150 Mfcs New Roads Built in Surry Last Year Sick Vi i «f the only ease :n a President and Mr* emllinc in their midst. The call waa! iatratkra, who baa baai hU home far srreral weeks by iU Stopping into bia automobile after attending church servicee, Mr. Cool idfe aaked to ba driven to home. Gnat adtouat prevailed to! the rincinitjr of Brook*' home wbenj a M* ear btufaf tbe roat-of-arma draw op at one of tbe | msdaat red brick bom the word waa flaabad op and down the1 Mock that tbe Preaident and bia wife1 ware viaitin* mm of their number. lb. and Mra. Ooolidp spent aboot IS minotea with Brooka arpreeainc their bopea for bia recovery, and ra eehrinc hia thanka for tbe which bad been aant Mm from tbe! White Honae umaenaUi litis dorter I Why Soano Farmara Are Why ia It that more fhan 117,0001 farmer* in North Carolina are iaaaf No qoeatkm ia more difficult1 to answer. There ia one answer, rag- | ue though it is, which ny aa correct; tbaaa men thua far hare been unaMa to climb tbe Udder of agricultural auteaaa to ownerahip. Tbe assomption ia that a prospective far mer will berin aa a hired laborer or cropper on bia father's or aome oth er farmer's land that be wilt aooa be come a share or eaah tenant and will piece of land which he can call hia[ own. If tbe aa sailed Ladder," br I to land uauoiahlp ia injr to the method by wbieb the treat | majority at, land proprietor in tbe should be a eonatant shsam of far-1 j Jb k' M YEAR-OLD DOCTOR FLICS TO Al>MIVI!9TKJt RADIUM ttkm it W had waited for a MM of tia»al to Mm • M aulea. bat than, ha ia mi about airplama, and if ha yam younger, ha wool own. Bran at M ha ia convinced that ha fly hi a reasonably Tha doctor wma a little about tha ayea whan ha waa oat of tha forward cockpit of Finawra'k ahip. It waa tarday, down below tha aftar one got abora 1JN antaf at 40 a L|.|fa Ttia jig. ,j# ■ ■ <1 4jh la. M noor. i nc oorwi coniMUCQ 10 ixpinff cold* whoa ft didal take aay feaaton to aatabliah the fact that ha waa duwr about framing. Winda hi the npp*r altitude* hnra mighty lit tle regard for ft e along tV way Mr. FID-1 got to w adtrtag what K the ndna got to flirting j to be nothing that < bo doaa about it If ft kiefced oot, ftl would kick eat. and wall, It to| the hazard of tha air. But tha i World News Briefly Told EATS BIG AS CATS—lata laid to] be ubi| u cata have m the paat law ] weeks bitten peraoaa la Haw Tark city, one warn an kavtaf diad (ran tfca bite of a rodent. Two of tfca victims j were taken ta Bella vae fcoapttal NEW JAPANESE QUAKE—Fifty paraona wart killed in Tokia, Japan, an Jan. 15, whan another earthquake oc curred. Hoaaaa in tfca aabaibi ware art an fire and aunjr made hamilm. Yokohama, another Jap city, had aver 600 houaea ahakea to tfca ground. NEW TOE* GETS DEMOCRATIC CONVENTION—Naw York waa tfca National Democratic Convention over San Francisco. The data art ia June 24. Ta aecure the conveatioa buai neaa intereats had ta pot op MOO,000. Thia will be the aeooaMl time ia history the city has entertained" tfca Demo cratic convention. The flirt time waa «■ >•«- ^ BUTTEE AND EGG8 FALL—Gav emment reports laat weak ta tfca ef fect that the country had a large atock of ana, battel aM other faad etuffa on storage, coupled with tfca mild winter eaaaad • aaddaa drop la ifKvi prices, psniniiinj uviwr ino OTBEBS WANT TBI SHOALS— Haary Part la not the only man who LtMmt, H. J, Jan. 17.— It «m the cool-headed work 4dm in t faw ■econda that from deatrcution when tha •Kip *u torn Hy a TO-mile Atlantic kw « I York city, H was mm wight hjr theae who tfce i Wkn the gnat rf wind hit They Tha tha ship hi tOt *y ate faat of tha fight mitted tha tha atom a early thk whip in atom like that of Wat night would ha no aaay taak. and the work of thoaa an hoard waa made doubly difficult by tha fact that her itoae had ham torn away aad a part of har aidaa ripped to ahroda. lota—The Shenandoah ia j, Tf faat «—atar. and Ha 1500,000 waeth of hetfon raa, have a lifting power of 1IM00 poonda. ft haa aiz 180 imna apaad of 78 a flea par 1 a Uilalu radtaa of oaar < Tha craw cuualata of SO i FIVE BIG AIRSHIPS LOST IN FOUR YEARS Portl of Hi—ndnah Racalla S«riM of Tracodies to Big DirifiMoe The moat, wwt airship tragedy *u the ion of the Dixaande, the Fiwi diriribie, which diiiyyuwd wmil week* ago and of which bo definite trace ever has bean found except the body of her coomaader. which j fas weaimad from the Medtterraa- j ean sea. a fragment of another body and • mail bag. It has bean bettered that she eaplodsd in midair. On Feb. tl, the diririble Soma, baflt in Italy and sold te the United Stataa Beads. In An* K lttl, the ZK-X. bnflt In England tor the Dotted States, burst into flames over Hall, tn«lw< with a death toll ef forty-two. On Jan. 1, lttl, the British M|ili B-M wMch mad» two trans-Atlantic rvy a«ea to 1919, waa wrecked In a fde at Hewdsa Tarsal. aviation history ova? My U, 1111—Leas of tea Heaa

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