SURRY PRODUCT GOES TQ EVERY! LARGE OTY IN LAND The Leaf That Made Lowgap Famous b Shipped Out by Thousands of Cues .„■! __ I Small Villa*. 14 MiUe From Railroad Hu IM«m IimIw try and Manufacturing Plant Lowrap in tha western part of this county U only a wide place in Utr road. Nat one person in (In who reads theaa lines erer hear** of the place. And jret Lowgap is se well known- that a mkbffM from Liverpool, Enrland, addresaed limply to Low rap, N. C. will not be delayed one minute in r<-aoning us destination. rrorn New York the hnm|» will be wind into Gala, Vs., and from there Mnt over • private phone line to Lowgap. Every city in the United Statea and Canada large enough to hare a flor i(t i* now doing business or hM at ao«e time done baaineaa with the firm -of W. M. WoodrufTi Son and Com pony which firm la in a word Lowfap. This village, SO mile* weat of Mt. Airy, Irnli of one of the moat unique hi the ueaati j, and the of Ha kind hi the world, lo la wad* to the gathering, kl to Mm florist of decorative greens, audi bavea, fancy and laurel, oak sprays, to thia atate hot in adjoin- j Not only doea Low gar • product* In their nator but H has a large niantifart folia gee of all aorta are dyed and pussnsd ao that their life of usefulness la prolonged indefin itely. ft will be inteftating to our rn It« to know that thia Lowgap i fc tka only oae in the' the galas leaf. TUa village and ha unique indoatry la tka raaoH of the genius and untir _ . of one man—T. M. Weod i raff. Twenty five years ago ha waa a country merchant with a atom at by himaelf and I Ho waa a aort of original renins and to find ao«o way far the to hie vicinity to add living. going to New Tork to' i Woodruff would take of galas leavea or a noes. One day ha i pad to to see a florist an Fifth Ave nue and showed him some of the loovea. The florist immediately came alive, stating that thoae leavea wore just what he had been looking tor to MMke the foundation for funeral analhn. Bo pm Woodruff an or dor. Too, »ir, bo would pay real money for than. T. N.—as he ia known over • doxon gtetoe—T. N. went oat of that flarlafu aKop walk in* on air. At laat Wa dream of an induatry that would halp to hay hi* mountaineer aocnc of the neceaaltiea of Ufa waa a reality. Ha weot back to Lowgap and aet a h—eh of women to pulling fa lax lira and tie In* then up in uniform hanrhn, 28 laaraa ta a bunch. Whan the law ma weye ready he hired an ox tool to haul than 90 mile* to Mount Airy, whanee thry vent by expraaa to tha Maw York floriet. After an In taiwtaable wait the cheek in payment waa Meahred. bat the day the Ml raau a new industry waa horn, not only for tha country surrounding Law gap Wt far the entire Blaa Mice ■MMtaina ftoai Klbler, Va., to Blaek Mil—lala, N. C. An area of thla maoMUta aauatry tan mltea wMa by 71 mOaa long waa Morally carpeted that there waa a atlWt far gator laaaaa, nimnlHlmi ataev. For a laag mm and m time T. N. Woodruff rami to bt known m the "Galax King." Last week there waa filed in Dob son for tho firm of W. M. WoodrufTa Caa A ci mm naaiM o# MoiMMkoa N)B ■ i ovnptny p*p**rn 01 inrorpora tion, the form of tho organization be ing what la called an Bspreaa Trust or common lav coaipany. It ia the firvt paper of Ha kind rear filed with the register in this county. The paid up capital stock is $40,009. The offieora are T. M. Woodruff, President, and M. C. Roodaon, Secre tary-Treasurer. while H. A. Alderman, P. G. Lowe and W. E. Woodruff to gether with the officers compose the hoard of trustees. The company ia a closed one and there ia no stock for sale. Last year there waa gathered and shipped hy the Lowgap organization over 5000 cases of galas leaves alone, besides vast amounta of other Yreena. As each caaa oontalna 10,000 indivi dual leaves this represents over 60, 000,000 of the beautiful heart-shaped Icavea that went oat from the village, or from WoodrufTa several ware ho as as. The company now owns Ha cold storage warehouse hi Gala*. Va. hciiidi htvinf • itortff wtrebooMj for leucothoe In OM Fort, N. C. and another for fancy ferna in Johnson City, Tena. The bwteaaa has grown to such an extent that poaaMy 1600 people are supported hi whole er tn part by Ha various aetMtiea. Sev eral country storea, many of than owned by the company, act as eoOaet ing pointa for the aaaemhHng of the tiooua gathered by the scorea of men and women who work for the moat part on a "piece" baaia. The company alao haa man in Florida and Go ifgie gathering magnolia leavea, coon tic ferna and amQax. At Lowgop it situated a largt 4pt *n» penv*uatfrt|r plant for the p-» of Mtiiw of nrltM aorta. The staff to be perpetuated it placed in • vat of water heated by lh» steals, tha ijre h pat In thi nt nd the fol iagaa allowed to eook and take the coloring: nutter far a white. Then the dyed green* «n pat into preserv ing: vat*, filled arith a cheepical that render* them bomune to discoloration, decay or damage from weather or other natural ageMy. That is they are perpetuated. A large force of women are employed at thla plant in hunching, tieinc and pocking the pre pared foliage for the flnttet market. Thia la the oaly plant gi the world perpetuating the galax leaf. 