WanlwMMBM t* Gmtmmpt of Tobacco Cmwm Anwlitlm from de Itminc Ma Mwen oatiidi of the On the nirtit of September 29, ac rwftif to tkf irUmrt, Patto^sn at tempted to assist A. L. Faulkner an wham cttation for contempt by tak ing oat claim am) delivery. After roaoWig the rink of the n accordance with what he r unaiilarsd hit rights, under a crop iMitmrt. Col W. T. Joyner, attor ney for the aaaociation, declared "the aaaociation in not out for blood; oar only object ia to protect oar rifhta, unleaa we can ho protected by an or der of the court, our local righta art injured." and pointed oat that m thia raae the tobacco had been seised at aiffht. A sodden claim of delivery •had been served and the tobacco had' heon »«ld without the advertisement laquiietl by law bringing twice aa nrach money a* was neoded to satisfy the claim. IWay'i ruling of Judge Calvert ii| the ftrat eaae in which an auction warehouseman has bean adjudged fa contempt for aiding any moaabei of the tobacco aaaociation to break his contract in North Carolina and ia eon- i sldsred import*int by the attorneys of1 the co-operative a* an effective re bake to the alleged practices of some warehousemen. What harre loae if fhmj ■id ind aNrt th« — thua in effect mtlili tha aupportj o f thirir tm( pnwwr to the eo-oj tiv»«? It ia a qoeation not aa to aM*»r •• what have they to g^n T That ia efcnpHrity hi operation of tha hiiytag »!*■ of their buaineae Tha maker of amok in If tabaoro. cigarettaa or ptaw. wWiaa a few thousand or a faw Minion pounda of tha Weed of • nrtala quality, if tha iMakM of tha a^apart^a eaaariatton to j F ha fairly expert hi judgiaint of I and thair aervtroe art by aa [ ceo selling. tha including men to eatrraaa tha dtotriet in hohalf of each wmrthnuaa, during th» growing ■eaaon. tha duplication of heyara and of form far haadling tha enp aftar it ia placed on tha warahauaa floor, the nereeaity of aaeh company au intain tng atoraga fariMttoa. haa haa* aa iiaary that the farmer* would profit hearlfy If only the hulk of that oear hrad mirht ha tranaferrad to tha price they receive. In theory that tranefer ia effected hy the co-operati»e aya trm, and if the manufactoma ahoold withdraw their aopport from the auc tion people, it will he proof conclu sive that the theory work* out in prac tice. It will mean that the manufar •nrera will ret their ataek cheaper, in all probability, which ia not rrtally ha portaitt to them, line* they hare ao far heen able to paaa along the whole hilt of coet to the consuming public. It will mean that of the actual coet of raw material the grower wil gat a much arger portion—which ia eitatly important to him, aince he haa ao far heen unable to find any method of taxing the ronauming public for hia relief.—Greenaboro Newa. Treo Washington Stood Under 14ft Year* Ago Finally Fall. CainbrU**. Mas*.. Ort.J7.--Th* old Washington Elm. under whose wide spreading limb* 148 yean ago. In 1776, George Washington assumed command of the Continental amy, crashed to sarth last night aa work men were beginning to remove limbs wWh had become a menace to the safety of the public. Despite ovary effort to sars K, the last spark of life faded from the agad tree last summer. Shorn of most of Ha tabs by the stems of 1(0 yean the solitary elm. on the roadway be side Cambridge common, has stood throughout the autumn with aa air of soUmii dignity awaiting Ha final dispaaaL When the ■aitmsn tugged too hard off limb, the an Atlanta, Out. ». -TV United is Dm only country that earn of peare to a jf J. * for the launched Into • of tho InUlWtual hlind and tho aflrttwl MMmm, thin uowiti a million and a half daltara to wo a prii# flfht, to mo hwnan bodiea pound each other, when th»y tok» Mi|M h »«li tWitfi, thon tlioro in tntolUrtna. blindneaa in thia country. Tho pa yarn' toll u« that M.OM pooplo >a« that prise flfht r» rontly. and 2S.MH mold not *et In, although thoy tor* and MntrM and| fought." ho "Bat «pirttual blindneaa la oran worse than intoilertual bHndneaa." ha continued. "A third of tho prrrfr) in thia country do not boiler* In M. Thoy helioee In tho mind. Thoy he ller* In aelonro. Bat I ■ ration which la not consecrated by love la tho wont thin* wo have In thi* country. "Intellectual leader* are over matinff roaaon and undowthnatiwg | tho hoart and win. (!mt »I1 thrir brain* and thoir tntollort fieri money," Mr. Bryan laid In rotinintlwg | the flfkt for prohibition, statin* I after tho amendment had boon od mmatltutWnal by tho court, thoao Men, thaae able, inteflee-1 tual lawyer*, triad to Jeatiey a b wark eiwrtod to snlbgnart the aw of a nation." Waahlngton, Oet Tf.