Walton Is By Senate TM articles or Mpwcinnni were AM by the lower home of the state legislature, which leu than two ■mtha ago the executive had di» >imd by Military force. By the reasoval of Governor Waltoa, Lieutenant Governor M. E. Trapp be came governor. Trapp has been lieu tenant governor during two foar year ate iaiatrations and has been acting governor since October O when the beoate suspended Govemar W ilton after the filing of the in paachasent charges. ■laodhaun4 Kaow. TKa Htn. What Am Newton, Nov. It.—Newton's faatoos bloodhound has added another score to Ms long string of roceaaaas in trailing criminals and giving oArers rotivincing testimony of guilt, though in this eaas ua way is open to uae the testimony hi eaart la Mountain Croak township, Fri day night about 8:S0 o'clock Charles Howard heard a noise at his Mat house, and on la»eatlg>lhai found that a big freak law was ssiaaing. Ha wsat ta a nearby store and phonsd to Chief of PaUoe Tow Gabriel, who had baaa Ua naigbbor before canine Newton, to bring dawn Ma biaad haaad. The ikM arrived wltb Ms 4a| abowt 11 o'clock. The dag picked <9 the trail and soon tand the has which had been hid la the woods PiM that point ha taak ap the trail and lad the sasa daae ta a in—bar of <*wWi. Kir. 17.—The old Bat t.17 Mi hotel » as MM. rtr* tton of the groat fear-story MUHif shovels havs eaten into the ritala of the little Boon tain, aid aattlad to showers alaog Pstton an*M and te haa paaaad the beauty spot of Aahft rille will be brought to the level of a ao« Battory firk hotel meted out will bo created and a new hotel haBl thara ar> May old etttoaaa of Asha Villo who aaoara tho pailtog of tho old Battery Pack aad the kill upon which it stead. for It was the Bat * W«».1 wM^aAsaW w ^ wry nil oowi wnacB fi?c rvgti vntertainment to thoaaaadi of riai tora who caat to thia aacttoa 20. M aad M yoara ago. Presidents ad the United Stetea Wllaon and dignitaries of tha oacc tho British Ialaa hi day* that a«a rone, stood upon tho broad 'i iraaiai of that hotel which toaight paaaed out aad auurvaled at the grandeur aad beauty of that western view. times ^tUrd "Lover's Ute," where tho late George W. Vanderbflt staod W odd years ago aad caught a glimpse of a lone pine tree away out near the foot of Piagah aad which liter became t-Ki* iftUt of Biltmore house, the auat faasoaa private aatate to tho country and today tho hoaso of Mrs. Edith VaadefMH, president of tho North Carolina Agricultural as sociation. ' u was u> im Miury rant mui that Grover Cleveland a* President of the United States brought his bride, who wa» Ka Poiaom. now Mrs. Pres ton. It waa also at the Battery Park where Adlai K. Stevenson, while vice president of the United SUtes, spoilt auch of his time and where his in valid daughter recuperated. Wife Usee Shotgun to Keep Hasbaad Beaufort. Nov. 11.—As • result of not obeying hia wifs's inatrurtinas to stay at hows, Prank Congleton, a young white Man who Uvea here, received a had shotgun wound in Ms right thigh. Mrs. Ceagieton alleges that whoa her huebead got into his ear and started to leave house she ft red at the tiro and bit bar baabsnd Be saa taina her In the statoaseat. BaMgh. Nov. 1ft.—Dr. L. B. Me Brayse, supsrintendent of Mate aani at Baeford, N. C_ whore an Tueaday be plead guilty to rbargse of trading with hiasaalf in conducting the affhhrs ed fate Mount Airy with • brand new the local i look lik» war ywfl>i»ii. And they Ml hard. Such glitter ing uiipsitaalllaa naa to a family on'y mm ta a lifa time. Tka good d an far ami »•.<* hubk. far themaehres and Jl tka kMa. Yea, all ta ba til ad to arrive I faw days be trial of' J. J. Dickaon, ■rkft irr*itA<i - .■ wWW ••aVWI City about thre« weak* of obtaining in both and Jobnaon City and who la now be in* bald in tka county jail at Jonoe inf, afternoon from J. Venable. secretary of tba Retail K chants Aaaociation of that place It baa becoase known tn utkar sections of tka country. Mr. Venable said that ■May complaint* against Dickaon had bean received and that warraata had b<M taken out in two other placai Federal poatoffiea authorities at Washington have wired the authori ties at Jonesbora to hold Dickaon fur them an a charge of using the mail to defraud. Warrants hare also been issued for Dickaon by people in bath Clinton. N. C., and Spencer. N. C.. on charges of defrauding. It la charged that in theae placaa that a man who signed the receipts given them aa J. J. Dickaon waa selling goods for the High Grade Silk Hosiery Mills of Patterson, N. J. In Briatol and John, wn City receipts were aigned by J. J. Dickaon, representing the Better Knit Mills of Salisbury. N. C. Mr. Venable oaid, that he had re ceived a wire from a man at Marion, N. C„ who claimed to hold • first mortgage on the car which waa in possession of Dickaon when ha waa ar raatad. Mr. Venable announced that the car would he sold at auction in Johnaon City in about tan day* to ant' isfy part of the Issass sustained by the Johnaon City people. He ad i lee J that Bristol people who bought bene from Dickaon communicate with the Retail Merchants Aaaociation In City so that they Might ate take st«ps ta prosecute him ^nd get their Gat IM-CaBm MflL Eikia. Nov. 19.