LENINE, RED RUSSIAN PREMIER, DEAD Tha mi mm at I N o'ete* M» made by the all-Roaatan n«M thie Mewa of hit death, white not am factad U thoae who had beea etooe to him in the mitt councila, cam* aaaxpectedly at thia tima to tha treat majority, aa tha moat raeant report* had hoan that ha waa considerably improved in haalth. Whfla that* haa beep continuous anxiety for hi* con dition aince ha waa atricken in J una, 1M2. public attention haa lataly boon morr directed to tha differencea a moncr the communiat party leadera, and particularly to tha atatua of Leon Trotsky, who it waa recently an nounced waa In poor health and bad gone away for a iaat Little had been aaid public in aor tal official cirelaa of late of Lanine's aaadition, but that little aeamad to he af a hopeful nature and H waa not tea* af» that aome of the aaaociatea of hit acthre daya were predicting Mat ha weald toon he able to adriaa with the council af minieten. W)T dictator of all Ruaaia, *h the IMilMi and exponent of the move ment which tucami known aa Rolahe rtam and which ha charncterited aa tha "Great Experiment, tha dictator nhip of tha proletariat" / Permitted by Germany to paaa throavh that cowntry in tha midat of tha war. Lenin* returned to Koaaia fM Ma exile in •wttaeriand in the upvfcic of 1017. otfaniaed a* economic nwhlloii and ^ffht month* later *uc raadad in overthrowing the then exiat tag proviaional government, of which Alexander Kerenaky waa premier. AIM by Leon Trot*Icy, formerly a New York eaat aide newspaperman, and by the puwei ftd Roaaian Commu niat patty, Lenin* immediately aet np the Bolahevih or Sorht regime with himself aa premier and announced that he would apply the theoriee of Karl Man to aceomplMi the aaeend ency of the common-people. kind iui moment in* m kum «u turned topay-turry. Fwtsrla dictated wages and working condition* to the helpies* manufacturer*. Great ate* were confiscated by the pea* who divided them among them The ariatrocracy fled to any of safety ft coold find and the class, or borgeoiaiea, became al object* for the hatred of the Free trade between person* abolished and in Ha stead waa established a system of government controlled commissaries which ration ed food to the Communists but not to the borgeoaiea. The nee of money was condemned and grain, manu factured products and labor became the chief mediums of exchange. Fwr long, dismal yean pa said with tinea policiea damped upon a famine etricken nation before Lenine, in De cember, 1921 began to adastt the fail. We of many of hi* moat cherished I to announce a rerUlon of principal* upon which hi* Writhe * • Man* who wu he In ti» days of hi* exile, he April 14, 1870 in and li aaid to tee*' nobleman, lie real been the son «f a MM was Vtetaair nutch Oulianor tat ho adopted the pen name of Len tos quite early in Ufa la signing his Be tomid to he** chosen ft heeaum at e»*arsl buadiwd mtoera In the Lena gMd fields by Caariet afflosia. h te blegmpfwe MHIi aatokte'tkat early la M> miMhi to pawav tka upon Ma life. The mat n.lakli af Mm ww to mmliK ltM, whoa he faa *K Ml#. aaundad kf a TB—» who hM ah* Miw< Roaaia n*I4 be When the world war hagaa ke vh in Switoerland. His famou. trip from that country to Ruaeta In mi, aa a "aealed train" waa earn of the startlh* epiaodee of Dm war. Tka Genaana r>n tha party of 40 Ruaaiana f(aa conduct through their country and It haa often been charged that the move ment waa heavily financed with Gar man gold la order to put Roaaia oat of the war. When finely inatalled aa Premier, I^nina promoted fraterinixation be tween Ruaaian and German aoldlera nnd noon brought about peace with Genaany by tha treaty of Breat-Lit irv«k and Roaaia waa definitely out of the conflict. Then Leniae turned Ma follower* arainat the powerful lead era of the Csariat regime