'Woodruff spent a couple thaosand dollars pxperiasenting before he An ally learned how to perpetuate the delicate gal ax loaf. Enough featoon ini u mane ny uiis concern annually to string a line at It from Lowptp to; Greensboro. The company ha* a! number of festooning machines that irrind out theae beautiful decoration* by the thousands at yard*. Panml wreathe* arc made by several expert wreath-maker* ta the village from prepared magnolia and oak leave*. Everything fat the decorative line la handled by tMa organisation. And just now Lowgap la hi a nab taking J "are of Christmas qrdera. These order* literally come from every large town and city hi the rem. try. many of them by viva. The flor ist buainee* la a rash business in it* nature. The company own* tU ] wire from Galas to Lewgap and i tain* a number of truck* to calbet the rarioui green* and rush th*m to the Mpreaa offices. Hometimee b a single day u|»mi shipments will _ forward from Galax, Mount Airy, B kin. OM rcrt. and Johnson City. Tenn., besides ship. snU from one or tw» in other etatea. Moreover, the The next time yea attend a I leak doeely and yea will eee from galas leaves, the that village Readers rf this ■ay ehanee to meter toj wfll be tntoreetad la * to eap'ahi toj visitors all about the < t mno the tonmiUs tar dyeing anil M STILLS CAFTUKD IN STATE rrfml Atnti hM Ufl GmUmmm •r NWtl Mtf 14 can ami OtWr Pi MM I j , bition ipnU operating m Nartk Ca rolina captured M (till* in November, xmidlnf to A. fe Goltrane, director. Quite a quantity mt liquor and ito ingredients waa dumped. A total of 2.MM gallon* of spirit*. 107374 ral Ion* of malt Hquorm, 590 gallons of win* and M gallon* of mash wei* poured out. Approximatrly 700 fer montoni «m aaised. Fourteen auto mobile* war* captured while haulm* liquor and confiscated. Forty-nine ar rest* were effected by the federal mrncwa. Value ef automobile* seised wa* put at $6.1 &l. Total appraised value of property seised and destroyed was estimated at IS4.2M, while the value of property seised and not destroyed was 96.1MJ0. Amount of proceeds of sale of seised property turned over to the United State* treasury was $2,280 while the amount of expanse* incurred incident to seizure and sale was $4I&J8. Other property seised included 1, 160 pounds of sugar and one pair of mule*. The above totals are slightly lea* than thoee of the three preceding months. TMs waa probably due to the fact that quite a number of fad •ral areata operatinr In this it its a ere sent to) Pennsylvania for a spec ial anti-rum campaign. OM Negro of VbfMi Acta Am Him On MliH) A|tM Washington Dk. i—Trtfilc hi front of Um Whit* House m ■top ped today by mi aged, white haired negro who waved dawn ■■timbilea with a cane. "I'm the only nafru who mt look ptninMM to the WUto Hooaa." ha shouted after he had brought a loaf line of ears to a stoadatfll. "Too aak thoae boy» who uaad to ride the pon iaa, referring to the Roosevelt youn5 etoni.)" The old negro, a Virginian, who ha* supplied the favorite negro fruit for the White House for year*, baa Just delivered a consignment for Praaident Cool id** and had derided to take the natter of publicity into his own hands. 16 Perish in Fierce Gate Off Pacific Coast Seattle, Dee. 7.—Sixteen person* art believed to hare perished as the result of a 24-mile an hour gale which •wept the northwest coast territory Wednesday night and early yester day. causing great property damage, crippling communication facilities and inundating portions of Moquiam and Aberdeen. Washington, and Warren ten, Oregon. Fifteen persons ate believed to have been drowned whan the steamer T, W. Lake sank fa) Rosario Strait be tween Beat and Fidalgo Islands, near Anacoftes. Poor bodies, three of them identified, have been recovered. One of the bodies is said to be that of Captain E. E. Mas in, of Tacoau. "LOST PROVINCE" RAILROAD CAN BE CONSTRUCTED Saya Prank MilUr, h|hiiir, ality is AaeurW. Greenoboro, Dec. 11.