sola Mm. S. T. Lot 111; itort, "O Little Town of piay, directed by Mr*. C. M. WhtOnrk. fack pinw (ItawMnit th» Mft in* to r*qu»*ted te brin* «n old or Mad lay w hook. Thw i^fta will ba turned aver to tha ^aKattan Ars*y far dtatrtbutioa at Chriatala* to nmdy children In Meant Airy. Mi*a Eatetfc Leonard will retari| thin waak from a vi*it to relative* M Pm nay Ivan ia, Maryland and Vlnrinfti. Mr. and Mr*. Robert Galloway. M St Loni*. Mo., Ma RMtat* of Mr. Gal loway'* parent* Mr; and Mrs. R. J. Galloway. Cecil Carter who ha* been in fail incr health for aoaie time I* no* in the rare of Dr. E. H. Kochtltzky left Tuenday for Cape Girardeau, Miaaouri, ta attend the BMUTiait* of hi* niece Mix* Irma Kochtitxky which taken place Dec,^12> The Ladtaa Aid Meieti of the First Baptist church spent Monday after noon at the heme of Mrs. C. H. Haynes, hemming napkin* for the Martin Meaaorial hoapital. The amfnfttio* and visitors wars ptomj to wkaaw lev. R. 8. Sitter field D. D„ MMciitr editor of the Nash villa Christian Advocate, and a fui woi wiMwl of this section, at the Sunday. Dr. forrvful mpt* The prayer aorvice Wednesday evening will be coaducttd by Err. D. Vance Price in the aboaare of the poo. tor Dr. H. K. Beyer. The lev. C. A. Wood, of the Child jnt Homo, in Winston Salem, will ^pach at II a. m. nasi Sunday. Tho lev. Mr. Wood is a gifted speaker and the public ia invitcj to hear him. The Hiilafbea elan* nrnVn are rratefal for tho patronage accorded their tarkey feast and doll basaar last week, they cleared about (US. A few dolls remain on hand and anyone wishing to purchase nice dnssod dolls can secure same from Miss Mary Franklin Graves or Mise A has Yok ley Dr. H. K. Bojrer loft the first' of tho week to attend MMittM meet ings in Nashville Tsan, Tho following ofnedrs have boon plotted in the Woasan's Missionary Mrs. R. H. Leonard; vice-prsa. Mrs. Jo " secty, Mrs. Mrs.' study Vshco Price;' A. B. Summerville; agent for The fund, Mr*. A. E. Smith: tt&arar-; • at Moll thorn! tk at tk* kar 19 Mr pan af ka mmt far tk. a* to aMka thin •a far which ralla. Tka Httlnp la Tr» MSquarr ami a why 00* raal. Jfl»« Clara Linahw hmmI Mrs. Harmy I , tka »n«t LImMi rfaocbtar of Mfe. •ck felt tiraka kar Mt am laat ''ark wan *oln|T to chair ' he Hijrion Mvmoriti ■ » at by far a frhal a wkaa aka >U|iH hi a md hm; fimt and *ae<>r4 rockavai ind flint and second gwltt. Then to ap fh«- climax k* wmm nwardi-d ta* oriaa for bavin* the kw: pro of Gold I" 'nirf-'" J* J. B. llMfciff made bat or^jfUfry and that in the Leghorn claw. * Ilia millet took third priar. Phon. Travin.—CUmified Ad*. in the San Antonio Expreaa. DiMolathn Stir*. Notice in btrafcy fhrn to thr public that tha firm of Hannah t Moody was dissolve! on Nov. 21, 192S. Atf per «on» indebted to tha above firm an requested to make >attla—at with E. A. Hannah at onc«, and all peraona to whoM tha firm May be indebted arc requested to praaent their account* to E. A. Hannah for payment. II -22c. E. A. Hannah. Wade C. Moody. Chilton'a corner t«i4l *