1 ••• MOUNT AIRY, i NORTH CAIOUMA. City Population 5,814 Remarkable Growth of Mount Airy Shown by Census CENSUS PUTS MOUNT AWT IN CITY CLASS Br 1»30" I. SbfM ot Tha official population of Mount Airy aa glean out by 8. D. Rhodoe of the Waahington Bureau of Cmm ki thia city Ft Why waa Hit, thui making M henceforth unlawful, oat of order and wholly degrading to refer to Maunt Airy aa a viliac*, • "bur*" or "thin town". Tha official figuraa of tha canaua of 1H0 cava t tion of 4784, and tha new fi|m >yi incraa«« in population of 21.4 par eara. At thia rata of in 1M0, tha time of tha next tl canaua, tha city ihould hava population of INI, but aa dtiaa row with ruarolatW* momentum af ir tha flrat faw thooaand, it ia aafa i pel diet a papulation 10,000 eeven •an haaaa. It waa aa anxious half hour Fri day afternoon aa a namber of Mount Airy haatena awn waited in Tha Km office to haar tha official report. Mr. lhode» of tha Ccnaua Bureau had a ■nnn«ar go far Mayor Waat ■d tha official With that. •f tha anyar, ha I n «o Doctor Martin aqaimed >y in hia eagerneaa to Joe Sparger urged to aara the rhetoric and Bat Mayor Waat nai ml Finally w(jen tha figuraa. at tha bottom of tha pro _ «• baia aaaauhad hy aaaec into aabacribad. ruahed ia. Upad /hiding aim the racket waa all ahaat, they loo Jahtad the Jubilation, •aaa The Nawa office wa« loll of Ike U wan in club anieiad of aa extn ahaat aa tha official figuraa. Tha waa give* at t o'clock and tha ghaat waa run off the prean and on Ik* at*eat at S:4S, notwithatanding Mm eenpoaing room waa full of peo ple. All Friday evening both The Ifowa office and composing room ware ffflad with eitiaana anxioua to learn WMi in inc itiww not hvik»» MMd by the offer of Carter-Walker Furniture company of a $26 dinner eat to the person pmainr nearest the •net population. Over 700 people laaM hi |«mei. hat the priae «u W by Mr*. Delia Brannock whaaa Nriiaaee la on Poplar street. Her fcaaa is on, Poplar street. Her pus was Wit, she having aM the offi cial figures by only one. However, M« Rrmnnoek ia said to have' first prt down on her gueeeing card the •met number but was persuaded by «m of her children to change the fttal 14 lnta.lt, aa that number oc emrrmd to him as being a lucky one. Mr. Carter informed the reporter for The Haws that 86 people gueeaed within a hundred of Mount Ally's papulation. Three persons guessed MM, they beinir J. W Fulk, J. D. Davis and Mrs. I. W. Barber. lamtsdiatrly upon the announce sent that Mannt Airy bad climbed to the city class, the Kiwaniana, to what the elty is reaponeibls far the «u mant beran to gather here and there ia -groups Horn a sl«wr eras Mm; to wit, "W.000 hi 1M0 - When II Is recall«d that Meant Atrv ia still living toa'de the rtatricad boundaries placed upon bar a half fnturr ago hp the founder* af 'be place, m A that ane has a maahs af pepalaw suh arhs, it woald not ha aa exaggerative «. aay that the d*, already has as ever M»o peaple. The New", prtiminent man and noiric ■> of the city and placing the new aiogan before thorn aaked thaa what In their opinion Mount Airy must do to make good her I 10,mm a lagan. Following an mm at the signed rapilaa: V. Waal, Mayor of Mnant Airy. Ail together for tha regular 1M0 United State* Canaua with a popula ■ tion at that tima of not le»* than 10, "«h> with all needed public iamn ment* for tha increaaed population. To maka thin puaaihle every citisen of Mount Airy should bo fillad with en thu*ia*m and the determination to wtrft and work hard la tka acoam p 11«h m e n l of the taak before ua. Ona of tha moat urgent naada hafora ua ia an abundant *unply of electric power Tkia meet ba supplied at tha aarMaat possible data. Mora manu facturing induatrie? ihould ha locat id in Moimt Airy. Our people ahould maka every effort poaaible along thia Una. More homes ahould be con structed in order to invito and take care of our imreaalng nuirfhera. Mount Airy ahould be noted for ita beauty a* well ae Ha rltmato aad baa inaaa advantage*. Every , citizen ahould determine to heautirv hia home in every way poirihla.' Ttk la al» way* attractive and inviting. Kdw. M. Linville. Preaideat Kiwaaia "Oar goal far WM ia IMM. A solidified citinenahip; a cemented