who wooM not aubmit to hla dictation. Tha keynote of Lenine'a doctrine whb to annihilate the power of money in the world. Thar* la no aaa for money," he maintained ki a Betake viat atoto where neceealtlea of life "hoald be paid for by work alone. The •om pleat way to "exterminate tka eap *alieta," he declared waa to back them." He prled to carry oat kto ptaa and the Raaeian ruble became aha oat Httort ne/l*-—Dntaf th« ttapvnd mh ftmiMMitil aaperhaaut of Ln in« Rutiit'i population hu ilnmni ovhtf to famine, war and nwntloi nrrr tan pareant, whfla the country Lm t|A« A ny miriHinn nan losi ■ nmiinrrSDNi portion of har territory. Lairina ba fora hi* 4eath *u dlarmtitad aa a lf»*r and had virtnaffy Joat control nrar goveemtenta) affaba. Trotaky hi* mini*ter of war. i* a)ao In poor health and in rhfoal Pftl'n^pcnt. Niw UmA*r% wHn ft comprhnle# *rrmnr« mmt with rmpHalisai mrt new fat power Wife Won't Lot iU|M> Milk In Any Mere Tub Washington, Jan. 2# Senator Johnson. ranking dirt fanner at the senate. will engage Hi no more Milk ing content*. That* final, too it sraa laaweil to night. becauas the ban was laid by Mr*. Johnson. And the blmm*d her farmer-aenator-lrashand'* poor mark manship for her decision although nothing was said about, the senator's recent defeat by Secretary of Agri culture Wallace in a milking con teat. Here, let Johnaon explain it: "It's gotten out now that my wife put her foot down on milking eon teata becauae T waa a poor markaman. "You aee, I got milk all oeer my clothes." Alao, Johnaon declared he would re ject a challenge from a Baltimore wo man legislator for a federal xtate milking contest. "I aint milking with women," he aaid with finality. Bole Btlki Swat* Inquiry Into His Pancia Award Plan Waahington, Jan. 24.,—WsiiiI William Bok. retired citiasn of Mari on, Pa., originator of the "American Peace Award," gathered in all the las. vela to-day whsn the Senate Commit, tee eraated by Senator laid, prasidid orer hy Senator Bins, and solemnly naitartaak to rrveal him as a tool of nefariooa influences trying by subtle ty to put ma the *aad League st Nations and the world court. Pint. Mr. Bok, dscllnad flatly and ■aidwtUy to tall how mnch hs Is ■panMag aa the -propaganda" at his •r To hookarf for <IJM day •Mm tha hau-hinga for Aneona farm. Mr. rarraway anpacto to anlarga bia (lark to 4,000 hlrd* wit yMr ami bemoan* the fact that hi* capital makaa thia limit Imperative. To ac commodate thaaa rhirka plana for ala colony hxuaaa MM feat apart art eom piete and aonatrnrtion wfll harln Im mediately. Thin boy map ba aaan In tha dty almoat any day with hia "apeekled1 Anrona Font track, which la an as |r built rvrrytMHf m tfca «Ma fmmi Mwpt tha kMM to Mm* to. Ta «a wr tha furm li • aaat tMMti TMi boy, only U |Ti aid, haa al> raady btfim to MM • atrain af Ma mm. Ha atartad adk with tha Shaft nala. It wm an intaraatin* aifffct to irasa upon 1,000 birda aad not mm paplaaa an* in tha bunch. Without a atart aaran yiari afo tlila bay ha* mada hia aray up. Firat bayinff hia mothar a Mica tittla $4,000 bungalow than torn tuff nary pmny ha «auld ffot into chiekana ha haa ffnna an a eaah haaia for awry dollar invaatad. Tha fact that for naxt yar ha ia mora than doublinff hia in vaatmant in tha buainaaa haapaaka hia ineraaa. World News Briefly Told 3(5 Entombed Minora Die—Thirty one bodies Km»« bora rieowwd from the bunch of miners entombed by • Mine explosion at Shank town. Pa., last Saturday. All Saturday weeping wo men and children stood in the fro— tng wind ho pin* afainat hope that the ones aitvo. The Mm of fin other entombed minors have boon laratsd bat had. not been bruught out of the mine on Monday. Four others are be lieved to have piriahad. - Durin* the rreat eorlhqoahl hi Ja pan it la said a rreat many enwin on account of their