—Dapaty Marahai u G. Bryant la compaajr «M J. JL Cook and Mr. Grtfory, dapaty Ml of Yadkin coanty, capturad a (Matfltery, ope ratine h full Maat, ta tha Bruahy mountain* ftra miWa aoutk at Wan of tha Highianda Orchards eo*paay. thraa mm bain* afchtad ky tha «• aara aa thay approachad. bat thoy bruah, bot"not tao qnickty far tha ■harp ayaa of. tha oAeaaa to racognlaa «* »>**»• ,'a A 100-gaUoti faaUar «u tni.di| U. S. May HWjr t of M The fact that provide tor the starving Gi *r CooHdge and by Secretary Hughes tat the siae of the toad to bo provided and the question whether there should bo aa on right gift or a loan had not A loan will have to be approved by Congress and it is presumed Presi dent Coolid«e will make his recom ition for German relief in his Stops have already to interest the various fana organisations in the support of German relief. There to doub be obtained for a loan of this for the feeding of Germany. Ito senators and representatives of agri cultural states would be for it. And Republicans generally would support it because of their anxiety over politi cal conditions in the farm states with the prices of food products failing. The administration has been facing for some time the problem of what to do for the relief of the fi Various measures have been propos ed that would involve the govern ment's buying surplus farm products and disponing of thorn as it could at • loos. TWe trouble with sll of thooo schemes was that they would estab lish a precedent that the American farmer coald regularly look to the government for relief. This plan of a 1150,000,00# loan to Gonaany the advantage of not establishing precedent It to done for tariaa reaoons and to play into the hands of tko beans It is not diecloeod whether the use of the war srssttrs.tss GROWING OUT OF VILLAGE CLASS tort 1, of North Carolina, toltowinf the yr» viooa MtiM of the Praaidaat of Um United States, te his of November «, ttSS. do I ». IMS. aa Thanluftetef in tWi the day by «Mn« Uod far His away mmtk— mm to *• 9-9* •* Mm of tMs state aad In the the pupil of i day to the orphan, and the weak and thro of every claaa by mm act ot for May 1 Dm in the ehy of Rateirh oa this the 16th day of November, in the year of aw Lord, m tbana—d nine hundred aad hmty-tkna, aad in the and forthy a%hth yoai (SUmed) "CAMERON MORRISON. Raleigh, Nov. 17.—Tarn Bowie', lost province railroad will got an early Supreme court teat if Governor Mor rihob's letter tonight to Attorney Gen eral Manning gats quick action. Gov. '•rnor Morrison has written Judg* Manning aaking him to "bring before the Supreme court the question of tlx constitutionality of the act of the las) (teneral assembly authorising tlx building, or taking stock in the build ing of certain railroads mentioned ii chapter 116, page 239, of the public laws of 1929 known as the Bowie act.' The governor says the "general un derstanding was that the question of the constitutionality of this act wai to he submitted to the Supreme coun before any effort was made to bulk or take stock in the building of tlx roads mentioned, hot under the an large sums of money are now beini expended for surveys, engineeriai studies, etc." "I do not think the money ought to he expended until the court hai said this law is valid and constitu tional, and I hope you will take prompt si-lion in having the courts determine whether or not the tmnsuiu of tha state should continue to pay out money under this act for any purpoas I think tha constitutionality at tfcil set in every part Is a moot sortom if tha stale to make payments under it longer a H heat a judgment of mm Supreme court upholding It" Ordinarily Ike attorney general *1 > pinion fc state tew until the eeuits set, hut maslfeotly tha Ant iaeus raised will he In tha eonrt af finality. practically o«t of the TW Bomptetien by tW I surfacing of sooth Mmk Ararat mn, lurtliii with tW by the «tat4 of the tbttdi of i the granite Quarry am Cherry i and thai ^ockford street to tkl bridge over LoriU'n creak on the Dofc «on rend completes the Ant cycle *i improvfint contemplated by the town authorities In the iprint Main and Bockford streets will receive a resurfacing coat of Kentucky asphalt, according to Mayor Weat. A ad it to likely that Franklin will alao haw attention at the —we tiese. Six principal highways enter Moot Airy. Fna the weat the Lowgap and Dohaon; from the north. Ward's Cap and Fancy Gap; from the east the Patrick road and from the the Westfield road. With the exception of the Fancy Gap mad, every one of theae highways upooj entering town terminatoa In a pave#|[ This fact not only givee a it invites the continued patronage of farmers with their track kutds of welcome produce. As a market cantor Mount Airy has hitherto been bat a lusty infant compared with the op en rt unities and nscsssHiss told OfM her by virtue of the coming of roads, good streets and the track. Wide awake merchants of the town are planning to asake of tike town one of the liveat market center* to North Caroltaa. street.

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