thought, a unity of purpoae and all of the people in Mount Airy putting their abiding faith in the Kiwanuui apirit, wilt accoapiiek thia aad mere. That Kiwanian Spirit haa been a tat about aa follow»: It ia not ethical, but U believe* In noble conduct; it ia 11 not ratigioue, but it believeafci God;U it ia not aactariaa, bat it biHevee «n tha church; it ia H believea in authoritative government; it ia not fraternal, but it believe* ia i merit; it ia not social, but it belivea in ban queting ita frienda." That name KIWANIS. "WE BUILD.'1 Mrs. P. A. Gearga. The Wemaa'a Clab "Ia order that people in Mount •ieva the prime need ia' a atroag ganised body audi aa a Ofcemhrr of CoauMerce. auppartod and laakil by aoch civic organisation* aa already exist here and which wtll work for and baoat the town aa a unit. We ahould t there may U lO.OOd i Airy by lMt, we be need ia a atroag OT auggeat that aach an organisation could make Mount Airy grow. Firet by offering indueemanta, aach aa electric power, desirable iocatioaa. ef ficient t reimportation, proper ing condition*, etc., to'outsidr indus tries to locate here aad for the far ther development of of oar own. And seeaad, is there any reason why we caa not make Mount Airy, with ita beautiful aceaery aad delight, ful climate aad its every natural en ticement for the tourists, one of the South's Mat famous "Play Grounds?" "To meet the demands of u ia cmtf in population Mount Airy must erect ■ new high school build inc. which with the pwnria and proper equipment, will coat Mt bn than 1260,000. The present building to gether with the new addition thereto should be made into a junior high school for the upper grammar grade*. The proposed building should have not fewer than 20 iwi with neces sary auxiliaries, snd should contain tories, commercial, dooseatic science, music and manual training depart-1 ments. An adequate gymnasium with 1 a competent physical director paid for all the year should by all means be bornj in the building. Above all, f«r the sake not only of oar city schooli but far the entire county, the new building should provide a teacher training department, which depart ment when once provided will be run by the state st no expense to the city or <-ounty. If we are to have a great - er Mount Airy we must provide ade quate and up-to-date school facilities." ; n l>r. M. 8. Martin. Chief Hurgew r position of Mount "Probably I am In a better to judge as to the growth o Airy than some of our citlacna who have spent moat of their lives bare. When wa moved hare in 1116 the oen tral portion of Main and Franklin were the only pa rod streets in tawn. Since this time over four miles of imrfaciag hare been pat down. At that time the aid school building on Nockford road hoased the entire scWnol population. To-day we have three ex it-Hen t buildings, and are are now mak to oar high school lb* that will double Ha capacity, lagnifioeat Baptist church baa built an Rock ford street; an ad i dltion to the Pint Baptist church has , just baaa completed and Central I Old Santa Right on Tune .*» Snuggle up close, Children, while I tell you a story that I crow my heart and hope I may die w really and truly true. Santa Claus ha* sent this paper some new* that will intereat all little boys and girls. Tuesday a tele- , graph messenger brought to us a telegram which I am ■ going to print just as it looked on the yellow sheet of pa- 1 ! per. . . v y. i "North Pole.—December 17. 192S.—Wow. but its zipping cold here! Mr. ftfitor. Mount Airy News: Tell all the little boyf and girls and a few of good grown up folks that I am on my way to see then^." Santa Claus." Now Children, Monday night go to bed early and j i snuggle down under the coven and close your eyes tight and go fast to sleep. Old Santa has never failed us yet { and he is not going to fail us this time. Tueaday morn ing hop out of bed at the peep o' day and see what you ; find. lethoriiat church the past •umasrr rected a upacioas Sunday tckoti ed ition to its building. Other churches •ve made ilallar impi u i asaeerts. Kher improvements ia nd professional life ef the city aright he he mentioeed. la my opinion good highways, nhiili nd churchee spell pronvti and