Pupils Overflowing: Mount Airy Schools t Situation Creates a Problem g Early Solution . at Meant Airy they cm not 1 ft the moat out tf tktir i "Let me ahow yoatheiituation in thai to IS pupil* hot m (Mt art th* i for homing »pace that had boon placed in th* aialea, \ of the every available inch of with Mo. Sranl of to a dooen aon pupils in a room than cnM ho advantageoualy accommodated. la thla hallway a Ugh achool teacher waa a riaaa, down in the baao ia houaed th* conatrHal depart ment, and in another room of the haae went ia the rhooi leal laboratory and hi the chemical laboratory ia another dat room. Thoae ban aunt room will not he comfortable When winter! time aeta in and they will have to be j abandoned. The writer happened to notice a davenport in one of the hall-1 waya and waa told by the Buperinter deat that thia waa the only place he had to pot a pupil who happened to faint or get nick during achool hour*. The auditorium of the hl|h achool building aeata normally 22ft peraona. Th* achool haa enrolled 240 pupil*. Laat year there wera enrolled 22# pu pil* in the high achool and all the elaaa rooma went filled to rapacity. On you imagine how the condition ia to-, day with 157 grade pupila in the aame building* To accomodate the influx of pupila the library haa been torn! from it* room and ateewn around the, auditorium walla; the Superiaten- j dent'a office and the teachera* reat room thrown together for a rlaaa i even the little aix by aix foot) dreaaing rooma at each *ide of thai Mage have now become recitation j Mount Airy haa never had a I acience claa* room there 1*1 for It The Superintendent and the Principal lack decent office*, where they can keep recorda *o they My he readily ammlblo. The achool haa no gymnaahna, than L1 • L HAikiaMifliaAM U ammA I wnirn noininari»»m*»re nwiNw nouni1 Airy. 11m Southern Aaaociation «fj High Schoohi demai ahaII have I • wary and a reading room and In I the achool la defldec 215J Hurat explained that haa availahla from a we aoaae $40,000 with U.a—J a. ,..a M WWj HUCIW W VTWt aan NQI - H Airy"* adtoato to ton Mi Um Mwilifw that Mount Airy tow to offer in education. The town tou grown heyewd the corporate ttmita. so Much that probably 4MeMldm of achool age H|||| with hi • radio* of tknc ailo from tha town. The par anta of many of thaaa dHWrw work to Meant Airy and Mn to aaml their childr*n to town for tha srhaal term, that their children may torn tha ad vanUfta of tha lancer torn aai the superior instruction found Wee. Many of them are frank to any that their children who have attended school here for a term learned more than they did to the little ant —mm achooj houae not to the country dm Ilia two, three, or mere terma. They any that •team halted rooms, remfartabla deaks and aolleffr trained tiidun somehow hiring better reaolta than can he had to the country, with poor accommodation* tnd often poofiy pff. pared teacher*. But it ceeta mere to conduct such a achaol aa Mount Airy haa, and for thia reason parents of pupil* restimr outside of Mount Airy are required to pay tuition not alone for the *rtra three month* term to the town'a achm! hut al'o the ii'fer ence between the of schooling a pupil here and in the county acboois. By a careful comparison of coat it haa been found that to achool a pupil in the elementary fndea in Mooa* Airy for aix months coata $30.46, while in the rest of tha county it coats $7.43 leas. In the high school I grades It coata per pupil for six month* *62.81, while anywhere else in the county the eeat la S18.69 ieaa. Nevertheldaa acorea of parenta over the county, and more particularly on the outskirts of town, an be seeching the achool authoritiea hare to take their children into our aehools at any price. Of course in aome instance*, and particularly in the high achool the county pays the larger portion of the tuition of these outside pupils for a six months term. But in no event is the town of Mount Airy out a cent for tuition or for accommodations for such outside pupila As may be attend ing the aehools here, save only for the achool building which houses them. And right here we rub elbows again with the grant achool problem can fronting tha towT.. With Mount Airy'* achooU already crowded to the banting point, with N outside pupil* in the high school and 160 to the trade* and Superinten dent Hunt refuting adit—ion to country children daily what will Mount Airy bmtoaaa men and taxpayer* 4a about it. 8 out tote* a problem In trllicently and fairtr itetod i* half