cumbersome kimonos wore unable to escape from the born Inir buildings. A movement Is now on foot amour the women to have the costume abolished. Erpyt Sends Minister—Por the first time in history Egypt la sending a diplomatic representative to the Unit ed States. In IMS Grant Britian relinquished her protectorate over the country. She is now n autonomous state and as such will be represent ed at Washington by a cultured Mo hammedan minister. Teapot Boil* Over in Congi—— The congressional investigation into the doubtful transaction whereby Sec retary Fait leased the Teapot Dome and other naval reserve oil lands has bo: led over, and looks as tho it would en-ulf the entire Republican adminis tration. I New York Jewels Found in Den ver—$86,200 worth of jewels stolen in New York from a Buffalo woman January 1 have been located in Den ver secreted in a fruit Jar. This is less than one third of the jewels stol Still Punishing Witches—Down in Princess Aone county, eloee to Nor folk, Va„ wt.kea and blacks boeaase so stirred over the mysterious poweis of Annie Taylor an oU woman of 70 on the put ef Balky that Brack Berkley, a Raleigh | ent of the ClwMti . iife - Deaf M1U1 Hear Radio—Down in Stanley county two deaf motes hare found oat that they cm hoar mr tho radio. On* to Mas Lfllto Mao Poplin, of Now Load—, and tho eth or "fraodsll Ritchie, both living Hi StMlqr lu— tj. They had both boon King of Bootleg Eaton AUanU Prison—Ixaving bto 9)00.000 Grec ian bath in Cincinnati and jaarnoytog in bto private ear to Atlanta, George Romas. millionaire bootlegger of tho Middle Wont, laet Friday entered too federal penitentiary at Atlanta for a two yean stay. He ft ripped off bto ■ilk shirt and cave It to hie porter joat before reaching tbe city and rare a big diamond he was wearing to hi* wife. He woilba 226 pounds bat (are ap his lower Herth en root* to a more obese companion. "Jim Crow- Hart Hia Ftelinga IVrause hr was forced to rid* to a J ja Cr-w ' ru whan he wanted a Serth in ■» Pi'lman, E. N. Crosby, ne gro physician of Detroit, to aaking an award of f120.000 fr*nn Hie Poll man company and a number of Sooth er* railroads. School Children to Hiti Hot Lmch -Bnmm their children »w forced to eat • cold lunch at achool the Par ent-Teacher* association of Hillaboro laat week made a donation and ar ranged to hare hot mp and sand wicbes nerved the children at noon time in a room of the achool building. » 8,000 Chickena at Poultry Show— Madiaon Square Garden ia harint Ita annual poultry a how. Chickens, docka reese, piponi, in fact all the aria tocrata of pooltrydmn art bain* shown. Soase of the priae birds are rated as bainc worth thousanda of Labo rites Har* Chars* fa land—For the fir*t tiaaa ia the labor party haa full control of the British roremasent, they majority fa tha Hooae at and tha harfag appointed a labor. Ha prime minister. The country fa MW fa the tliroea of a hi* railroad strike. ty yaar old Lillian tha la Rata rtrer at fa hMory to | faat. It to. k bm U it /»• r I~3 -i Iodine ia ( fty Wator to Goitre—Rochester, W. T, ape* riea «f phyddaaa fa trytof to L coitra by «fatfa« the ctty asatar tap-! ply with fadtoa. Vows brewers a* tha. cr • i i *1 /\ t imr Kiwanis Jubilee (Ju&rtette High School khS STmj M a lot of .p.nt—liln, by prgai B*nt —■ ^ ++m H • HpMrhf M|N |aai*ll*i. A raport tehool M got tfca atialjlM of it Mat ter. Bat whan tie fat tton aebool M tlcoart «*4 ha mM M n «* bet tbo aaiorod Janitor TSa fcllwhi la a itanaaraphic ra»ort of Mm jMfii tor*a i—taw of tha affUr, "Yaa Bah, Bern, <tam fciwar.ium baat whoal Ml' tola da efciOan how day loao 'm and tar ferilartota 'aM on (Mr rood nhowln' hi dair book a. Taa aah, Joe Spanrar an Doc Martin aa' M Lin villa an about fobty ob 'aM mm. An daM boy* bran* erlon* <Wr ni« «rr quire •' itinera too, and