are he iruidepoats to civilfiattoa. Let's ■n on with the march of progreaa. Iverjr on* fall in line and boost far he city in which you live. I wish very ritisan in Mount Ainr' could • come so interested ia ha* nevolop aent that he or she would he asham d to die until he had done something or the community's good." i. C. Lo« ill President C. C. Lor ill Cm. Oar rapid increase in population f 22 4-10 per cent in Um past tine ears, (without extending our eor orate limits) giving us a poulation f 6814, leads me to believe that by "J80 Mount Airy will have a popuka ion of ten thousand and by the prop r spirit of c« operation there ia •> rrsfton why we should not reach his mark. One of our greatest needs i a hard-surface .rood connecting us rith the Lee Highway aear Wythe •illa, Virginia. «ad with the hard-eur aee roads In North Carolina. We hould continue to work for this eoa i ret ion antil every foot of thia road s constructed. \ W. Kaltoa. PrealdoanBraaite City Motor Company "To have 10.000 people by 1980, Mount Airy in my opini- must first >f all secure an adequate supply of •lectricity; must go forward with the irsasnt pavement work; must offer inducements to manafactariag eator i rises to bcato hero, and most provide ■Ttlsryed school facilities. To do thia n most all fall togsthsr and We Milling all tho time Oar first job • a decent piwasirt far Mala street. Lot* go!" T. G. Pawcett, Prceldsat Firet Ttstksasl Beak ' Main street mast br paved: ac tuate school facilities provided, not only far ««r eitjr children but for the — -- muat have. We •II hang together. It will a, but I h Md Ium, lot I have not notic ed anybody Seine killed by taxes in Mount Airy ao far. Fart ia we are not knd fot municipal ay keep any thing like other cities of pur sine." Hon. W. F. Carter. Sr.. Deaa of Meuat Airy Attorney* "I am with you for a creator Mount Airy. To this end we ssust have a Ft-deral building to house our poet office. Let's help Majar Stedman get it. To all the nod suggestion* of fered by others, I add a hearty Amen." LARKIN GARRET IS GIVEN TERM 4 Cumberland Courthouse, Va. Dec. i 16.—With the conviction today of Lar kin C. Garrett, on a chare* of volun tary manslaughter and a sentence at four years imprison Blent, the next development in the now famous Gas «>; lurder emae, will mm from Judge B. 0. White. The court now has before it a motion to sat aside the verdict In the trial mMag today aa well aa the verdict to the case of Robert 0. Garrett. Larkin*s brother, who «w convicted last month ed to flee years imprieonasaat. The of Cumberland Ad official poaitioas jointly with first degree June t of Rev. Edward ft. Pierce. Every Sign Points to Santa Mount Airy AH Decorated and fai Eager Anticipation JERRY D ALTON ESCAPES ELECTRIC CHAIR BT GOV ERNOR'S CLEMENCY Y«**#»l Slayer mf Su nHl«art mmI RM ia GHm Fim SO to 30 Y«ant CUim. TWl young mountaineer aankrcr of his mMttort and rival tn lo«i from minati- term of fna 20 to M yoara in the state's prison. Jerry is now tt and by good behav (or ho ran vain Ma fmilum at 46, svsu though no future |»»rnor should ox tend htm clemency. And that ia a great and wmiderful outlook to a fol low who has boon living under the shadow of the electric chair for foor years. Convicted of first-degree murder in August of tbo following year by the Macon superior court, Dalton ap rx-aled to tho supreme court and galn «d a now trial. Tho second time the jury again convicted him of ftrot-de ifrii murder. A second appeal sw made to the supreme court. Pending that appaal Dalton who had boon eon fined ia tho Buncombe comity Jafl, • neaped and fled to the west There be lived f clean life for two years un til fry taped. through the confidence •sdbrought back to North Carolina, he was confined in the iMrt prim and during the past year 8 or four different dates have been fixed for his eteetiocutioa, aa many napfeaa for exeCVtfMi » last fixed by the gov ernor was for January 22, 1924. Consideration of the record by Governor Morrison lead him to the conviction that the shooting wae the result of a drunken fuae between Dal ton and Angel over the woman. Dal ton accootod Angel and Maude Grant while 'ha two wore riding hp in an automobile. The