solved. Thi* la a matter for the earn est conaideration of the rariooa ctoha of the town; for a catiaiiewtleit free from boat, narrowneaa or prejudice. The Near* repreaeatative pat thia pro blem up to ann of our tewnaaaoa. Here la what they aay: Profeaaor Hunt, Superintendent of Mount Airy aehooia. aaid: -The only thinir to 4a la to buy |m*4 and anal a modem kith achoal buildtot to ae mt mm. It ia mm f«r»M fiuilii Mm a# the "I consider tl| ft crime Id rpfiiM any child m tloti. Mm; spent hv Mown*. Airy [ eitisfM it pifliklifH bctttf dationa for the children will be i well htoM. W# moat bMtir selves iMMdUi'iy to MM for *| bigger tad batter town." J—iaa Lovill, B»e»tx" of tha School | Board, wid: "I have tha t fi denes in the ability of Prof* ha ia rigfct The the high school ran at over for only a year or aoch If Hoiat Airy ia to glow (and it i (trow), wa nut provide Bare follow, what kmh of Mount Airy* neighboring town* are doing j to nut their school bowing pro-] Mem*. Reidaville. with a tunaller nut ber of teacher* than Moant Airy, is | now potting over a bond iasue of| 1260,000. Hickory ia making a tttt. 00* addition to their high *ehMl.| Morganton ia in the midat of a $200, 000 program. Kinston ia erecting 11, 0WJ00 worth of achoal building*. Newton baa Juat completed a lltt< 000 h|gb school. It eaata money to rdocate children, bat it coats infinitely mare to allow them to grow up in ignoraace. WOI Meant Airy rise to meat the obliga tion and the opportunity, or will It trail along behind the advancing age? Citiiena of Mount Airy are invited to viait their achool building* and *oe for themaehrca whether rondittoi there jMtify the sUtemeaU made in | this article. Olin Joom Dim, at HU Hom in WiMlMi Winxton-Salem, Oct. SI.—Olin W. Jane* >f«d 69 years, on* of the beet krown citizens of Winston-Salem, died suddenly in the yard at hia liowi 114 North Green street, thU morning at about 10 o'clock. He was engaged in moving some srood when the sod den sunmons came. Death is said to have been caused by an attack of ipoplexy. Mr. Jones was known throughout North Carolina and parts of other states as a successful real estate auctioneer. Cbat's Murclaret- Haunted by Bad Draama Berlin, Oct. 31.—The leader of the band which murdered the late esar of Kossia and his family la at present in Berlin, according to the Lakal An teiger. The man fc under medical treatment in a nursing heaae suffer ing from hallucinations which have haanted him since the day at tW The soviet embassy ia Baffin, which hi said to be looking after the man. has pruvidad him srfth money and fit If a person in goad health, but who Im|IhI himself sfek should send far yan, what woald yam WnjOWS TALK TO K HCAMD ALL OVU LAUD loned In the yard of the "1" itml how*. AaipUfM by thu apparattu it irill be mrlal on telephone wirea to the WCAP btoadcaating station bm m4 or another art of win* to tha WKAF station la New York, where K will be MpUflM apin before be in* broadcast on a different ware ba«th from that wed by WCAP. Tbia mrsaage by Nr. Wiiaoa wilt be qette apart fraai any ha nay de Mhrer to the iiuwite that will auka • third visit to Ma haM an Armis tice day. Anawgeatenia far tbia 4am •Nl mUm by a hy •on, of the federal trade Mr. Ants Owner who Mat in bis dollar fifty to for Having bis toU rcfiMtrad n Ikitvti cwild not itnl it, is likely to bar* a (lorioa time gut ting Ma dollar refunded. The papers last woek announced that a rutin# of the Attorney General waa to the ef fect that a dollar of toe fee collected woo Id be returned, as the Secretary of State had ao right under the atotote to collect but M renta. Since that announcement the daily paper* report that the whole nutter ia to be re viewed in the state Supreme Court, and thia will mean that the dollar refund will he sometime showing up. PoUoering is an explanation of the muddled affair. Kaleigh, Oct. M.