—Ta* C. Bow minion, in Greensboro last night aft er a msating of the •■■laliiina in Raleigh yesterday insi»n'< that At. torney General Manning had fadkMM «d the commission that the** waa no queation aa to the cenattall lnalHj of the IfiMM appropriation far pre liminary survey* and that he woald Hhoitly deliver aa opinion to that ef fect At the mm time Prank T. Miller, engineer for the commission, made public a rapart submitted yealatday to the affect that the preliminary sar veya tor the | tf ml railroad had rone far enough soar to eatahliah de finitely the fact that at least two and probably throe feasible and jraetir aMe Hnea had bean ran by the engin eers. On any one of the throe Hnea, Mr. Miller thinks, a railroad coold he built within the limit of trade and curvature laid down by the eommia ■ion. Nr. Bom mm tut U»e attorney general had not Informed Governor Morrison, who wna not at the meet ing, of hi* ostein of the constitn tkmality of the tMjMO appropriation, hut that he wnU do ao either Satur day night or Monday. "The attorney general told the eon minaioa that tt was Ua optek|> that | he appropriation waa constitutional and that ha would instruct the atate treaaurer to honor the raw Kara against this fund," aaid Mr. Bowie. This opinion of Attorney General Manning, Mr Bowie aaid, did not tooeh the larger matter, of the bonds for the pupossd railroad. That Mat ter has net yet mm np. Governor Morrison recently wvo6s the attorney genernl expressing donht m to the const nationality of the plans and asking far an opinion. In a report sobmittod to the eem mission yesterday Mr. Miller, the engineer. Mid that his engineers had femd feasible lines for a railroad alone tow route* and had reach ad • paint on a third where they thought they ware going to find still another feasible Une. The first is on the line tram North Wllhi shsrs to Mania In City, Tenn., hy way of West Jsffsieon. Fuss North Wilkes ho ro to Big fey church, shout If miles. has not bora t«n. But fran Big Iry churrh to Dentals gap, IT asitoa. from Daniels gap to West Mhnsi II nlhs from Waal Jsfforaan to the month of Big Lnurnl creek, M mflss, from the month of Big Lanrul ersofc tU^frmaaaaM tol rfVtnBae.'St! haa'beoa*nL to wttfcfa mvh milee of Mountain City on l Maximum grade of mm ami a half par cant, rompenaatad against weat bound traffic and w par cant compenaatad against aaat bound traf fk aad with a »astpu» ewrr^taw 'I MMe Aad prtcticlc Um. Mny put* of It have shown a Milan of fhre-tentha of one par eeot grads Tha aac<^d7ul i> from Elk in to Mountain City by way of Bparta aad Jefferaan. Han It la pro pa aad to uac tha Elkin and A'ieghany right of way from Elkin to Doiwhtoa, roughly about 17 miles. Tha Una from Dough ton to Stone Mountain has not been surveyed bat a roconnoiter has shown, said Mr. Millar, that It is feasible; the distance is about sis miles. From he foot of Stone Moontain to the top of the Blue Bide* to the top of Peach Bottom mountain by way of White head and Thompson's mill, 17 milea, has been ran. Prom ihen to tha mouth of Cranberry erode on New river la under sarvey now bat suffi cient information has already been obtained, Mr. Miller said, to show that H la practicable. The Itate up New River from the mouth of Cranberry creek to the month of Naked creek la retarded aa not difficult; it 1* 22 milea from Peach Bottom mountain to Um mouth of Naked creek. The line from tha mouth ef Naked creek has been run. Are miles, to a inaction near Jeffer son with the Daniels nap Mountain City line. This comprises a through line from Elkin to Mountain City, Tena. Tne third rout? la IiKww Nortk Wilkenboro and Butler, Twl, by way (rflNM. About IS aulea from Nortk Wilkaeboro on Fall riw at the hear of Ben Triplett the wflaMn struck the foot of tlw Blue Ridge. Fraat there to the top of the Blue Eidga at Deep cap a feasible Um baa been IM, It 1-t railea, and fraai Deep gap to Hodge* gap, at Boone, 14 atOea. Thia gtrea a total of M 1-t aiik* of cow plated line. Thia party waa tix wotki lite in itaitfag end ia not ao far along a* the ether two bat a reconuaiaaaar baa taitaatil aeeordinc to Mr. Millet, that a Mae fna Hedge* gap throa^fe the Waftaaga river valley aad a or go far. COOLIDGE FOR WORLD COURT— AGAINST SOLDIER BONUS —; — In His First Address to Congress New Pres ident Outlines His Policies [ * • .V P.y. Clowmf Trikoto To PaB •a Lmdmr mmi With SU*kt Shiftiag of Out lines Continuation mt Hard* I tng Policy . Walhinirton. Dec. l-Pmltat Cool id** iddrmwj Congress Iton dty for the fimt time linn he hwanu chief eiKTrtiri. On the floor of the ho—e ttaetf the crash was so great that member* com plained they were unable to gat \he ■eat* to which they acre entitled. House officer were directed to clear the floor just before the President'* arrival, of person* not entitled to ad ■tesiew Mrs. CooMdge sat in the executive gallery. She had arrived before the houee sassrablsd at aeon, and receiv ed an ovation from the floor and gal