effort to made each year to make thto ' fiat day to the Sunday flckaol year, livery penon who haa ever been a of the »chool to arcad to |re«int. Haajto of families are aaked every mambur of! tl* family. la addition aa many nawj pupils aa posaihto are brought to. The hour of the night eon ice to al-1 ao given over to tka 8—day Sd and a varied profjan will ha gi by tka anaihera. Bath .naming and evening the jJtmmi. b UU upon the eetalillihw of new Sunday School* hi the toatotod I parts of our country, and an offering] to made for that The regular School uawaaaa at t:4S | and the hour for the evening i to T -JO. Connie Hollingsworth ■ll the members of the bridge club Tueaday an north Main stioeL After a number of vary attractively. Mrs. C. M. WhHloek prise, a set of table bridge Wa Just want to call the attention of the ladies of Mount Airy and sur rounding country to the fact that wa will hare on display next Friday, the largest, finest, beat and ehaapaat line of ladies eoata ever offered the pub lic in this city.. There will be nothing in this lot but the Newaat Styles in Fabric and Design. Nearly $8,000 worth of eoata In tkia lot, and no two alike. Both cloth and furgarmenta. Watch for the big Jull page ad i dont buy until you aee thia | aa. It will pay you to watt. Vary Respectfully, J. L. Harrison S3 i t hweripdoBB Carefully MmI FooaUia hi—U ■■■ ■ «mr w. S. Wi»e 0«l (*■ VlB ' l>^W These Coats are Cmniatwd to Be ■ * » v THE LATEST IN STYLEr BEST IN MATERIALS AND WORKMANSHIP —AND LOWEST IN PRICE This Is The Largest Collection Of High Grade Coats Ever Shown in Mt. Airy. This is your opportunity to bay one of these Costs at Prices which we or no other Merchant could afford to pot in slock and cany. Ttefc Coats Have Been Put M® 5 Groups i. 2. 3, 4, 5, $49.50 Furs. $5 up to $50 IS.00 up to $100.00. line of Ladie s in right away add fat the pick ef It Pt^yi to Trade at 1 Mount Airy, * -tt£