shouting follewed a short talk that began plsasaatly Datum's cm* has attracted state wide attention daring tbr past year. Wide into**at was first draws to him whan Mi awther wooed an to the wusssa of North Carolina la aid her ia a fight to am har sea's life. Later various individuals inter ested thaassohros hi Jerry's behalf and more recently the governor has been hsxigo d with thnwaands of let ters and ladividnab and delegations of man and women who hare made personal rails a pan them. Before acting, the governor inves tigated the rase from various angles. Lail Sunday he had Jerry brought to the executive mansion and there ha questioned him thoroughly as to his lide of the whole affair. Daring the ■rwk he conferred with Attorney Cen tral Manning and this morning ha «as in conference with Judge W. A. Hoke of the supreme court, who wrote the opinion in that body's tons ids ra ion of the first appeal and which re ■ulted in the seeand trial. TWa govm wr gar* virtual assuranc* that he -ill commute the sentence when J. N. Moody, of Marphy, and Gen. Albert Cox. of Baleigh, attorney* for Dal mi, make a formal appeal earty in he week. Standing at the steel barred doot if the little eall in "death raw" from which late today he was rsmoved for the last tlM, Datton spoke of hie Voting at being taken from the "Jaw* if death" by the governor"* action. "It I* Jaat like a big weight waa taken off of me." the prisoner aseert -d. "I know I have a long a—twin* Sefors Mbrtlam goii* to dw* III .... » - 4kmaaV#*al f am is I > »ka BMMI IMm HftMmil 1 MB TOT fill TIM governor did by bat* the right kind r tlatoa The dr my, the ; 'and. Tha day of 18 tha raw M sted to CMMhaad hi I Hat* in front of this crimp of school ckildm gi in*ly m a miniature train < a raal track and plungee into tha i tain, only to appear • Round and i iiiiad ft goes with • ha lt Here in • hardware store blasea tha Yuie la«. Stockings filled nrith prea enta bring back to aga tha MtaM day* long ago, white to-young eyaa tha scans foretell, the bountSas to by thia jeweler's two lf*m jest aa they gaaa ' ly npan aa II K ring mnis or aeon pumpkin rind. Tha young mm attpa something aa the girl's finger. Tee, — j Mount Airy fe rmi, ~ * the (tnats and crowd tha stores. Here while father ia yeider secret tranaaction. There coat. He rmlu whatever H is mt drr the car aeat like a thief. Bst fa ther knows what he is about. Mora omaa a group of giggling girls, each carrying bondlee. Down at the poet office the took at tha ever fleering aaa ef take a fresh grip on themselves "carry an". Out on the earner tinkle tinkle of a little hall caaaaa children to look for Kris Kriagta, It « ■ — i ■!■■■■ i i mmm rap. r*IHn| attention to the M( fat <u»pended from it* tripod, hto Mm "«t foes oar nickles And dimee to pro vide a feast far WortmtM «k* otherwise woaW have bom. That Mont Airy and tke aunsanl in* tuantry ia amply eupplied with aweeta mn the Sapta ahoold ha de layed or Iwn a wwfk or wiiae»hln«. i amply proven by the fart that the Weat-Hill Company purchased from the Crystal Candy company recently t2,000 pounds of candy, which ia said to ha the large at ainirle shipment of ,-andy ever to roach this part of the country. J oat a little while before *he Granite City Mercantile company honirht a carload of SO.0M poonda of randy from the aame concern. As this is but the transaction* of eniy one candy imilsih with our Jobbers, itd aa there are a down other randy factories supplying local hade, wo shall not want in the event Santo doea not arrive. Bat pertah the thought He is rem inc. For pertf rulars see the telegram P.nWerto^ot^D. Loo Angolaa, CnL Dae. 12. -William A. Pinkertoa, world-famous dotoUWn. died hare Toeeday moraine at the Hotel Biltmore. One of the first noted AmsHtaa rriminoiaglata to advoto and piattiea homaattarian methods in linltog with felena, William Alls* Pinfcorten. hand of the Pinkertoa^ National PatoilNa Auency, was credited srtth having m fonned more safe blows* s and banh rmmtry Primarily a Uiief-takar. Mr. FWt rrten apis* men than M years of Us life iMk« down criminals of al to proffer a Hatpta« hand to the nn 1'^^L lS£2"andW^L "EL

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