leriea. The chief executive spoke slowly and deliberately without effort at ora tory. The. first applause came when he said the United States saw no rea son to limit ita own freedom and in dependence of action by joining the league of nationa. There was scattering applauae as Mr. Coolidge declared for the world court, but with reservations. A dec laration against recognition of the Ruaaian soviet government bi ought further manifestations of approval aa did the Praaidants* announcement that he did not favor cancellation of the foreign war debt and hia announce ment of Ma unqualified approval of I the Mellon tax program. the Nation hti lost PmklMt Harding. The world knew his kindness and his humanity, hU pMtMM and his char after. Ha has left hi* mark upon his. tory. He has made justice move eer passing tribute paid to his memory to rttt at last at home rsraalad the place be held in the hearts of the American people. . Bet this is net the occasion for extended reference to the man or hi* work. Tn this presence among those who knew and loved him. that is unnecessary. Bat we who were associated with him could not resume together the functions of our office without pausing for a mo ment, and in his m—intf reconsecrat ing ourselves to the service of oar country. He is gone. We remain. It is oar duty, under the inspiration of his example, to take up the burdens which he was permitted to lay down, and to develop and support the wiae principles of government which he re presented. * Following is s condensed statement of the fist of the President's recom mendations to Ceegress— Our count! > has one cardinal prin cipal to maintain in its foreign policy We attend to oar own affairs, con serve oar «wn strength, and protect the interest <4 oar own citisen*; bat we reeognisa thoroughly oar obliga tion to help others, reserving to the decision of our own Judgment the time, the place and the method. Pending before the Rente la a pro posal that this Government give ha support to the Penaanent Court of International Justice. I comawad It to the favorable consideration of the Senate, with the prspssid reserva tion* dearly indicating ear refusal :•> cdhere to the League of Natisem. Russia presents notable dlfflsallies j Our Government 4m not peupsas,) ■area Ik law, hot lot it ha taw* thai ha la appaaatf toit» .iolalioa I *■ iMiliia< that oar praaaataa»> nooUc and aacial conditiona ««mat a limitation of thoae (—ijjili) %a ha aihailtad. Wa nhootd ftod aii tional safety in a law va<iuiriaf tfca m mad lata refUtiation of all aliCM. I do not favor the tranUag af a Sanaa. Thr supply at coal moat ba con stant. In eaae of Ha piuapactlto tarraptioa the Piaaid—t ahoold km authority to appoint a uinnalaatOM r m powered to deal with ahatowt emergency situation nifbt ariaa. No > o«np kate<i ichc*i- of ralM, no piaa for g > .unit fixin* af will be of any permanent value to establishing airriculture. Bin pie and direct mstheds pat into apseaitlaa kf the fanner himself are the only raal The taxes of the Nation which U arrent in oar fiscal | la the abolition of the ri(kt to imm tax-exempt ■aaailUaa. The piumil tariff law haa ana pliahed ita two main objects. It haa productive of an abounding pi uapaei ty. Under it the country haa had a rery lanre export and import trade, fc conatant revision of the tariff by the Congress is disturbing and haito fuL Our Government during the war ac quired a large merchant fleet, ethk ihould be lianafined a* > [hie, to private < ft* the role of making a (railroad) rata that will yield a fair return. It maat abandon rate making ike gather. TW law for raassHdatiowi la not safB riently effective to be n pod Kb as. Ad. litkmal legislation is needed gtvtaff authority far voluntary i tath regional and roota, and | (fOveiimifnt machinery to aid and l mutate such sctietL The world had had enough of the of hatred and setfiahneaa, K Iw y ial power. Far the healing of the aa tions there arast be :harity. confidence and thne has r*M for a m tee of moral power, npd l upon the principal that right Its own might Dr. Barrua Of High Peiat Talk* CM "In Mrrthn" Hi«h Point. Dk. 6.—The ritjr cooa -il meetinr laat ntrht ma enHvMMi >jr the declaration of Dr. J. T. B«r rus. whtle W wan wfi *ktng am tt» propoaal for ■aaicipal aM il emitag [or charity eaaca, that "afcua 101 ft iraa that aaU Um onh nalitatlwi [ ever made to charity wrrr hflla tkM i could not col Wet, told an lataM ie." And taming to newspaper Ma, Dr. Bvrru* maid: "I would Mho to to looted to that effort." Wilaon, No*. 37.—There'a Male to he air arooad Seven flpriagi Mv Tto Mf ovo«t will to potod eg oa hat at laaat l^MO dag* w® to il tto

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