ob all da alnirta' nimrar* 1 aber did aaa daM arox da ninrineet. « "Fort com en ole atoop tnotuaer ni**ar wid • derby hat. Him dem Wwan-tint i call Epfe Btvena. He aln* Old Black Joe till ha ram tar dr choua paht an dan ha call far a paaael •' hia frian'a mm ha'p him. Dan hi com ar hHr collud boy wtf a ami tin faea m ar bier high hat. Dat bay day call Toba Olhre. En mb in ram a HI flop-eared hoy ta a nrw pah >' overhalla. Him iey ealla Zeka Hoffman. An' laa In ram old cohnfield darkey wM a hi* rad haakchar anuad kit Hack. Ha'a nama Pop I.inaay. "Wall aah, wh»n daaa niggera atrong out ainging Swing Low Jweet Charted wTi3der plantation meli<ttra 4mm aehool chillona jaa laff lack dry wua gwlne tar kill dareetvea. An' day would hot far Mlaa Batty Andarto* Ta aar aha maka hit a role dat akat ona a' dam kigh aehool chillona war around Ma nark a little aaek ar naat fidity to keep off de fta an* penderei dan an' aich aibnenta. Wall whan Miaa Batty aaad dam chillona ar laf fm' dairaetf tar daaf an' aort a' fil iated like, aha a lap her ban "a far tea. ahun, en gWe da high aign far aaaatfl ility. Like ar atraak ar lirhtnin' oat com 250 aoaaifidity aacka aa' dat waa all aarad them chillona from laffln dairaalvaa tar death. Now Profeaaah Horat he atnt flirted moeh arid laffln. bat when dem niggmha pall off deir ainrin' antica ha Jaa throw hia head hack an laff till one o' dem Krwanioma fttfVI 0*w" Ml BOW rrOIrSUn ■ IWIr for him In hi* ■turarak-k diroc# his rik -Dm Profea*ah Hnr»t rtt up u tell dm chillun dat de Khrnihan ran down to tpeorhlfy how much dey u» interested In dm mi' he rail* on Miatah Ed Linville ter orate. Miata* Ed he rit« op an' orate* erbout a hour an' den he tell de chillun dat ole rhentnut erbout de preacher or derin' de talkin' teef from Sear* an' ^•whuck an' how dey turned out tar A Sorry Citizen Mm k Ms. W. D. Htjnm, rw«lwd a letter laat week, from Mrs. W. ft. Marhhate, Birmingham, Ate., informing km sf tne daatn nf her father Wi.iiam i. Ilarm, St. Lou*a, Mo Mr. H»yn*» »*• b#m in Sorry county. K. C, te 1961. He tu the oldeet wb at Joseph and Lamira Hsynes. His mother waa a daughter of Williem Johnson of Sorry County Mr. Hayaaa movsd with his fathar and mother to HI., hi IMC and later moead to tote when ha taught achool seven! yeara. Ha aurriod Miaa Sal he B. Doting te 1NL Be was a menaber of the fins of Haynee-Ungenburg Manufactur ing Co., St. Louis, Ms. *»tb which fine he had boon connected thirty three yeara. Mr. Hayass had mads several visits bach te his sU horns county in recant yeara. He waa Tory fond of the old familiar scenea sround Mount Airy, with the stately totes Rides Mountain* tor a bach grsaad. He Weed te rocail incidents in his early life. He cherished the memory of his sainted old grandmother, Mar tha Hill Hsynes, who was a atster a* Jack Hill. German too, N. C. who re presented thia district in Coagrssa, Mr. Haynea' father Joseph Haynea. te early life. lived at Rochford. N. C. where hie mother conducted a hotel, whea the Court bouse waa then aad Surry aad Tadkin ware one asanty. Mr. Haynea was a Christies gentle man aad commanded the rasps* at all arhs knew him. Hs is survived by his widow and four children; William Haynea. San Antonio, Texas, George Haynea, Kansas City, Mo.. Howard Haynea, Washington, D. C, and Mrs. W. B. Markham. Birmingham. Ala. *** High School Honor Roll MIMM Virrinia Hunt. Delia Atkins, Aim Gunter. Hugh Merritt, Roy Edwards. Eugene Cook, Verona Hen nil, Paul Hull, Rachel Marshall. Clara Thacker, William Perkins. Rabseo* A Ilea, May Vaughn. Mary Sprinkle, Richard S. Martin. Prank Smith. Bar that Bjrrd, Allenr Terry, Heary Psl rer, Ada MtM. tiMflhfe—Annie Alhvd. CaMa Craves, Clarice Bowman, Una Back. Annie Hiatt, Worth Banner, Wilson

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