—Teat case of the automobile title registration law by which Secretary W. N. Everett may be safe from prosecution for faflura to uaa the groat seal of the state, was being planned this afternoon by Sen ator Charles U. Harris ao that an agreed case may go up immediately to the Supreme court. Attorney General Manning's letter riven out last night from hia office reversed an earlier ruling as to the H.BO itgiatration foe. In that letter the state's counsel holds that the seal of the state is not required by the ntatute, but a special seal for this work. He therefore advises 'hat the registration fees he reduced to 50 cents and that the dollar excess paid by 7<r,000-odd automobile owners, be returned. However, the secretary of state will not send this money back until the Suprmne court has interpreted the law. Senator Harris, who always thought the rsgtotrotloa foe waa meant to be M cents, b getting Manly Pennington, owner of a ear, te make the teat case. There wfll bo no dispute whatever aa to the facte. Mr. Harris wfll than cany the matter hsfses the wart, argue the law and the fhete and sak tor a Judgment. Should the court then hold that the $1 extra Is illegal all msneys collected above the M rente, will be returned. in rural fall. They m on to wll every kM of I M of tkte. Dr. EUgor. kw written • latter to all the fiaM work er* of tha State College and Depart mont aaklnf tlaa fluenc* in tha right way 1 their cooperative farmer* ra chase of aeeeeaary wpyliw ai mont and ia tha mc of i far tha pnwhaee of ( will add to tka comforts of tha fa home, to pay back Mb and to prove pandit to na for batter farming j •text year. Indications ara that thara U a reg ular oaptifn on to gat as much of ha farmers' money ai possible thru the nae of agent cany—m. G4 ■rally, it ia found bjr worfcem of the Extension service (hat such thing* as ha farmer will need for his farm "ind home equipment or for his venience and hame beautjficatior can be purchased beat through the regular channels rather than from same trar. cling agent or canvaaaer. The buai neas men of the homt town are those who pay the taxes, support tha public institutions, advertiae ia the news papers, and keep things going in the home community. The integrity of 'hese men ia known. An unaatiafae tory article may he i«turned to them and settlement made; hot, with the canvassers owe* he gets the money —tha fanner may or may not got the article purchased, or he may or may not he satisfied with it should He get it. "Let the traveling agent alone. Purchase from your hoaM merchants ind invest your fbrplus money wiae ty.' is a warning Dr. Eilgore issues ■it this time. Heretofore President CmlU— >»| not bom a church meaabei been recently received in | by the First Congnfalioiii] church j of a ed since he first willed on Ms i of vice-president. The Natienal Coun-j cil of Congregational churches, in* at Springfield, Mass., elected thej prwltt honorary Moderator. Dr. J. N. Pierce, pastor of the Washington church, asked Mr. Ceolldge's per mission to enroll him aa a nihir ai the church without the enstaMary for mality of baptism The prssids ceptod the invitation and Us was entered on the rails of the The August (, the Mr. CssW|i first attandad the i sftor r $10,000 F«r PmKt Br Gi Va^ Oct. M.—The ad aC the esUto of tha lata tev. K. ». Ptercs, of Cwahsrlaa 1. who was shat aad IdUed la his siwn >ari la Jane last by ft. O. Garratl. aad 1 0. Oaiiett. haa rataiaad fttrhssd B.| STATE miaaian. the mjm year ia S14M. Ortr twry iqaara mile ef Untlw; in the atata, if the atata war* to ha apportioned eff ta to would ba foor An an*war t the implajaHul tion in North by tha two yarn whan tha lobar m|lw to a terra extent baan utilised hi 1 huildmr At tha ara 1M00 an ion throughout North Thaoch the licanaa tax hi < in* hi tha itita tha preaewt *r way. It hi maximum ipead hi i nmylitlag ra Durin* tha BMOths June. July Aofwt, 80 aflat of hard ich month, la an ara raft of two mi la* of top and aaad Hay raada naphtad a day ao that tha approxiaurte average of caaxpialad n tha public ta uaa haa baan 14* mllaa a month. Raada naphttd ara bttm kept ap by tha atate which haa a organized maintenance aj hikhwaya arc iaaparted by at regular interval* aad placaa na«d ra pairing ara eared for at a Tha maiatrnanrt lyatfix, which bam onranixad from tha ttoa tha 1 ayatam of buildinc raada tin rami fective. ia counted aa ana of tha important diriaioae of tha i ind ia perforata* a work. Washington. Oct. 28.—The United State* submarine O-S wan tank In Limond Bay. Canal tone after a col lision early today with the United Fruit company** vessel Aban*area the nary department waa notified by radio. Five member* of the aoh«o rine's i few were reported miaaing. The Ahangam was undamaged, h the belief that the fire men missing went down with the sabmarina. dliaaa immediately began efforts to utoiW their bodies. At the tiaM of the accident. ottt rials familiar with operatiena hi can al water* said the tropical an wnU have been well ay and it was impoah able that a oolliaion woo Id have ocent red in the perfectly charted boy ante

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