—TV nation's imp of children naa mainly fiuw the fa i Ian no km than tha food nope, according-»« Dr. C. J. Galpin. In charge of farm population atodiea for the Ji lailywl of agriculture. akirfi aim«nn4 today tha Initiation of a program looking toward the develop ment of awwVm Inatttutions la rural communitiea. There are 7.700.000 rhfUfren under 10 yaara of a|« an fanu aa cum pared with R TOO.OOO in eitiee having an equivalent total population." Dr. Galpin aaya. Thua, tha burden of rapport in'- and I educating younr America fall* heavily ; on the farm population. After 10 year* of age, tha disparity diminishes mutually until the children reaches: 50 yeara of are whan the figure* he rin to ahow mora people of tha pro curing age in cWea than on farma "Wa therefor* have tha aituation where farmer* bear the eoat of raia nr and educating children and then deliver the ftntahed product to the citv." • "T>r. Galpin aayi thia condition la nf long standing. irrespective of other ■hifta from farm* to dtiea doe to eco. numie cauaea. The department la an raged In a nation-wide snrvey of the! essential factor* earning shifts of agricultural population and ia taking up the auhject of aiding rural dlatricta in the betterment of educational feci Mm. Walton Has Boon Suspend*! From Office Oklahoma City, OUa.. Oct. U — Governor J. C. Walton wan sasperd • ia as-fcsa l""Pl •n iHiiinianTO a»WwlU|J 1 J •nding in tha middle of a sentence. Rav. Ernest Calcott, paster of AH Soul* Unitarian church of which Dr. Statamats was an active mam bar. and Rot. W. A. Clark, former pastor, will •iffir lata at the funwral service Won •tey Amonff Mm mourner* will be LcRoy Htjrdm, una time iiitDn j hU lab or* tory uibtast to the Immlw hi* ton hy adoption. and Mi* Clara KtofaMwts of New York, • half (later nd only relative of Dr. Steliyati hi thia country Arriving in thia wmntry from Ger man jr year* a*n aa a poHtieal ref D|w—a mechanical engineer wHh if not 4he hirheet salaried »l»i-trteal •■xpert in the world. That it waa -Ma*iy by reputation. Imwe»-r. waa indicated today when frienda in a poei tion to know aaid the inventor'* eatate nrohahly would not exceed 125,000. if t reached that figure. Dr. Steinmeti it waa learned waa1 ■tot on the payroll of the Genoral Elec tric company, nor waa hia aahrry ever -«tmated. TV company huilt and maintained laboratariaa for Mm at the Schenectady work* and at Ma home, paid Ma expenae,—for experi menta. and 'or hia Irvm*—and the J invei tor aaked no more. Hia epaeiooa home waa maintained chiefly for Ma adopted ion and far-lily, the eon ear in (r for detaila of home upkeep and the aon'a wife exeeotinf the mieaion* of charity which the inventor directed. Children and child aretfare particu larly interested him and he often aid ed and eupported child welfare leiria lature and contributed to welfare' work in thia and other cMm -I New York Likely to Get Demo cratic Convention New York. Qrt. 20.—Cleveland has withdrawn as a contender for tbe next Democratic National Convention, according to John R. Young, secre tary of the committee which ia leek-1 int to bring the gathering to New York. Chicago withdrew several week* ago, Mr. Yoang said, declaring the two withdrawals appeared to leave this fity alone ia the field aa a contender. Chicago, he said, aban doned all hope when it was announc ed that New York intended to raiae a fund of at least $260,000 to enter tain the convention next —nr. Word recahred today from Cleve land. Mr. Young added, was that while that city waa confident it ceuld raise a fond to pay tto iijimii of the convention it had MM to relinquish its claim because It had been leaned that a majority of Makers af the National Democratic Ob—Mtiii had openly spoken 'in favor af Mew York. "1 am mora than willing and ma torn to tell you what tMa i mil) to and to raeahra both your adrfea art yo«r aaaiatanca, but T would no ■■■• ton yon tba detail* or idantltiaa av nui« that eome from aor nunfMlua in onter that yo® May proaaente eth er <-nana "Wy principal parpoaa, thereto**, in appearing before yon. If yon wM ontinaa to put ma (hat prMtagw will he to org* upon yon to aaate aa littla of your ttoia aa poaaiMe In tha proved rrtrm|MM and huffh >—I of the ran 1y of pint after MM ■frjala and to brine an todti tmnit to •a follow*: "T, Againat tha atate of Calarada for any aaamine la jielntiea that tw bida Hiiai minatioa of tha tnrift ahawt and in pro par eaaaa. It ia far hatter to prevent tha beginning of Ma. whaaa H la not MmI aa whan it ia m to ha hwparOad. than to taka that Mi by abortion after It haa once eeaa m<*nctd. "I. Tha pablir official* who think n»or* of dollar* than of babioa and refuee to obay tha law they have «wom to uphold by failure to Make ifflcient appropriation* to cany eat 'ha real. owntrwUw law* af tfcia .—The old family doctor, rising at all hour* of the night to admin^ter to the tick. training Hi the highway* and bjrwav* with HttW thought of Ma fart, coring wll Ola and alienating great luffuln. (till hears the trnmt of the battle against disease and death. You have the word of mirgeont at tending the clinical < wigiaaa of tha American College of Ourgai j. MM ■pecialiata ia their field, fcr that. Many tonight paid tribute to the aM time general piaciittoaei gotng aim his daily Hat of calls aad conaoitationa charging two or thrae dollars where upaciaKats charge fhnnaaniK bat atill as important a cog in the fight far life aa tha expert hi the operating Sir William de Canrcey Whaator of Dublin. Ireland, termed tha "old fami ly doctor- the "cream ot the lot," pay ing particular tribute to tha phfto clans of belaud for Mr work among the people, regardlma of political be liefs aad saying he faaad Mr eaat doctors at America.